The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (50 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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We arrived at the sorority house and so far no calls from either of our parents so we knew we were still in the clear. When we got out of the car I noticed the boys weren't wearing any costumes. “Where are your costumes?” I asked the guys.

              “They're at the house. We're going to change quick and then meet you guys back here,” Billy said, giving Josie quick kiss before taking off.

              “Put this on before we go in,” Josie said, handing me my mask.

              “Josie, you really think they're not going to know it's us?”

              “Hey, if those stupid guards couldn't recognize us.” True, I thought as I tied her mask for her. “You ready?”

              “Absolutely.” I smiled and Josie linked her arm with mine as we walked up to the party.

              Inside the whole house was decorated with fake spider webs and spiders. Pumpkins, witches, and ghosts were placed strategically around the house with streamers and lights. They even had a fog machine. The place looked great, almost like a mini haunted house. Everyone was dressed in costume and I instantly got into the spirit of Halloween. It was always my favorite holiday when I was younger and I was glad I got to get out and enjoy it with friends tonight.

              “Hey look, there's Cadence,” I said, pulling Josie with me. She was wearing a dress complete with corset. It was from an early era, but I wasn't sure exactly when, I never paid attention in history. “Hi Cadence, your costume is amazing.”

              “Ella, is that you?”

              “Yeah, and Josie.”

              “Great costumes guys. Heaven and hell, how clever,” she said with a smirk.

              “Thank you,” I said, smiling politely.

              “I'm so glad you guys could make it. I didn't think you would, you know, with everything that's going on.”

              “Wouldn't have missed it for the world,” Josie sang.

              “Good, cause this party is going to be killer,” Cadence smiled. Something about the way she said killer made me shiver.

              “You alright?” Josie asked.

              “Yeah, just hungry I guess.”

              “There's plenty of drinks and food in the other room,” Cadence gestured with the wave of her hand.

              “Good, I'm starved,” Josie said, pulling me away. When we reached the refreshments I saw they had everything from cats, bats, and candy corn shaped cookies, a cauldron filled with a mystery punch, and tons of other delicious Halloween themed snacks.

              Josie handed me a cup filled with punch and a plate full of snacks. I took a sip feeling parched. “Whoa, what is this?” I asked, making a face.

              “Is it bad?”

              “No, just very strong,” I said.

              “Perfect,” Josie said, pouring herself a cup.

              We found some chairs to sit in while we ate and by the time we were done Billy had showed up.  I looked at his costume and laughed. “Dracula, really, that's your costume?”

              “I already had the fangs,” he said, winking at me and making me laugh again.

              “Where's Dixon?”

              “He's around here somewhere. It took him a little longer to get ready so he told me to go ahead without him.” I just shrugged figuring I would find him later.

              “Come on, let's dance,” Josie said, pulling us both onto the dance floor. Billy followed with a sigh. He wasn't much of a dancer but I knew he would do anything for Josie. I could tell he really liked her and I think she really liked him, too. I was hoping she would grow out of her stage of dating a guy for a few weeks and then dumping them because she claimed she was bored. I would hate to see her break his heart. I really liked Billy. He was definitely one of the good guys.

              After about an hour of dancing we had to take a break before all of our make-up melted off. Josie and I left to refresh our drinks while Billy chatted up some of his fraternity brothers. While we waited in line I got the sense of someone watching me. I looked over my shoulder and noticed a man dressed up in a black pinstriped suit, with a hat, tie, and handkerchief to match. He was wearing a mask that covered most of his face. If I had to guess I would say he was supposed to be a gangster. He was tall, too, and the way he stood, something about him was so familiar. He caught me staring and nodded his head at me. I quickly turned away knowing my cheeks were flushed pink from getting caught staring. Josie turned to me and handed me a cup then we headed back out onto the dance floor. I sneaked a peek over my shoulder to see if the mystery man was still there standing in the corner. He was, and he was still watching me. I couldn't look away. Something about him drew me in. Josie regained my attention by pulling me deeper into the crowd. When I turned around again, he was gone.

              I stayed close to Billy and Josie most of the night where I knew I would be the safest. So many bodies packed closely together made it hard for anyone to move. If Jack somehow made his way in here he would have a hard time finding me. That little bit of knowledge helped me relax and have some fun. Josie and I danced all night long. I was having tons of fun until they decided to slow things down and play a slow song. Not having anyone to dance with, I made my way back to the bar. I tried texting Dixon, but he wasn't responding. I knew he was okay because I just saw him flirting with some guy so I figured he was ignoring his text on purpose.

