The Wide Receiver's Baby (5 page)

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Authors: Jessica Evans

BOOK: The Wide Receiver's Baby
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Chapter - Sixteen




The next few days were crazy. First I was saying bye to Logan. Then, before long, it was Scarlett. It felt like everyone was leaving and I was never going to see them again. Sure, I would do, but the reality that our High School days were formerly over hit me like a ton of bricks.

“Hey,” she whispered as she moved her blond strands from her eyes. We’d had a sleepover  the night before, the type we used to have when we were kids. Too much candy and soda.

She confessed, “I went to see Todd before you came by.”

I knew that she had, because he’d called me after she left, but I wanted her version of the story.

“You did,” I tried to act surprise, but I wasn't the best liar in the world.

“Okay, so you knew,” she sighed as she sat on the front porch.

I nodded.


I just hoped at last she had found some kind of peace as far as they were concerned. I’d thought about it so many times. Would I have been so forgiving if it was Logan?

If one day he just turned around and said, ‘Hey this isn't working for me anymore,’ would I just admit it and say that we should both move on? I shook my head as I shuddered to think about such things. I would fight for him. Fight for us. There were some things worth fighting for in life, and I knew that Logan was one of them. Before Todd split up with Scarlett, I’d felt the same about them too.

“Well, we’re going to keep in touch. But he probably told you that?” she raised an eyebrow to probably try and figure out what I did know and what I didn’t know.

“Really? See, I never knew that. He just told me that you came by.”

She smiled.

“And you guys talked.” This time, I was the one smiling. It made me glad that they were at least on talking terms. So I didn’t feel guilty every time I spoke to him.

The summer heat was at its height today and just sitting on the porch watching her mom get all emotional about Scarlett leaving made me that bit sadder.

“Yep,” she said as her Mom asked if she had her paperwork intact for college and if she’d remembered all her toiletries, which was one thing that Scarlett didn’t need reminding to pack. She always had her make-up and toiletries with her. She carried it around with her as if her life depended on it.

“Like you need reminding to keep a hold of your make-up,” I laughed as I remembered the one time that Scarlett actually did forget and it had resulted in me having to go back to hers to pick it up before she could leave my house to go to school the next day.

“Mom, please, I’m not eight. I’m eighteen and I’m going to be at college. Just relax.”

That was the wrong thing to say. Her Mom started hyperventilating and talking about why did she have to go so far? Why couldn’t she be like me and just go to college near home? I felt as if I was the good guy. The one that opted to stay near home, when really I wished I was like her and going on a new adventure. Sure, I’d opted to stay at home, but not by choice. Which Scarlett gladly reminded her Mom.

“Sorry, Alexa I shouldn’t have said that,” she said as her Mom wiped her tears and went back in the house.

“When did we get so big?” I thought back to us sitting on the porch as kids. Watching the neighbors go by and gossiping about what they may be up to. We’d stopped doing that a long time ago. Now, as I watched Mr. Trevor mowing his lawn at nine in the morning, it brought back all kinds of fond memories. His wife would always give us a nice cool glass of lemonade during the summer. And the paperboy a Todd, who would forget to do his rounds on a Friday and would always end up dropping the newspapers on Sunday morning and hoping that no one noticed.

“Todd and I are going to get through this. I know it. I can just feel it,” she said as she stretched out.

I hugged her and said, “Don’t get your hopes up high.”

She winked and said, “I don’t need to, it’s meant to be.”

I hoped my friend was right, and that either way she would find happiness, either with Todd, or by moving on once and for all.

“I love you,” I whispered as I hugged her tightly. “I love you more, and don’t be a stranger.” Her Mom and Dad started fussing about the car being stacked up, and that her Dad couldn't see out of the back mirror. Scarlett, being the voice of reason, like she was all the time, told him that she could have the box which was blocking his view on her lap. She didn’t mind. I wished she was the voice of reason when it came to Todd, because he seemed to be the one thing that she always lost her mind over. She had no sense of reason or reality as far as he was concerned, especially now, and it scared me.




Chapter Seventeen




For my first year, I was going to live in a freshmen suite. There were four students assigned to the suite. My Dean said that there were no football guys in my suite, which was a shame, because I could really have done with getting to know guys on my team. The aim was to mix up students from diverse backgrounds and interests. “Hey, I’m Logan,” I introduced myself to my new roommate, who was hanging around in the living room.

“John, just got here myself.” He nodded. Dad stood behind me, either reminiscing about his days at college or getting an eyeful of all the naked women on the wall, which John had modestly left his door open so that we could see. “Okay, so I went ahead and made myself at home the minute I got here.”


The white walls were brought to life with his pictures. He didn’t seem to care; he had a life size picture of every race, half-naked. It was crazy.

