The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (15 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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“I am anything but cheap,” he retorted. I gave him a warning look and he put his hands up in surrender. “Look, I just like to have fun. What's wrong with that?”

“I believe those girls you use for your own personal entertainment might think otherwise.”

“I never had any complaints.” I rolled my eyes. “What do I have to do to convince you to go on a date with me?” he asked hopeful.

“You would have to be someone else,” I replied.

“I see you're into role playing,” he smirked. I stood up but he grabbed my wrist pulling me back down. His touch made my heart race. I pulled my hand away and placed it in my lap not wanting to let him know the strange affect he had on me.

His smile faded and he looked at me seriously. “Why do you pull away from me? Are you afraid of me?”

“Ha,” I laughed. “More like repulsed by you.”

“That hurts Ella,” he said as if he was truly offended. “Do I really repulse you?” This time when he asked I could see a slight hurt in his eyes.

“No Tristan, you just, I don't know...annoy me?” I offered, hoping it was a better choice of words and not actually a lie.

“Thanks,” he said laughing. “Because that is so much better.”

“What do you want to hear?”

“The truth.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked away. I had no idea what the truth was anymore. “Is it because of that Jack guy?” he asked.

“What, Jack, no,” I said shaking my head. He picked a piece of lint of his pants refusing to look at me. “Are you jealous?” I asked trying to hide my smile.

“Puh, of that twerp? I think not.”

“Jack is not a twerp,” I said a little more defensively then I intended. Neither of us said anything for what felt like an eternity. I looked back to Tristan. “What do you want from me?” I asked hoping for once he'd answer me honestly.

“Just one date, Ella. One date to prove to you that my intentions are only the purest of heart.”

I sighed, scared that I might give in. He reached over and placed his hand on mine and for a moment I lost all my senses. I looked deep into his eyes and for the first time, I knew he was being sincere. But part of me was still unsure. The last thing I wanted was a broken heart and I had a hunch that is what Tristan would deliver. 

I turned away, no longer able to look at him. “Tristan, I just can't,” I said. When I turned back to face him, he leaned in closer to me leaving our lips inches apart.

Suddenly the door swung open and Bailey came stumbling in with some guy. I quickly pulled away. “Oops,” Bailey giggled. “My bad, didn't know this room was taken.”

She turned to walk out. “No. It's not. I was just leaving.” I stood up and left, avoiding eye contact with Tristan. 

He caught up with me at the top of the stairs. “I'm not going to give up,” he said. “I will prove to you I'm not the guy you think I am no matter what it takes.”

“Whatever it takes, huh,” I smiled coyly and headed down the steps. Trying to distance myself from him before I did something I would regret. He managed to reach me before I descended the stairs. He leaned in close whispering, “Just remember, I am a patient man, but I also have needs. Don't leave me waiting too long,” he winked and went down the steps in front of me.

I just shook my head and worked my way back to the party. “Where have you been?” Josie asked practically attacking me.

“I was just wandering around checking the place out.”

“Excuse me?” Skylar said tapping me on the shoulder. I turned around to face her. “I would appreciate it if you stayed away from my man.”

“Um...what?” I asked confused.

“You heard me. Keep your grubby paws off of Tristan.”

I looked at her wondering if she was serious. The scowl on her face told me she was. I started to bust up laughing. “You have no worries. He's all yours.”

Skylar glared at me once more before walking away. I turned back to Josie. “What the hell was that all about? I didn't even know they were together?”

“From what I heard, it all started when she saw Tristan and you at some party. Which by the way since when do you go to a party without me?” Josie pouted.

“You were a little preoccupied that night.”

“Oh, yeah,” she giggled, obviously recalling her private soiree in our room the other night.

“She’s pissed because we hung out at a party?”

“Well that and when she saw Tristan escort you at the initiation earlier.”

“Is that why they were all whispering?”

“Yeah, plus him smacking you on the butt didn't help and the fact that Bailey told her she saw you two upstairs alone in a room. What were you guys doing up there?” Josie asked suspiciously.

Boy, news travels fast.

“Nothing,” I said sternly.

Great, just what I needed. Some crazy sorority chick coming after me for something I didn't even do. “You'll have to excuse Skylar. When she drinks she forgets her manners,” Cadence said coming up behind me.

“Can you please tell her I have no interest in Tristan whatsoever?” Not anymore at least, but I kept that last part to myself.

“I'm sure there's no cause for alarm. She knows better.”

I heard someone shouting and we all turned to the sudden spectacle in the middle of the room. Skylar had a few choice words for Tristan. She was berating him but he seemed to care less. He just shrugged his shoulders at everything she said. Not appreciating his lack of response, she slapped him right across the face.

