The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (93 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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“Fine,” she said rolling her eyes. “We want you to ask Sienna to join our coven.”

“Seriously? This is what this is about? Why don’t you ask her yourself?” I said, annoyed that they actually had the gall to kidnap me for that. There had to be some catch.

“If it was that easy don’t you think we have done that already? You really are dumb.”

“Keep it up and I will make you regret this,” I threatened.

“Mackenzie, let’s just hurry this up,” Addyson said as she kept looking over her shoulder anxiously.

“Fine, we need you to convince her to join because we need her power and that dumb bitch Cameron is what kept her away in the first place.”

“Wow, and you call me dumb,” I laughed. “Why on earth would you think I would help you?”

“Because if you don’t, I will tell everyone that I saw you seducing
Mr. Callahan and that you two are having an affair.”

I couldn’t believe she would even use that and spin it around. “You have a lot a nerve. You know that.” She was truly heartless. “No one will believe you. The only reason that whole mess happened was because you and the other two stooges started messing around with shit you know nothing about. You’re nothing but a bunch of children playing with adult things.” I turned to the other girls. “Did she tell you how the spell back fired? How the only reason it broke was because I made her break after Mr. Callahan attacked me.” Both girls looked horrified. Clearly Mackenzie failed to mention their goof up.

“Don’t listen to her,” Mackenzie snapped. “The spell would have worked right if you weren’t such a freak!”

I jerked in my chair and something snapped. Addyson and Madison screeched and jumped backwards toward the door. “What are you talking about?” I said, narrowing my eyes at Mackenzie.

“For some reason there’s something wrong with you. It took everything we had to get that spell to affect you and you still somehow broke through it.”

I smiled at her, scaring the other girls. “You’re going to wish you hadn’t done that. Not only am I not going to help you, but when I get free I’m going to –”

“You’re going to what? If you lay one hand on me you’ll be the one who regrets it,” she said, getting in my face. “Now, are you going to help me or not?”

She thought she intimidated me, but she was about to get a reality check. “After all the shit you pulled? I would never help you.”

“Fine, have it your way,” she said, walking away. “Come on girls.”

“You can’t just leave me here!”

“Oh, don’t worry. Someone will find you eventually and by the time I’m done people will think this was some sick little game you and your boyfriend, Aidan, were playing.”

“No one will believe you.”

“They don’t have to. I know a nifty little spell that will do all the convincing they need,” she smiled mischievously, turning to leave.

“Kenzie, she looks really pissed. This was a bad idea. I think we should let her go,” Addyson said.

“By all means, go ahead,” Mackenzie said. Addyson looked over at me as I struggled to break free from the ropes and then shook her head no.

I was not about to let them leave me down here. Mackenzie reached for the door and when she did I screamed, “NO!” The door
slammed shut and all the girls stepped back in surprise. Mackenzie tried for the door but once again it slammed shut.

She yanked and pulled with all her might, but the door wouldn’t budge. I could see the frustrated look on Mackenzie’s face as she jiggled the handle and nothing happened. I laughed. “You’re doing this, aren’t you?” she spat. I just shrugged my shoulders. I was as surprised as they were. All I remembered was not wanting to be left down here. I wished the door closed and it did. My guess was that I had another power that I didn’t know about. It wasn’t too farfetched that I could do it. Xander could move things with his mind so why couldn’t I? I never even thought about until now and this was as good a time as any to try.

“Open the door,” Mackenzie demanded.

“Untie me first,” I bargained.

She walked over to me, getting in my face. “Open. The. Door.”

“Not until you untie me,” I said. I thought maybe I could undo the ropes the same way I closed the door but that wasn’t happening. I was also afraid if I tried too hard to concentrate on the ropes I would lose control of the door and I couldn’t risk them leaving without untying me first.

“Open the door!” Mackenzie screamed, ready to throw a hissy fit.