              I sighed, feeling left out, and ordered myself another drink. Someone slipped a hand through mine and I spun around now face to face with the gangster I saw earlier. He gestured for me to join him on the dance floor. I knew the moment he touched me it was him. I followed him without a word.

              His arms around my waist, mine thrown lightly over his shoulders, it felt right. The way his fingers danced lightly on my back, his smell, the feeling I get when I'm with him, all came rushing back in that instant. He spun me around the floor as if we had done this a million times. I closed my eyes taking in the moment and when I opened them, I was staring right back into his beautiful, dark blue eyes. My heart sank and before I had the chance to protest, he bent down, and pressed his lips to mine.

              My head started to spin. All feelings of longing, despair, pain and guilt flooded me. I couldn't take it. I pulled back and took off. I ran, pushing my way through the crowd as fast as I could to get away. Tears were threatening to spill down my cheek, but I told myself I would not cry. I would not let him do this to me.

              I made it outside and sucked in a breath. Air, I needed it, but my momentary reprieve faded fast when I spotted guardians not far off in the distance. I turned around to make my way back inside only to be stopped by Tristan. “Ella, don't,” he said.

              “Tristan, I can't do this right now,” I said in a panicked rush.

              “Just talk to me,” he pleaded.

              I didn't have time for this and knowing he wouldn't give up I said, “Fine, but inside, away from here.” he nodded and pulled me back into the party. “Where's Josie?” I asked.

              “You can look for her later. I need to talk to you.”

              “No, I need to find her now,” I said, yanking on his arm.

              “Ella, she can wait,” he said distressed.

              “No Tristan we don't have time!” He looked at me confused. “We're not supposed to be here. We snuck out and now the guardians are here to take us back! Tristan you have to help me find Josie. I'm not ready to go back. I can't, not now.”

              “It's okay Ella, we'll find her,” he said, pulling me through the crowd in a mad dash to find Josie.

              We spotted her and Billy over by the bar. I grabbed her arm and started to tug her away but she resisted. “Ella, what are you doing?”

              “Josie, the guardians are here, we need to go now, unless you want to go back.”

              “No way,” she said, turning to Billy and grabbing his attention. Josie filled Billy in right when two guardians entered the front of the house.

              “This way!” Tristan shouted, directing us to the back.

              We shoved our way through the crowd, careful not to bring attention to ourselves. With all the people in the house we knew it would take the guardians longer to get through, but we still couldn't take the risk of taking our time. We slipped through the back and made it outside undetected. “Now what?” I asked, knowing it would only be a matter of time before they sent back-up.

              “The dorms, they're just a few blocks away and no one is there. It will take them a while to find us there if at all. We should be safe for a while or at least until you're ready to go back,” Tristan said, looking at me.

              “Sounds good to me,” I said, looking at Josie and Billy. They agreed and we took off keeping to the shadows and off the streets so we wouldn't be spotted.

















Chapter twenty-five


There was an eerie stillness inside the dorms. Silence filled the long dark hallway as we made our way up the steps and down the hall to Tristan's room. The only sound was the echo of our footsteps as we crept across the tiles. I was glad Tristan and Billy were leading us; I believe if it wasn't for them we may have never found our way in the pitch black darkness.

              No one said a word until we were all safely inside Tristan's room. “Now what?” Josie asked. Billy took one look at her, smiled, and then picked her up throwing her over his shoulder. Josie squealed and giggled as he carried her out the door.

              “Wait, where are you guys going?” I asked, chasing them out the door. “Guys, we should stick together,” I said voice panicked, not wanting to be left alone with Tristan.

              “Relax Ella, we'll be right down the hall,” Josie said as they disappeared into the depths of the darkness. I sighed and turned around. I knew my only options was to wait out this nightmare with Tristan or sit in a room, alone, in the dark. I contemplated for a moment before I chose. I knew it didn't matter. Even if I chose the latter, Tristan would follow me. I accepted my fate and stepped back into the room.


              “Tristan, don't,” I said, closing my eyes and trying to take a breath.

              “Ella, you have to know I didn't want to leave you like that.”

              I closed the door not wanting to broadcast what I knew would be a fight. I inhaled deeply and turned around to face him. “Then why did you?” I spat, angrily. “Why did you leave me?”

