The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (10 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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“I don't need your help. Now put me down!”

“Fine,” he said, putting me down.

I felt better now that my feet were firmly planted on the ground. “Thank you,” I said, straightening my shirt.

I turned around and collided with a lamp post, knocking myself unconscious.


When I opened my eyes, I was lying face down on my bed. I lifted my head and the room started spinning. “Oooh,” I groaned, gripping my head, sitting up very slowly.

Tristan was in my room sitting on Josie's bed, with his one legged crossed and sipping a coffee. Making this officially the worst morning ever. “How are you feeling this morning?” he asked.

“What are you doing here?” I grumbled.

“Just checking to make sure you're alive.”

“You can see that I'm fine. So you can leave now.” When he didn’t make a move to leave I asked, “How did you even get in here?”

“Josie let me in.”

Figures, I should have known. I sat there, with my hand on my head, watching him studying me. I got a strange fluttering feeling and I subconsciously touched my stomach. I looked back up at Tristan. He smiled cockily at me taking another sip of his coffee. Then he stood up and moved in closer to me, so close I could barely breathe. “You know that feeling you're getting in the pit of your stomach? You know what that is?” he asked.

“Yeah, it's called nausea,” I countered with a smirk.

He chuckled lightly. “When you're ready to admit it, just let me know.”

“Admit what?” I asked, clenching my stomach.

“That you want me.”

“Don't hold your breath.” He moved back and took a seat on Josie's bed. I glared at him not in the mood for his company. “What do I have to do to get you to leave?”

He flashed me one of his killer smiles and stood up. “I bid farewell, la mia bella stella,” he said, doing a bow and walking out.

“What does that even mean?” I shouted, annoyed. He ignored me and kept walking. “Ugh!” I screamed lying back on my bed and clutching my pounding head.

“Well good morning. I see sleeping beauty is finally awake,” Josie said coming in.

“Why did you let Tristan in here?”

“He wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“He was probably hoping he'd catch me naked.”

“If it wasn't for him, your ass would still be lying in the grass unconscious.”

“Did I really run into a lamp post?” I asked, touching my forehead and feeling a small lump.

“Yep,” Josie said, trying to hide her smile. “You really know how to make an impression.”

“Whatever...don't let Tristan in here anymore.”

“I thought you liked him?”

“No I don't. Why would you even think that?”

“Because I never knew my best friend to get so worked up over a guy that she had to down shots and beers all night.”

“Yeah, remind me of today the next time I decide to do that,” I said throwing myself back on my bed. “And I wasn't drinking because of that jerk, just so we're clear.”

“Okay, whatever you say,” Josie sang. I rolled my eyes and put my pillow over my head not ready to get up yet. “I'm going to let you get some rest. I'll come back and check on you later.”

“Don't forget to shut the door,” I reminded her.

“I won't,” she replied and actually listened.


I ended up staying in bed all day and sleeping off my hangover. When I finally got up, I headed straight to the bathroom and took a shower. That's when I noticed the giant black and blue mark on my forehead. Great, I thought, just what I needed to start the new school year. At least it was a big school, probably no one will notice, hopefully.

“Ella, what happened to your head?” Jack asked as I headed back to my room from the bathroom.

So much for no one noticing. “I had a fight with a lamp post last night, the lamp post won,” I joked.

“You alright? Maybe you should go to the clinic and get that checked out,” Jack said worried.

“It's just a little bump, it's fine. Sorry about last night,” I said, feeling a little guilty.

“Sorry about what?”

“Dragging you to that party. If I would have known it wasn't your thing...”

“Nah, don't worry about it. I could have said no.”

I wanted to ask ‘why didn’t you then?’ but decided against it. Instead I opted for what I originally came here for. To start over, make new friends, and to get past the nightmares. And I thought I would start with Jack. He seemed harmless. “How about I make it up to you, a movie, tonight?”

“No parties?”

“No. I think I'm good for the semester,” I laughed. “Just let me get dressed and we can check out what's in.”

I texted Josie to tell her Jack and I were going to see a movie and asked if she wanted to join. She declined, saying she ran into one of the boys from the party last night and was going to hang with him tonight. That's when I noticed I had a voice mail and I checked to see who it was.

“Hey Ella, it's mom. The courier tried to drop the keys off with you, but no one was there, so I told him to leave them with the resident advisor. You can pick them up from him. Love you honey, talk to you soon.”

I had totally forgotten about the car being delivered today. I quickly changed and half dried my hair. I had no idea where the resident advisor's room was, but I'm sure Jack did. When I got to Jack's room his door was closed. I knocked and waited.


I knocked again, harder this time. “Jack?” The door swung open and he quickly stepped out closing the door behind him.

“Sorry,” he said. “You ready?”

“Yeah, I just have to pick something up first. Do you know where the RA's room is?”

“The last one at the end of the hall,” he pointed.

“Great, I'll be right back.”

I walked down to the end of the hall and knocked on the door that read resident advisor. When the door opened, I took a step back in surprise. “Ella, I knew you'd come around,” Tristan said with a cocky smile.