My jaw dropped.

Tristan just smiled as Skylar stomped off. “Well, I guess problem solved,” Cadence said, walking away. I was ready to get out of there and quickly regretting my acceptance into sisterhood.


I found a quiet space off in one of the corners and decided to hide there the rest of the night. I’d been there an hour and so far things had not gone at all as planned. Apparently Tristan had failed to mention he was dating one of my new sorority sisters, who happened to notice all the attention he seemed to be giving me and decided to have a not-so-private chat with me about it. And to top it all off, let's not forget about the strange picture of the man who happened to look just like my father. Yeah, this was turning out to be a great night.

“Psst...” I looked up.

Tristan peeked around the corner. “What do you want?” I asked exasperated.

“Is that anyway to talk to your future husband?”

“Tristan, go away. You've already caused enough trouble for me tonight.”

“Not yet,” he smiled cockily.

“You better leave before another one of your girlfriends catches us together.” He didn't say anything. He just scrunched his brow slightly confused. “Skylar apparently thought there was something going on between us and proceeded to threaten me,” I clarified.

“Did you defend our love?” Tristan asked. I glared at him then put my head in my hands exhausted. I was starting to get a headache from this little charade. When I looked back up, Tristan was gone.

Deciding I had enough excitement for one night, I found Josie and told her I was ready to go back to the dorms. One look at my face and there was no argument. I was never so happy to get back to our room and just sleep.

The next night I stayed in and spent time on my home work for Monday. Josie had a date with one of the boys from the fraternity. She was definitely making her rounds. I warned her she was not allowed to bring him back to the room tonight.

Around midnight I decided to take a break from my studies and go grab a soda from downstairs since Josie drank the last one and didn't refill the fridge, again.

When I stepped out of my room, some girl nearly knocked me over running down the hall. She was dressed like Pocahontas and yelling, “Catch me if you can!” I looked down the hall to see who she was running from and saw Tristan come barreling out of his room.

“You can run but you can't hide,” he called after her.

I didn't know whether to laugh or feel a little disturbed. He was standing in the middle of the hall wearing only his boxers, a toy gun holster around his hips, and a cowboy hat on his head.

I just stared at him speechless. “What? You never played cowboys and Indians?” he asked.

“Umm...yeah, when I was five, and definitely not in my underwear.”

He smiled cockily and said, “My version is much more fun.”

“What happened to trying to prove to me you're a nice guy? Because so far you're failing miserably,” I said crossing my arms.

“I gave her a head start. I find that to be very kind on my part,” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. “You're...I don't even know what you are. There are no words to describe it.”

He smiled taking it as compliment even though that was the exact opposite of what it was meant to be.  “I told you, I have needs,” he said, making me cringe with disgust.

“And this is why I will never date you,” I said turning to walk down the hall.

He ran up to me and stopped me. “All you have to do is say the word and I'm all yours,” he said looking deep into my eyes, causing me to hold my breath.

“Tristan?” the girl called from around the corner. Tristan's lips twitched slightly at the corners. He shot me in the chest with a rubber tipped dart from his toy gun.

“Gotcha,” he whispered and turned to catch the girl. “You better start running,” he shouted and I heard her squeal with excitement.

I turned and went back into my room totally forgetting I was on my way to get a soda and buried my face in my pillows to muffle the sound of my scream. I was annoyed, that for a moment, just a second, I let myself become vulnerable. Doped into thinking there was more to him then what meets the eye. I didn't understand how he could make me feel so turned upside down and then the next minute angry and annoyed. He was everything I stood against, but when he dropped his act, when he showed me he could be vulnerable too, that was something I could admire. It never lasted though, and it wasn't enough.

When I closed my eyes, I kept picturing him in his boxers. His tight, lean figure, his slightly cut abs, the way he smiles, and those deep soulful eyes. I sat up quickly. “Stop it! God Ella get a grip! You are nothing more than his next conquest,” I said to myself getting out of bed.

There was a knock at the door. I thought it was Tristan, probably asking me to join them in their twisted little sex game. “No I do not want to play cowboys and Indians,” I said, swinging the door open in a huff.

“Excuse me?” Jack asked confused.

I felt my face get hot with embarrassment. “Oh sorry, thought you were someone else. What's up?”

“My roommate is entertaining a guest and I've been locked out. I was going to head to the library to do some studying and wanted to see if you’d be interested in joining me.”

“Isn't the library closed?”

“Yes, but the librarian is a friend of mine so she lets me head down there whenever I need to.”

I thought for a moment and then said, “You know what? That sounds perfect. Just let me grab my stuff.”

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