The Wide Receiver's Baby (9 page)

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Authors: Jessica Evans

BOOK: The Wide Receiver's Baby
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Chapter Thirty One


I stood outside the Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel like a jilted bride, wondering what his reaction would be when he saw me. Would he be angry? Confused, like I had been  when I found out? Or would he take it all in his stride.
There were so many damn secrets that I had been hiding and keeping inside. The only good thing was the fact that I’d got here first and saw that there was a chance of making a reservation so I’d booked it without any hesitation.
Of course, they would only have the most expensive room available and as the receptionist had said when I booked it, ‘You’re so lucky to have this room;  we had a last minute cancellation.’
There was nothing lucky about having been stuck in a car for what I’d thought would be around seven hours - which had easily turned into nine. I’d thought that, as it was the holidays and that Logan and I would be the only ones on the freeway, but that was the furthest from the truth.
Only one more hour and he would be here. I didn’t hesitate to go into the lavish hotel and try and catch at least half an hour’s nap.
But I couldn’t sleep. I rubbed my stomach, thinking about his reaction when he would find out that I was carrying his child. That was when I decided to have a quick shower and wait.
Then I stood outside, on my already swollen feet, and as I got messages with the countdown.
His first message:
Twenty minutes
The next said:
Then finally:

Chapter Thirty Two


I couldn’t believe it when I saw her from across the street. Her red hair was blowing in the wind. It didn’t take much to figure out what had been going on in her life, and the real reason why she had stayed away from me.
I knew that body too well and even though the naked eye could easily think that she had put on a few pounds. I knew that something else was growing inside of her. Only looking at her now it felt as if it was yesterday.
But it couldn’t have been.
It wasn’t.
Five months had passed and she had blown up like an air balloon. I’d never expected this, not now. I’d expected us to at least finish college, and get married, before children came along. But there she was in front of me and I kept opening and closing my eyes thinking that this would be the beginning of something new.
I thought about Alexa and I bet she wasn’t ready either, but for her to be that far gone, but she must have thought about the options and the alternatives. Then, decided that this was the best one. The only one she could live with.
I crept behind her and whispered, “Is this my surprise?”
Normally, I would have crept up behind her and covered her eyes and said, ‘Guess who?’
Or something cheesy like, ‘Have you been waiting for me all your life?’
But this time I just said what was in my heart and mind.
She didn’t hesitate to swing around and hug me so tight.
“This is what I wanted to tell you. Not on the phone, or Skype or anything. We’re having a baby. You and I.”
I nodded, because I was speechless; she had a big bump so it was obvious that she was having a baby. Not only a baby, but my baby.
She stopped crying and as tears swelled in my eyes, she whispered, “I’m having the wide receiver’s baby, and his name is Logan Collins. Tell him that I’m the love of his life.”
I nodded, “I’ll tell him, when you promise to stop keeping secrets from me. You should have told me the moment you knew, woman.”
She smiled as she wiped the tears that were falling from my cheek, “I’m telling you now.”
I nodded, but now felt late. As if I had missed such an important part of her life. She never knew that I knew that she was living in my house. She never knew that I had already been told about the baby. Unlike most people in my house, there was one man that had a big mouth. Dad had told me, I just didn’t believe that it was really real until now.


