The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (47 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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              “Thank you,” I said, falling back into him.

              “You hurt anywhere else?” he asked.

              “Hello, still bleeding over here,” Josie said, pointing to her elbow. “How about you bring some of your blue light over here,” Josie whined.

              “Go help Josie, I'll be fine,” I said, giving him a quick kiss before I pushed him away.

              I turned back to my mom who handed me a bottle of water and I noticed my dad was no longer in the room. “Um, where's dad?”

              “He needed some time to himself,” my mom said, looking distraught. She patted my hand and kissed my forehead. If I had to guess it looked as if my mom was about to cry. I have never seen her cry. She was one of the strongest people I knew. She walked out of the room and into another bedroom closing the door behind her. Not knowing what else to do I turned back to Josie and Tristan.

              “Hey, does that thing work on clothes too?” Josie asked.

              “No,” Tristan said simply.

              “How are you feeling?” Josie asked me once she was all patched up.

              “I'm not sure,” I said honestly. Tristan put his arm around me and held me close.

              “Well my parents have me on twenty-four hour lock down. I have to go back to my room, alone with them, until this whole mess is resolved. I heard some heads are going to roll,” Josie said, dragging a finger across her neck and making an eck sound.

              I had a feeling tonight was going to be a long night. I said goodbye to Josie and let Tristan lead me into the bedroom. I changed and sat down on the bed, burying my head in my hands. “Are you okay?” Tristan asked.

              “No,” I said, shaking my head. “He was really close, Tristan. If the guards hadn't gotten there when they did I don't know what he would have done.”

              He pulled me down on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. “I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you,” he said, upset.

              “I don't think there was anything you could have done.”

              “I could have tried, something, anything.”

              I turned around to face him and placed a hand on his cold cheek. “I'm glad you weren't there. I don't know what I would have done if anything happened to you.” He closed his eyes and placed a hand over mine. “You're so cold.”

              “Not for long,” he smiled, pressing his lips to mine. As much as I long for his lips on mine, now wasn't the time.

              “I can't,” I said, pulling back. “Not now at least.” He sat up, but I pulled him back down. “Can you still just hold me, for a little?” I pleaded needing his warmth. He obliged. We both just lied there taking comfort in one another.

              I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep until I was woken by the sound of yelling. “What the hell were you thinking?” I heard my dad's voice echoing through the room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes still not quite awake.

              “You have any idea what could have happened?” he continued.

              I got up out of bed. I didn't think it was fair for my dad to come down on my mom like that. None of this was her fault. “Dad,” I said groggily, still half a sleep. “It wasn't moms fault.” He turned away not wanting to look at either of us. He stood by the window staring out in to the night sky. My mom was sitting at the table, head down. I walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She clasped hers over mine and I could feel her soften a little. “Dad?” I called, hoping I could find a way to get him to reason.

              He bowed his head in defeat. “Jamila, I'm sorry,” he said, turning around to face her.

              “I know,” she said, standing up to join him by the window. I was surprised to see my mom let him off the hook like that. I thought for sure she would have ripped him to shreds for yelling at her the way he did.

              “I just don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you girls,” he said, turning around to face her.

              “It would take a lot more than some measly teenage rogue vamp to get rid of me,” my mom smiled teasingly. “You forget how we met?” She raised a brow at my dad.

              He smiled, wrapping his arms around. “How could I ever forget that,” he said, bending down to kiss her.

              “Um hello, I’m still here,” I said when they didn't pull apart. Neither of them seemed to even notice me. They just continued making out like two teenagers. “Ugh, nasty,” I said, walking away and back in to the bed room.

              I crawled back into bed and tucked my arms under the covers and over Tristan. “Is everything okay?” he asked.

              I nodded. “Yes, more than fine. I think I might have to go wash out my eyes though.”

              “Why is that?” he asked, unsure.

              “Ugh, I almost don't want to repeat it for fear of reliving it.”

              “That bad, huh?”

              “They were practically undressing each other in front of me,” I shuddered. Tristan chuckled and tugged me closer to him.

              “And what's wrong with that?”

              “They're my parents. It's gross.”

              “Well how else do you think you got here?” he smiled, knowing how uncomfortable this was making me.

              “Please, stop,” I begged. He laughed, amused. “It's not funny.”

              “It is a little.” I pushed him off of me and rolled over to the other side of the bed. “Oh c'mon.” He moved closer to me and pulled me back into him. I allowed him to hold me because I felt safe in his arms.

              After a few minutes I asked, “Tristan, are you worried?”

              “Worried about what?”


