The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness (26 page)

BOOK: The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness
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“Lucifer will hunt me down if I don’t get back.  I don’t want him to find you.  Mark said you weren’t allowed here.  Please, I don’t want you to get into trouble.  I’ve seen Lucifer’s anger; you don’t want any part of that,” Michelle desperately wanted her father to stay with her, but she needed to be a big girl and handle her own problems.  Gabriel had already done so much for her.  She didn’t want Gabriel to kill Lucifer in anger and have to walk into the Hall of Shadows every day to visit him in chains.  She loved him too much to endure that.

“I’m not leaving without you.  We can sort this entire mess out from Heaven.  It will be easier and safer.  I’m not worried about him.  He should worry about me.  We must hurry; the journey will not be easy.  We must go before we are found,” Gabriel’s eyes narrowed and he suddenly looked like a warrior ready for battle.

“No father,” she put her hand up to stop Gabriel from pulling her along with him.  “I understand why you sent me here and I know that it wasn’t meant to be like this.  If you believe that I will learn from the evil here, then I will stay, but I’m going to do things my way.  Lucifer be damned, I’m not going back into the realms,” Michelle felt sure of her decision and it made her feel stronger.  She wanted to stay in Hell to accomplish the things Gabriel had originally intended.  She needed to learn from the wicked, so that she wouldn’t start an Apocalypse without just cause.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to set Lucifer straight?”  Gabriel stood tall and proud, leaving no doubt who would win in a fight between him and Lucifer.

“No.  I think I’m going to enjoy doing that myself.  Please, you need to go.  I can’t bear the thought of seeing you harmed.  I love you father,” she committed his face and white suit to memory for fear she wouldn’t see him again.

Gabriel saw the resignation in her eyes and knew he wouldn’t win this argument.  He knew his daughter was headstrong and determined once she made up her mind about something.  He needed to accept that she could fight her own battles, finally.  He prayed that there would be a Hell left once she was finished with Lucifer.

“I will see you again, I swear it.  I love you.  Remember that always,” he kissed her forehead and walked to the edge of the cave wall near an archway that had a small opening the size of an ottoman.

“Gabriel, tell CJ…,” she paused.  What did she want him to know?  That her dreams were real.  That she was Lucifer’s whore.  She couldn’t very well tell him that she was all right.  She sighed and frowned.  “Is he okay?”

Gabriel tried to hide his expression, but she could see that he was searching for the right thing to say.  “He is as well as can be.  That’s all I can say,” Gabriel didn’t dare reveal any more.

“Take care of him, please.  I will do what it takes to see you again,” she smiled and halfheartedly waved.

Gabriel smiled and disappeared into the dark tunnel.

The world fell in on itself as the full weight of her reality crash down on her.  She’d been trying to keep it together for Gabriel’s sake, but she was far from okay.  She put her arms around her waist and rocked back and forth, trying to sort everything out.  Life as she knew it was gone and forever changed.  She had accepted that there were angels and creatures that most never knew about, but nothing could have prepared her for the truth about herself.

She looked around the barren cave and felt cold, despite the heat.  She was left with few options.  Even if she broke out of Hell, she had no idea where to go.  Heaven was unattainable.  They didn’t want her because she was dangerous.  She could storm Heaven and convince them that she would be well-behaved, but that seemed like a bad idea.

Going back to the Mortal Realm was a scary thought.  She didn’t want to lose control again.  There was a slim chance that she could run away to Purgatory, but she didn’t know anything about it.  She pondered all of her options, but none of them felt right.  She was left with the obvious answer. Hell was a miserable place, but it was now her home, for better or worse.  She was going to stay in Hell and fight for what was hers.  She was Anjali, the Bringer of the Apocalypse, and nothing was going to change that.  It was time that she started acting like it.

Shuffling sounds around her drew Anjali from her thoughts.  Now that Gabriel and his glowing presence was gone, the Shades were gathering in numbers, watching her.  A few brave Shades dared to step forward and gnashed their sharp teeth at her.  They were hungry, but they didn’t rush her like last time.

