The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness (29 page)

BOOK: The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness
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He was about to check for other guards when the ground erupted and split under his feet, knocking him down.  He was rolling into the cave wall before he realized that he was being pushed by the force of an explosion.  His ears rang from the sound of the blast.  He tried to get to his feet and shake off the defeating sound of the cave walls cracking and breaking.  He had no idea what was going on.  He had never experienced anything like that before, either in Hell or in the Mortal Realm.

That’s when he felt it.  Power crackled through the air and had his complete attention.  He was drawn to it.  It was familiar, though he had never felt anything like it before.  He sprinted through the cave to get to the opening that led to the realms.  He heard scurrying and shuffling all around as the Shades ran for cover.  Even the Bhakşaka looked afraid.  He wondered if he should be going toward the source of the explosion when all  the other evil creatures were trying to avoid it.  Then again, no one ever said he was the sane one.

Sacha carefully poked his head around the corner and saw something straight out of his fantasies.  The Fallen were running and screaming as debris fell from the top of the castle.  He looked up and saw the most wondrous sight in the distance. Lucifer’s Throne Room was crumbling apart and lay in ruins.  He couldn’t have asked for a better welcome home gift.

A thunderclap snapped him out of his happy place and made him refocus.  A giant storm cloud was forming over the castle while lightning snapped and arced across the sky.  The ceiling of the main cavern of Hell couldn’t be seen through the thick black clouds.

It was complete chaos.  The Fallen abandoned their realms and ran for the safety of the Caves or the Hall of Winds.  Some stood motionless, watching the unusual event.  It was odd seeing the tormentors of Hell afraid of something.  All of them were beyond emotions, aside from hatred.

Sacha felt the power grow stronger as he searched for the source of it.  That’s when he saw her, the main reason for his visit.  Anjali was standing in the exposed Throne Room, except she still looked mortal.  She was still Michelle.  He immediately knew that Lucifer had wronged her and she was about to even the score, which brought a smile to his face.

With the most important question answered, whether or not Anjali was alive and well, he needed his other questions answered.  Since she was in mortal form and wearing the ghastly black dress of his nightmares, something had gone very wrong with the contract.  He never believed that Lucifer would adhere to Gabriel’s demands, which was why he had trekked through the abhorrent tunnels to assess the situation for himself.  He was afraid that Lucifer might lock Anjali away and harm her, which didn’t sit well with him.  It wasn’t Lucifer’s place to hurt her.  Seeing Lucifer about to pay for his deception warmed his heart, though it did piqué
his curiosity.

Part of him was drawn in by Lucifer’s deception.  He wondered what lies Lucifer had told the girl.  For Michelle to take her own life, Lucifer must have used every deplorable skill in his arsenal.  He could hear the lies he used to lull her into a false sense of security.  He knew Lucifer would have used any and all means to get the girl, including seduction and false promises.  He admired Lucifer for achieving his goal through trickery, though it looked like it was about to bite him in the ass.

Sacha shook his head and regained control of his thoughts. He pushed away his admiration of Lucifer’s sins and remembered that Lucifer was wrong to take Michelle against her will.  He should have honored the contract and done as Gabriel requested.  It was time to remind Lucifer of what was at stake and show him that there were consequences for his actions, which was the second reason for his suicide mission.

Looking up at Anjali, he was struck by her beauty.  She had always been a stunning girl, but with her hair defying gravity and snaking around her head, she was enchanting.  Her eyes glowed with power and she was breathtaking.  Though she was wearing the abomination’s dress, which he detested, Anjali looked like a vixen.  She was a far cry from the shy understated schoolgirl who had sat in his class trying to avoid the notice of the boys around her.

Sacha watched the force of her power create bedlam and anarchy for as far as the eye could see.  A torrent of rain spilled from the sky and immediately soaked everyone and everything.  He closed his eyes and stepped into the torrent of water.  He turned his face up to the ceiling and held out his arms.  He felt revitalized and peaceful.  Allowing the feeling of chaos to enter him, he felt at peace.  For the first time since falling from Heaven, he was whole.  He rejoiced in the sensation and knew he was home.

When he opened his eyes, he saw an unconscious Hades pulled from the Realm of Frost by Tharin, the Overseer of Frost.  He laughed his ass off, grateful he had been there to witness Hades’ demise.  He should have felt pity for him, but didn’t.  He chuckled at Hades’ misfortune and wished he had caused it.  He had wanted to throw Hades off the roof on more than one occasion.

