The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family (82 page)

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Authors: Mary S. Lovell

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Women

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Mitford Girls, The (musical) 509

Monckton, Walter 363

Morrell, Theodor 268

Morris, Sir William 136

Morrison, Herbert 340, 359–60, 378, 380

Mortimer, Raymond 444, 450–1

Mosley, Alexander 273, 359, 381, 414, 415, 418, 423, 457–8

Mosley, Cynthia, née Curzon (‘Cimmie’) 139–40, 141, 142, 143, 320; death 154–5

Mosley, Diana see Mitford, Diana

Mosley, Max 320, 327, 381, 414, 415, 418, 423, 457–8, 510, 525

Mosley, Nicholas 140, 197, 198, 199, 200, 213, 253, 274–5, 322, 364, 415;
Rules of the Game

Mosley, Oswald: appearance 134; character 136–7; meets Diana 131–2; political career 133–9, 142, 143–4, 153, 163, 164, 194–6, 208; speeches 134; books 138, 142, 416, 461; first marriage 139–41; affairs 139–40, 157, 197–8, 199; affair with Diana 141–6, 153–7, 164–5, 197–200; and fencing 142–3; and Cimmie’s death 154–6; meeting with Hitler 184–5; and anti-Semitism 196, 417, 517; reaction to
Wigs on the Green
196–7; marries Diana secretly in Germany 200–1, 211–12; and BUF finances 208–10, 321; homes 213–14, 273, 320–1, 381–2, 419; Hitler’s view of 248–9; relationship with Mitfords 260; campaigns for peace 263, 286, 288, 321; activism against 264; marriage made public on birth of child 273–5; public image 321–2, 361–2; puts BUF at disposal of British armed forces 321; imprisonment 323–4, 325–6, 329, 362–5; appeal 360–2; sues
Daily Mirror
362–3; release triggers protests 374–5, 376–81; illness 377, 378, 380, 381; and Tom’s death 393–4; post-war activities 413–19, 459–60; belief in European Union 416–17; induces Foreign Office to issue passport and buys yacht for Mediterranean cruise 418–19; loss of Clonfert and move to France 458, 459; success of marriage 459; attacked 460; Decca’s dislike of 470; illness and death 503–4; interviews and articles 503, 504; portrayed in Diana’s book 506; son’s book on 509–10; see also British Union of Fascists

Mosley, Vivien 198, 199, 321, 415

Mossman, James 503

Moyne, Lord 145, 325

Münchener Zeitung 188

Munich 167, 172, 174, 175, 181, 206, 244, 247, 288, 297; Pinakothek 175

Murray, Marjorie 62

Mussolini, Benito 137, 138, 139, 144, 184, 204, 249, 267, 321

My Answer (Oswald Mosley) 416

My Life (Oswald Mosley) 461

Nancy Mitford (Selina Hastings) 511–12

Nancy Mitford - a Portrait by Her Sisters (TV documentary) 07

National Press 21

National Trust 441, 525

‘Natty’, Aunt see Hozier, Blanche

Nazi-Soviet Pact 290

Nazis 107, 159–60, 171, 181, 184, 187, 205–6, 284; Kristallnacht 263; Night of the Long Knives 172–3; Nuremberg rallies 160–2, 174, 175, 187, 197, 212, 253, 269–70; and Olympic Games 206–7; treatment of Jews 187, 195–6, 263; see also Fascism; Hitler, Adolf

Nebby Lou (Dinky’s friend) 435, 436, 443, 446

Nevile, Peter 220, 224, 226, 234, 236, 238, 240, 281

New Orleans 318

New Party 136, 504

New Statesman 506

New York Daily Mirror

New York World Fair 292

News Chronicle
219, 221, 228, 234, 236, 238

News of the World

Nichols, Beverly 119, 204

Nicolson, Harold 136

Nicolson, Nigel 161

Night of the Long Knives 172

Noblesse Oblige
(ed. Nancy Mitford) 451–3

Norman family 24, 41, 42

Nuffield, Lord see Morris, Sir William

Oakes, Harry 32, 316

Oakland, California 404, 432–4, 470, 524

Oban 287, 412

Observer 506

Office of Price Administration, US 365, 366–7, 369, 370, 372

Ogilvie-Grant, Mark 68, 147–8, 153, 475

Ogilvy, Blanche see Hozier, Blanche

Ogilvy, Clementine see Mitford, Clementine, Lady Redesdale

Ohio State University 420, 458

Old Mill Cottage 26–31, 89, 109, 116, 117, 189, 201, 215, 244, 308, 309

Olympic Games 205, 206–7

O’Neil, Middy 81, 97, 108

OPA see Office of Price Administration

Ormsby Gore, Mary 286

Orwell, Sonia 482–3, 484

Osteria Bavaria, Munich 172, 175, 181–2, 186, 267

Other Club 135

Out of Bounds (magazine) 179–80, 220

Oxford 49, 70, 341

Pack, Arthur 233

Pakenham, Frank 59, 135, 460–1, 502–3, 505

Palewski, Gaston 355–8, 396–9, 424–6, 453–4, 461–2, 502, 512; appearance 356; depiction and dedication in
The Pursuit of Love
357–8, 390, 397–8, 408–9; marriage 485–6; and Nancy’s illness 489, 491–2

