The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness (23 page)

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In the middle of the wall was a large roaring fireplace with two black leather chairs in front of it.  On the opposite wall were bookshelves covered in books that stretched all the way to the high ceiling.  The ceiling was painted to resemble the night sky with thousands of stars and a full bright moon.

In the far back of the room, was a bed big enough for more than two people to lie across.  The bed frame looked like it was made from bones, though she wasn’t sure.  She prayed that the firelight was messing with her vision.  The bed had the same black silk sheets as her bed, which made her stomach churn.  She suddenly became nervous.  It dawned on her that she was now in the private domain of the devil, alone.

Lucifer watched her reaction raptly.  He saw the wonder in her eyes as she beheld his possessions and evening sky.  He also noticed her greedily gazing upon his bed.  He too was having greedy thoughts about the bed and couldn’t wait until he had her in it.  He didn’t care about the cost.  He would rather spend eternity weeping on the floor like a child than never touch her again.  He thought about the last time he’d touched her and grew hard in anticipation.

“What do you think?” Lucifer asked indifferently while she walked around, exploring the room.

“It’s not what I expected.  Well, I mean I guess I expected the things you have hanging in those boxes and the skeleton bed frame, but I didn’t expect the books and the ceiling.  It’s more welcoming than I would have imagined.  It makes you more…real.  You’re this mythical creature bent on destruction, yet the fact that you have ‘Romeo and Juliet’ on your shelf makes you a little less intimidating.  It’s stupid, I know.  I honestly expected chains and whips and maybe an iron maiden in the corner,” she smirked, quickly taking another look to make sure there wasn’t an iron maiden in the room.

“No.  There are no torture devices here.  It’s hard to separate myself from the evil needed to torture the wicked.  It takes a toll on me.  I made this place so that I can find some peace, away from the torturing and the violence.  It isn’t always effective, but even I need a place where I can attempt to find some solace,” Lucifer walked up behind her, put his hands in her hair, and leaned down to put his nose in the silky strands.  It tamed his anguish as nothing else could.

She shivered when she felt Lucifer’s warmth.  She was desperately trying to shake off the feeling of Hades’ hands on her.  She moved away from him toward the fireplace.

“Did I do something wrong?” he asked.  He was unsure of himself again.  He had always mocked the men who seemed intimidated by women.  Women were meant to be dominated and pleasure taken from them.  He found that it was the other way around with his mistress.  She completely dominated him, yet she had no idea of her power over him.  He needed to figure out how to please her.

“No.  I’m just a little freaked out because of Hades,” she hated saying it aloud, but she didn’t want Lucifer to think she was upset with him.  He was being nice to her and didn’t want to ruin it, even if she was unsure about him.  She needed solace too.

“Tell me what he did and I swear I will impale him on something sharp,” Lucifer’s rage was growing strong again.

Michelle quickly turned and kissed Lucifer.  She didn’t want him angry.  She was tired of the darkness and the rage.  She needed a reason to be happy.  The only happiness she had ever found here was when she was intimate with Lucifer.  She needed his hands on her body.  She knew it was the only way to forget about Hades touching her.

He immediately calmed and kissed her back.  He could no longer contain himself.  He had to have this woman.  He needed his mistress and nothing was going to stop him.  He lifted her and took her over to the bed.  He set her down on her feet and pulled away from her.

“I want to make love to you.  I know you are inexperienced.  I will attempt to be as gentle as I can, but I must warn you.  I am overwhelmed by emotions when I am with you, when I touch you.  I don’t want to alarm you, but it may be rougher than you’re ready for.  I promise you, I will do my best to hold back.  Don’t be afraid to tell me if I’m hurting you.  I will do what I can, but I know I won’t be able to stop myself completely.  Do you understand?” Lucifer couldn’t believe that he was confessing his feelings to her.  He rarely spoke to the women he bedded, aside from graphically telling them what he would do to them, to make them afraid.

Michelle shook at little.  She was nervous, but also excited.  After experiencing the pleasure he gave her last time, she wanted more.  She was surprised by his warning.  She had expected him to throw her on the bed without saying anything.  She knew he was making an effort to prepare her.