“No wonder you need Sienna. Without her your powers are weak. You’re nothing but a pathetic little wannabe witch.”

That really pissed her off. She shrieked and raised her hand to slap me, but I was able to bring my shield up and block her. She flew back, smacking her head against one of the pipes. Madison ran over to see if she was okay, but she wasn’t responding. Addyson just stood by the door, cowering.

“Untie me,” I said. They both looked at me like I was nuts. “Untie me so I can heal her,” I tried again. Neither of them made a move. “What other choice do you have? Run and get help? How are you going to explain all this?” It took all of a second for both girls to realize I was right. “Now, untie me!”

Madison ran over and unwrapped my ropes. I rubbed my wrists as I made my way over to Mackenzie. I bent down in front of her and placed my hand on her head. She sat up gasping, looked at me, and then scurried backwards. I stood up and brushed my hands on my jeans. I looked over my shoulder to see Addyson was already gone. I had to let go of the door when Madison untied me so I could concentrate on healing Mackenzie. I still hadn’t mastered how to use the powers that I did have let alone knew how to use more than one at time, or even if I could.

Madison was now helping Mackenzie up off the floor. I moved in front of them, blocking their path. Both girls froze. “Pull something like this again and next time I won’t save your ass.” She nodded. “And now you know just how powerful I am,” I said as my last warning before I left.

I didn’t even care to see if they got out of the basement okay. They didn’t deserve my help. I saved her from internal bleeding only because I was the one who caused it, but that’s where my sympathy ended. I grounded my teeth as I walked back to my room covered in dirt, sweat, and who knows what else.

I found Cameron outside my room waiting for me. “Hey, you missed lunch…what happened to you?” she asked, once she got a look at my sweat covered hair and dirty clothes.

“Come in and I’ll explain everything,” I said, unlocking my door and pushing it open for her to join me. “Can you just give me a minute to wash up?”

“Yeah,” she said, wondering what the hell was going on.

I quickly showered, changed into some clean clothes and then joined Cameron sitting down next to her on my bed. I told her everything. I told her about the spell Mackenzie and her group had put on me. I left out the part about him becoming aggressive at the end. That was still too fresh in my head and I didn’t think that part was anyone’s business. I didn’t want to taint his reputation when it wasn’t his fault. I knew that now and that wouldn’t be fair to him. I just let her know the spell had gone wrong and we almost got horizontal. Then I told her how they kidnapped me and tried to force me to get Sienna to join their coven.

Cameron’s mouth hung open so wide I thought I might have to close it for her. “Say something,” I said.

“I knew that bitch was crazy, but I never thought. I mean, are you okay?” she asked, looking me over.

“Yes and no. Physically yes. What the hell am I going to do? I can’t just sit back and let her get away with this.”

“Do you think she’ll still spread that rumor about you and Mr. Callahan?

“I don’t think she’s going to try anything anytime soon. She got a taste of my powers and Madison and Addyson definitely looked scared shitless. I don’t think they want to try going up against me again and without them Mackenzie doesn’t have enough power.”

“She still needs to be stopped,” Cameron said.

“Oh absolutely. I let that spell with Mr. Callahan go and that was only because, well, I didn’t know what else to do. It was too…” I didn’t know how to describe it. Cameron squeezed my hand, understanding that was a sensitive subject and didn’t push the issue. “But this whole kidnapping thing and trying to get me to turn my friend over to her, I will not let go,” I said, feeling my blood boil.

“Have any ideas?”

“I was hoping you would,” I said, biting my lip. “I’m not so good at this whole evil plot thing. I’m normally the one who gets plotted against,” I admitted.

“I’m sorry, but my mind is still stuck on the fact that you saw Mr. Callahan naked,” she said then quickly apologized. “I’m sorry. That’s beside the point.”

“Cameron, it’s okay. And nothing happened, thankfully.” I honestly couldn’t blame her. I still can’t get the image of his body out of my head.

