The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness (13 page)

BOOK: The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness
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Lucifer snickered and looked to Hades for support.  “Request denied.  If Gabriel wanted a fair agreement, then he shouldn’t have bargained with me.”

Lucifer’s servants all snickered since they were allowed to show support for Lucifer while entertaining guests.

Hades smirked at Lucifer.  He was spellbound as he watched the Council fall hook, line, and sinker for Lucifer’s bullshit story.  The Lucifer that attacked Mark neither cared about the agreement or the provisions of it while he was throwing his fist into Mark’s gut and stomping on his leg.  The truth of the matter was, Lucifer didn’t have a single rational thought in his head at the time of the attack, yet the brilliant angel was going to walk away from this with his head intact.  He would never again doubt Lucifer’s ability to lie his way out of trouble.

Raphael sighed, disappointed that Lucifer had talked his way out of death, again.  “We have no right to interfere with the terms of their contract.  The fact bargain was made and ultimately honored.  Lord Lucifer is correct.  The agreement was sanctioned.  There is little else to discuss on that front.  Whether or not Mark was guilty of interfering by aiding Lord Gabriel is the question.  I can see both sides of the argument.  I suggest that Lord Lucifer was overzealous in his treatment of Mark, but that Mark had no right to interfere.  I believe Lord Lucifer should be punished for torturing Mark since it was too severe a reaction.  Let him suffer the same fate as Mark, and be cast into the Realm of Fire for an equal amount of time.  Do you find that fair brother?”  Raphael left the final word to Adrian.  If he dared to ask Michael, Michael’s sword would do the answering.

“I agree, though this will serve as a warning to you, Lord Lucifer, do not torture another Heavenly Angel without consent from the Council or we will end you.  Lord Michael, see to it that Lord Lucifer serves out his sentence and then return home,” Adrian waved his hand to Michael, allowing him to take custody of Lucifer.

“I concur.  Be warned, Lord Lucifer, we will not show you mercy again if you break the rules,” Raphael looked sternly at Lucifer.  He bowed and turned to leave.

“So this means that neither Gabriel, nor anyone else, has any recourse in regards to my contract pertaining to the girl?” Lucifer called out to Raphael.

“It was agreed that this was the safest place for her, though I will warn you to take good care of her.  Father would be displeased if any harm came to her.  She will be needed.  May I inquire as to why she is not present?” Raphael asked, though he didn’t seem to care about the answer.

Adrian waited for Lucifer’s answer, interested in his reply.  He had only caught a glimpse of the girl for a second the last time he was in Hell.

“The matter did not concern her and she was not present during the incident.  She would have little to offer on the matter.  Besides, why would she want to be around the very people who allowed her to be cast off into Hell?” Lucifer let his disgust of his brothers be known.

Raphael merely nodded and turned to leave, escorted by Dorian and Vincent. Mark followed quickly behind.  Adrian seemed displeased with Lucifer’s statement, but held his tongue.

Raphael and Adrian were distant memories as Lucifer stared at Michael.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” Michael slowly walked up the dais, one step at a time, purposely showing Lucifer that his earlier threat was useless.  He stood directly in front of Lucifer’s throne and glared at him.

“You forget that live in the constant heat of Hell, Michael.  How could I rule this domain without being able to withstand the flames?” Lucifer smiled wickedly.  He slowly rose to his feet until he was eye level with Michael.  He intentionally looked Michael up and down, sizing him up.  He would have loved to rip the pretentious ponytail off his head and make him fetch it.  He wanted nothing more than to finish their fight from centuries ago.

Aganon and Caleb stepped closer to the two angels, ready to assist their Master, if needed.

Hades was out of his seat and practically standing between them before either could blink, or raise a fist.  “If we have to do this, then let’s get it over with.  You’re cutting into my tee time.  I’d like to finish the back nine before dinner,” Hades had other things to do, including plot and scheme to get rid of the blasted girl.  He really didn’t have time for an unscheduled construction project.

“After you,” Michael smiled, and held out his hand, showing Lucifer the way.