“I understand,” she replied, but then the thought came to her.  She didn’t want to be on the receiving end of another attack.  She wanted to do things on her own terms, even if she wasn’t sure exactly what to do.

She reached out and placed her hands on his chest.  She moved them slowly down to his stomach, exploring his taut muscles beneath his dark shirt.  Lucifer’s eyes were focused on her face.  He seemed to like her forwardness.  She quickly took care of the buttons and spread his shirt open.  His broad tan chest was marred by teeth and fang marks, which saddened her, but she looked beyond his scars to see his beauty.  She couldn’t help but indulge herself and touch his skin while running her nails over him lightly.  She played with the hairs on his chest and leaned in to press her body against him.  He moaned but didn’t touch her.  She kissed his upper body and ran her fingers over his nipples.  She didn’t know where this boldness was coming from, but she liked being in control.

Lucifer’s mind was filled with a bright white haze.  The feeling of her hands, willingly on him, was euphoric.  She was kissing him, something he was convinced she would never freely do.  He allowed his shirt to fall from his shoulders as she explored his upper body and arms.  The section of skin revealed by her dress was pressed against him.  Her skin was warm and mesmerizing.

He felt her hands slide down his stomach and tug at his pants.  Shocked, he looked down and saw her releasing him from his leather pants and pulling them down his legs.  She stood back and gazed at him, completely naked.  He was both excited and self-conscious.  She looked like she was deciding what she wanted to do first.  Slightly embarrassed, he shifted nervously under her gaze.  He suddenly felt bad for all the women he has embarrassed and put on display for his amusement.

He hated the double-edged sword of his raw emotions.  He pushed away his embarrassment when he watched Anjali boldly run her hand down her chest, between her breasts, trying to entice him.  He was panting as she pulled one shoulder free and then the other.  The dress parted and her beautiful full breasts were on display.  Her soft hair spilled across them, making him pine for her.  She looked like a temptress whether she knew it or not.  She stepped forward, took his hands, and placed them on her rib cage.  She then pushed his hands higher and higher until her supple flesh filled his hands.

Michelle was sweating as she thought about the things she wanted to do to a very naked and gorgeous Lucifer.  She could barely keep her eyes off his large, hard erection.  She wasn’t sure how she was going to fit all of it inside her, but right then she was willing to attempt it.  Her body was on fire.  She relaxed into his hands, allowing him to squeeze and tug gently at her breasts.  She moaned when he reached her nipples and experimented with them.  He was busy finding out what made her moan the hardest.  She pushed his hands away, pressed her breasts into his chest, and rubbed them against him.  She was lost to the sensation.

Lucifer pulled the dress from her hips, reached down, and grabbed Anjali by the backs of her thighs.  He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.  He held her and kissed her.  Her hair fell across his shoulders and back, causing his skin tingle.  He thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth as his heavy erection reminded him what he needed.  He put his knees on the bed and released her quickly so that she fell on the bed.  They both laughed at the silliness of it.  Apparently, he did have a sense of humor that didn’t involve knives.

Michelle looked up at him and knew she was ready.  He had somehow wormed his way past her defenses, past her anger.  He was the only bright spot in her dreary world and she was ready to accept him.  She trusted him.  If he was the one torturing her, then it had to be for a good reason.  If it were Hades, she would crush him.

She put her hand on his face and let go of everything.  She no longer believed Mark about her father.  She figured it was just another one of Hades’ schemes.  Right now, in this room, she belonged with Lucifer.  She could see the love he held for her in his eyes.  He was sincere with his actions and she believed that he cared about her.

Lucifer leaned down and kissed her.  He carefully laid down on top her and spread her thighs with his body.  He somehow fit perfectly against her despite their size difference.  He was at home when he was with her, only it was better than home.  He had known love in Heaven, but not like this.  She was looking at him with passion and trust.  He was grateful for her and swore he would never take her for granted.