              He let out a sigh. “I'm confident your father and all the guardians will handle it.”

              “Yeah but, he still managed to get to me today, with two guards.”

              “Those two guards were incompetent boobs and were taken care of. There will not be another slip up again,” he said with anger in his tone. I didn't have the same confidence he did about the other guards. Jack was smart and would find a way to get to me no matter what it took. “Is something else bothering you?”

              “It's just what Jack said to me. He said the one that I love and trust is the one that will get me killed.” Tristan went slack at the comment, not saying anything. “Tristan, who do you think he was talking about?”

              “I don't know,” he said softly, but the way he said it gave me a feeling he was hiding something. I didn't dwell on the subject. After the day I had, I didn't want to deal with anything else. I was just happy that my parents were too distracted to notice Tristan never left.


In the morning I rolled over to find myself alone. I sat up and looked around thinking maybe he was in the bathroom, but it was empty. That's when I found a note on the night stand.

I thought it best that I leave before your parents wake. Will see you later

Love, Tristan


                 I sighed and lay back down. I tried to fall back asleep but his absence made the bed feel empty. I dragged my feet out of bed and into the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I changed out of my pajamas and into some jeans and a shirt and made my way out in search of some breakfast. I was surprised to find the room packed with bodies. Giant men in suits and army gear were milling around with maps, on the phone, or giving out instructions. I looked around for my mom. When I couldn't find her I called out to her. “Mom, hello? Mom, are you here?” One of the guards heard me and pointed me in her direction.

              “Good morning, honey,” she said, pulling me close to her.

              “What is all this?”

              “Well after yesterday your father called in more guardians and, well, this is the result.”

              “I guess this means breakfast is out of the question,” I said, rubbing my grumbling stomach.

              “It is a little crowded in here. Why don't you call Josie and head down to the cafe to get something to eat?”

              “I can leave the room?” I asked, surprised.

              “Yes, the hotel is secure. We've made sure of that.”

              “I can go, without any guards?” I tried.

              “No, you must at least take one of them with you.”

              “But I thought you said the hotel was secure.”

              “Just as a precaution,” she said.

              I called Josie but she was still sleeping. So then I called Tristan. He told me he was close by and would meet me downstairs in a few minutes. The guard they sent with me was a dark skinned man who looked like he could crush anyone with the pound of his fist. He wasn't very talkative. In fact he didn't say a single word. He just kept his eyes on the area.

              I met Tristan in the cafe and sat down for what I hoped was a nice, quiet breakfast. I ordered everything from pancakes, eggs, waffles, to bacon and toast. Tristan gave me a funny look and I tried explaining that I didn't eat last night and was very hungry. It wasn't a complete lie. Tristan was going to learn just how big my appetite really was. I wasn't like most girls who nitpicked around their food and barely ate. I was the complete opposite. I ate everything and almost anything and I ate a lot of it.

              “Are you not going to get anything?” I asked him after the waiter left.

              “I already ate,” he said. I just shrugged as I sipped my orange juice.

              “Where did you go this morning?” He looked back at me, brows raised, clearly not hearing my question. “This morning, when you left, where did you go?”

              “I just…walked around,” he said, not caring to elaborate. Something was wrong. I could tell from the sound of his voice and the distant look in his eyes. I tried to get him to talk but he offered me only silence. This was not the type of quiet breakfast I had in mind. When he still didn't offer up any conversation on the way back to the room I stopped him outside our door.

              “Okay, what gives?” I said, jumping in front of him. “You've been weird all morning. Was there something I did?” I asked, not able to recall anything, but couldn't be sure. 

              “No, you didn't do anything,” he said, caressing my cheek and trying to smile, but I could see that it was forced. There was more pain in his eyes than he was letting on. He rested his hands under my chin and lifted it up to meet his lips. The kiss didn't feel like any of the others. This one felt different. This one felt like he was saying goodbye.

              “Tristan, what's going on?”

              He looked away from me, not able to look me in the eye when he said to me, “Ella, I'm leaving.”

              I turned him around to face me. “What do you mean you're leaving?”

              “I mean I need to leave.”

              “This is a joke right?” I laughed, but there was no humor in his expression.

              “Tristan, be serious. If this is about my dad, I know he can be a little intense but –”

              “Ella, this has nothing to do with him.”

              “Then what is this all about?”

              “It's too dangerous for you to be around me,” he said, taking a step away from me.

              “What?” I was confused and he wasn't making any sense.

              “Ella, I'm not strong protect you. I’m just going to end up getting you killed.”

              “That is not true,” I said, moving closer to him.

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