“Well, your decor is pretty tasteful.” Dad said, and I had to laugh as his face went red and he started to scratch his head. I really didn’t want to know if Dad had a boner.

John walked closer to his room and Dad followed him, “Yeah, Miss Asia’s my favorite. Who’s yours?” Dad started talking as if they were old college mates discussing who had the best breasts, because I had the impression as they spoke that their favorite was not based on the shoulders upwards. They didn’t even introduce themselves to each other. Their love of boobs and half-naked women was enough for them to bond.

I never knew Dad had it in him. Our sex talk as a teenager had consisted of him sending me an email with a link saying ‘Read this.’

Thank God Mom wasn’t here!

I hadn’t slept in a single bed since I was about three years old, probably even younger, when I was a baby and I slept in a cot. So, I had to have a King-size bed, but as I looked across from the living room, knowing that room B was mine, I thought if it was at least big enough for me to stretch my legs then I would be happy. And it was.  I opened the room and I saw the picturesque view; the campus was right opposite and I could see the other confused parents, with freshman's confidently walking in front of them. They probably had the same idea as me, this is home for the next few years. It just felt so crazy being here. I was lost in my thoughts as my phone rang and the moving company told me that they were here with my things.

I called Dad to let him know that I was going down to let them in.

“Nice, most people drove. Your son got a removal company to move his stuff.”

Dad nodded, but then reverted the conversation back to the important thing, his discussion of tits. I wondered how this whole meeting with John would have gone if Mom had been here.

I went down and met the guys as they lifted my things. Maybe John was right and I had gone overboard. There was only one thing on my mind as I signed the docs and Dad managed to tear himself from his new friend.


It was in the air. Everyone was talking about it and the flyers were hung around, tempting me with the one thing that I loved to do. Drink and shake my stuff. I picked one up and asked John if he was going.

“Hell yeah! Even if the girls have their tits covered, it's still going to be fun.”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the idea of having a perv as a suite mate. The Dean had said that we were a diverse group and he had that right. There was only one pair of tits that I loved staring at and they were back home in Chicago.





Chapter Eighteen




I heard moving around in the sitting area and I wondered how thin the damn walls were. I was just about to call Alexa and tell her about Dad when there was a loud noise at the door.

“Man, I hope he’s not the type to be hiding in his room.”

Yep, either my other suite mates had arrived, or John was talking to himself. Keen to meet up with them, I hopped of the bed, looking around at the boxes and wondering why the removal people had just brought the damn things, without unpacking them as well.

I opened the door.

“Reg, this is Logan.” John introduced us as if we were friends. You wouldn’t have thought that we’d only met a couple of hours ago. Behind them was a little Asian dude, he nodded and said, “I’m Steven, but my friends call me Steve,”

I replied, “Steve, nice to meet you.” He shook his head and said, “Only my friends call me Steve.” Before I could say another word, he walked off.

John and Reg high-fived each other. I asked as I followed them into the living room, and they slumped down on the sofa,

“What gives?” I pointed at Steven’s room.

“Dunno,” Reg laughed while slapping the side of the sofa. The guy was tall. Like six five or something. I never thought anyone could make me feel short, but I had met my match. “You on the basketball team?”

He laughed, “Were you worried about asking?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Funny, when black people say it, it’s not a problem. But a white dude does and ‘Oh Lord…’

“Yep, I got here on a basketball scholarship. Is it what I want to do professionally? Time will tell.”

He rubbed his knees as if he was about to get up.

“Steven introduced himself exactly the same way. But he never did to John. So, we had a little bet going.”

I nodded my head, thinking now that I got why they were laughing before, “Would he do the same thing to me?”

Again, both John and Reg high-fived each other, as if they were part of some secret society.

“Wait, is John on the basketball team too?”

I wondered if they knew each other before they came.

John squealed, damn he had some high-pitched laugh. “Do I look as if I play sport?”

I thought about his physique, the type that looked as though it had a meal once yearly as a treat. His posture appeared as if he spent too much time in front of the screen, and then it hit me.

“IT major!” 

He stood up proudly, “You are looking at the number one hacker in the world. Or at least this side of the Atlantic.”

And Reg continued, “And the world’s worst pervert.”

John was insulted by his comment, “Appreciating female beauty doesn’t make me a pervert.”

He had a point. I loved Alexa like crazy. She was the most beautiful woman in the world, but that didn’t mean I was blind. Shit, I looked at the way she checked out some of the guys bodies when they took of their shirt. It didn’t mean that I didn’t trust her. It just meant that she was human. Kind of like Scarlett and Todd. They had vowed to only want each other, value each other, and that’s probably what tore them apart. I wasn’t a relationship expert, but I did know one thing: keeping it real was key. Alexa and I argued. Shit, we didn’t have things to say at times, but that’s all part of life. Which reminded me, I’d called Todd when I got here, but I really needed to speak to her. Even if it was for just a bit, before I went to a party.

