The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (41 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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              “That you are a vampire, too. Half-vampire, like me.”

              “This is crazy.”

              I stood up to leave but he pulled me back down. “You wanted me to explain so I am, so please listen.” I let him continue. “You and I are both half-vampire half-human and so are your brothers and mom. Josie might be too but I'm not sure yet.”

Oh this just gets better and better
- so much for cushioning the blow.
“If that's true, then why didn't I already know this?”

              “That, I was wondering myself. There has to be some reason your parents kept it from you, but why, I don't know.”

              “And how do you know? How you so sure I'm one of you?”

              “Because of Dean and the slip up I made at lunch with your mom. I had a feeling she knew about me and that's why I made the mistake about my great grandfather.”

              “Wait, what mistake?”

              “He's not dead.”

              “Okay, what would be so suspicious of that?”

              “Because he's over two hundred years old.”

              “Oh,” I said, not able to come up with anything better. “So you purposely set up my mom?”

              “Yes, I had to know for sure. I was almost positive after that night Dean pulled me off of Jack, but something still bothered me. I thought I smelled it on him but I needed to be one hundred percent certain.”

              “What do you mean you smelled it on him?”

              “Vampires, half-breeds, witches, we all have a distinct smell.”


              “We'll come back to that later.” I sighed, throwing my head in my lap. “I know it's a lot to take in. Trust me, I know, but I also know you can handle it,” he said, placing his hand on my knee for encouragement. I lifted my head, resting it on my hands and gesturing for him to finish.

              “Okay, we all have a distinct smell. Some are harder to recognize than others. It's easier after we come into our powers.”

              “Powers?” I sat up, more interested now than ever.

              “Yes. We all possess a different power. Usually your power comes from your family line. So whatever powers your brothers, mom or dad possess, those will be the powers you most likely will have.”

              “Huh, so when can I use these so-called powers?”

              Tristan chuckled at my sudden interest. “Everyone's different. After we turn eighteen is when we start to come into our powers, but don't get full use of them until we're ready.”

              “And who or what exactly determines whether you're ready or not?”

              “You,” he said, simply.

              “Me? So I can just be like ‘okay I'm ready’ and I have my powers?”

              “No,” he smiled, amused. “It doesn't work that way. Your body knows when you're ready and in time you'll get them. Be patient.”

              “You just told me I'm half-vampire, half-human, and possess some type of magical powers and you expect me to wait?”

              “I know,” he said, taking my hands in his. “This is a lot and I really think your parents should be talking to you about this.”

              “Well, they’re not here and from what I've gathered this is something they don't want me to know about.”

              Tristan got up and sat next to me on the couch. “If you want we can take a break?”

              “No, better to just do it all at once, just like a band aid, rip it right off.” He smiled, kissed my temple, and got up to make himself another drink. “ we people?” I asked, scared to know the answer.

              “Like zombies?” He said, with a serious expression.

              “There are zombies too?”

              “Only in the movies...well, as far as I know.” I looked at him thinking he was kidding. He just smiled. “We don't eat people.”

              “What about the whole blood thing?”

              From the look on his face I knew this was one question he wanted to avoid. “We're not completely dependent on it, but over time we do need it to survive. It's not a lot and most of the time it's more for pleasure than it is for survival. We don't kill people Ella and we never take without someone's permission. Most of the time it comes from a blood bank.”

              My head was swimming with all this new information. My family drinks blood, which means I will soon be drinking blood. My entire family is a bunch of bloodsuckers. I shuddered at the thought. This was not something I was ready for, but I wanted to know more. I had to know more. “People ask to be bitten?” I asked, trying to stick with the subject and keep my dinner down at the same time.

              “Sort of. See, a bite from one of us is a very sensual, almost like a sexual desire. It's the endorphins we give off. It helps create a very pleasureful experience.”

              I blushed, remembering the way I felt when Jack bit me. “Do we feel it too, when we bite?”

              “Yes,” he said. I could tell he was ready to move on to the next lesson of the night. I wanted to know how many people he had bitten, but then quickly changed my mind.

              He came back over to me and placed his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him. “Ella, those other girls, they don't matter,” he said, sensing my doubt. “You're the only one who matters to me now.”

              “I know,” I said, closing my eyes, kissing the palm of his hand, and holding it in my lap.

              “I have to admit, you're taking this a lot better than I expected.”

              “I don't think the reality of it has actually hit me yet.”

              “You're tired, why don't we call it a night,” he suggested. I had a feeling there were things he wasn't quite ready to tell me yet.

              “But I have so many questions,” I said, trying to get him to continue.

