The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness (36 page)

BOOK: The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness
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Anjali looked over at Dmitri, the Overseer of the hall.  He was a tall, muscular angel who looked like he knew how to use every weapon locked inside the metal gates in each corner of the room.  His black leather outfit was complemented by his dark features and added to the general menace of the hall.

He looked at her with curiosity, but quickly turned away to finish sharpening an axe.

“No. I didn’t come here to gloat, I came to talk, but I can’t talk to you like this,” she sighed and mentally kicked herself for what she was about to do.  “Dmitri, take Hades to the Hall of Mercy.  I wish to interrogate him.”

Dmitri hesitated for a moment, but complied quickly when he saw the resignation on her face.

He unchained Hades, but left the Celestial Bonds on him.  Grabbing Hades by the scruff of his expensive shirt, he dragged him across to the smaller, though even more menacing, Hall of Mercy and tossed him brusquely into the middle of the room.  He bowed to Anjali and left the room.

“Where do you want him, my Lady?” an angel appeared from the corner of the hall and stood next to Hades, waiting for her to decide which torture apparatus she wanted to use.

The room was filled with racks, iron maidens, wooden stockades, and tables and chairs with handcuffs attached.  Every surfaced was stained with blood.  She ignored the rows of pliers and metal spikes on the walls, trying not to vomit.

“I’ll take it from here, Vadim.  Leave us.  See to it that we aren’t disturbed,” she replied curtly to the sinister looking angel.  He would think that she was crazy for what she was planning to do.

Vadim was confused by her request, but bowed slightly to her and left them alone in the room.

She waved her hand, allowing Lucifer’s power to flow from her, just as she’d practiced. She removed the dirt and blood from Hades’ face and hair, while lessening his pain and swelling. As one of the Heads of Hell, she had the power to heal him completely, but she wasn’t willing to be that kind to him.

She looked around the frightening room while waiting for Hades to roll on his side and sit up.  She decided it was best to keep his hands tied behind his back; otherwise, they would have to repair this section of the castle too.

“You do know that you’re supposed to seek retribution while I’m locked up, don’t you?  Apparently, Lucifer didn’t explain the rules to you.  You should be taking a swing at me, not mending my broken bones,” Hades tsked at her, yet again invoking his patented “you poor stupid child” look.

“I know how things work in this room.  Who says I didn’t heal you just to re-break all of your bones one by one?” she gave him her best evil glare.  She wanted to see his fear for just a second.  That alone would be worth all of her pain.

Hades gulped and leaned back.  “He’s right, you’ll fit right in.  If I may, leave the face alone.  I hate looking unattractive.  I’m very vain if you haven’t figured it out,” Hades closed his eyes, waiting for the first blow, accepting the retribution.

“Relax I’m not here to hurt you.  I told you, I came to talk,” she leaned against the wall and watched the confusion play across his face.  He slowly relaxed when he saw that she wasn’t going to kick him.

He quickly regained his bravado.

“Sure.  Go ahead and talk, I have nothing but time, and nothing better to do,” Hades rolled his eyes and waited for her to start yelling.

He appreciated the reprieve from the grueling pain and was grateful to have feeling in his fingers again, but he didn’t trust that she wouldn’t strike out at him.

“You and I are going to have to find a way to work together.  I’m not leaving and I have asked Lucifer not to kill you, so we are going to have to call a ceasefire,” Anjali knew the conversation would end up in a fistfight, but she had to try something.

He’d been waiting for this fight since Lucifer appeared before him, telling him that he would live to see another ass kicking from the Destroyer.  “You’re asking for a truce?  Really?  How quaint.  I constantly have to remind myself how young and naïve you are.  You truly don’t understand the inner workings of Hell and you certainly don’t understand me.  No deal darling…Lady Black.  You will simply have to watch your back until the end of days, or the end of your days, whichever comes first,” Hades smirked, waiting for her to pout.

He had underestimated her power when he tried to take her head.  He knew he needed to find another way to be rid of her.  If he couldn’t kill her, then he would demean and abuse her until she fled from Hell in tears.  She was still young and inexperienced.  She wouldn’t last long, just like Maraquette and Tabbris.  He just needed to find the right kind of torture, something she couldn’t withstand.

