The Wide Receiver's Baby (2 page)

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Authors: Jessica Evans

BOOK: The Wide Receiver's Baby
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Chapter Four




We’re both going to college soon, different colleges. It will be the first time in four years, since we started dating in High School, that we will be apart for weeks at a time. I don’t even know how I’m going to get through it.

She’ll be studying for physiotherapy at the University of Chicago, so she won’t be leaving home. She will stay here. Alexa knows how to study to achieve her dream. Well, the same could be said for me and mine: I’ve wanted to play pro-ball for so damn long that I don’t even remember when the dream began.

I had no idea how long we were laying down, holding each other. None of it seemed important. All that mattered was having Alexa by my side. As I started to stroke her arm she said, “Logan, are you awake?”

I nodded. “Thought you were sleeping.”

She lifted her head and faced me. Her green eyes shone as the morning sun started to rise. Everything in the room was a mess. We had tossed our clothes around - mainly because we were drunk and very excited about the room. Being alone here with Alexa really was the best idea that I’d had in a long time.

“I was for a bit, but then feeling your fingers stroking my arm kind of woke me up.”


She shook her head. “I meant it woke me up, because I loved it. You know I do. God, we never get to be like this back home!”

She jumped off the bed, running around naked as if she was a child. It made me laugh as I took the pillow and threw it at her. “Someone might see you!”

She shook her booty and said, “Who cares? Only one man can touch. They can look all they want...” she purred as she started to crawl back into the bed.

I really could get used to this treatment. “Feeling a bit peckish, do you want something to eat or drink?”

I did feel hungry and the whole idea of eating room service in bed with her butt naked aroused both appetites - not just my cock but my stomach too.

“Sure, I could do with some food. Fries. Burger. Anything.”

She laughed, “It’s seven in the morning.”

I started to wash my hands, wondering if I wanted to pee again. Shit, how much had I drank last night?

“And?” I questioned as I jumped on the bed.

She sighed, “I doubt there’s burgers, fries or anything like that on the menu this time of morning.”

I grabbed the menu and the idea of pancakes and syrup in bed sounded like the perfect beginning to what would be a beautiful morning.

“Pancakes, maple syrup, hash browns, sausage...”

Alexa was thinking about other things to add to the list.  “Strawberries, toast and some freshly squeezed orange juice.” She smiled as she started to dial room service to place  the order.

“Someone has an appetite,” I pulled her towards me and hugged her.

She covered the mouthpiece, “It’s going to be a long day.” She quickly kissed me back before someone picked up the line on the other hand. I bit her neck just a little, whilst sliding my hand down her cunt. Hmm, she was wet even first thing in the morning. All I could do while she rubbed back and forth as she ordered breakfast was think about putting my dick right inside of there before the food came. It wasn’t going to be just a long day, but night too.



Chapter Five




I hung up the phone and Logan was teasing me, putting his fingers in and out of my pussy with his cock hard behind me. I’d been trying to order, trying to keep a straight face, but between biting my lips and trying to sound as if I wasn’t having sex, it was damn hard.

I didn’t hesitate to turn around and, with him sitting up in bed, I sat on his fat cock.

“That’s my girl!” he said as I started to rock and forth on top of him.

I was so damn wet. Dripping. I eased down onto his cock as it filled my tunnel, desperate for him to fill me up I eased up on rocking and shifted my weight to simply go up and down.

“Fuck me harder!” Logan yelled, as I used my knees to jump up and down.

He hungrily grabbed my left breast with his hand and a long moan escaped my lips as he pushed his way back into me. My body welcomed a familiarity that set my nerves tingling.

“I swear you’re getting bigger,” I said in a low voice, unable to think straight. All thoughts of hunger and our breakfast, which would be sent to our room any minute, escaped my mind.

Logan responded by seizing my hips and pushing me further down onto him. He gave me a second to adjust, and our bodies soon fell into sync, his bucking gently beneath mine and pressing upwards in time with his rhythm. I couldn’t ever remember feeling so good on top of him.