              “I know you do, but for now I think it's enough. I'll tell you everything and anything you want to know in the morning,” he promised.

              I didn't argue. I was pretty tired and overwhelmed with everything I had just learned. He offered me a T-shirt and shorts to sleep in. I changed and lay down next to him on the bed. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms tight around me. I didn't realize how tired I was until I actually lied down. I slowly started drifting off while Tristan caressed my back lightly with his fingertips. “Ella?” I looked up at him sleepily. “There's one last thing,” he adjusted himself so I could get his full attention. “Jack, he's dangerous, very dangerous.”

              “I know that now,” I said, shivering at the memory.

              “I want you to know that no matter what, I will protect you. I will never let anything happen to you...I love you,” he said, kissing me.

              “I know,” I said. “Which reminds me,” I dragged out the last three words causing him to raise a brow at me. “You'll have some help with that. My dad hired a guard for Josie and me. He'll be here in the morning.” I looked up at him and he just nodded. “You think he'll be a vampire, the guard?”

              “Probably,” he said, snuggling closer to me.

              “What does Jack want from me? I mean, why me?”

              “I don't know yet, but I will find out,” he said, tensing up. I placed my hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and covered my hand with his and I felt him relax a little. We fell asleep like that, in each other’s arms.


I was aroused by a heavy knock on the door. I turned to look at the clock to discover it was five in the morning. Who the hell is bugging me this early I thought as I stumbled out of bed to answer the door. I tried shaking Tristan to get up and get it, but he was out cold.

              I swung the door open ready to bitch up a storm when I found Josie standing on the other side. Her hair was all disheveled. She was still in her pajamas and not a very happy camper. Next to her stood a man about seven feet tall, dark brown hair, teal green eyes, and muscles as big as a body builder’s. He was wearing a dark gray suit and an earpiece. He looked like a secret service agent.

              “This is Gabe,” Josie said, looking annoyed.

              “Good morning, Miss McCallister. I was sent here on behalf of your father.”

                At five in the morning, geez, figures. I knew my dad did this on purpose. “He's all yours,” Josie said, taking off.

              “But –”

              “No worries, I have my own. They sent two,” she said, not even bothering to look back.

              “Great,” I thought. I looked back at Gabe. “Well, I guess, come in.” I gestured for him to enter.

              “I won't disturb you. I just need to check the room. Then I'm going to do a perimeter check and stand post outside your room. You can just go about your day as normal,” he said, proceeding to investigate the room.

              Normal. Yeah right. Because having a seven foot guard follow you around would be anything but normal.

              After checking out the living room, bathroom, and other bedrooms, he had one last place to check – the master bedroom.

              I stood up when I heard a crash from inside the bedroom. I rushed in and found Gabe with his hands around Tristan's throat, his feet dangling in the air. “Gabe, no!” I cried. I had forgotten to warn Gabe about Tristan.

              “He is a threat to you,” he snarled.

              “No he's not,” I said running to Tristan's side. “Gabe, put him down, now!”

              “Miss McCallister, he's a –”

              “A vampire…half, and yes, I know.”

              “You know? I was informed that you were not aware of us,” he said, as if it was some top secret knowledge.

              “Yeah, well, I do. Now put him down.” He hesitated, still not wanting to let go. “Gabe...put, my boyfriend, down, now,” I growled, having enough of it. He dropped Tristan, who fell to the floor like a rag doll. I bent down to help him up. He stood and rubbed his throat. “Are you okay? I'm so sorry I forgot to tell him you were in here.”

              He looked at me and smiled, still trying to catch his breath. I pushed his hair out of his face and he took my hand and held it in his. “You called me your boyfriend,” he grinned.

              “Um...yeah,” I blushed.

              He wrapped his arms around my waist. “I liked it. It sounded really nice,” he said, bending down to kiss me. Gabe cleared his throat and I pulled away from Tristan blushing even more.

              “Sorry, Gabe, This is Tristan. Tristan, this is one of the guards my father hired.”

              “One?” he raised a brow.

              “Another one is guarding Josie.”

              “I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, Miss McCallister.”

              “It's fine,” I said. Tristan gave me a hard look clearly thinking it wasn't but I ignored him. “And please, call me Ella.”

              “Yes Miss Ella,” I rolled my eyes. “May I ask you a question?”

              “Ask away.”

              “I was given strict orders to be very discreet about my duties and under the impression you did not know about,” he paused. “Us.” I assumed he was referring to vampires as the ‘us’ part.

              “I didn' first, but I do now. I just found out recently and my father doesn't know that I know so that is probably why he asked you to be inconspicuous.”

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