Chapter Thirty Three


As we entered the room, the first thing I did, which I should have done when I got here earlier, was call Marie to tell her that we had both arrived. She said that she would tell Mom and Richard. I sent Todd a message to let him know that his car was safe.
He replied back saying:
Good, I hope you are too. But remember keep my car safe :)
I knew he was only joking and only a true friend would lend me their car  to drive so many miles.
“I can’t believe that we’re here for Christmas.” This wasn’t how I’d been planning on telling Logan the news, or spending Christmas. But laying down with his arms wrapped so tightly around me, I was just enjoying his company.
“So, what happened to your Dad in the end?” he swiftly changed the subject. All he wanted to do was talk. I never knew Logan could talk so much until now, but then again we had a lot of catching up to do.
“Well, he moved back into the house. He was thrown out by his girlfriend,” I sat up; laying down on his chest for too long was starting to make me feel uncomfortable and one thing about this pregnancy was, I needed feeding all the time. I had stopped way too many times on the way here and now I needed feeding again, and this time I had room service on my mind.
“Mom and Dad lived there alone and I lived at yours for a while with Brian. But then Mom moved in when she finally came to her senses - which seemed to drag on for weeks - before the house sale came through, and soon we’ll all be moving to another home.”
He nodded, “So, they’re going to split the house 50/50?”
I told him how fantastic his parents had been letting us stay, helping me make my decision with regards to the pregnancy, and that was when he confessed.
“I knew all along.”
He didn’t turn and look at me. Instead his focus was out of the window, so I was trying to figure out which part he knew.
“The pregnancy? My Dad? What?”
“Your Dad, no. Well, not really all of it, because I wasn’t really interested in what he was doing. More what you were doing.”
Silly me, I should have known better then to ask a man to keep a secret. It didn’t take a genius to figure out how he knew; it must have been Richard.
Probably why he’d spent the first week avoiding me when he’d come back from his trip. Marie said he was tired and probably the secrets were killing him, but I didn’t know him well enough to think that it was anything other than what Marie had said. Richard hated keeping secrets. Especially when he didn’t really agree to Logan being left in the dark.
I thought about one secret that Olivia had hinted about and without hesitation I asked, “Well, what about Trinity?”
He hesitated before he turned around; time felt as if it was standing still and the hunger pains that I’d had a few moments ago had become a distant memory. Olivia was right. There was something going on. I had been a fool to think that he would be at college pinning for me and that he would remain faithful. He had needs like everyone else. Mine were centered around me, I didn’t think that I would be punished for that.
He bent on the side of the bed and whispered, as he opened my legs and buried his head between them, “I may have thought about it. But I did nothing. I just didn’t understand what you were doing.”
His voice was hoarse, as if he was unloading a burden that he had buried deep within him, “Now, I get why Dad told me.” He lifted his head. “We were on our way to dinner and Trinity stopped by. It was that night he told me. He must have thought by making it clear that you were suffering and that your love for me hadn’t changed, that it would stop me from doing something that I may regret.”
Curiosity got the better of me, “Did it?”
He replied avoiding the question, “I’m here now, aren’t I?”
He put his head back in between my legs, rubbing between my thighs, I knew what he wanted - the one thing that we hadn't done for so long.
“I’ve missed you so damn much,” he growled as he lifted my dress. I should have told him to stop, that we still needed to clear the air, but I had wanted him just as much as he wanted me. Inside me, loving me sexually. Letting me know that he hadn’t been with anyone else. I didn’t need to hear him say the words, I wanted to feel it.





