The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family (78 page)

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Authors: Mary S. Lovell

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Women

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Select Bibliography


All books published in London unless otherwise stated.

Acton, Harold,
Memoir of Nancy Mitford
(Hamish Hamilton, 1975).

Amory, Mark,
Letters of Evelyn Waugh
(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980).

Attallah, Naim,
More of a Certain Age
(Quartet Books, 1993).

Barrow, Andrew,
(Hamish Hamilton, 1978).

Boothby, Robert,
I Fight to Live
(Heinemann, 1947).

Recollections of a Rebel
(Hutchinson, 1978).

Bowles, Thomas Gibson,
The Log of the Nereid
(Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1889).

Bullock, Alan,
Hitler – A Study in Tyranny
(Oldhams Press, 1952).

Butler, Lucy (ed.)
Letters Home: The Letters of Robert Byron
(John Murray, 1991).

Carpenter, Humphrey,
The Brideshead Generation
(Faber and Faber, 1989).

Carrington, Dora,
Letters and Diaries
(Cape, 1970).

Churchill, Winston,
The Second World War
, 5 vols (Cassell, 1948–54).

Collier, Peter and Horowitz, David,
The Kennedys
(Secker & Warburg, 1984).

Cowles, Virginia,
Looking for Trouble
(Hamish Hamilton, 1941).

Dalley, Jan,
Diana Mosley
(Faber and Faber, 2000).

Dalton, Hugh,
The Fateful Years
(Frederick Muller, 1957).

Davie, Mark,
Diaries of Evelyn Waugh
(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976).

Devonshire, Duchess of,
The House
(Macmillan, 1982).

The Estate
(Macmillan, 1990).

Durr, Virginia Foster,
Outside the Magic Circle
(University of Alabama Press, 1990).

Graham, Sheilah,
Beloved Infidel
(Cassell, 1933).

Guinness, Bryan,
Singing out of Tune
(Putnam, 1933).

Dairy Not Kept
(Compton Press, 1981).

Guinness, Jonathan and Catherine,
The House of Mitford
(Hutchinson, 1984).

Halle, Kay,
The Young Unpretender
(Heinemann, 1971).

Hanfstaengl, Ernst (‘Putzi’),
Hitler, the Missing Years
(Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1957).

Hastings, Selina,
Nancy Mitford
(Hamish Hamilton, 1985).

Hillier, Bevis,
Young Betjeman
(John Murray, 1988).

Holroyd, Michael,
Lytton Strachey
(Chatto & Windus, 1994).

Ingram, Kevin,
Rebel – The Life of Esmond Romilly
(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1985).

Lees-Milne, James,
Another Self
(Hamish Hamilton, 1970).

Ancestral Voices
(John Murray, 1975).

Caves of Ice
(John Murray, 1983).

A Mingled Measure
(John Murray, 1994).

Ancient as the Hills
(John Murray, 1997).

Through Wood and Dale
(John Murray, 1998).

Deep Romantic Chasm
(John Murray, 2000).

Leslie, Anita,
Cousin Randolph
(Hutchinson, 1985).

The Gilt and the Gingerbread
(Hutchinson, 1981).

Lewis, Jeremy,
Cyril Connolly
(Cape, 1997).

Lockhart, Sir Robert Bruce,
(Macmillan, 1973).

Lycett-Green, Candida (ed.),
John Betjeman – Letters
(Methuen, 1990).

Mitford, Jessica,
Hons and Rebels
(Victor Gollancz, 1960).

The American Way of Death
(Simon & Schuster, 1963).

A Fine Old Conflict
(Michael Joseph, 1977).

Poison Penmanship
(Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1979).

Kind and Unusual Punishment
(Knopf, New York, 1973).

Faces of Philip
(Heinemann, 1984).

Mitford, Nancy,
Wigs on the Green
(Butterworth, 1935).

The Pursuit of Love
(Hamish Hamilton, 1947).

