The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (42 page)

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              “Understood,” he nodded and stood there.

              “Anything else?”

              “No, Miss Ella. Now I know this room is secure I will check the perimeter.”

              “Okay, thanks Gabe.” He nodded again and left the room. I turned back to Tristan to examine his neck. “Are you sure you're okay?”

              He waved it off. “Eh, it was nothing. Just a pinch.”

              “Tristan, he had you dangling from your neck.”

              “I'm tough,” he said, acting like it was insignificant. “Besides, I'm a fast healer,” he winked.

              I rolled my eyes,

              “Healing fast, is that another perk?”

              He just smiled wide and pulled me back into his arms. “Say it again,” he said, flashing me his cocky smile that I loved and missed.

              “Say what?”

              “Call me your boyfriend again.”

              “Tristan stop,” I said, hitting him playfully.

              “Come on, Ella.”

              “Boyfriend. There…happy?”

              I wiggled out of his arms, but he pulled me back, holding on tighter. His chin was resting on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around my waist. I put my arms over top of his, loving the feeling of them around me. “Ella say it, I want to hear you say it.”

              “Fine Tristan, you're my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend. Happy now?”

              “Very,” he said, nuzzling my neck. “You know, we have a few minutes before the beast comes back, we could...” he started to run his hands up under my shirt but I stopped him.

              “Tempting as that sounds, a few minutes isn't enough for me.”

              “I can be quick.”


              “Alright,” he whined, letting me go.

              I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. “We can still play...for a little,” I smiled coyly, bringing his lips down to mine. He swept me off my feet and carried me over to the bed. All too soon Gabe was back.

              Tristan exhaled, frustrated. “This guy is really going to put a damper on my sex life.”

              “What sex life?” I teased, getting up off the bed. He put his hand over his heart and fell back dramatically on the bed. I just shook my head at him as I left to let Gabe in.

              “Miss Ella,” he said, addressing me and coming back into the room. “I have reported with your father upon my arrival, and just a moment ago, with the recent news.”

              “What recent news?” I didn't like the sound of this.

              “It is my job to report everything. Your father will be arriving tomorrow morning and will meet you here promptly at eight a.m.”

              “You told him?” I asked, stunned.

              “Yes, that is my job.”

              “Great, just fucking great.”

              “This can't be good,” Tristan said stepping out of the bedroom and pulling a shirt on over his head. “I don't think I ever heard you swear before.”

              I rolled my eyes at him. “This idiot told my dad that I know about us...vampires,” I said, waving my hands in between us.

              “Ella, he was bound to find out sooner or later,” Tristan said, trying to calm me.

              “I rather later ‘cause now he's coming here. And you thought my mom was intimidating. Wait till you meet my father. Better yet, you're not going to meet him.”

              “Ella come on, he can't be that bad?”

              “Ha! It was fun while it lasted.” Even Gabe confirmed it by giving Tristan a look that said good luck.

              Tristan just looked at me confused but said nothing. Gabe simply stood there as if waiting for a command or something. I wanted to tell him to go jump off a roof, but that wouldn't stop my father from coming. “I wonder if Josie knows.”

              “Best if we don't say anything, just until we're sure.” I looked at Tristan confused. “If she doesn't know about this, us, it's better we keep it that way.”

              “But I thought you said she was one of us?”

              “I'm not sure, and until I am, it's better if she stays in the dark.”

              “Can't you smell it on her?” I said, scrunching my nose.

              Tristan smiled. I even got one from Gabe, but he quickly slipped back into commando mode. “If Josie hasn't come into her powers yet, than no, she would still appear human.” I sighed and fell back on the couch. There was so much stuff I didn't know. Tristan came over and sat next to me on the couch. “Hey, don't worry my love. It's you and me now. Whatever problems we come across we'll face them together,” he smiled, taking my hand in his and giving it a light kiss.

              I looked over at Gabe who was still standing there like a statue. “You can go now,” I said, waving him away. He nodded and took his post outside the door. “Okay, I want you to tell me everything you know. Now,” I said, getting serious.

              “Ella, you should wait until your father gets here.”

              “No. He felt the need to hide the truth from me and you were the only one honest enough to tell me. So I want to know anything and everything you can tell me now.”

              “I'm sure he did it for your own protection.”

              “Well, it's too late now, so start.”             

              “Ella, it's six o'clock in the morning. Can't we go back to bed and talk about this later?” He pleaded, giving me a puppy dog face.

              “No, now. But first I need to get out of these clothes.”

              “You read my mind,” he said with his cocky smile and reached for me.

              I pushed him back. “You go take a cold shower. I'm going to my room to change.”

              He sighed and threw himself back against the couch. “Wake me up when you get back,” he said. I stifled an eye roll and stepped outside. I took one look at Gabe and signaled for him to follow me to my room downstairs.













