The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (99 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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“Thanks Ella, you really helped me.”

“No problem, that’s what I’m here for,” I smiled.

“Are…you…going to the dance?” she asked carefully, changing the subject. “I’m only asking because at dinner the other day you didn’t seem so sure.”

              “Yes. I’m going with Roman.”

“Don’t you and Roman hate each other though?” she asked, confused at my choice of date.

“Yes. No. It’s complicated,” I said, not ready to give up any more information. “Let’s talk about you for once. I’m tired of talking about me all the time.”

“I know right? Geez, you act like you have some complicated life or something?” Riley said, trying to keep a straight face, but when I looked at her she fell into a fit of giggles.

“Funny,” I said, smacking her.

“Careful, we’re not all buffed up warriors like you,” she giggled again.

“Shut up,”

“I’m going to start calling you Buffy.”

“I’m a vampire not a vampire slayer.”

“I’m still going to call you Buffy.”

“Okay, enough with me. Do you know what you’re going to wear to the dance?”

“Sienna said I could borrow something of hers, but I’ll admit I’m scared to see what she has.”

              “I can help you out if you want? Since we can’t leave campus maybe we can order something online.”

“No Ella. You guys already did enough for me. I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

“You don’t have to ask and I insist,” I said, waving her off and pulling out my laptop. As we searched for the perfect dress for Riley, we talked more about her and Justin and the dance. Once she was finally comfortable with her relationship status, I caught her up on all things me. I told her what Mackenzie did and our plan to take her down. I even told her about my nightmares and how I thought I was hearing and seeing my dead friends. I knew Riley was one of the few people I could trust with my secrets. I even told her all about Tristan and confessed that I think I’m starting to have feelings for Roman.

“Ella, I wish you would have told me this. No wonder you’re so tense all the time. It’s not good to keep things like this in. You should have been able to talk to someone about this.”

“That used to be Josie. And with everything that happened I didn’t feel like I could trust anyone.”

“I totally don’t blame you. I would have been the same way. Honestly I think you’re very brave to have gone through what you did. I don’t think I could have handled it. I think I would be a wreck still.”

“I was. Trust me.”

“Well, you have me now and you can definitely trust me. I promise I’m not evil.”

I laughed. “I have to agree you’re definitely not evil. I have yet to meet an evil being who doesn’t swear.” She pouted. I bumped her with my shoulder and she started to laugh.

“So, does Roman know you have feelings for him?”

“No, and as far as everyone else is concerned this little thing between us is just between us and now you of course.”

“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed,” she said, pretending to lock her lips with an imaginary lock.

“How about this dress?” I asked, pointing to a knee length yellow one. It was a one shoulder strap with diamonds around the waist and a lighter color skirt.

“I like that,” she said with a wide smile.

“That one it is. One dress with express shipping and it should be here by Tuesday.”

“Thank you Ella. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”

“It’s no problem.”

We spent the rest of the night gossiping and by one am we were both ready to pass out. I said goodnight to her and crawled into bed. Within the hour I felt someone slide into the bed next to me and wrap their arms around me. I knew who it was. I felt that spark as soon as he touched me. “Roman, what are you doing?” I asked groggily.

“I couldn’t sleep,” he said.

“And you thought you could sneak in here and what?”

“Well, I was just planning on sleeping, but if you have something else in mind?” I didn’t have to see his face to know he was smiling. I elbowed him. “Hey,” he laughed. “Just go back to sleep. I promise I’ll be good. I just needed to be with you.” I didn’t argue with him. When he was here I felt safe and I didn’t dream.

In the morning when I woke up, I was face to face with Roman. I smiled as I watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful and happy. I gently pushed the hair off his face and he stirred slightly. His hand shifted from my lower back down to my behind and I saw his lips twitch. “I thought you were asleep,” I whispered.

“I am,” he said, pulling me closer and squeezing my backside.

“So you violate people in your sleep?”

He chuckled. “I can’t help it. All that working out you’ve been doing…man your butt is…” I pushed him away and smacked him. “What, that was a compliment?”

“I thought you said you were going to be good?”

“That was last night. It’s morning now.”

“Oh, I see,” I said smiling.

“Come here,” he said, pulling me close again. I pressed my forehead to his and placed my hands on his chest while he wrapped his arms around me tight. “I think I might have to move in here. That was the second best night of sleep I’ve ever had.”

“The second?”

“The first was the first night I spent with you.”

“You’re good,” I said, kissing his lips.

“You should be careful. A guy could get use to this.”

“So could a girl,” I said, sliding my hands around his neck and pulling him closer for a kiss.