“You're the RA?” I asked, shocked.

“The one and only. Now, what can I do you for?”

I fought the urge to punch him. “You're holding something that belongs to me.”

He looked me over. “Not yet, but if you come in I'll gladly hold some of your belongings.”

“Tristan, I don't have time for your bullshit. There was a package delivered to me but I wasn't there to sign for it. I was told it was left with you.”

“A package…hmm...let me see,” he said closing the door on me. I was about to barge in when he came back with an envelope addressed to me. “This isn't anything illegal? ‘Cause as your RA, I am obligated to report...”

“Give me that,” I said, ripping it out of his hands. He just smiled at me and casually leaned up against the door. I’m not sure what he was expecting, but I surely had nothing to offer him besides more blatant dislike.

“Tristan, what are you doing?” a girl's voice called from inside the room.

“Ah...if you excuse me, I have some business to attend to,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows. I looked at him disgusted. “You're more than welcome to join us.” I didn't even respond. I just walked away trying to keep my temper intact. “Goodbye Ella.”

“What's wrong?” Jack asked, clearly noticing a shift in my mood.

“Nothing,” I said, letting out a breath so I wouldn’t take my anger out on Jack.

“Well we better get a move on. The closest theatre is about five miles and it will take a cab at least a half an hour to get here.”

“No worries,” I said opening the envelope and dumping out a set of keys. “I have a car,” I smiled holding up the keys.















Chapter seven


I had no idea what kind of car my mom had gotten me. There was nothing else in the package. I walked through the parking lot pressing the key-less entry until I found it. The lights flashed on a brand new Ford hybrid SUV. “There it is,” I said.

“Nice car,” Jack commented getting in the passenger side. It was fully loaded, complete with the On-Star system - nothing but the best. “How did you manage a car like this?”

“My mom is a little over protective. She had it delivered today.” He was speechless. “So where's the theatre?”

“Make a right over there.”

I followed Jack’s directions to the theatre. We decided to see a comedy. After the movie, on the way back, Jack didn't say much. I figured maybe he was shy, so it looked like I'd have to be the one to strike up the conversation. “Did you like the movie?”

“It was good.”

“What else is there to do for fun around here?”

“There's a student center. People hang out there sometimes.”

“Wanna stop by and check it out?”

“Sure,” he replied. Okay this might be harder than I thought. He doesn't seem to be much of a conversationalist.

In the student center there were only a few people sitting, chatting, or reading a book. “Want some coffee?” Jack asked.

“Sounds great.” He ordered two cups of coffee and we sat down at one of the empty tables. Jack sat quietly staring at his coffee cup. “So, where are you originally from?” I asked.

“I'm from here. I only live a couple miles away, but I prefer to live on campus. It's just more convenient this way.”

“Have any brothers or sisters?”

“Nope, only child. You?”

“Two older brothers and I can't tell you how glad I am to be away from them.”

“Where are you from?”


“That's a long way from home.”

“That's kind of the point.”

“Things not so good at home?”

“No, the opposite actually. My family is great, I just needed a change.”

It turns out once we got going, Jack was a real talker. He told me about his parents. His mom was a single parent and he had no idea what happened to his dad. We compared the classes we were taking and found out we had a few together even though he was a sophomore. Jack did most of the talking, while I sat and listened. He seemed like a really nice guy. Shy, but goodhearted. I could tell already we would end being good friends and was happy I was taking the chance to get to know him.

After we finished our coffee we headed back to the dorm. “Thanks, Jack, I had a nice time.”

“Me too,” he said with that crooked smile.

“Okay, I'll see you later,” I said, not sure what else to say. I wanted to keep things on a friendship level so I smiled at him and walked back to my room.

Josie was there when I got back. “Didn't expect to see you home so early.”

“Me neither,” she sighed.

“What happened?” I asked curious.

“Nothing,” she groaned falling on the bed.

“Then what's the problem?”

“That’s the problem, if you catch my drift.”

“Oh,” I said trying not to laugh but failed.

“It's not funny!”

“Oh c'mon Josie, you and I both know he is one of the many guys who you will meet here. I'm pretty sure not all of them will be suffering from erectile dysfunction.” I couldn't help it anymore, I started cracking up.

“Ella! Stop laughing,” Josie whined, hitting me with her pillow.

“Hey,” I said, grabbing my own pillow, starting an all-out war. Josie and I were laughing hysterically and knocking each other over with the pillows.

“Whoa, talk about a dream come true,” Tristan said from the door way.

My smile instantly faded. “Don't you knock?”

“The door was open. Please, continue. Don't let me interrupt.”

Josie and I both threw our pillows at him. Then I got up and straightened myself out. “What do you want Tristan?”

“Only you my precious Ella,” Tristan cooed.

I rolled my eyes at him. “That's never going to happen, so you can leave.”

“Never say never,” he said with that cocky smile.

“Please, keep dreaming,” I said, hoping to get rid of him.