He watched Lucifer clinging to the side of the tower, and waited for him to take a swan dive as well.  Instead, he saw something bizarre.  Anjali was scrambling over to him trying to help him.  Why would she do that?  Why would she help the angel who had deceived her?  He was confused for a second, and then he felt hopeful.  She acted with compassion toward Lucifer.  He watched her pull Lucifer up and, dear Lord, hug him?  Either she had forgiven the bastard for lying to her, or she didn’t know the full extent of his treachery.

Since it was clear that Anjali could handle herself against Lucifer and didn’t need rescuing, he decided to do a little recon to find out what Lucifer had told the girl.  He knew Gabriel had kept the girl in the dark, but he needed to know how much Anjali knew before confronting her.

He used the mass pandemonium to his advantage and walked straight into Hell, undeterred.

Chapter 16


Lucifer looked down at Anjali and hesitated.  “Before you say anything else, you must answer me one thing truthfully.  When did you find out who you really were?” his body tensed up, waiting for the answer that could change everything in his world.

“About twenty minutes before I blew the crap out of your tower.  I didn’t know before then, I swear.  Do not ask me how I found out.  I don’t want anyone to get into trouble.  I’m mad that you didn’t tell me the truth.  I know you were afraid to tell me, I get it, but you should have at least told me who I was, even if you didn’t want to honor the contract,” Anjali looked into his eyes.  She put her hand on his face to show him that, even though she knew he had lied to her, she was still willing to stand by his side.

Lucifer let out a breath and relaxed.  “I have an idea how you found out, but I won’t pursue it.  You’re right.  I should have told you.  I was afraid you would leave me.  I know I should have waited until the agreed upon time for you to arrive, but the darkness was closing in and I couldn’t wait.  I wanted to cheat the contract and make you submit to me.  I didn’t want an equal; I wanted a mistress that I could rule over.  Admittedly, my intentions were less than pure when you arrived, but everything changed once I touched you.  You are a miracle to me.  I didn’t know what I wanted, until I had it and by that time, I was scared to tell you of my deception.  I couldn’t lose you.  I’m sorry that I yelled at you before.  I was angry because you looked so comfortable in the throne.  I was afraid that you were the one deceiving me.  I was surprised when you came here ignorant of our world and of your purpose.  When I heard you introduce yourself by your birth name, I thought you had fooled me by pretending to be naïve only to win my affection and make me submit to you,” he pushed his face into her hand.  He was relieved that she was alive and still willing to touch him.

“I was angry when I found out who I was and how you had lied to me, but most of all, I wanted to know who was ordering me to suffer in the realms.  Hades was my first guess, but I wasn’t sure.  I’m glad to know that it was Hades, but I still need you to answer something for me.  Did you bring me here to destroy the world?  I’m told the power I hold inside of me can wipe out everything,” she held her breath, waiting for the answer.

“When I was told of your creation, I feared the power that Father bestowed upon you.  I knew what it meant.  There was another before you, who held that kind of power.  We do not speak of him.  Many of us disagreed with the decision to create you, but we had faith in Father to correct the issues that plagued the original Destroyer.  Over time, I became obsessed with the idea of abandoning my post and leaving Hell in ruins.  The darkness was overwhelming my thoughts and I went to the Mortal Realm to seek you out.  Gabriel was smart and hid you well, but I was finally able to find you.  As soon as I placed my hand on you to steal you away, my entire world changed.  Yes, I was going to use you to end the world, but my plans were laid to waste when I felt Father’s love and light burst forth from you. My heart was freed of the pain and suffering.  I saw what I was doing and I knew it wrong.  All my anger and frustration disappeared, replaced by love and compassion.  I remembered who I was and that I didn’t want to hurt anyone.  Of course, it was too late.  Your power had been unleashed and I watched everything burn.  I had caused unspeakable devastation and I hated myself for it.  I knew I had to protect you from all others who would dare use you for their own purpose.  That’s why I went to Gabriel to make the deal.  Yes, there were other reasons why I wanted you, but that was the first one that came to my mind,” Lucifer smiled and ran his hands through her wet hair.  He chuckled when his fingers became tangled in it.