Chapter Thirty Four


We were like hungry wolves on a hunt in the middle of the night. The room was no longer the executive suite. It became, without any doubt, the place that I had to be inside of Alexa right now.
I had been masturbating like crazy over the last few weeks. At one point, I thought that my dick would fall off and, watching her get rid of her dress, her body changes could have turned me off, but her breasts were so damn full. Bouncy. Curvy, like big fat melons and I felt thirsty like I did on a hot summer’s day, just wanting a sip of something cool and refreshing. This time it was her breasts that I wanted to hold. Her nipples that I needed to suck.
My eyes were locked on her belly filled with my baby. Soon to be either our baby boy or girl. I didn’t know how this whole thing was going to pan out. Was I supposed to drop college and just get a job?
No, that would be silly. Besides if she needed anything financially our parents would help us out as they had been doing so far.
I felt lost when Dad was telling me. The easiest thing to do would be to be with Trinity just once. Alexa and I were going to be parents. It was something that I had wanted, but not like this. I wanted us both to fulfill our dreams together. Then when the time was right, like all the other players. I would do a cheesy proposal after the game. Either her name would be up in lights or I would do a dance with the cheerleaders.
That was how it was supposed to happen.
She hadn’t been taking the pill, sure I knew that she had been careless. But, maybe I should have taken responsibility for that too.
Lust, desire took over when she was naked. Her body stiffened, and the sight of those trembling muscles and perfectly flushed skin was nearly enough to make me come.
I laid down on the bed, knowing that I couldn’t be on top of her and her be comfortable. Sure, the baby was still small and I was sure it wouldn’t get hurt from my weight, but I didn’t want to take the risk.
She gently knelt on top of me.
“Come to papa!”
I laughed as she gently sat down. Not on my cock, but a short distance from it... Shit, she felt so heavy as she rubbed her wet pussy up and down my legs.
How can something so small feel so heavy in such a short space of time?
She said nothing as she simply sat down on my cock, just a little bit.
“Are you scared?”It dawned on me that she may be horny, but at the same time worried.
She shook her head, “No, not because of the baby, but it’s been a while. Besides, pregnancy makes me so damn horny.”
She said it regretfully and, for a split second the sexiness and the urge to have sex disappeared. My cock started to get limp, as it felt the tension of that was written all over her face.
I sat up. “Look, we don’t need to do this.”
She laughed, “You kidding? I’ve been wanting to do this for such a long time.”
I laid back down and this time, her fingers started to stroke my cock. Lacing between them and it started to get hard. I thought that I was going to come just by her touch.
Her hands were made to touch me. Made me to make me feel this way and, as she sat on me,  confident as she started to rock on top of my dick.
I carefully put my hands reaching up for her breasts. Shit they felt so damn full, as if they were bursting with milk already.
“Hmm,” she moaned as she started to pick up her rhythm, so did I with my hands going up and down as she rocked on me.
“Yes,” I growled, as my feet started to curl as I felt as if I was coming close to the edge. “Don’t stop,” I said as I started to get a bit rough. I knew that my hands were probably hurting her, but my cock was so damn deep. It was slipping in and out as her pussy felt so damn wet.
She was right about one thing; she was horny. All the times we’d had had sex, it had never been as intense as it was now. Her hips were not only going back and forth, but sometimes she was doing some fucking lap dance movement on me, moving it round and round. The more she swung her hips in different directions, it was driving me wild.
Then, she held on to my legs as if to keep herself in position and she quickly started jerking up and down. Just enough for me to know that I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I had to release. Had to let go of the one thing that I had kept in for so long. My damn come exploded in a million directions.
She started screaming as if she was some whore in a fucking brothel.
“I’m not done yet!”
The woman that was hesitant, that didn’t know exactly what she wanted, was replaced by this crazy woman who was in a frenzy. She grabbed her dress and cleaned my limp dick, then moved me to the back of her and said, “Fuck me from behind.”
She grabbed hold of my dick so damn greedily, I knew that there was no chance of escape.
Alexa had one thing on her mind and I hoped that coming would ease the aggressiveness, and that it would be a thing of the past.
“I need to come!”
Her voice had completely changed; it was no longer soft and gentle, but harsh and demanding. It was as if my cock was scared of her too and an erection fell into place. I thought she would want warming up, but then I realized that she was worse than a cat in heat. I started to rock behind her, cupping her breasts as I had once before. She grabbed my cock and stuffed it inside her greedily,
“Arrh,” I complained, but she ignored as she shouted, “Harder!” That was when I started to get rough. At first, I was turned off by her aggression, but then it turned into a challenge -  one that I thought I wouldn’t be able to live up to.
My body slammed into the back of her like a train wreck. There was no mercy, no softness in my approach. My hips were protected by her round juicy ass that seemed to bounce them every time I thrashed into it.
“Yes!” she screamed again and I knew that I was close. My elbows held her body from moving away from the force. She had wanted to come and I knew that I had to make her.
That was all it took. My cock at the edge of her pussy ready, awaiting to travel at full force down her tunnel, making sure that every part of her body knew what was going to happen next.
My confident, demanding pregnant girlfriend yelled at the top of her lungs and within the blink of an eye said that she had to get something to eat. I was still trying to catch my breath as she kissed me on the forehead and said, “That was just round one. Get ready for round two, big boy.”
As she headed to the shower, I thought about if this was what my whole Christmas break was going to be like, I would rather go back to college. Alexa was right: pregnancy did make her horny, and fucking aggressive too.

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