He allowed his hands to wander and explore her lush skin.  When he craved more, he replaced his hands with his tongue.  He took hold of his erection and pushed it against her core.  He moved the head against her sensitive folds and rubbed back and forth.  She was clinging wildly to his shoulders and squirming beneath him as he continued to lap at her body.  He wanted her ready for him.

Michelle was aching as Lucifer’s erection slid across her skin.  She was panting and every part of her was on fire.  She kissed his shoulders and nipped at him, desperate for more.  She couldn’t imagine what sex was like if this was only the beginning.  She didn’t think she could be any more excited than she already was.

Lucifer’s mouth took possession of hers as he slowly pushed against her opening.  Her eyes rolled back into her head and her nails dug into his shoulders.  He released her mouth and kissed his way down to her neck.  He swirled his tongue in the crook of her neck and she gasped.  He pushed further inside of her, but stopped.  Her body was tight and squeezed him almost to the point of pain.  It was amazing, but he feared stretching her too fast.  He knew she needed time to adjust.  He’d never felt anything as marvelous as her body wrapped tightly around him.  He licked around her ear and whispered, “This will hurt, but I promise, if we keep going the pain will subside and you will enjoy it.”

She nodded and braced herself when he surged forward.  She felt him push deeper inside.  It was uncomfortable and then painful, but it wasn’t terrible.  She could handle it.  She’d had worse done to her.

Lucifer’s mind was on overload.  Her sheath closed around him, driving him mad.  He found peace for the first time while still in Hell.  He had never cared for anyone as much as he did the woman holding him, looking at him with passion in her eyes, craving him.  He had to clear his mind and remember to please her before he was lost to his emotions.

Michelle closed her eyes while he continued to kiss her neck.  She tried to slow her breathing and relax her body.  He slowly moved his hips back and forth, creating fiction that was warm at first and then pleasant.  He moved further in until he filled her completely.  She was amazed by the sensation.  She felt closer to him than anyone else.  He licked at her lips and increased the movement.  Soon she was engulfed in sensation, lifting her hips to meet his strokes.

The world had slipped away and she only thought about Lucifer and how he made her feel.  Electricity shot through her and she moaned.  She had to bite his shoulder to keep from screaming out.  His thrusts were amazing as he increased his speed and pushed in and out of her.  She put her hands in his hair and urged him on.  Her body tightened, consumed with pleasure.  With every push, she became desperate for more.  The sensation was growing stronger and sharper.  She didn’t know how much more she could withstand.  Her mind was filled with colors and distorted images.  There was no more Hell, Hades, or torture.  There was only Lucifer and the sheer enjoyment of him plunging deeply into her.

Lucifer knew he was losing control, but she didn’t seem to notice.  The more frantic his motions, the more she moaned.  He slammed his hard body into her and she begged for more.  He nearly lost his stride when she grabbed his ass and urged him on further, tightening her thighs around his waist.

She gripped his body, believing that she couldn’t possibly feel any better.  Her entire body seized up and an explosion tore through her.  Every part of her was humming and dancing.  Her mind was blank and she screamed out.  She clawed at anything near her.  She had never felt anything like this in her life.  She was attempting to catch her breath when another explosion rocked her and she tightened around Lucifer.  A third orgasm splintered her apart as Lucifer yelled out and barreled into her one last time.  His body shook and he took his release inside of her.

Lucifer roared when her body seized his cock and threw him over the edge.  It took everything he had not to bite her or grab her.  Instead, he grasped the sheets.  He vaguely heard them tear under the strain, knowing that he would kill to keep her safe.

Lucifer collapsed on Anjali and gasped for air.  He had never experienced anything like her in all his existence.  Every time he moved against her, he felt his burdens lighten.  She wasn’t just giving him bliss she was easing his soul.  Feelings long ago lost to him rushed back in full force.  He remembered tenderness, he felt compassion, and he knew love.  He loved this girl with everything that he was.  Perhaps he should classify himself a Forgotten because he knew no other than her.  She was his universe now.  She had stripped him of his darkness and he was undone.  Father made him perfect and gave him love, but she made him whole and gave him hope.  He still loved Father, but he would die for this girl.

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