              “I thought it was for the best,” he sighed. “I thought if we weren't together then he would come after me and not you.”

              “You have any idea what I've been through this past week? You left me...and I was alone, alone to deal with all of this.” I clenched my hands into tight fist to keep them from shaking.

              “I know and I'm sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am. You have no idea how hard it was for me to leave you. I thought I could but I can't and that's why I came back.” He was in front of me, cupping the sides of my face with his hands. “It was stupid Ella, I know that now. I love you and I don't ever want to be away from you.”

              I wanted to cry. I wanted to throw myself into his arms and tell him I forgave him, but I couldn't. He left, he chose to leave, and that hurt too much. I yanked his hands away and walked over to the other side of the room shaking my head. “No, it's not that easy. You can't just come back here and tell me you love me. You're nothing but a selfish asshole and I don't want anything to do with you!” I yelled, furious.

              He was in front of me again in a flash, gripping my shoulders. I tried to pull away but he was too strong. “Ella, stop,” he pleaded. I kept fighting him refusing to give up until he let go. “Ella! I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to,” he growled, frustrated.

              I stopped struggling and looked deep into his eyes when I said, “You already did.” I bit my tongue to keep the tears at bay. He lowered his head and let me go, but I didn't move, I stayed right where I was. He raised his head just enough so I could see his eyes, see the sadness in them. I held perfectly still as I watched a single tear fall down his cheek.

              “Tristan, I can't do this right now. I can't –”

              He pulled back abruptly and groaned angrily. “Don't you get it? Everything I've done I've done for you!” he yelled, making me flinch. “I left because I thought it was the right thing to do. I thought I could protect you.” His eyes turned dark and he turned away from me. He stood in front of the bathroom door and punched it over and over again until there was nothing left but splintered wood.

              “I can't be this perfect guy you want me to be. I tried but that's not me,” he said with his back to me.

              “I never asked you to be anyone but who you are!” I shouted angry at him for turning this on me. “I never expected you to be perfect. Perfect doesn't exist.”

              He turned to look at me, tears streaming down his face. “I'm sorry. I don't know how many times I can say it before you believe me, but I will tell you forever if that what it takes. I love you Ella, more than I've ever loved anyone and I can't bare the pain of losing you. I will do whatever it takes to keep you.”

              I needed to escape, to get out of there, but I had nowhere to go. My stand-still response gave Tristan the courage to make his next move, his final attempt to keep me by his side forever. The moment his lips hit mine I felt my insides turn to mush. I wanted to pull away, but couldn't. All the anger and sadness was gone the moment his lips molded with mine. I still wanted to be mad at him, but I no longer had the strength. I felt everything in that kiss. I felt how much he loved me, how much it hurt him to leave me. Every agonizing day he spent without me by his side. He loved me still through it all. And I loved him too, no matter how much it hurt.

              He pulled back enough to place his forehead on mine. “Ella, I made a mistake, I was an idiot, please forgive me.” Through the flood of our tears I no longer knew whose were whose hitting my cheeks. “I know you love me too...I can feel it, I felt it when we kissed.” I pulled back wiping the tears from his cheeks. “Ella, you are the piece to the puzzle I've been missing all these years. When I'm with you I feel complete.”

              My heart broke at the sentiment and I felt like I was falling apart into a million pieces. I fell into his arms wanting him to hold me, cradle me, and never let go. I pressed my head against his body feeling the rise and fall of his chest. The warmth of his skin, his scent, everything about him I loved so much. I pulled back and looked into his eyes ready to tell him I loved him too. “Tristan I –”

              He brushed a thumb across my cheek making me pause mid-sentence. I closed my eyes and basked in the glory of his velvety touch. I opened my eyes and lightly tugged on his shirt exposing his chest and catching the smallest glimmer of a Celtic cross dangling from his neck, ready to confess my love when – “Where did you get that?” I asked, referring to the cross.

              “I found it, the day I met you. So I took it as a good sign and decided to keep it. I know it's kind of girly but –”

              “But it's mine,” I said, recognizing it.

              “If you want it you can have it,” he said, not understanding.

              “No. I mean it's mine. It's my grandmother's cross. I lost it the night of the accident.”

              “Here,” he said, reaching up to take it off.

              “No, you keep it on. My grandmother gave it to me as kind of a lucky charm. So I want you to have it.”