“Is this what you did to Tabbris and Serena?  Did you get inside their heads and break them?  I’m not interested in your threats, Hades.  Between the two of us, who do you really think would survive a serious fight?  Oh wait, you already know the answer to that, unless you enjoyed being a lightning rod.  If I were you, I would make a mental list of all the tortures you made me endure and remember that I can conjure up the really terrible ones without a realm.  My power alone can drown you, burn you, freeze you, and crush you, any time, any place.  You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your bed.  I can pull your entire tower down around your ears before you even wake up from your pitiful dreams.  You threatened Tabbris until he was paranoid and scared enough to run home.  You and I are not equals and we certainly aren’t on the same playing field.  Can you destroy the world with a wave of your hand?” Anjali growled.  She watched Hades consider her threats.

“Killing you in your sleep would negate all of your power.  Good luck sleeping with one eye open.  I see that the Bringer of the Apocalypse has grown a little big for her britches. You’re using your power to intimidate and threaten people.  I didn’t think you had it in you. Just think of all the things you’ll do once you get the hang of ruling Hell.  In a short span of time, you’ve managed to move up the ranks from plaything to ruler.  You even managed to get the corner office.  And to my surprise, the promotion comes with a new title.  Lady Black, how truly terrifying.  Your name will be synonymous with fear in no time and if your name doesn’t do it, your new attitude certainly will,” Hades laughed as he mocked her.  The last thing he needed was for her to realize her full potential.  She could bring Hell to its knees if she became a tyrant.  She needed to believe that she was beneath his notice.

“Fear doesn’t become you Hades,” Anjali turned to leave.

“This isn’t fear kitten...Lady Black; you are nothing more than an annoyance to me and for only a brief time.  You are a showpiece.  Lucifer will be done with you, and you will be back to being set on fire, and frozen, and drowned, and on and on,” Hades pulled against the Celestial Bonds around his wrists, knowing it was a futile effort.  The damned things were unbreakable.  If only he could get his hands on her, he would show her just how scary he could be.

“Shut up.  I’m so tired of you droning on about how Lucifer will throw me away.  You’re the one who tried to kill me, not him.  It’s all you, so stop dragging Lucifer into this.  If you have a problem with me, then tell me.  Stop trying to make me think that I’m going to lose everything,” Anjali snapped as she turned to face him.

“You are going to lose everything.  This place will turn you inside out, suck the life out of you, and leave you barren,” Hades growled.  The darkness inside of him welled up, begging to strike out at her.

She paused.  Hades was right.  He and Lucifer were the prime examples of that.  They were fierce angels who had no tenderness or love left in them.  Their souls had fought against the lure of evil for too long.  They were lost and devoid of hope.  She was going about this the wrong way.  She calmed herself and stepped forward.  She moved close enough to Hades so that he could head-butt her if he wanted to.  She sat down in front of him and looked into his eyes.

“Enough, Hades,” she sighed and put her hand on his face.  He recoiled, but stopped when he realized she wasn’t going to hurt him.  “You and Lucifer have been through so much pain; I don’t want to add to it.  It’s stupid to fight.  You don’t actually believe that Hell will fall into ruins because Lucifer loves someone, you’re afraid that he won’t need you anymore.  You’ve been running things and keeping Lucifer in line for an eternity.  I believe you enjoy what you do.  As much as you complain about it, you like doing God’s will.  If Lucifer was balanced and normal, then what would he need you for?  No matter what, he isn’t going to replace you.  Deep down he cares about you, of that, I’m sure; otherwise, you would have died long ago.  He just has an odd way of showing his affection.  I certainly have no interest in kicking you out, as long as we can play well together.  He needs you to do what you do best by making sure that Hell runs, as it ought to.  I’m not going to stop that from happening,” Anjali spoke softly to him, trying to reassure him that she wasn’t replacing him.

“You could never replace me.  I’m not afraid of being cast aside, I’m afraid Lucifer will forget why he is here.  I need him evil; I need him rampaging, most of the time.  Sentiment, patience, and understanding won’t get the job done.  You will destroy everything I have worked for if you turn him into a pansy.  Don’t you get that?” Hades was intense as he spoke.  He was desperately trying to make her understand the problem.