Lucifer was on a high as he ran for his mistress.  He had quickly stood in the Realm of Fire for a few minutes, all the while laughing and taunting Michael as he turned to ash. He even let out his black wings and let them burn to satisfy the Council’s eye for an eye, or rather a wing for a wing, sentence.

Michael was visibly disturbed by Lucifer’s display.  Michael preferred his victims to suffer, yet another thing he and Michael had in common.

Lucifer was unhappy that he had been sentenced at all, but considering that he went from potentially losing his head to the equivalent of a steam bath, at least for him, he considered the day to be a good one. He was damn near gleeful as he watched Aganon toss Michael out of his domain. He would seek retribution against Raphael and Adrian later.  Right now, he was merely content with the fact that he’d just made sure no one in Heaven would dare step foot into Hell to take his mistress away from him.

Standing on the staircase that led to his servant’s quarters, he contemplated what he wanted to do with her.  He knew he needed his head examined.  Despite his best effort, which wasn’t all that great, he gave in and took the stairs two at a time.  He needed to make sure Dorian and Vincent didn’t see him.  It would be embarrassing to have to summon one of his own servants personally.

Michelle was pacing, trying to figure out why Caleb had resurfaced and brought her back to her room.  Though he was able to speak, he said nothing as he dragged her along.  She yelled at him to say something, anything, but he refused.

She had debated if she should lie down and rest on the bed for the first time since dying, but she was too wound up to sleep.  Prisoners didn’t need sleep, food, or bathroom breaks, and apparently neither did servants, even though she felt drained.  She kicked her bed a few times in frustration when she heard the door open.

She was about to tackle Caleb and force him to speak when she saw Lucifer standing in her room.  She froze.

“Hello,” Lucifer said breathlessly.  She was as beautiful as he remembered.  She was still wearing the dress, which he was a little surprised by.  He thought she would have rebelled against it and worn a sheet rather than wear something he demanded she wear.  He recalled Hades saying that she was angry with him.  She looked furious when he walked in and now shocked.  He assumed she was afraid of him.  He needed to remedy the situation quickly.

“Hi,” Michelle said more as a question, but didn’t move closer to him.

He wanted to take her into his arms, but didn’t want to startle her.

“That dress certainly suits you,” Lucifer had never given a woman a complement before, but he figured he would start with the obvious.  He was having trouble keeping his thoughts straight looking at her in the seductively skintight dress.  Her gorgeous flesh was on display for him and he imagined licking all of it.  His eyes were drawn to her slender waist and he instantly entranced by her hips.

“Hmm,” she replied, distantly.  She was still pissed that he hadn’t supplied her with panties for her whore outfit.

“I haven’t summoned you because I’ve been occupied.  Perhaps you will take a walk with me,” Lucifer knew Hades had spread a rumor that he was in New York and didn’t want to correct the lie.  He didn’t need her knowing that he was in ruins because of her.  He wanted to be out in public with her so there would be less chance of kissing her and falling back into despair.

“Okay,” she seemed to be working with one-word answers.  She must truly be mad at him.

Lucifer motioned to the door and waited for her to follow him.  Hades said she had been exploring the castle and the realms trying to get a feel for the place.  She had spoken to the other Fallen and watched them perform their daily tasks.  He had hoped it was because she wanted to learn more about Hell so that she could better serve him, but he assumed it was because she was bored.  He decided to take her to the realms and explain the day-to-day goings on.  He wanted her to stay here forever, so she might as well understand the how Hell worked.  He realized that he wanted to get to know her better.  Perhaps he wouldn’t even like her, but he knew differently.

They walked through the castle and out the front entrance.  Michelle was surprised that they didn’t take the shortcut through the tower, but didn’t bother to question Lucifer.  She had nothing better to do, so she followed him in silence.

Lucifer stopped and looked out over his domain with pride.

“I know you’ve seen most of the realms and have been acquainted with the Fallen who oversee the prisoners.  I wanted to explain the purpose of each realm,” Lucifer walked toward the Realm of Thrashing Vines, which was the closest.