But it was as if he wasn’t happy about me being in control, and he had to take over.

“Wait,” he said as he turned me over as if I was a feather. I was laying on my back and he grabbed the pillow and stuffed it under my head.

“Keep your hands up here,” he commanded as he grabbed his hand and held onto both of mine.

I didn’t know what he was doing. It was as if we were in some private porn movie. The Logan I knew, the one that I’d made love to so many weeks ago, was the clumsy one. The one that wanted to make everything perfect and obviously didn’t know what he was doing.

This one, the one who’d brought me to this hotel, was a different one.

He was carefree.

Not afraid to try new things.

Different positions.


But the thing was, I knew that he didn’t want different things. He just wanted me. Every single way that he could, and more.




Chapter - Six




That position made her look even hotter, and the subtle angle of her back made her ass look good enough to eat. I didn’t need pancakes, let alone maple syrup.

I crossed her wrists and pinned them behind her with one hand. I began to fuck her harder, using her arms as leverage to drive her against me.

Her body was mine and the volume of her cries just got louder. There was no doubt that she loved being powerless.

I owned her.

I forced myself into her with urgency. I pushed deeper so that I could claim just a little more of her. Her muscles tightened and her sounds became choked as another orgasm ripped through her. The sensation of her coming around my cock drove me to ecstasy. She loved me completely, and there was no doubt in my mind that it was reciprocated.

I felt every trembling contraction vibrate through her into me, and I couldn’t hold back any longer. All self-control was lost. Tension began building inside of me as my hips took on a life of their own. It radiated upwards through my shaft then spiraled out.

“I’m coming,” I panted, enjoying the little sounds of encouragement that spilled from her lips.

It was as if the room attendant had been waiting for us to finish. He was right on cue as he knocked on the door and called, “Room service.”

Alexa and I looked at each other, both exhausted, and we laughed as I grabbed a robe and went to get our food. Alexa simply hopped into the bathroom,too shy to show her face.

It was obvious from the short attendant’s face that he’d heard what we were doing. I didn’t want him to come into the room -it was a mess!

I met him at the door. “It’s okay. I’ll take it from here. The room’s a mess.”

I thought my ears were deceiving me as he nodded and said, “I heard.” A smirk came on his face as he left.

I pulled the tray into the room and Alexa giggled, “That was so embarrassing.”

I said, “I know.”

She shook her head and said, “You didn’t wrap the robe around you properly! Your cock is out.”

I looked down and waved it from left to right using my hips. It was on display. I was tired and hadn’t checked myself properly.

“Well, I hope you gave him a good tip,” she said as she pulled the tray to the living room so that we could sit and enjoy the view of the Chicago River.

As she drew the curtains back for the first time since we came to the Langham, we sat in the living room. We were like we always were; so comfortable in each other's company.

“This place is heaven.” she stretched out as she looked at the tray. I turned and gazed at the room, “For this price, it fucking should be.”

It seemed silly coming from me. My family could afford most things that Alexa’s couldn’t, but that didn’t stop me from spoiling her. Even if at times she felt as if it was too much.

Her mom was a nurse and her dad well, let’s just say, if gambling were a profession, then he would safely be called the worst gambler in the world. The man always lost, and he never seemed to know when to quit. Which was why Alexa had no college fund left, and had had to opt for a local college. As for my parents, they were born into money but that didn’t stop Dad becoming a partner in his firm and Mom the same in a different law firm. But they work like crazy. To say that my sister and I saw them much when we were kids would be an overstatement. We see them more now then we did back then.

Sure, I may have the wealth, but there are more important things in life. And one of them was what I was looking at right now.

“Are you going to stand there all day looking out at the view or are you going to eat?” I patted the sofa and she rushed over like a hurricane.

“Course I am. I’m starving.”

She shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth and I remembered the one thing that I hated about her. No one’s perfect, including me, but one thing was for sure:

“I just hate the way you eat.”

She kissed me and said, “But you still love me right?” As she continued to chew it as a rabbit. Quick bits with her teeth on display.