Anjali laughed and tried to pull her knotted hair away from Lucifer’s hand. She knew he was telling her the truth, now that she understood the effect she had on him.

“We both caused the world to burn.  Promise me it won’t happen again,” she put her arms around his neck.  She searched his face, hoping that he gave her the right answer.

Lucifer sighed when he felt her body pressed against his.  This was what he needed, a woman to keep him balanced, one who didn’t want to destroy everything that she touched.  Hell was in serious need of a sane person who would make the right decisions and keep the world safe.  He was wrong about her being his reward.  She was his hope for a better existence, one where he was able to do Father’s will and not the will of the evil that threatened to consume him.

“I swear to you, I will never use your power against the world.  One day you will have to destroy it, but it will not be because of me,” he leaned down and kissed her softly.  He held her close and vowed to be there for her, to help her when she needed him.

Anjali nodded and put her head against his chest.  She saw that her sleeve was ripped.  She pulled away from him and looked down at her disheveled appearance.  She cringed.  Lucifer looked sexy with his wet shirt plastered to his muscled chest.  She looked like a drowned black cat.

Lucifer noticed her look of dismay at her appearance and waved his hand, drying them both.  Even though she looked delectable in her wet clothing, he knew she was uncomfortable.  She smiled when she saw that she was presentable again.  He laughed at himself for taking delight in such a small thing.

“I hate to ask, but what will happen to Hades?  I’m assuming that he survived the fall,” Anjali felt a little guilty about throwing Hades to the ground, but not enough to go and pick him up.

“Yes, he will survive, though I’m sure he regrets that fact,” Lucifer replied.

Lucifer looked at the demolished bridge from the Throne Room to the rotunda.  He shook out his black wings to eliminate the water.  He then lifted Anjali into his arms and flew across the gaping space.

Anjali squeaked as Lucifer took hold of her and propelled them through the air.  She watched in awe as his strong wings moved them gracefully to the archway in the rotunda.  She saw Lucifer’s servants standing at attention in the rotunda, awaiting their orders as Lucifer landed gracefully on the floor.  Malcolm had joined them next to a battered and frost covered Hades, who was propped up against the rotunda wall.

“Aganon, Vincent, take Hades into custody, again.  I will speak to him personally.  Azazel, Malcolm, a word,” Lucifer nodded his head to the servants.

Aganon and Vincent lifted an unconscious Hades and dragged him down the steps, letting his feet dangle and hit each step on the way down.

He put Anjali down and waited for Azazel and Malcolm to step forward and take a knee in front of him.

“My Lord?”  Azazel kept his eyes on the ground and gulped.

“My Lord?”  Malcolm was calm, but respectful.

“Azazel, as Lead Punisher, I’m assuming that you knew about Anjali’s treatment in the realms?” Lucifer was menacing as he spoke.

“Yes, my Lord.  Lord Hades informed me that you had altered your original command and that the girl was to suffer all the realms because of her suicide.  He said not to speak to you about it because you were distraught over having to carry out the punishment.  He said that you wished you didn’t have to do it, but that you had no other choice.  I’m sorry for not speaking to you directly, my Lord,” Azazel sang like a canary and spilled his guts.

Anjali was certain he would sell out his own grandmother, if he had one, to avoid being sent to the Hall of Torment, along with Hades.

“Yes, you should have come to me. Malcolm, when I dismissed you before, what you were trying to tell me?”  Lucifer hoped that at least one if his top angels had the good sense to remain loyal to him.

“My Lord, I was trying to inform you of what happened in the Realm of Fire.  I witnessed your mistress turn it to ice.  When you dismissed me, I went to Lord Hades in the Hall of Torment to report the incident to him.  He said that he would speak to you personally regarding the matter.  I told him that I refused to put her back into the realms,” Malcolm’s words poured out of him quickly, hoping that his confession would save him.

“Azazel, I am demoting you.  Malcolm will take your place as Lead Punisher.  You will take over Malcolm’s post as the Overseer of the Realm of Fire, after a session in the Hall of Torment.  Fail me again and you will lose your head.  This is not the first time you have chosen to listen to Hades’ commands over mine.  I suggest you take the time off to remember who reigns here,” Lucifer turned to Dorian and nodded to him, setting Dorian into motion.  He took custody of Azazel and led him down the staircase.