Panorama (TV programme) 503

Parents’ National Education Union 53, 56, 89

Paris 202, 525–6; Mitfords at finishing school in 78, 79–81, 82, 83–5, 165–6, 171, 467–8; Nancy and 81–2, 396–9, 403, 425, 426–7, 444–5, 482–3, 485

Parsifal (Wagner) 207

Pearl Harbour 347

Penrhos College 422

People’s Weekly

Pierrat, Mademoiselle 53

Pigeon Pie
(Nancy Mitford) 309–10, 450, 452

Plugge, Captain 209

PNEU see Parents’ National Education Union

Poison Penmanship
(Jessica Mitford) 481

Pontresina, Switzerland 114–15

Pool Place 102, 111

Praed Street depot 301

Price, Ward 270

Princesse de Cleves, The
(trans. Nancy Mitford) 453

Pryce-Jones, David 121–2, 494–9

Public Order Act (1936) 195

Pursuit of Love, The (Nancy Mitford)185, 354, 395–6, 403, 450, 451; coming out ball 66–7; dedication 397–8, 408–9; engagement ring episode 96; Fabrice de Sauveterre 357–8, 390, 397–8; Lord Merlin 162–3, 415; televised 29, 507; see also ‘Matthew, Uncle’

Queen Mary, HMS 384

Radio Luxembourg 208–9, 255

Radio Normandie 209

Rathcreedon, Lord 202–3

Raubal, Angela (‘Geli’) 250, 299

Ravensdale, Irene 155, 156, 157, 274–5, 289, 320, 321, 325

Redesdale, 1st Lady see Mitford, Clementine

Redesdale, 2nd Lady see Mitford, Sydney

Redesdale, 1st Lord see Mitford, Algernon

Redesdale, 2nd Lord see Mitford, David

Redesdale Cottage 399–400, 410, 436, 454–5

Rennell, Baron 152

Reynaud, Paul 355

Ribbentrop, Joachim von 196, 207, 298

Riefenstahl, Leni 250–1

Rignell House 215, 324, 327, 341, 379, 380–1, 419

Robeson, Paul 443

Rodd, Nancy see Mitford, Nancy

Rodd, Peter (‘Prod’) 194, 389; background and character 151–3; engagement and marriage to Nancy 151–3, 164, 165; joins BUF then turns against Fascism 168, 196; affairs 212–13, 276; and Decca’s elopement 229, 233, 234, 235, 236; finances 275–6; charity work 293, 294; war service 301, 330, 354, 356; state of marriage 355; unexpected leave 390; attempt to be MP 421; divorce 421; opinion of
Noblesse Oblige

Rodzianko, Joan see Farrer, Joan

Rodzianko, Michael 464

Roehm, Ernst 172–3

Romilly, Bertram 25, 316

Romilly, Constancia (‘Dinky’) 412–13, 462; birth and childhood 337–8, 348, 365, 367, 385–6, 448; character 343, 386, 404–5; appearance 371–2, 477; relationship with Bob 374, 406, 525; and Sydney’s visit 406, 407; and Decca’s court appearance 430, 431, 432; and brother’s death 433, 434; trips to UK and Europe 435, 436, 439, 444, 446, 477; quits college 472; career and marriage 482, 519–20; and Decca’s alcoholism 519–20; and Decca’s death 522, 523

Romilly, Esmond Mark 291, 401–2, 449, 468, 469–70; childhood 25, 121; rumour that Churchill was his father 26; early left-wing activities, and Decca’s fascination with 170, 179–80, 204; writing 170, 179, 235–6, 238–9, 314; meets and elopes with Decca 218–37, 375; marries Decca 237–40; jobs 238, 255, 302; and gambling 239–40, 256–7; home in Rotherhithe 240, 254–5; opinion of Mitfords 243, 250, 257–8, 283, 509; plunders rich friends 256; birth and death of Julia 258–60; activism 263–4; and Decca’s abortion 271; reaction to Chamberlain’s pact 277; finances 277–8, 281–2; emigration and farewell raid on Eton College 278–80, 281–3; moves to Washington 302–3; moves to Miami and opens bar 314–16, 317; war service, leave and correspondence with Decca 317, 318, 319–20, 341, 342–5; visits New Orleans 318; birth of Dinky 337; death 345–52; Churchill’s affection for 349–50

Romilly, Giles 25, 121, 220, 314, 316–17, 343, 349

Romilly, Julia Decca 258–60

Romilly, Nellie, née Hozier 25, 26, 121, 180, 224, 226, 317, 319, 320, 348; and Esmond’s marriage 227, 237, 240; Sydney’s disapproval of 25, 61, 121, 170; legacy 449

Roosevelt, Eleanor 348

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 347

Rose Cottage, Strand-on-the-Green 213

Ross, Alan S.C. 451–2, 453

Rosslyn, Earl of 97

Rotherhithe, London 254–5, 258, 264, 278

Roy, André 333, 352, 354–5

Rule 18B see Emergency Powers Act

Rules of the Game
(Nicholas Mosley) 509–10

Rushdie, Salman 514

Rutland Gate, London 79, 82, 87, 98, 222, 228, 275–6, 286, 300, 312; used for Jewish evacuees 331–3; war damage 338

SA (Sturm Abteilungen) 172–3

St Margaret’s school, Bushey 119–20

San Francisco 369–76, 403–4

San Francisco Chronicle
375, 448

San Francisco College of Mortuary Science 478

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