I nodded. “For sure.”




Chapter - Seven




We were more relaxed once we started eating. I was horny. I did think about going in the shower and then having a bath. I dreamed about all the things that we would do in there. But four pancakes, several pieces of bacon and a hash brown later, all I wanted to do was sleep. I did call Mom and tell her that I’d be home tomorrow.

I knew she would worry, especially with Dad coming home later every day. “I never get why she still stays with him.”

Logan didn’t move his hand. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

“Well, maybe she loves him so much that she can’t see it.”

I nodded as I lay down to put my head on his legs. God, it felt so good.

“I know, but he makes her life a misery. The other day, some guys came knocking on the door.”

Shit, I’d forgotten to tell Logan. I’d told the girls, but Logan... I’d missed out that part.  He would have moved me out of the house and told me to live with him permanently.

Just as I’d thought, his hand stopped moving and his leg jumped slightly. I thought that if I could have heard his heart beating, it would have stopped.

“Why didn’t you say?”

The room went cold, and I had a feeling that there was a blinding spotlight on my face. Shit, I shouldn’t have told him. Or I should have told him when it happened. Either way. It was out of the bag now.

“You were excited about Prom. I was too. I just didn’t feel like telling you - two hours before you were due to pick me up that, ‘Hey guess what happened before you got here? Two goons showed up at our house demanding money’.”

He shook his head, his hand covered his eyes it as if it would all go away. This wasn’t the first time. The late nights, the gambling debts, they just seemed to get worse the more he got laid off from jobs. When I was younger, he was able to stay in the same job for a year, at times a couple of years. But lately, he was lucky if he got one and it lasted more than a year.

“If this doesn’t stop, soon you’ll be out of the house.”

I didn’t get his statement.


He nodded as he finished the last drop of orange juice. “Every single night you’ll be coming home to that. You don’t need that kind of distraction. I still don’t get why you never let me talk to my parents about paying your fees to go to a real college. The one time of your life you’ll be going to college and it will pretty much be the same as being in High School. No wild parties. Just every day leave and go home…”

He stopped for a second; I couldn’t believe that he felt so bad about my choice of college. He’d asked me to talk to his parents before. Sure, I’d really be prepared to accept nearly 200k from them to pay for my four year tuition and camp fee. It might be nothing to them, but it was a whole lot of something to me.

“I don’t want to take that kind of money from your parents. We discussed it, and I thought you respected my decision.”

I was annoyed and upset by his confession. We’d already had one conversation about it, and suddenly now he was telling me that he felt a completely different way about the whole event.

“I do sweetie,” he said, kissing me on the forehead. “It’s just that I feel guilty; I’m going to Yale and you’re going to…”

I knew damn well where I was going, but I didn’t want to fight. I knew he meant well, even if he wasn’t expressing it very well. I quickly changed the subject, thinking about the original point of it.

“Well, Mom took his name off the house years ago. Even he admitted that it was the best thing to do.”

“Why not just get help? Oh yeah, I forgot that didn’t end well the last time,” he sighed. The conversation was starting to feel uncomfortable, something that I hadn't experienced before with Logan. Sure, we weren't perfect. We’d had the odd row and the best part of it had been the making up, but this was different.

Maybe it was my insecurities, and the fact that we would be apart, in different colleges. Every time, I told him about my dad, he would always ask, ‘Are you in danger?’

My response would be the same, ‘Mom paid them and then they left.’

The conversation would end there. No debate, discussion about how he felt or what we should do about it. I knew that if at any time mom couldn’t pay, then I could turn to him. Or maybe that was just an assumption on my part.

“It’s just that. I don’t get it,” he hesitated for a moment. I sat up to listen to what he had to say.

“Okay, so your mom’s a nurse. He has two beautiful kids,” he stroked my face. The pain of what he was about to say was written all over his face.

“But the man’s a jerk, plain and simple. He should think about someone else other than himself, but he doesn’t give a damn. Otherwise, he would stop. He wouldn’t continually put his family in danger. Shit, it tears me up that he's so selfish.”