“Guys, I need to make a call.” I got up and headed to my room.

John nodded, “To a girl.”

Reg said, “I got one of those back home, too.”

As I was just about to close the door and tell them I would be out in a bit. Reg sighed, “But I’m not sure for how long.”

I was confused by his statement, “Why do you say that?”

Reg pointed to the window, “You seen what’s out there? Especially in the cheerleading squad?”

I shook my head, thinking I didn’t want this type of conversation. I’d just got here.

“You soon will do my friend, and not before long. You won’t be wanting to get on that phone.”

I didn’t know whether at the moment I liked or hated Reg. Maybe he had a point, but he knew nothing about my relationship with Alexa. Then I thought about all the guys that probably went to college and said the same thing... I wondered where they ended up. Right now, I didn’t care. My only concern was speaking to my woman and making sure that everything was okay.




Chapter Nineteen



“I thought you forgot about me already!” I sounded and looked little kid with my lip poking out, as he appeared on Skype.

“How could I forget about you? I just got here,” Logan said it as if he was guilty of something.

“Babes, it was a joke. I never thought we would hook up the first night. I thought that you would be out or something. I bet Freshman’s nights at Yale are just wild.”

He looked down as if he had something on his mind. In fact, considering we had only seen each other this morning and he hadn’t been gone long, I actually felt better this evening. I’d gotten ready for going back to his house after I’d seen Scarlett, and his Mom had talked us  through the process of the divorce. So far, everything seemed to be going smoothly and, since Dad left there’d not been anyone knocking at the door. Even Brian admitted to feeling safe now that he had gone. My little brother was turning into a little man in front of my very eyes, and part of me felt glad that I hadn’t left home. I could be his big sister if ever he needed a hand to hold.

“So, you gonna take it off? I only have five minutes before the guys start knocking on my door.”

I couldn’t believe that he had said that so blatantly.

“Take what off?” I asked batting my eyelashes as if I was innocent. Which reminded me, I needed to take the pill. I had been a bit careless lately forgetting to take it. The doctor said that I should take it at the same day every day. But, seeing as Logan was gone, I wasn’t exactly going to be having sex on a regular basis like I had been doing.

“That hot sexy yellow number. Your boobs are practically screaming my name.” He laughed, fanning himself as I bent down a bit, just to give him an eyeful. This was weird, we had  talked about sex knowing that full well by the end of the night neither of us would be in each other’s arms.

“Don’t do that,” he sighed as I slumped in my chair. “Let’s just work with what we’ve got. Please…”

I turned off the waterworks that were starting to flow from my eyes, as the realization that he wasn’t a few streets from me hit home.

“Okay, so what would you like to see?”

I knew it was a stupid question, but hey I wanted to build the atmosphere which had clearly come down a peg or two with my dramas. Shit, keep your emotions in tact Alexa. Don’t let him know that this is really killing you!

“Alllllllll of you...” he growled as he adjusted his pants. I assumed he was sitting at his table. He hadn’t even introduced me to his new room.

“Babes, you haven’t even shown me your room,” I sighed as I started to loosen my straps. I wasn't wearing a bra or any underwear. I’d had on his shirt earlier, before he called. I was touching myself, pretending that he was here with me.

“Your nipples are so damn hard.” He started to stroke his dick, which was on full display. Seeing it in the flesh online just made me so damn horny.

“Shit, you’re naked,” he licked his lips as I slowly turned around and then I wiggled my hips as my back faced him.

“Make me come!” he commanded, and I slowly licked my finger and put one inside of me. I rubbed it against my folds and had one foot on the chair. All he could see was my pussy. Not my face. I was so lost inside myself that I didn’t realize that he was going for gold. He was jerking his cock like there was no tomorrow, I could hear the noises on the other end.

“Ah, yeah, you got me going Alexa. Put in another finger. I want you to come at the same time.”

I didn’t hesitate to do what he told me to do. Before I knew it I was rocking my hips and I was so damn wet. Just like I was whenever his thick cock was inside of me. I had my head back, screaming at the top of the lungs and I was so happy that I was home alone.

“Logan,” I purred as I started to get close to the edge.

“Say it louder,” I could hear his chair going back and forth.

“Logan!” I screamed as I started to shiver and shake.

That was when I knew that he had an audience, “Logan, say it louder!” the guys screamed from the other side of the door. “Logan, say my name!”

I flopped onto my bed, and he whispered, “Babes, got to go and get cleaned up. Be ready for the next time. I’ll make you come harder. That’s a promise.” That was when I looked up and his screen was off. I gathered that he’d gone  with his friends. I felt slightly satisfied, but not enough to be ok  that he was gone.

Four weeks, he said and that couldn’t come around fast enough.


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