“Malcolm, the next time you have information concerning Anjali, you will inform me immediately, even if I am threatening to remove the skin from your body.  Are we clear?” Lucifer glared at Malcolm.

“Yes, my Lord, I will do what is necessary to make you aware of the situation,” Malcolm was practically kissing the floor in subjugation, thankful that he would not have Lucifer’s boot up his ass.

“Malcolm, inform the others of the change in personnel.  Make sure it is very clear to everyone in my domain that Anjali is not to be harmed, ever. Make sure everyone is back to work and tell Sebastian that I want a prisoner count.  It’s your job to make sure all the prisoners are still in their realms and that there were no escape attempts during Anjali’s impressive display of power.  I will address them all shortly.  Until then, leave us be,” Lucifer watched Malcolm bowed quickly and leave.

Anjali nervously fidgeted with the sleeve of her dress while Lucifer gathered his thoughts.  She was staring at the circular diamond pattern on the marble floor.

Lucifer turned toward the entrance to Hades’ tower and shook his head.

“Well, since you destroyed most of the Tower of the Master and the Tower of the Punisher is garish and tasteless, it seems we will need a place to stay during the repairs.  You destroyed half of my room and flooded the rest.  All of my servants will need to be moved, as well,” Lucifer turned and rubbed the back of his hand along her jaw.

“Sorry,” she looked at the ground and bit her lip.

“It was incredibly sexy watching you let loose.  I know I prefer wild women, but you put them all to shame.  Don’t worry about it.  It’s certainly not the first time the tower has sustained damage.  You should see what happens when my brother Michael comes for an unwelcomed visit,” Lucifer stepped away from Anjali and stared up at a blank section of wall.

The small round room held the staircase entrance, the entrance to Hades’ tower, and the smashed entrance to Lucifer’s tower.  There was plenty of empty wall space, but she couldn’t see anything of significance on the wall.

“That was a onetime event.  Don’t ask for an encore,” she shuddered when she thought of letting go of that power again.  She had trouble stopping the storm, even with Lucifer’s help.

“That is probably for the best,” he smiled and then sighed. “I swore I would never do this.”  He waved his arm across the blank wall.  Immediately a doorway appeared with heavy black ornate doors.  He pushed against the doors, which creaked loudly and slowly entered the dark room.

Anjali waited to be invited since she wasn’t sure she wanted to know what was inside.  She had a sense of doom merely standing in front of the entrance.  She didn’t want to go in.

Lucifer appeared and motioned for her to join him.  As she entered the room, firelight sprang to life in gold wall sconces and gold chandeliers, revealing a long hall.  She noticed that there weren’t any windows in the room, but the entire length of the hall was covered in mirrors held in large black ornate frames.  At the end of the hall atop a black marble dais was a small throne made from what looked like shrunken heads.

Anjali almost turned and ran, but Lucifer took hold of her hands.

“I have done many things in my life that I am not proud of.  Things I never wanted you to know about, but I feel that I must tell you everything.  You may yet hate me, once you know the truth,” Lucifer’s sadness made her walk further into the room.

She knew that life with him would forever be an adventure so she wasn’t surprised that were more skeletons in his closet.

“I know you haven’t lived like a saint.  I’m sure that you have killed, maimed, and destroyed things that shouldn’t have been killed, maimed, or destroyed, so you might as well get it all out.  You’re the devil; I don’t expect awards and plaques showing all of your humanitarian efforts.  Just tell me,” Anjali knew she would have to accept whatever awful things he was about to confess to her, or at least try to.

“I told you that Tabbris once ruled alongside Hades and me, when we first fell from Heaven.  This used to be his tower, the Tower of Unity.  I didn’t name it, Tabbris did,” Lucifer rolled his eyes at the name.  “Only that idiot could be pompous enough to believe that he could unite Heaven and Hell.  It was no wonder he failed.  Anyway, this was where he resided and held court.  After he left, it was vacant, just like his marble throne.  A long time had passed and I was having trouble holding back the darkness.  I was lonely and depressed.  I did something terrible,” Lucifer hung his head, but kept hold of her hands.

“Who did you get to live in his tower?”  Anjali could see it was hard for him to talk about it, which meant she probably didn’t want to know what he had done.

“I’m not proud of what I did.  Even then, I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t care.  I have walked the Mortal Realm and I’ve had many women, but none of them could make me happy,” he paused, unsure how to continue.

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