This time a new creature joined them.  There were less of them, but they were scarier than the Shades.  They were tall, lanky creatures with long claw-like fingers.  They had to be the Bhakşaka that Hades had mentioned.  Their yellow eyes regarded her with apprehension, but they didn’t approach her.  They had sharp, jagged teeth, which were easily seen through the remnants of their lips that had been chewed off.  Their black tattered robes were covered in blood and they smelled like death.

Remembering what Gabriel had said about the raw power locked inside of her, she didn’t fear the Shades or the Bhakşaka.  She didn’t exactly know how to use her power, but she figured that being bitten by either of the monsters would make her angry enough to unleash something useful.

“You want to take on the Bringer of the Apocalypse?” she turned and glared at the mass of pitted flesh and twisted bone that was snarling around her.  She hoped she didn’t have to fight them. Standing up straight, she let the confidence build inside of her.

The Shades stilled and tilted their heads as if they were seeing her for the first time.  She glared at each of them, making sure they understood that a brawl was imminent.

The Shades looked to the Bhakşaka, who hissed at them and made them back away into the Caves.  The Bhakşaka looked like they might approach her, but turned their heads as if they’d heard something in the distance.  They sniffed the air and took off after whatever they smelled.

“Creepy,” she murmured.

Anjali quickly left of the caves and crossed through the realms.  She ignored the Fallen who were surprised to see her.  As she entered the castle, she contemplated the best way to deal with Hades and Lucifer.  She needed to figure out who was behind her torture, so that she could ram her fist down their throat. It didn’t really matter to her if Lucifer was behind her torture, he had broken the rules, and he needed to deal with the consequences.  She was done taking everyone’s crap.

She made her way to the Throne Room and found Hades sitting in his own throne.  She knew Lucifer must be close by or on his way, if Hades was acting dutiful.  He was screaming at Caleb and throwing small balls of fire at the servant, who was hopping around trying to avoid them.

“Where have you been?” Hades was snide as always, yet he looked almost relieved to see her.  She wondered why Hades was punishing Caleb, though she had a pretty good idea.

“Good to see that you are out of the Hall of Torment and that you still have the use of your limbs.  Where is Lucifer?” she decided to ignore his question.  She wanted Lucifer present before she divulged where she had been.

“Yes, regrettably my vacation is over.  He’s not available, as usual, and I asked you a question, servant,” Hades rolled his eyes and huffed out a breath.  He stopped playing with Caleb and focused on her.

“I need to speak to him, now.  Where…is…he?” she asked slowly.

“I see that you have yet to learn your place, Mistress,” he drew out her moniker, hissing the s. He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked at her. “I'm still willing to help you. My offer is still on the table,” Hades’ eyes slid down the front of her dress.

“Oh, I have learned my place. I'm ready to negotiate, but not with you,” Anjali battered her eyelashes at Hades and headed off toward Lucifer’s door.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you. You've already done enough damage,” Hades was off the throne and sprinting after her, but she stopped short, turned on her heel, and faced Hades.

Hades tried to stop, but barreled right into her.  He quickly stepped back and straightened himself.

“Breaking your tower was just the beginning.  I plan on doing a lot more damage before I’m done,” she gave him her best evil glare and kicked him in the groin.  She stepped away from him and proceeded to Lucifer’s door.

Hades landed on the floor in pain, sputtering at her boldness. She had seen the look of bewilderment on his face a second before the pain had swept it away.

She descended the stairs and pushed open Lucifer’s door, but he wasn’t there.  She was a little disappointed since she was looking forward to yelling at him.  Instead, she went back to the Throne Room.  She watched Hades try to collect himself from the floor as Caleb looked on with glee in his eyes.

She glanced up at the three vacant thrones and made her move.  She ascended the dais and sat down in the black marble throne, knowing it was supposed to be hers.  She tried to get cozy, but it was the most uncomfortable thing ever.  Deciding to make a good show of it, she crossed her legs and leaned back into the chair.

Hades nearly had a heart attack on the spot.  He was blinking and sputtering, trying to comprehend her actions.