Chapter twenty-one


Back in my room I found Dixon sprawled across the bed hugging Jake's penguin. I couldn't help but laugh a little and even snapped a picture so I could tease him about it later. I quietly went through the bags of stuff we bought and pulled out a pair of jeans and sweater to change into.

              Fully clothed, I headed back to Tristan's room. He had just gotten out of the shower and was standing in the bedroom when I arrived, wearing only a towel. I stopped, eyes wide, and stared at his beautiful body dripping wet. He looked like one of those models from a Calvin Klein ad. His body was lean and cut in all the right places. I knew Tristan never spent a day in his life in the gym. He was naturally molded to perfection.

              It took everything I had not to rip off that towel and throw him down on the bed. I would have, too, if Gabe wasn't right outside. Tristan's cocky smile started to dance on his lips when he saw my face. He lied on the bed and put his arms behind his head motioning for me to join him. I just shook my head, told him to get dressed and then closed the door behind me.

              While I waited I thought it be wise to order some breakfast. I even offered to get some for Gabe but he said no, not while on duty. I shrugged and ordered for Tristan and me. Tristan insisted on waiting to answer my questions until after we ate, so as soon as we were done I started right away. “Okay, so how does someone become half-human half-vampire?”

              “A wanderer,” he corrected.

              “Excuse me?”

              “We're called wanderers. The name came from the original King. It states in the history books about how he wandered day and night in search of more of our kind hence coining the term ‘wanderer’. There are more rumors about how we got the name but I'll get to that later.”

              “Huh,” was all I said.

              “Okay, so how about I start with the different kinds,” he pushed on.

              I was still stuck on what he had just said. “Wait, when you say original king, do you mean like royalty as in the leader of all vampires?”

              He sighed, letting me know this was a difficult subject and one he didn't care to explain at the moment. “There is a royal court, but I think we should leave that for later. Let’s stick with the basics for now,” he said. I nodded and let him continue. “Now where was I,” he thought for a moment, “right, the different types. There are full vampires, half-breeds like us, and rogue vampires like Jack.”

              “We're considered a half-breed? That sounds kind of...mean.”

              Tristan chuckled. “It's not. We actually get the best of both worlds,” he smiled, flicking my chin. “Full vampires are made, not born. You get a half-breed when a full vampire and human shag.”

              “Shag, who are you, Austin Powers?”

              “Fine, procreate? Better?” It was stuff like that that made me regret calling him my boyfriend. I guess I should be thankful; it could have been worse. “Anyway, when a full vampire and human procreate,” he mocked and I narrowed my eyes at him, “You get a half-breed. Same thing happened if two half-breeds get together, another half-breed.”

              “What about a human and a half-breed?”

              “You just get a regular human baby then.” I looked at him confused. “The vampire part of you isn't dominant enough to create another half-breed when combined with a human's D.N.A. When two half-breeds mate they almost always create another half-breed, but in some cases that baby turns out to be 100% human.”

              I nodded, trying to take everything in. “What about full vamps?”

              “Full vampires can't have children with another full vampire.” I opened my mouth ready for the next question but he stopped me, already knowing what I was going to ask. “Full vampires are made, not created. That's only possible when someone is bit by a full vampire and then they drink that vampire’s blood.”

              “Who would want to do that?” I shuddered at the thought, still not on board with this whole blood drinking thing.

              “The power, you have ten times more power being a full vampire than you do a half-breed. You saw how strong Gabe is.”

              “Gabe is a full vampire? So was he born human and chose to become this?”

              “Not necessarily, see most guards like Gabe are born into our society, so it’s likely he was a half-breed and became a full vampire. I don't know the whole logistics of it. You will have to ask him.” I didn't see that happening anytime soon. “The most I know is they're made to help protect the higher ups and the wealthy.”

              I sighed, leaning back against the couch feeling over whelmed. “I know it's a lot to take in,” he said, pulling me closer to him so he could wrap his arm around me. “Do you wanna take a break?”

              “No,” I said, sitting back up. “So we can be turned into full vampires then?”

              “Yes, but the process is very different and can be quite dangerous. Since we already have vampire blood running through our veins, being bit and then drinking the blood of a full vampire won't do anything. We have to be completely drained of our blood, hence the dangerous part, then consume the blood of a full vampire.”

              “Who would want to risk their life to do that? I mean is it that much better?” Tristan shrugged. To him it was the same. “Okay so what's a rogue?”

              “Most choose to become rogues. A rogue vampire is usually someone who just doesn't want to live by our society’s rules. But then there are others who just want power. Some, when they get a taste of the power, crave more, and will go to any length to get it. See, you can take another vampire’s powers two different ways. You can choose to relinquish them on your own or be forced by a spell.”