Love in a Cold Climate
(Hamish Hamilton, 1949).

The Blessing
(Hamish Hamilton, 1951).

Noblesse Oblige
(Hamish Hamilton, 1956).

Don’t Tell Alfred
(Hamish Hamilton, 1960).

The Water Beetle
(Hamish Hamilton, 1962).

Mosley, Charlotte, Love from Nancy – The Letters of Nancy Mitford (Hodder & Stoughton, 1993).

Letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh
(Sceptre, 1996).

A Talent to Annoy
(Beaufort Books, New York, 1986).

Mosley, Diana, A Life of Contrasts (Hamish Hamilton, 1977).

Loved Ones
(Sidgwick & Jackson, 1985).

The Duchess of Windsor
(Sidgwick & Jackson, 1980).

Mosley, Nicholas, The
Rules of the Game
(Secker & Warburg, 1982).

Beyond the Pale
(Secker & Warburg, 1983).

Mosley, Sir Oswald,
My Life
(Nelson, 1970).

Murphy, Sophia,
The Mitford Family Album
(Sidgwick & Jackson, 1985).

Nicholson, Harold,
Diaries and Letters,
3 vols (Collins, 1970).

Powell, Violet,
Five out of Six
(Heinemann, 1960).

Pryce-Jones, David,
Unity Mitford
(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976).

Quennell, Peter,
The Marble Foot
(Collins, 1976).

Ravensdale, Irene,
In Many Rhythms
(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1953).

Redesdale, Lord,
, 2 vols (Hutchinson, 1915).

Romilly, Esmond,
(Macdonald, 1938).

Skidelsky, Robert,
Oswald Mosley
(Macmillan, 1975).

Soames, Mary,
Clementine Churchill
(Cassell, 1979).

Soames, Mary (ed.),
Speaking for Themselves: The Letters of Winston and Clementine Churchill
(Doubleday, 1998).

Speer, Albert,
Inside the Third Reich
(Sphere Books, 1975).

Sykes, Christopher,
Evelyn Waugh
(Collins, 1975).

Trevor-Roper, H.R.,
Hitler’s Table Talk
(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1953).

Toynbee, Philip,
Friends Apart
(MacGibbon and Kee, 1954).

Zeigler, Philip,
Diana Cooper
(Hamish Hamilton, 1981).



Acton, Harold 68, 108, 127, 497, 512

Acton, William 127, 254, 439, 494

aesthetes 108

Air Time Ltd 208–9, 211, 253–4, 273, 274, 321, 325–6

air travel, transatlantic 292–3

Alcoholics Anonymous 520

Allen, Bill 209, 211, 325–6

Allen, Joe 265

Allhusen, Dorothy 218, 219, 221, 226

Allies Club 356

Almassy, Janos von 93, 129–30, 186, 242, 243; Unity and 206, 270, 285, 290, 295, 298, 304, 305, 306

Almassy, Teddy von 300–1

Alternative, The (Oswald Mosley) 416

Aly Khan, prince 423

Amende, May 129, 132

American Way of Birth, The (Jessica Mitford) 481

American Way of Death, The (Jessica Mitford) 471, 472, 477–80, 521, 524

Angelou, Maya 484, 520, 521, 523, 524

Anschluss 242–3, 244

anti-Semitism 187–9, 195–6, 263, 285–6, 417, 517

Appleshaw, Hampshire 128

‘Arties’ 70–1

Asthall Manor 44–52; Christmas 50–1; ghosts 44–5, 87; library 45, 52, 86; sold 78–9