“I do understand that.  I swear to you that I will find a way to keep him happy and crazed, though not at the same time.  He needs a reprieve from the darkness, but I understand that he needs the darkness to rule.  I don’t know how I’m going to accomplish it, but I will do it,” Anjali nodded to Hades.

Hades sighed and looked away from her.  Pulling his face from her hand, he forced himself not to look down at her dress or revel in the feel of her hand against his skin.  He hated to admit that there was more than one reason why he wanted her gone.

“Even if you find a way to balance his moods, there is no guarantee you won’t lose your mind.  Then I will have two raging lunatics to deal with.  It was hard enough the first time, and no, I wasn’t responsible for Serena’s madness.  She did that all on her own.  She liked the power, she rejoiced in it.  I had to talk her down off her power trips on more than one occasion.  Do you have any idea how much of a mess she made?  She killed some of my best people.  She almost killed your…,” Hades bit his lip.  He had to stop thinking about the girl’s cleavage and focus before he said something that would most certainly get him killed.

“My what?” she was surprised that Hades had almost revealed something.  He was usually very good at keeping his secrets carefully hidden away.

“I was going to say, she almost killed your precious Lucifer.  Now, if you don’t mind, I think I’ll take my kick to the groin.  It would be less painful than listening to your infantile ramblings,” Hades needed to get away from her as quickly as possible.  Better to bleed than to want to kiss her.  He didn’t need to say something he would regret.  He was forbidden to speak about the Predznak.  Lucifer’s patience with him would end there.

She knew Hades was lying, then again, he was still breathing.  “No.  No beatings.  Not today.  I’m not done talking,” she remained seated in front of him.

He glared at her, trying to think of something that would drive her away in tears.  He was about to insinuate that her performance in Lucifer’s bed was the reason for her sudden rise to fame but he was caught off guard.

Lady Black, damn it, he hated calling her that, but he had no choice since her other name was off-limits.  He noticed that Lady Black held in her hands a bowl containing some sort of liquid.

“Lucifer tells me that angels can eat, though it’s not necessary, unless you’re wearing Celestial Bonds.  I’m told they weaken you and make you thirsty and hungry, like the prisoners in the Hall of Shadows.  Here, soup.  It’s what mortals eat when they are sick or injured.  It’s a family recipe,” Anjali held out a spoonful of soup for Hades to eat.

“What in the world are you doing?  Is it poisoned?  Is that how you’re going to torture me?  Who told you that I hate being poisoned, was it Jared?  I will rip his heart out for this,” Hades growled and turned his head from the vile concoction.  Though he was starving, he wasn’t about to fall for her tricks.

“You paranoid twit, it’s not poison and I’m not trying to kill you, see?” Anjlai took the spoon into her mouth and drank some broth.

“Then why?  Why would you offer to feed me?” Hades had to give her credit for the performance.  He almost believed that she merely wanted to aid him.

“Because it’s a nice thing to do.  I have a feeling no one has been nice to you in a very long time.  I don’t see Katarina in here reading you bedtime stories and kissing your boo-boos,” Anjali cocked her eyebrow at him, waiting for the next barb to be thrown.

Hades sighed.  She had him there.  No one was ever nice to him, though he typically frowned upon such things.  “She came earlier in the week and pulled out all of my teeth.  I may have accidentally, intentionally, slept with a few people.  Of course, she started it by blowing Nolan, but she doesn’t exactly see it that way.”

“Yeah, she’s a real sweetheart.  Now shut up and eat the soup while it’s warm,” she held out the spoon to him again and waited.  She tried to keep her face neutral, but she was happy when he reluctantly leaned in and opened his mouth.

He rolled his eyes and slurped the soup.  He waited for the burning to start, but was pleasantly surprised when it tasted good.  He watched a smile spread across her face.  Deep down, he wanted her to be nice to him, though admittedly, he wouldn’t know how to react.  She had been right about him being jealous, but for the wrong reason.  He wanted her and wanted Lucifer to forget about her.  Maybe they could form a truce.

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