The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (16 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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This would be the perfect distraction; a quiet library, no loud music from all the parties going on, and no running into Tristan. I knew the library would be the last place he would go.

Jack and I spent the rest of the night at the library working on our assignments. Every now and then I'd catch him looking at me out of the corner of his eye. He had a look on his face like he wanted to say something, but wasn’t sure if he should.  Too distracted to concentrate I thought I’d pick his brain. “I need a break,” I said stretching.

“So you're a Theta Kappa now,” Jack said warily, catching me off guard.

“You heard about that,” I sighed.

“Yeah, it's not exactly a secret. They like to make it known who their members are,” he said almost bitterly.

“I take it you're not a fan?”

“I heard some stuff,” he replied, looking down at his hands.

“Like what?” I asked, concerned that I made a bigger mistake than I originally thought.

“They're not the nicest people and they'll stab you in the back first chance they get. Plus, they tend to frown upon sisters hanging out with people outside their group.”

              “I think I can hold my own. And I’ll be damned if someone is going to tell me who I can and can't hang out with.” Jack looked away like he had something else to say, but wasn't sure if he should. “Did someone say something to you?” I asked.

“One of the sisters approached me,” he started hesitantly. “They said I need to look elsewhere for company.”

“Who was it?” I demanded.

“I don't what to say.”

“Jack tell me...please?”

“It was Skylar.”

“Figures, you don't have to worry, she won't be a problem anymore,” I said, gripping my pencil so tight I thought I was going to snap it in half.

“What are you going to do?” he asked worried.

“What I should have done in the first place. I'm going to have a chat with her.”

“Don't worry about it. It's no big deal.”

“Well it is to me,” I smiled at him.

After that we called it a night and headed back to the dorm. I said goodnight to Jack and headed back to my room. “Hey Ella?” Jack called.

“Yeah,” I responded and turned around.

“I was wondering...maybe sometime if you weren't busy, if I could take you to dinner?” he asked shuffling his feet nervously while he waited for my answer.

“Like a date?”

“Um, yeah.”

I smiled bashfully. “Sure Jack,” I said and turned back to the direction of my room. I sneaked a peek back at him and he was smiling that crooked smile, with revived confidence. He was happy I said yes. I wasn't interested in Jack that way, but I thought maybe I'd give him a chance, you never know. Plus he could help distract me from Tristan.


On Monday Jack waited for me and walked with me to all the classes we had together. By the time we got to art class there were only two seats left. One was next to Tristan and the other was on the end, next to some smelly kid no one liked to sit next to. I looked at Jack for direction. “I'll sit next to smelly,” Jack said, taking a seat. I told him thank you and took my seat next to Tristan.

“Ella,” Tristan nodded.

“Tristan,” I said, giving the same reply and turned my attention to the teacher which was hard because I knew Tristan was staring at me.

“Class, today is the last day to finish your paintings. I will be collecting them whether they're finished or not. You may get started,” the professor said, taking a seat at her desk.

I picked up my paintbrush and got to work. I could feel Tristan still eyeing me, but ignored him the best I could and he eventually started to paint. He would still look over at me every now and then, but I continued to ignore him.

We had about a half an hour before class would be done and Tristan was already cleaning his brushes. “You can't tell me you're actually done?” I asked, looking at my painting, which was nowhere close to being finished.

He ignored my question. “You should let me paint you,” he said.

“If I want to see a stick figure version of myself, I'd ask Josie's six year old brother to draw a picture for me.”

“You're comparing my artistic ability to that of a child?” he asked incredulously.

I put my paint brush down and turned to him. “Okay let me see your painting.”

“No, sorry, you don't deserve to see it now.” He turned and blocked my view.

“C'mon Tristan, let me see,” I pestered.

“No. You believe that I have no talent better than a six year old. I am truly offended and for that you do not get to see.” He pretended that I hurt his feelings and even covered his painting with a sheet.

I leaned in closely, touched his shoulder gently, and whispered in his ear using my best seductive voice. “I'll let you paint me, if you show me.” I felt his body stiffen as my warm breath grazed his ear. I slowly took my hand off his shoulder and casually grazed his back with my fingertips as I pulled my hand away. I knew it was wrong, but if he could play dirty than so could I.

I noticed him shiver as I sat back. He looked over his shoulder at me. “If I show you, you'll let me paint you?”

“Yes,” I said even though I really had no intention of doing so.

He turned back to his painting and pulled off the sheet. I swallowed, shocked, and surprised. It was one of the most beautiful paintings I've ever seen. “'s...amazing. You actually painted this?”

“Don't act so surprised.”

“It's just...”

“What, because I'm an egotistical jerk means I have no talent?”

“No I just thought...”