Astor, Nancy 154–5

Atholl, Katherine Ramsay, Duchess of 203

Aurania, SS 279

Baarova, Lida 210

Bader, Douglas 416

Bailey, Dorothy, née Bowles (‘Aunt Weenie’) 20, 21, 49, 231, 468, 476

Bailey, Richard 351

Bailey, Rosemary see Mitford, Rosemary

Bailey, Tim 354

Bailey family 24, 49, 301, 312, 354

Baldwin, Oliver 136

Batsford House 37, 39–44; library 42

Baum, Frau 171, 172

Bavaria 176

Bayonne 239

Bayreuth 176, 268

Bayreuth Festival 205, 207, 247, 287–8

Bazely, Lady 53

BBC 208, 507, 516, 517

Beaton, Nancy 149

Beaverbrook, Max, 1st Baron 218, 320, 347

Bedell, Miss 78, 85, 90

Beecham, Sir Thomas 141

Beit, Lady see Mitford, Clementine

Bell, Ikey 419–20

Bellevue Laboratory, France 421

Berners, Gerald, 14th Baron 162–3, 324, 414, 415

Betjeman, John 22, 108, 127, 159, 197, 397, 466; contribution to Nancy’s book 451, 452; depicted in Christmas Pudding 148; description of Faringdon 415; ditty on Mitford girls 130; helps to find school for Mosley children 414; relationship with Pam 128–30; visits Biddesden with future wife, and has supernatural experience 130

Betts, Mrs 370, 371, 375

Bexhill 34–5

Biddesden 102, 126–8, 130, 140, 142, 167, 185

Bilbao 227–8, 232–3, 238, 239

Birkenhead, Lord see Smith, F.E.

Birket, Norman 360–1

Blake, William 46, 71

Blessing, The (Nancy Mitford) 426, 453

Blomfield Road, Maida Vale 213, 330

Bloomingdale’s, New York 291

Blor, Nanny see Dicks, Laura

Blunt, Wilfred Scawen 25

(Esmond Romilly) 235–6, 238–9

del Monte, battle of 219

Boer War 13–14, 71

Books and Bookmen
460, 496

Boothby, Bob 141

Boudledidge 51, 88, 104, 120, 500

Bowles, Dorothy see Bailey, Dorothy

Bowles, Geoffrey (uncle) 31, 476

Bowles, George (uncle) 16–17, 476

Bowles, Jessica (grandmother) 10, 30

Bowles, Sydney see Mitford, Sydney

Bowles, Thomas (‘Tap’) (grandfather) 9, 10, 12, 15–16, 17, 20, 30, 31, 34; death 62

Bowyer family 24

Brabazon, Lord 14

Braun, Eva 197, 247, 248, 250, 299

Brayfield 120, 121

Breslau 268

generation’ 68–9

Brideshead Revisited
(Evelyn Waugh) 68, 395

‘Bright Young People’ 108–9, 111

Brin, Doris (‘Dobbie’), later Walker 373, 376, 404

British Expeditionary Force 314, 322

British Union of Fascists 136–8, 143, 248–9, 264, 274; Air Time fundraising project 208–9, 211, 253–4, 273, 274, 321, 325–6; Bill Allen as possible spy 209, 211, 325–6; links with Italian Fascists 153, 184; officials imprisoned during war 324, 328, 359, 362; post-war 417; rallies 143, 194; success 194–5; Unity joins 156, 157, 163–4, 264–5; see also Mosley, Oswald