              “I promise I will take good care of it and will only take it off to return it to your family in the event that something should happen.”

              “Don't talk like that,” I said, sliding my arms around him and hugging his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

              “No worries, I plan on being here for a really long time,” he said, kissing the top of my head.

              I just held him for a while, melting into him. I loved the way I fit so perfectly inside his arms – like we were made for each other. I had no idea I could love someone so much that it hurt. I pulled back to look at him. I smiled, pushing back a few strands of hair from his face. He grabbed my hand and held it in his warming me up inside. I pushed up on my tip toes ready to give him a kiss when we heard a sudden crash from down the hall. I jumped.

              Tristan spun around and stood in front of me protectively. “What was –” he turned to me telling me to be quiet.

              “Stay here and lock the door behind me,” he whispered.

              “But Tristan,” I begged. I was more worried about his safety than mine.

              “Ella, I'll be right back. I'm just going to check it out. So please, just stay here.” Seeing how frightened I was he pulled me into him and kissed me so forcefully I thought my knees were going to buckle. He kissed me long and hard. He kissed me as if this was the last time we would ever kiss again.

              When he let go I stumbled back a bit and caught a glimpse of his cocky smile before it turned serious again. Then before I could protest he was out the door. I just stood there, still reeling from his amazing kiss. Once I found my bearings, I ran to the door and locked it just as Tristan had said to. Then I felt my way around until I found the bed. I carefully sat down and waited, in the dark.

              What I'm sure was only ten minutes felt like an hour had gone by. I stood up and started cautiously pacing the room, wondering what was taking so long. What happened? Why wasn't he back yet? My mind was racing with all kinds of horrible things that could happen in that small time frame that I sat idly by.

              Tired of waiting and against my better judgment, I decided to check things out for myself. I know Tristan had told me to stay put, but I wasn't one to listen. I slowly and cautiously unlocked the door. I stuck my head out into the hall and looked around, which did me no good because I couldn't see anything in the dark.

              I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. There's nothing to be afraid of I told myself. I braced myself and took a step into the hallway. I waited until my eyes adjusted to the darkness, but it was no use. I felt something vibrate inside my boot making me jump. I rolled my eyes when I realized it was my cell phone. Then I hit myself in the head. Duh, cell phone. I had forgotten I put it in there. I unzipped my boot to retrieve it only to find out my phone beeped as a warning to let me know it was dying.


              I turned on the flashlight app anyways hoping it would get me where I needed to go before it died. I shined the light down the hall. I saw and heard nothing. I proceeded in the direction of my room thinking that was probably where Billy and Josie were. I took my time looking over my shoulder at all the shadows and then chastised myself for being a big baby who was afraid of the dark.

              When I finally reached my room I pressed my ear close to the door to listen for any sounds of life.

              I heard nothing.

              I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly. “Josie?” I whispered, before I pushed the door all the way open. I couldn't see anything so I shined my phone into the room only to have it die on me. Of course it would. I slipped the phone back into my boot seeing that it was no longer of use to me. Then I called out again. “Josie?”


              I tried the light switch but the power was out. I noticed a tiny light shining through the blinds from the outside. I slowly made my way over to the window to open the blinds and let in some light, but I only made it halfway. I stumbled over a big lump in the middle of the floor and fell to the ground. The lump moaned. “Billy?” I turned myself over and crawled to him.

              “Ella?” he said weakly.

              With the little that I could see I noticed he had a huge gash on his head and his leg was all twisted. “Billy, what happened? Where's Josie?” I asked, panicked.

              He tried to sit up, but winced from the pain. “Careful,” I said helping him sit up. “What happened?” I asked again.

              “Jack,” he said, voice strained.

              “Jack did this?” he nodded, holding his arm tight to his chest. “Oh God, where's Josie,” I asked, shaking him.

              He grimaced from the pain I was causing him and I quickly let go. “I don't know...everything happened so fast.”

              “Think, Billy. What happened?”

              He tried to readjust himself to a more comfortable position. “He hit me from behind. I tried to fight back, I did, but he hit me so hard I had to struggle to stay conscious and before I knew it I was out.” He put his head down, ashamed. “Ella I'm so sorry. I tried to protect her, I did, I –”

              “It's okay, Billy, I know you did. We'll find her.” I needed to find a phone. I knew if I called the guardians they would be here within a few seconds to help us find her. “Do you have your phone?”

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