“Okay, all bad things aside. How was he?”

“Cameron,” I scolded.

“Oh, come on. You made out with probably the hottest teacher on campus and I’m not even going to get the details? Was he big?” I laughed out loud, which actually felt good. Before I could tell her she was going to have to use her imagination Dixon knocked on the door.

“Hello, hello,” he said, letting himself in.

“Hey Dixon, what’s up?”

“You weren’t in class so I came to see if everything was okay?”

“Yeah, you know, just had one of my normal freak outs in class. It’s starting to become a routine thing.”

“Oh, honey,” he said sympathetically, putting his arm around me. “You want to talk about it?”

“Thanks, but I’m kind of talked out right now.”

“I want to hear more about you and Mr. Callahan,” Cameron said, stretching out on the extra bed.

“Cameron!” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“What? You might as well tell Dixon. If Mackenzie follows through with her threat he would have found out anyways. Better to hear it from you.”

“Sit, talk, now,” he said, giving me a stern look like I was deliberately holding good gossip from him. I had to make him swear on his favorite pair of Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses that he wouldn’t breathe a word of this to anyone. He swore to me he wouldn’t and even told me he was insulted that I thought otherwise. I knew he wouldn’t, but lately learning how to trust people again was an issue.

I told him everything I told Cameron.

“I heard she was evil, but I never thought she was that evil. You poor thing, what are you going to do?”

“Give her a piece of her own medicine,” I said.

“So, do you have a plan?” Dixon asked.

“Not yet. I was hoping you guys could help me out?”

“I think we should tell Sienna,” Cameron said.

“I don’t know. I think the less people that know about this the better,” I said.

“While I agree with that. I still think she should know. They did take you to get to her. Plus she’s a witch so we could use her.”

“Um, Hello?” Dixon said, waving his hand up and down the length of his six foot frame.

“No offense sweetie, but we need someone who’s been at this a little longer,” Cameron said.

Dixon looked away, picking lint off his pants, trying to pretend he wasn’t offended when clearly he was. Cameron opened her mouth but Dixon waved her off. “No, no, it’s fine,” he said, adjusting his scarf and avoiding eye contact.

I rolled my eyes. “Any ideas?” I asked Cameron. She shook her head no. “Oh, I almost forgot the best part,” I said, smacking myself mentally. They both leaned in closely, waiting. “I think I discovered a new power.”

“Do tell,” Dixon said intrigued.

“Maybe if I show you?” I looked around the room. I spotted my hair brush that Mackenzie tried to steal earlier. I concentrated on that and held my hand out. It flew right into my palm.

Dixon sat up.” Very cool.” I smiled proud.

“And handy,” Cameron said, taking the brush to use on her hair. “Clearly we know they’re no match for Ella. So this shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a plan, right?” 

We all looked at each other and sat there trying to think of something, but kept coming up blank. “I’m sorry, but my mind is stuck on the fact that you and Mr. Callahan were getting your freak on,” Dixon said. 

“I’m glad to know you are both concerned for my wellbeing,” I said, getting up.

Dixon got up and stood next to me. “Ella, I know what you went
through was traumatic and trust me when I say we are both more than happy nothing really happened. But you can’t let it eat you up inside. Us joking about it is our way of dealing in hopes, that maybe, you will too?”

“I know,” I said, knowing I had to get past this.

“So what was it like?” he asked, not wasting time.

“Is that all you guys think about?” They both nodded their heads. “It was good,” I shrugged.

“Oh, come on,” Dixon said, giving me a dramatic head roll. “You were like this weren’t you,” he put both his hands on the door and stuck his butt out looking over his shoulder. “Mr. Callahan, no, don’t do that, oh no, oh wait yeah, oh no.” I laughed so hard I snorted. I pushed Dixon and he wrapped his arms around me, smiling.

“You’re one of those girls who pretend to be all innocent, but really you’re a naughty little vixen, aren’t you.”

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