              “You think that's why Jack was after me, for my powers?”

              I felt Tristan tense up at the mention of his name. “I don't know, maybe? But it doesn't make sense. He should have known you didn't have your powers yet...unless –”

              “Unless what?” I asked worried.

              “You see, another thing when we bite, we can feel every emotion the other person is experiencing and sometimes even see into their minds.”

              “That's a little invasive,” I said, feeling even more violated at what Jack did.

              “You can control it. It only works if the person opens up and lets you inside. Sometimes people don't even know they're doing it. They're in such a state of bliss; they just let themselves go completely.”

              “So...if you...bite me, you could read my mind?” I asked, scared at the thought of Tristan really knowing what I was thinking and feeling.

              “Only if you let me,” he smiled as if he already knew what I was thinking. “We possess the power to block it easier than humans.”

              “Oh,” was my best response. “You think Jack was trying to read my mind?”

              “Most likely, probably trying to see what you know and to get a feel for what your powers are if you had them.”

              “Causing memory loss…is that your power?”

              “No, we can all do that and it's not really so much erasing the memory as it is manipulating the mind. It's called compulsion.”

              “But it's only temporary?” I asked, recalling how I remembered not too long after the fact.

              “No, it's not supposed to be.” He gave me a perplexed look debating how he should explain. “Okay, see drinking lessens our powers and when you don't use them as much, they weaken.”

              “Is that why it was easy for me to remember? Because you were drunk when you tried to erase my memory?” He gave me a look. “What, don't act like you weren't,” I said, eyeing him.

              “Okay, that could be part of it,” he admitted. “But something triggered it too,” he said, rubbing his chin, thinking.

              “Or maybe, my powers are just that great and I can't be compelled,” I smiled cockily.

              Tristan looked at me, smiled, and then pulled me on top of him. “I'll show you great powers,” he said, tickling me.

              “Ah!” I yelped. “Okay, okay, I give.”

              Not a second later Josie came barging into the room. “Stay!” she said to her guard, annoyed and shut the door on him. “Ugh! Seriously Ella, your dad couldn't have found less obnoxious guards?”

              “They're just doing their job,” I said, sitting up.

              She stopped and looked between Tristan and me, a sly smile dancing on her lips. “I see you two made up.”

              “Yes, and if you don't mind my girlfriend and I are a little busy,” Tristan said, pulling me back down on top of him.

              “Girlfriend?” she said, eyebrow raised.

              “Yes, girlfriend,” Tristan said proudly.

              I pushed him off of me and sat back up. Tristan slumped down on the couch, annoyed with the interruption.  “What's up, Josie?” I asked, not in the mood to explain my relationship status at the moment.

              “Is it true? Are our parents coming?”

              “How'd you hear about that?”

              “I overheard muscles one and muscles two talking about it,” she said, throwing a thumb over her shoulder.

              “Yes, they'll be here tomorrow.”

              “Great,” she moaned, throwing herself on the couch and helping herself to some leftover croissants. “Got any jam?”

              Tristan gave her a look letting her know her company was not welcome and I elbowed him in the ribs mouthing the words 'be nice'. He rolled his eyes and got up to turn the TV on. The local news was on and they were reporting from our campus. “Hey, turn that up,” I said.

              “It has been confirmed as of this morning that all classes are postponed until further notice and officials are saying all dorms must be evacuated,” reported one of the news casters.

              “Sweet, maybe we might get some use out of that hot tub after all,” Tristan smiled cockily. I just ignored him.

              “I guess that means the Halloween party is canceled,” Josie pouted. “I was really looking forward to it, too. We worked so hard on our costumes.”

              “It won't be canceled,” Tristan said, surprising both Josie and I. “Now that those classes are canceled, that gives them an excuse to party. Plus Cadence doesn't cancel social engagements for anything.” Josie perked up instantly. “Besides, with the dorms being evacuated, the house will be flooded with people who can't, or just don't want to, go home.” Tristan leaned in closer to me. “So what does your costume look like?”

              “You're just going to have to wait and see,” I teased.

              “You know, there are ways I can find out,” he said, flashing his fangs. I hit him and quickly looked over at Josie to make sure she hadn't noticed. He just laughed and sat back.

              “So what's the plan today?” Josie asked.

              “The plan is for you to go back and hang out in your own room,” Tristan said and Josie glared at him. “Don't you have your own boy toy to play with?”

              “He's sleeping and yes, I already tried to wake him,” she whined.

              “Well, if you insist on staying then you're just going to have to sit there and watch, unless…if you want, you could always join us,” he said, smiling slyly and running a hand over Josie's leg. Josie smacked his hand away and I picked up the nearest pillow and smacked him with it.

              “Gross,” we both said.

              “You're a pig,” Josie sneered.

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