I wanted to hear more. I just didn’t want him to stop.

“My parents, sure they work hard and provide for sis and I financially, by working night and day. I don’t even know if they have sex anymore. They work so damn hard.”

I shook my head. I didn’t want to know if his parents did it anymore.

“I’ve talked to them both about it. Mom confessed that it’s like a drug for her. She wanted her own company and the drive and focus kind of took over her life. She regrets not coming to all my games. She hates the idea that I was practically brought up by Sandra, my nanny.  Her drive blinded her. At first she did it wanting the best for Olivia and I. Now, we’re grown up and practically out of the house. She has no reason to stop.”

He answered his own question, “Maybe that's the issue. Dad doesn’t know how to stop. He wants to, but he just doesn’t know how.”

He stood up and headed to the bar. The robe loosely hanging open distracted me for a second from the deep conversation that we were having.

“Now, you’re excusing him, Alexa. You’re excusing his behavior, by saying that he can’t stop?”

He pulled out a bottle of vodka and said, “I need something stronger to talk about your dad.”

“What do you mean?”

He choked out, “I listen to the stories about people knocking at your door for money. Him coming home drunk. Every single time the only thing running through my mind is, when is someone going to beat the crap out of him and so all this bullshit can come to an end?”

My heart started to beat out of control. My palms were sweating, wishing that I never knew the truth. These feelings that Logan had deeply buried inside of him about my Dad... Sure, he wasn’t a saint, but for Logan to say something so vulgar and want him dead, that just felt too extreme!

“Your dad doesn’t care if any of you live or die. Why else would he keep drinking? Gambling - and let’s not forget her!”

How could I forget her?

How could anyone forget her?

A woman had  turned up on our doorstep two years ago, claiming that her eight year old son was my Dad’s. Saying that she had been patient and that Mom should just let go and stop emotionally blackmailing my Dad. He had been living a double life for years. So, what did mom do? She did the one thing that any woman in her position shouldn't do: Mom turned a blind eye and pretended that it had never happened. She claimed that the woman was a liar. DNA tests don’t lie, and she had come to the house with the evidence in her hand.

I had to change the subject, this was getting out of hand. Maybe Logan was right and I was just like Mom, doing the one thing that I felt was so wrong: defending Dad and not making him accountable for his own actions.

“Babes, this weekend is about us. We came here to enjoy ourselves. Sorry, I shouldn’t have said the things I did.”

He was upset, just as I was, reliving the past. The past that I wanted to keep locked behind doors. I couldn’t talk to Mom about it. Everyone else listened, and they all concurred that Mom was a fool. A woman so blinded by love that she couldn’t see that the man she was married to was using her.

I rubbed his head as he laid it in between my legs like a child. His spiky hair tickled against my leg. “So, where do we go next?” he purred, “The bath or the shower made for two?”

I smiled, trying to pretend that the conversation we’d just had hadn’t happened, but it was hard as a tear escaped my eye. How much more could Mom take? Maybe she was as bad as Dad. Dad’s priority was drinking and gambling. Mom paid whoever showed up at our door and said nothing.

What if one time she didn’t have enough money?

What if one time, she couldn’t pay?

“You know I’ll never let anything happen to you or your family - apart from your Dad!” He took my hand as he yanked me up. “That’s settled. It’s shower time…” I smiled as I wiped away my tear. I was thinking about going in the shower and having it wash away my fears and anxieties about the past. This would leave only hope about the future.

I yanked off my robe and said, “Come get it, big boy.”

“Yes girl, cause you’re all mine.”

Logan was the only one that could make me feel better even when I was at my worst, and he was there by my side. Making sure that I was safe and doing whatever he felt was right to make me feel better. Even if that involved just sitting in silence, holding my hand.

He was my rock.

The one that I knew I would spend the rest of my days with, from this moment onwards. Nothing could tear us apart, even if it tried its hardest.

