The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (98 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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Chapter twenty-three


When I got to the gym, I saw that my dad was wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt. “Uh, Dad, seriously. Aren’t you a little old to be wearing shorts?” I heard Dean chuckle under his breath. My dad narrowed his eyes at me not amused.

              “You’re going to show me what you and Gabe have been working on and then you and I are going to spar,” he said.

“Um…you think that’s a good idea?”

“What, are you afraid I’m going to hurt you?” I laughed so hard I almost peed in my pants. “That wasn’t meant to be funny.”

I wiped the tears from my eyes. “Good one Dad. Thanks, I needed that.” Gabe just shook his head at me. “What?”

“Let’s just get started,” Gabe said.

Gabe and I went one on one for a while and then he told me to show them how I use my shield. My dad’s eyes went wide with surprise. “Ella that’s amazing,” he said proudly. I smiled at him, feeling happy about my new power for the first time. “I always knew you would be something special.” He hugged me tight before he said, “Okay, now my turn.”

“Dad, I still don’t know?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take it easy on you,” he winked.

“Alright old man. You were warned.”

“Old man, eh?” He took his stance and got ready. We danced around each other, but neither of us made a move.

“Okay, I’m sorry, but I can’t hit you. I feel like I’m setting myself up for a possible future grounding.”

My dad laughed. “Oh come on, you know you’ve been dying to get a few swings in,” he said smacking my arm, taunting me.

He was right. I was dying to take a swing at him, but I wouldn’t admit it. Not out loud at least. Knowing we would be here forever if I didn’t do something, I put on a brave face, and swung. He blocked it with ease. He took his cue and came at me. I gave him everything I had, not holding anything back. I was impressed at how well he could keep up with me. He never got winded or tired out, well, that he showed. I was pretty sure he was dying on the inside.

Not wanting to get showed up by my own father. I came at him full force, knocking his ass on the floor. I held out my hand to help him up. “Not too bad for an old man,” I teased.

              He held his hand to his back. “I guess I am a little out of practice,” he said, slightly limping. I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

“Alright, I think we had enough for today. We have an early flight tomorrow so I think we should retire for the night,” my mom said. I think she was more worried about my dad over doing it and didn’t want him to end up breaking something. I passed my dad over to my mom and looked at my watch. It was almost ten. We had worked straight through dinner. No wonder my stomach was growling.

“Hey Dad, want me to heal you before you go?” I asked, not able to keep the smile off of my face.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “I am perfectly fine,” he said, straightening out his back. I heard several cracks and pops. I knew he was masking how much pain he was in. Men and their stupid pride. I walked with them out of the gym. Dean and my mom managed to get ahead while I lagged behind with my dad. When they rounded a corner my dad held an arm out stopping me. Then he turned to look at me. “Okay, maybe a little healing wouldn’t hurt,” he said.

“Sure Dad.” I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing.

“Just don’t tell your mother.”

“It will be our little secret.” I healed my dad and he sighed with relief. Then we met back up with my mom and Dean. She gave us a funny look when she saw us, but didn’t say anything. I had a feeling she already knew.

Dean and I said goodbye to our mom and dad. They had decided to stay at a hotel tonight to avoid the long drive in the morning. I never did find out why they stopped by for an unexpected visit, but it was pleasant so I couldn’t complain.

On the way back to my room I stopped by the social room and grabbed myself some food to munch on. “Hey Ella!”

“Oh, hey Riley. I’m sorry we haven’t had a chance to hang out much,” I said, realizing I couldn’t remember the last time I had spent any time with her.

“It’s okay. I know you’re really busy with training and stuff.”

I remembered a while ago there was something she wanted to talk to me about, but with Billy’s arrival and everything else going on I forgot. I deemed myself the worst friend ever. “No it’s not okay. I’m such a bad friend. How about just you and me hang out tonight and catch up?”

Her eyes twinkled, indicating she was excited. “That would be great,” she said.

“Okay, just give me some time to shower and eat,” I said, holding up my bag of chips.

“Ella, is that your dinner?” she asked appalled.

“Yeah, I, uh missed it earlier so…”

“Go take your shower and I will find you some real food to eat,” she said, sighing at my lack of nutrition.

“Okay, meet me in my room in like a half hour,” I said as I walked out.

When I opened the door to my room I almost dropped my bag of chips when I saw Roman lying on my bed. “What are you doing here?” I asked, thinking I need to remember to start locking my door.

“I’d thought you’d be happy to see me?” he said, getting up, walking over to me, and kissing me.

I pushed him back and looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was out in the hall, then closed the door. “Are you crazy? Someone could have seen that,” I said.

“I didn’t know this was some big secret?” He crossed his arms and looked like he was ready to transform into one of his many alter egos.