Brixton Prison 326, 328

Broadmoor, Miss 89

Brocket, Lord 270

Brown Book of Hitler Terror
, The 177, 178

Brown House, Munich 181

Brunswick, Duchess of 185

Buckingham Street, London 102–3, 109, 126

BUF see British Union of Fascists

Bunting, Miss 90

Burma 392

Burn, Michael 94, 161, 183

Burns, Robert 51

Byron, Robert 68, 98, 102, 108, 269–70, 276

Cadogan, Commander 53

California Labour School 385

California State Committee on Un-American Activities 430

California State University, San José 493–4

Canada 31–3, 97–8, 189, 247, 316, 320, 341

Canadian Military Hospital 335

Canadian Royal Air Force 317

Cape Cod 521

Caribou flying boat 292

Carlton Tearooms, Munich 172, 183, 185

Carrington, Dora 108, 126, 127, 129, 132

Castle Howard 241, 258

Castlerosse, Doris 141

Cavalcade (film) 182

Cavendish, Andrew, later 11th Duke of Devonshire 342, 497; meets Debo 272–3; engagement to Debo 303–4, 335, 336; wedding 338–40; children 377, 382, 385, 454; and brother’s death 388–9; and politics 403, 421, 471–2, 526; and Chatsworth Settlement 421–3; father’s death and efforts to save Chatsworth 423–4, 440–2, 526; golden wedding 515; support for local institutions 526

Cavendish, Billy, Lord Hartington 334–5, 383–4, 387–8

Cavendish, Deborah, Duchess of Devonshire see Mitford, Deborah

Cavendish, Elizabeth 388

Cavendish, Emma 377, 421, 423, 437, 477, 525

Cavendish, Peregrine Andrew Morny (‘Stoker’) 385, 421, 423, 437, 525, 526

Cavendish, Sophia 454, 500

Chamberlain, Neville 270, 276, 277, 316

chaperones 69, 73, 75–6

Chartwell 83, 91–2, 121, 170, 205, 349

Château l’Horizon 423

Chatsworth 334, 335, 339, 389, 411, 471, 477, 515; Chatsworth Settlement 421–3; efforts to save after 10th duke’s death 423–4, 440–2, 526–8; Farm Shop 528

Cheatle, Dr 95, 469

Cheltenham Literary Festival 518

Cherwell, Lord see Lindemann, Frederick

Cherwell (magazine) 128

Chesterfield 403, 421

Chetwode, Penelope 130

Cheyne Walk, Chelsea 126

Chilton, Sir Henry 233

Cholmondeley, Essex 53

Christian Science 313

Christmas Pudding (Nancy Mitford) 147–8

chub fuddling 57–8

Churchill, Clementine, née Hozier 25–6, 83, 93, 115, 121, 317, 377–8, 380, 415

Churchill, Diana 93, 205, 320

Churchill, Ivor 205

Churchill, Mary 121, 400

Churchill, Randolph 132, 141, 253, 284, 380, 397; friendship with Diana 66, 83, 91, 110, 127, 205, 414; marriage 301

Churchill, Sarah 205

Churchill, Winston 61, 92, 184, 218, 229, 277, 284–5, 317, 327, 413, 428; asks Diana’s opinion of Hitler 205; blamed for war by Fascists 288, 293; Diana’s friendship with 83, 131; and Esmond Romilly 26, 170, 179, 320, 349–50; forms wartime government 316, 323; interest in Mussolini 321; meeting with Decca and her reaction to gift 347–50; meets Roosevelt 347; proposes Mosley for the Other Club 135; reaction to Liverpool slums 326; receives letter from Decca about Mosleys 375–6; and release of Mosleys 378, 380; Tom’s friendship with 115, 116; tries to improve prison conditions 359–60, 363; and Unity’s letter about Austria 242; unpopular in 1930s 206

Civil Rights Campaign 408, 428–32, 447, 448

Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford 214

Cliveden 135, 154, 335

Clonfert Palace 419, 457–9

Clough, Arthur Hugh 413

Clovelly, Devon 85–6

Cockburn, Claud 401–2

Colditz 343

Colefax, Sybil 356

Collinson, Captain 47

Columbia Hospital, Washington 337

Commentator (journal) 314

Communism 264, 265; Decca and 165, 166, 177–8, 204, 255, 350; Esmond and 170; fear of 137–8, 195, 204, 310; in Hungary 443–4, 448; in Spain 221

Communist Party: Decca’s activities for 376, 401–2, 405, 449; persecution in USA 418, 428, 430–2; relative freedom in England 442, 463–4; Decca’s resignation 447–8; see also Civil Rights Campaign

Connaught Hotel, London 357

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