Caleb’s reaction was priceless.  He looked like he was about to kneel, but looked to Hades for direction.  She could practically feel the fear pouring off the servant.

Before Hades could form a complete sentence, she heard footsteps coming from the bridge.  Aganon and Dorian flanked Lucifer and a step behind them was Vincent.  Azazel took up the rear.  The confused looks on their faces were precious.  She wished she had a camera.

Lucifer stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her.  “Where have you been?  The Bhakşaka in the Caves said they saw you, but I couldn’t find you.  You are lucky that the Shades didn’t attack you,” he bellowed until it dawned on him that she was sitting atop the dais.

“Yes, I was in the Caves.  I was planning to escape Hell, but then I found out that I didn’t have anywhere else to go.  It seems that you are the only one who wants me, although, you haven’t been very honest with me.  That reminds me, I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced; I’m Anjali, Bringer of the Apocalypse, daughter of the Archangel Gabriel, and apparently, this is my throne.  Isn’t that right, Lucifer?” she glared at Lucifer and watched him flinch at the mention of her real name.

The silence in the room was chilling.  She could see the mental gymnastics at work as each person processed the information.  The only ones who didn’t seem fazed were Aganon, Dorian, and Vincent.  Azazel stiffened at her words.  He was certainly guilty of something.  Caleb looked like he was trying to disappear into the floor.

“How do you know that name?” Lucifer had trouble speaking as he quickly looked to Hades with malice in his eyes.

“I can’t believe that you deceived me this whole time.  I actually felt sorry for you and all that you’ve endured in this place.  I guess I should have expected nothing less from the devil.  You bastard.  How could you destroy my life when I only had a few more months left to live like a normal girl?  I had things I wanted to do.  Granted, they may have been silly things, but it was my life and you stole it from me.  On top of that, I have suffered in this miserable place since I arrived.  I know about the contract and the provisions made by my father, which you agreed upon.  I could have sat next to you on this stupid tombstone throne and instead I’ve had to endure every horror that this place has to offer.  I wasn’t meant to be your servant, and I’m done listening to your lies,” she stared Lucifer down.  She was surprised to see sadness in his eyes instead of anger.

Hades looked visibly green and shaken.  She liked the look of fear on his face.  It suited him.  Forget the camera; she wanted a video so that she could replay his shocked response.

Lucifer couldn’t breathe.  She knew.  She knew everything and she hated him for it.  Everything he had feared would happen had finally come to pass.  She knew of his betrayal and how he had kept her from her destiny.  She would never love him.  She would never forgive him.  Everything that he wanted, or at least wanted since she arrived in Hell, was smashed to pieces.  He was devastated.

He looked at her on her throne.  She was magnificent.  She was beautiful and graceful.  She looked like royalty with her head held high.  He would have loved to walk into the Throne Room each day and see her sitting next to him, at his side, ruling their domain.  He never thought he would want someone else sitting in that throne, but it suited her.  She was visibly angry, which made her even more enticing.  He pictured the two of them looking down upon his faithless brothers on the Council and mocking them when they dared to question them.  He would have taken pride in working with her to rule Hell, along with Hades, under his boot.

He immediately chased away the thought of letting her go.  She belonged here and she belonged to him.  Seeing her on the throne, filled with power and confidence made him crave her.  He needed her.  The darkness inside of him whispered to him, telling him that he had to keep her.

Lucifer was the first to recover.  “I’m not sure who you spoke to, but that isn’t the whole truth.  While it’s true you were supposed to be at my left hand, your contract is invalid.  You came to me of your own free will and I do not have to honor your contract, my dear.  You committed suicide and you belong to me,” Lucifer replied, trying to get the upper hand.

“Don’t you dare play the suicide card.  We both know that you were forbidden to contact me.  You cheated. You were supposed to wait until the autumn after my 18th birthday.  You got inside my head and told me every lie you could think of to get me here.  You are the one who broke the contract,” she sneered.  She could feel her anger rising and she let it.  She was tired of being a punching bag for the Fallen and a warm body for Lucifer to unleash his desires upon.

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