“Do you have to be anywhere this morning?”

“Nope, I’m all yours.”

We spent the next few hours in bed and not all those hours were spent sleeping. The best thing I loved about Roman was that we could kiss for hours and that was good enough. He never tried to make a move or push me to do anything else. The only breaks we took were when we needed to catch our breaths. We did manage to pull apart and get out of bed, but I believe that was because my stomach was growling so loud Roman couldn’t take it anymore. He claimed it was distracting, saying, far be it from him to deprive me of food.

Roman snuck back into my room later that night and it was just like this morning all over again. When things started to get a little hot and heavy we stopped. And when I say hot, I really mean hot. He would heat up and burn me with his hands. He said it was my fault he kept overheating. I took it as a compliment and thought about keeping a bucket of ice next to my bed. I eventually fell asleep in his arms and then we continued where we left off in the morning until we had to get ready for class.


Roman winked at me and gave me a sly smile when he took a seat in the back of our history class. I knew he was watching me the whole class which was very distracting. In spells and casting, when no one was looking, he slipped his hand under the desk and held mine, making me ache for more of his touch. “Ella, are we still on for tomorrow?” I quickly pulled my hand away and caught the slightest bit of a smile on Ms. Kraft’s face.

“Yes Ms. Kraft. I’m looking forward to it,” I replied.

“Great,” she smiled brightly. “I have lots of stuff for us to go over. Just stop by my desk at the end of class.” I nodded and she proceeded to walk the classroom. Roman gave me a look of concern, but I shook my head letting him know it was nothing.

After class, Ms. Kraft handed me a pile of papers and books. “Here are some of things I want you to look over for tomorrow.” I looked at the huge pile. “Don’t worry. I don’t expect you to get through all this by tomorrow. Just do what you can.” I stuffed the papers in my bag and grabbed the pile of books to drop off at my room.

“Need some help with that?” Roman asked, startling me.

“No. I’m good,” I said, looking around, worried that someone might see us.

“Relax,” he said, picking up on my nervousness. “Helping you carry your books is not the international sign for hooking up.” I rolled my eyes. “I could help you carry your books to your room and while we’re there we could…” He reached up to twirl a piece of my hair between his fingers.

I smacked it away, more out of irritation. “Nice try, but no. And on that note, I’m leaving so I’m not late for my next class.”


At lunch Roman and I would exchange looks when we thought no one was looking. We both knew what we were thinking – we couldn’t wait to get back to my room where we didn’t have to hide. At training I had a hard time trying to keep my hands off of Roman. All that fighting and sweating really made me want to rip his clothes off and I could feel he felt the same way. I managed to keep myself under control and took a very cold shower to calm myself down.

By the time I was done I was starving. I quickly inhaled my dinner which caused me to receive strange looks from my friends. “Sorry,” I said through a mouthful. “Sometimes I forget there isn’t a short supply of food around here.” I slowed down so they would stop staring at me. Dean Just shook his head and laughed.

After dinner I went back to my room to wait for Roman. While I waited, I decided to go over the tons of work Ms. Kraft had given me. I only got a partial way through before Roman got there. He sat down on my bed behind me, gently brushing away the hair that fell on my shoulder. He grazed his lips tenderly across my skin. “That’s very distracting,” I said.

“That’s the point,” he said, continuing.

“Stop that tickles,” I said giggling.

He sighed and rested his chin on my shoulder. “What’s that?”

“It’s something Ms. Kraft wants me to look over for tomorrow.”

“I don’t remember this being on the list?” he said, picking up the papers and examining them.

“It’s not. I’m meeting with her tomorrow after school. She’s going to work personally with me on some things.”

“Is anything wrong?” he asked concerned.

“No. I just don’t know as much as everyone and she just wanted to help me catch up. Plus all these powers I have, she wants to help me work with those too.”

“You want me to come with you? Maybe I could help?”

“Thanks, but this is something I have to try on my own.”

“Work on this later,” he said, kissing my neck again.

“Roman.” He pushed all the papers and books on the floor. “Hey, you better clean that up.” He tangled his hand in my hair and pulled me down on the bed. Once his lips hit mine I forgot all about the papers on the floor.

We called it quits before things went too far. Not to mention he still hadn’t learned how not to ‘overheat’. He cuddled up next to me and when I shivered, he warmed me with his power, careful not to burn me. “What do you tell your roommate when he asks why you haven’t been sleeping in your room?” I asked, curious.

“I tell him that I’ve been shacking up with this really hot chick,” he said.

              “Shut up,” I said, elbowing him playfully. “For real, what do you say?”

“That is what I say,” he said seriously.

“No you don’t.”

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