“Just thought because I slack off and don't seem to follow the rules…”

“Okay Tristan, I'm sorry. I may have misjudged you, a little.”

He smiled knowing he got to me. “Let me see yours.”

“'s not finished,” I said quickly, embarrassed at my pathetic painting of flowers compared to his masterpiece.

“Let me see,” he said leaning over, but I blocked his way. “I showed you mine. I know we all can't be an artistic prodigy like me.” I glared at him. “It can't be that bad?” I sighed and moved out of the way so Tristan could see my painting. “I hope you're not here on an art scholarship.”

I punched his shoulder and he just laughed. “I'm just kidding. It's not bad, but you need to work on your brush strokes.” I looked at him confused. “Here.”

He stood up behind me, putting his arms around me and his right hand on mine. He smelled really good and I found myself wishing he would press himself closer to me so I could inhale more of his sweet scent. He smelled like mint and I thought it had to be his shampoo or body wash. Regardless of what it was, I wanted to keep it with me.

He took my hand with the paintbrush and showed me how to make better brush strokes. I was finding it hard to breathe with him this close to me. “Now see here, you want to create a longer stroke,” he said bringing my hand down, guiding the paintbrush across the canvas. “And here, smaller strokes.” His warm breath trickled down my shoulders and across my breasts causing me to shiver.

I closed my eyes as his hand guided mine. “See you just need some coaching,” he said, abruptly dropping my hand and breaking the spell.

I opened my eyes as he returned to his seat. “Thanks,” I stuttered.

Just then, the professor announced the end of class.

“I could help you finish it, if you want?” he offered.

“That would be great, but it's too late now.”

“No it's not,” he winked at me, got up, and walked over to the professor. I couldn't make out what he was saying. He looked back at me and then so did the professor. She nodded her head and waved her hand dismissing him.

Jack was already by my side waiting for me when Tristan came back over. I raised a brow at him. “She said we can come back here later after her last class so you can finish.”

“How'd you pull that off?” I asked surprised.

“Do you really even have to ask?” he smiled. “I'll pick you up later.”

He was gone before I could say anything else.

I saw Skylar on our way out and thought now was as good a time as any to talk to her. “Skylar!” I called and Jack fell back a few feet while I caught up to her. She was with Bailey and Cassidy and they all stopped to turn around and face me. “Did you tell Jack he couldn't hang out with me?”

“I was just looking out for your best interest. You're a Theta Kappa now, and we don't associate with losers,” she said with a smart ass smirk.

“Theta Kappa or not, I can hang out with whomever I want.”

“I told Cadence it was a mistake to bring you in,” she sneered.

“What is your problem?” I said, giving her attitude.

“You're nothing more than a wannabe.” She crossed her arms and looked at me with disgust.

“I're just mad because Tristan would rather be with a wannabe than a has been. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to touch someone who's been touched by everyone on campus.”

Cassidy snickered at my comment and Skylar glared at her. Then she turned back to me, her eyes growing dark with rage.

She dropped her books on the ground and came at me. She shoved me so hard I dropped my books. I looked up at her and shoved her right back making Bailey and Cassidy jump out of the way. Once Skylar regained her balance she came after me swinging. I dodged the first punch, but wasn't quick enough for the second. I swung back getting a few hits in myself.

We had started such a commotion all the students outside stopped to watch. Bailey and Cassidy just stood there, afraid of getting hit if they got involved.

Before it got any worse, Tristan and Josie showed up. “Stop it guys!” Josie yelled, trying to break it up and getting hit herself in the process. I turned to see if she was okay, giving Skylar an open mark. She got me good. One swift hit square in my jaw.

I stumbled back, ready to retaliate, when Tristan grabbed her and pulled her away. “Enough!” he yelled at her.

She glared at me from over Tristan's shoulder than started to laugh mockingly. I lunged for her, but Jack stopped me wrapping his arm around my waist. “Whoa!” Jack said.

I watched Tristan take Skylar away and then I hurried over to Josie. “Josie, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?”

She jerked, pulling away from me. “What the hell is wrong with you, Ella?”

“Josie, I...” She didn't want to hear it. She gave me a disapproving look and walked away.

Great. Just fan-flippin-tastic.

I turned back to see now Tristan and Skylar were fighting very heatedly. Skylar tried to slap him, but he grabbed her arm before she had the chance. She cringed from his tight grasp. Yanking her arm away she stormed off. Bailey and Cassidy following close behind like her little henchman.

Tristan turned to me. There was no sympathy in his eyes, only anger and hostility. I crumbled under his unforgiving stare but managed to collect myself enough to pick up my books and head back to my dorm. I decided to skip my classes for the rest of the day, not wanting to face anyone.

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