“I already know the purpose of each realm,” she replied tersely.  She refused to look at him and instead focused on something in the distance.

“Really?” Lucifer was surprised by her statement.

“Yes,” she said, still refusing to look at him.

“Interesting.  I had no idea,” Lucifer replied as he led her along the pathways.  The Fallen moved aside for them, bowing as they passed.  They seemed extra eager to please him.

“That area over there is the Hall of Winds.  It’s where the new souls arrive to be sorted, reviewed, and placed in the appropriate realms.  Sebastian is the Overseer of the hall.  The souls who are ready to be reincarnated return to the Mortal Realm through the portal at the far end so that they can start their new lives.  We also receive visitors from Heaven through there.  Some have permission to enter directly into the Throne Room, though most of them must be escorted from here,” Lucifer led her into the long dark hall.

“I know,” she replied.  She barely looked around.

“Well, you have been busy.  And do you know about the Caves of Darkness?” Lucifer turned to look at her more closely.

“Yes.  It’s where the evil creatures that feed on souls live.  They make sure that no one gets in or out of Hell,” she sighed.

Lucifer suddenly felt terrible.  She looked so sad and he knew he was the reason why.  He had left her alone too long.

“I see.  It seems you know your way around, so let us retire,” Lucifer shrugged.  So much for showing off his world to her.  He didn’t even get to brag about his VIP Section.

She appeared indifferent to his statement, so he led her back to the castle in silence.

They returned to her room and he sat on the bed to put her at ease.

“I’m sure you have questions for me,” he knew it was truth or dare time.  He tried to stall as much as he could, but he couldn’t bear to see her so upset.  They needed to talk things through if he was going to try to make her happy.

Happy?  It was a foreign concept to him.  He hadn’t been truly happy since he lived in Heaven.  He wasn’t sure how to make someone else happy.  He was at a loss.

Michelle remained standing and was distant as she launched into her interrogation.  “Why did you call to me in my head?  Why did you want to bring me here?  It certainly wasn’t to give me the grand tour. In the beginning, I could only hear you in my dreams, but in the end, I heard you while I was awake.  You gave me a mind-splitting headache.  That’s what did me in.  I want to know why,” she shouted.

She couldn’t take it anymore.  She was tired of him humiliating her.  His comment about her slave girl outfit suiting her burned her ass.  Apparently, she was nothing more than his mistress.  Then he made a point of telling her the purpose of each realm, as if she didn’t know.  He taunted her by showing her the exit though the Hall of Winds, even though she was never allowed to go home again, and she certainly didn’t need to play another round of, do you want to end it all in the Caves of Darkness.  Lastly, he dragged her back to the whorehouse, if that symbol on her door really did mean that she was part of his harem.  And really, he’d been busy?  He’d been so busy having sex with everyone, except for her that he couldn’t be bothered to see her.  She’d had it.  Sexy or not, she was pissed at him.

“Headache?  I didn’t cause a headache, at least I shouldn’t have.  Actually, I spoke to you constantly.  I take it that you were only able to hear me while you were asleep, when your mind was open to me.  All my hard work and you only heard a small part of what I said.  I started speaking to you a very long time ago.  In the end, I tracked you down through one of my servants.  I am happy that you are finally here,” Lucifer smiled at her.  He wanted her to know that he was pleased she was with him.  Unfortunately, she still didn’t look very happy.

She had been happy to see him, excited even.  Now she wanted to slap him.  She liked this new, darker side of her personality.  She was suddenly eager to embrace it.

“Happy?  I’m really glad you’re happy.  What I want to know is why me?”  She was furious and shaking.  She could barely keep her hand from forming a fist to punch him.  And damn it, why did he have to look so scrumptious sitting on the bed?

He was lounging on the bed all the while looking like a clothing model.  All he needed was the pout and she might cave.  His hair was back to chestnut and his eyes were dark brown, but not black.  He somehow looked less scary than the first time they’d met.  He seemed unsure of himself.  She didn’t know if she should believe his body language that implied he was nervous or his words that said he was an ass.

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