We were meant to be.

We both knew it.


Chapter - Eight



“Damn Alexa, can’t you walk straight?” Scarlett teased as I got my lunch tray. We’d left the hotel last night and she knew damn well that every part of my body was hurting me. It was funny when we were in the hotel, it didn’t seem to matter so much.

As soon as we left and on the ride home, that was when the pain started, not just my pussy but my butt hole, arms, legs, hips. Shit, just about everywhere that formed part of my body.

“I’m not going to have sex for another year at this rate,” I whispered as I sat down awkwardly at the table.

The girls laughed as they had done when I’d called them last night to say that I was finally at home.

“Well, Prom night is supposed to be one night. Not a whole damn weekend of fucking…”

“Shh,” I said as Teresa kept going on about my weekend with Logan.

“Yeah, but you know how it is, we’re going to college in a few months. This summer I’m working and he’ll be traveling, so we made the most of it.”

Scarlett pointed to my front and said, “Tell that to your poor pussy.”

I smacked her hand away; she could be so vulgar at times.

“Beside my pussy enjoyed the chocolate, ice and baths that it had this weekend.”

I lifted my hand up, hoping that one of them would give me a high-five.

Teresa’s brown eyes lit up. “My God, it sounds like something out of Fifty Shades of Grey.”

Scarlett waved her hand up in the air, “More like Nine and a half weeks cut down into two days.”

I laughed, because it brought back memories. One weekend, Scarlett and I had been  curious about the movie. We were about sixteen or seventeen at the time. She grabbed her parent’s personal collection and there it was, the DVD of Nine and a Half Weeks. I stayed over for a sleepover and we watched it, and as much as we claimed it was nasty, I wanted to have Logan over so he could watch it too. Shit, that movie was hot.

“Anyway, Alexa wasn't the only one getting some after the Prom.” Teresa proudly sat up and stuffed some fries in her mouth.

“Shut up!” Scarlett screamed; she prided herself on being the know-all of Chicago High.

“Yep.” She smiled as she adjusted her glasses. Both Scarlett and I were on the edge of our seats waiting for Teresa to tell us some more.

I hit her arm.

“Don’t keep us waiting. What gives?!”

She nodded as she said, “Lenny and I are officially…,” she looked from left to right, making sure that no one could hear. I did the same, wondering if anyone was interested in our conversation.

“Not virgins,” she whispered.

“Oh my God, you damn hypocrite,” Scarlett spat out. “You were going on about girls and Prom night, and it being a big cliche, and that you and Lenny were going to wait until you’re married. But you gave it up to him on Prom night! This means…” It dawned on Scarlett, who wasn’t just officially blond, but had the mentality too. “I’m the only one who never got any on Prom night.”

I patted her on the back. She had wanted to come, and I’d told her that I wouldn’t leave her alone... it was the one night that every teenager treasures from their High School years.

Teresa went around the table to give her a hug. “That Todd has a lot to answer for.” I joined on the other side. Logan and I had made a pact not to discuss his best friend. But the fact that he’d broken up with Scarlett two days before the Prom had surprised us all. Most of all Scarlett, who hadn’t seen it coming at all.

“At least he didn’t turn up,” I offered as some kind of condolence.

“Only because Logan told him that if he did, he would break all the bones in his body.”

Teresa sighed, “Oh, but that was just a figure of speech. He would never do that; Logan's his best friend.”

Then we said what we always said when our geeky friend said something she shouldn’t have:  “Shut up Teresa.”

She quickly moved away and sat in her seat.

Scarlett wiped the tears that seemed to fall from her eyes uncontrollably, “You know the thing that hurts the most: I don’t even know the reason why.”

That was the problem. I did, and I saw from the corner of my eye, Logan and Todd walking through the dining room. Logan winked at me and I shook my head and used my hand to tell him to go away. I knew the reason why he’d broken up with her. But never, ever on my life would I break my best friend’s heart by telling her.

Some guys are jerks - and one of them just happened to be my boyfriend’s best friend.

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