“Oh, don't worry, I will,” he said, looking me up and down taking a mental picture. I shuddered at the thought of him placing me in his spank bank.

“Is there something you actually wanted or did you just come here just to annoy me?”

He smiled walking into the room. “I'm actually here on business.”

“I’m not interested,” I said snidely, crossing my arms.

“Not that kind of business,” he winked. I sighed letting him know my patience was wearing thin. “I'm here on behalf of the sisters, to extend an official invitation into their sorority.” He pulled two envelopes from his back pocket and handed one to me and Josie. I was surprised. After last night I would have thought I blew it, but I guess not.

Josie ripped the envelope from Tristan's hand, tearing it open. “Is that it?” I asked.

“For now, la mia bella stella.” He bowed and left the room. I shut and locked the door behind him.

Josie started jumping up and down with excitement. “I got in! I got in!”

That was fast, I thought to myself.

I opened my envelope next.





Dear Ella,

              We would be most grateful to have you as part of our sisterhood. We understand if this is not something you believe you're ready for. However, we would still like to extend the invite to join us. We are very exclusive and we don't take just anyone. Do not take this lightly. It is a great honor to be invited in by us. We've decided to accept you, even though you haven't yet given us an answer whether or not you would like to join. We never leave an open invitation to anyone,
but you are an exception. We believe you will b
a great asset to Theta Kappa, so we are holding a spot for you when you're ready to join us.

Sincerely, Cadence


“Did you get in?” she asked with anticipation.

“Yes.” Josie screamed with excitement. “But I still don't know if I'm going to accept.”

“Oh Ella you have to.”

“I'll think about it.”

“What's there to think about?”

I sighed knowing Josie would never let this go. “Give me some time to see how my classes are.”

“Okay,” she said giddily. “So how was the date with Jack?” she asked changing the subject.

“It wasn't a date,” I corrected.

“He's cute, in a dorkish kind of way. I think he likes you.”

“Jack's a nice guy, but I'm not interested in him that way.”

“What about Tristan?”

“What about him?”

“He's extremely hot and so your type. You should go for it.”

“I think not, and he is so not my type. He's arrogant, stubborn, and a chauvinistic pig.”

“Exactly why you should date him.”

“What? Kyle was nothing like that, so why would I date someone like that?”

“And that's exactly why you should date him, because he's nothing like Kyle. I'm just saying.” I ignored her. She clearly was losing her mind to think that me dating Tristan would be a good idea. “I know you like him,” she continued.

“I do not,” I scoffed.

“Please, Ella. I saw the way you were looking at him at the party. Every time I turned around you were staring at him.”

“I was not! And he was staring at me,” I countered. She just smiled at me as if she knew some secret I didn't. “I do not like him,” I repeated. No way would I ever be with someone like Tristan. I do have some standards, I thought to myself.

Josie lay back on her bed. “I'm too excited to sleep. Let's go do something.”

“What do you want to do, everything is closed,” I said checking my watch. She sat up and raised her brows. “No parties,” I declared making her shoulders slump. “I got the car today. We can drive around and check out what's in the area?” She instantly perked up. I grabbed my purse and we were out the door.


My first class was bright and early Monday morning. I was thankful for the peaceful night sleep. I was worried that being in a new place the nightmares might take over, but I did not dream once, which helped me start off the day on a good note.

Josie's first class wasn't until later and she grumbled about being woken up early. I ignored her and got ready for my first class, Business Ethics. I was taking a few business courses per my father’s request and some art and writing classes for myself. I always had a passion for the arts, but was pushed to pursue more realistic ideals. Kyle was the one who originally convinced me to take up these courses so that’s what I did. Not only for myself, but for him too. I wanted to make him proud.

Jack was in my first class and saved me a seat next to him. I had a hard time paying attention. My professor was very...boring. He read straight from a paper, never looking up, and it seemed he didn't want to be here anymore than we did. “Don't worry. I heard he's actually a good teacher. We'll learn a lot from him,” Jack whispered.

“Like what, how to put people to sleep?” I said and he laughed.

Not soon enough, the professor dismissed the class. “Where are you off to next?” I asked Jack as we headed out.

“Art History then Art 101.”

“Lucky you, you get to spend the next two hours with me,” I smiled and Jack blushed.

Art history was a lot better than the last class and seemed to go bye in the blink of an eye. Hoping the next one would be as good, we got there early and set everything up. In this class we actually get to paint. I picked an easel in the back and Jack followed, taking the one on my right.

The professor looked to be about in her early fifties. Her red hair was slowly showing signs of aging with a few grays peeking out here and there, and she had some wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. She wore a long paisley skirt and a long sleeve shirt, complete with smock already covered in paint stains. She stood up to shut the door when it was time for the class to start. “Okay, today we're...” she was interrupted by someone opening the door.

I looked up to see who the late comer was. Of course, just my luck!

Tristan looked at her apologetically and the professor just shook her head and gestured for him to find a seat.

“Just take a seat,” she said smiling.

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