“Relax, that’s not what I meant. Well, I mean, what is this exactly? What are we doing?” Roman had already confessed that he liked me but never really expressed interest in pursuing anything.

The expression on his face told me he didn’t know either. “Having fun?” he said unsure.

“If that’s the case then maybe we should just keep this between us for now.” With everything going on I did not want people to think I was some boyfriend stealing whore. I had enough rumors going around about me I didn’t need anymore.

Roman stood silently for a moment and I was afraid I offended him. He stepped closer to me and took my hands. “I think I can handle that, for now,” he smiled, kissing me again.

“Okay, while I’m glad you’re happy. I need a shower.”

“Want some company? I could wash your back for you?” he smiled cockily.

I pushed him away. “You need to go.” I laughed and headed into the bathroom. I took a quick shower knowing Riley would be here soon. When I got out of the bathroom Roman was lying on my bed. “What are you still doing here?”

“I thought we’d hang out tonight?”

“Sorry, girl bonding with Riley.”

“You don’t look like the girl bonding type,” he smirked.

“Clearly you don’t know me very well,” I smiled back.

He got up off the bed and put his hands on the doorway of the bathroom blocking my path. “I like this look on you. You should wear a towel more often.” I rolled my eyes and pushed him back, but he pulled me closer, placing a gentle hand on my cheek, and staring softly into my eyes. I tilted my head back and let him kiss me.

He ran his hand down my shoulder and across my chest, tugging at my towel. I gave him a light punch to the stomach. “Now you really have to go,” I said, making him laugh.

There was a knock on the door. “Ella?”

“Crap, you have to go,” I said to Roman.

“What am I going to do? Jump out the window?” I raised my brow. “I was kidding. Look, what’s the big deal? I’ll just say I stopped by about a project or something.” That sounded plausible so I nodded in agreement and told him I would wait in the bathroom until he left. He rolled his eyes and walked out saying hi to Riley and nothing else – so much for our cover story.

Riley walked into the room. “Ella? Are you in here?”

I stepped out of the bathroom. “Yeah, I was just getting out of the shower, sorry.”

“Did you know Roman was in here?”

“Yeah, he had to drop something off for a project we’re working on.” She just made a face and I made it seem like it was nothing. After I changed, Riley surprised me with a couple slices of pizza. “Where did you get this?” I asked, stuffing my face.

“Justin snuck into the kitchen and got it for me.”

“In human form or wolf form?” I asked worried, because if he did it in wolf form then how the hell did he carry these besides his mouth? Gross, I shuddered.

“Human form, geez Ella,” she said rolling her eyes and I just laughed.

“How are things with you two?”

“Pretty good,” she said, taking a piece of pizza for herself. “He asked me to the dance.”

“That’s great Riley. I hoped he would since you guys are going out.”

“It’s a given, but still nice to be asked boyfriend or not.”

“True.” I could tell by the shift in her position there was something else. Something she wanted to talk about, but was unsure how to approach it. “Riley, is there something you wanted to talk to me about?” I asked. She looked down at her over chipped nail polish. “You know you can talk to me about it. Whatever it is.”

She picked at the blanket. “I’m scared I might lose Justin,” she admitted.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we’ve been dating for a bit now and well, we have kissed,” she stopped to blush. “I’m worried about the rest of the stuff. I like Justin a lot, but I’m not ready and I’m scared he might get tired of me if I don’t, you know, put out,” she said, whispering the last two words as if it was unheard of to speak them out loud.

I had to hide my smile. Even though Riley and I were the same age, it’s safe to say Riley’s upbringing was a little more conservative than mine. “Riley, first off, you never need to be embarrassed about talking about sex, especially with me.” She blushed indicating she was. “And second, never let a guy push you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. And if he has a problem with it than he’s not worth your time.”

“I know. I mean I want to do these things, but it’s too soon.”

“Riley, when you’re ready you’ll know and as far as Justin goes, I may not know much about him, but from what I do know, he’s one of the good guys. I can tell he’s crazy about you. And I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t jeopardize your relationship by being a douche.”

“Yeah, but he dated Addyson. How can I compete with that?” she said, not convinced this relationship was solid enough to survive the lack of nookie.

“Okay one, Addyson is no competition. Rumor is most guys only date her because she puts out.” Riley gave me a look saying I wasn’t helping. “I know Justin’s not that type of guy. Regardless of who he dated before you, that’s irrelevant. He’s with you now and he’s with you for a reason. Have you talked to him about this?” She shook her head no. “Riley, you need to tell him how you feel. I know you’re afraid you’ll lose him, but if you don’t talk to him you might end up doing something you’ll regret.”

“I know. You’re right. It’s just hard.”

“Riley, I don’t think you have to worry about Justin. I have a feeling he’s not going anywhere.”

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