The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family (83 page)

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Authors: Mary S. Lovell

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Women

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Sarah Lawrence College 462, 472

Sassoon, Phillip 115, 131

Saturday Evening Post

Savehay Farm 320, 324, 379

Schaub, Julius 299

Seafield, Nina 68

Sewell, Mary, née Lutyens 99, 213

Shaw, George Bernard 136, 194

Sheridan, Diana 361

Shipton-under-Wychwood 46, 91, 381

Sickert, Walter 91

Sidgwick and Jackson 502, 505

Simolin, Rudi von 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 307

Sitwell family 127

Smiley, Sir Hugh 148–9

Smith, F.E. 135

Smith College 494

Snow, Jon 521, 522, 524

Soames, Christopher 400

Sockolovsky, Mr 331

Spain 203, 204, 233; Civil War 218–19, 220–1, 227–8, 239, 264, 293–5, 401

Speaker’s Corner 165, 190–1


Speer, Albert 249, 253

Spellman, Cardinal 384

SS (Schutz Staffeln) 173, 206

Stalin, Joseph 447–8

Stamp, Lord 270

Stanley, Venetia (cousin) 115

Steele (gamekeeper) 48, 57

Stewart, Madeau 473–5

Strachey, John 136

Strachey, Lytton 108, 111, 127, 129, 132

Streicher, Julius 187–8, 191, 197, 266, 285

Stuka Pilot (Hans-Ulrich Rudel) 416

Stürmer, Der
187–8, 285

Sudetenland 266, 268, 270

Sunday Chronicle

Sunday Times

Sutro, John 68

Swastika, Ontario 31–3, 97–8, 189, 247, 316

Swinbrook (village) 46, 49, 54, 169, 312, 331, 341, 403

Swinbrook, Manor of 45–6

Swinbrook House 78–9, 82, 86–91, 98, 109, 118, 120, 121, 124–5, 147, 157, 164, 180, 327; Mill Cottage 243, 245; sold 201

Swinton, Lord 325


Taylor, A.J.P. 450

Temple de la Gloire, Le 459, 502, 504, 526

Tennant, Toby 477

Thompson, J. Walter 255

Thompson, Lovell 464

Thynne, Brian 115

Thynne, Kathleen 68

Times, The 96, 98, 313–14, 407, 498

Timms, Mrs 312

Titanic 32

Tonks, Henry 107

Toynbee, Philip 180, 255, 260, 271, 277, 278, 279–80, 343, 484; Friends Apart 264; Jessica’s biography of 514

Trefusis, Violet 163

Treuhaft, Aranka 367–8, 373, 405, 407, 434, 436, 437

Treuhaft, Benjamin 405–6, 408, 436, 437, 448, 450, 456, 462, 464, 519; and brother’s death 433, 434; career 482

Treuhaft, Jessica see Mitford, Jessica

Treuhaft, Jung Min 519

Treuhaft, Nicholas Tito 385, 405, 406, 407; death 433, 456

Treuhaft, Robert 399–400, 511, 512; meets and marries Decca and moves to San Francisco 366–74, 375, 403–4, 408; relationship with Dinky 374, 406, 525; and Communist Party 376; background 385, 443; children 385, 405–6, 408; refused passport 428, 432–3; and McCarthy persecutions 430, 432; and death of Nicholas 433, 434; passport mistake enables trip to UK and Europe 434, 436, 437–9; reaction to Chatsworth 442–3, 511; visits Hungary and Paris 443–6; passport confiscated on return 446; leaves Communist Party 448; and Decca’s books 449, 469–70, 477–8, 479–80, 524; further trips to UK and Europe 450, 462–3, 482, 494; misses Decca 483; runs for office of DA 483; 50th birthday party 484; and Decca’s efforts to give up drinking and smoking 520, 521; website 524–5

Tullamaine Castle 420

twenties 67, 108

Union Movement 417, 460

Unity Mitford (David Pryce-Jones) 121–2, 494–9

Vanity Fair
(magazine) 16, 506

Venice 141, 454, 461

Versailles, treaty of 310

Victoria Road, London 33

Vile Bodies
(Evelyn Waugh) 110, 112, 113


Voltaire in Love
(Nancy Mitford) 453, 454

Wagner, Gauleiter 285, 288, 296, 298, 299

Wagner, Winifred 185

Walker, Doris see Brin, Doris

Wall Street Crash 108

Wannsee, Lake 206, 207

Washington DC 302–3, 319, 337, 365–9

Washington Post
335, 337

Water Beetle, The (Nancy Mitford) 472–3

Watney, Oliver (‘Togo’) 96

Watson, Peter 69–70

Waugh, Evelyn 22, 168, 397, 444, 445, 451, 452, 469; bases character on Peter Rodd 152; friendship with and feelings for Diana 109–10, 111–12; marriage 108, 109;
Brideshead Revisited
68, 395; The Loved One 407;
Vile Bodies
110, 112, 113

Webb, Beatrice138–9

Webb, General 126–7

Week 401

‘Weenie’, Aunt see Bailey, Dorothy

West, Rebecca 90

Weymouth, Henry 68

Whistler, James McNeill 126

White Fang
(Jack London) 16

Whitey, Miss see Hussey, Miss

Whitfield, Mr 482

Whyte, Lady Maude 86

Widemann, Erich 206

Wigs on the Green
(Nancy Mitford) 168–70, 188, 193, 196–7, 330

Wilde, Dolly 202

Wilde, Oscar 70

Windsor, Duchess of 502–3

Windsor, Duke of, formerly Edward VIII 204, 215–16, 249; Mosleys and 502, 504

Wollner, Senator 266, 268

Wootton Lodge 200–1, 212, 213–14, 216, 273, 289, 320

World War I 33–7, 38, 44, 45, 91, 92, 119, 206, 323

World War II 295–399; food shortages 341; Hitler enters France 316; Japan and USA enter war 347; London and 288–9, 300, 301–2, 330–1, 389–90

Wrede sisters 290

Wright, Margaret 312, 399–400

Yale University 494

Yorke, Henry 108

Young, Alan 136

Ypres 35–6

See family tree, page x.

Nancy’s spelling, but in the OED it is given as ‘chub’.

Later Lord Longford.

Because Idden and Rudbin are more memorable names (than Ann and Robin) I have referred to them by these nicknames throughout the book.

Hitler’s adjutant.

This was either a bluff or some nonsense of Decca’s.

Through his mother Churchill could trace unbroken descent through five generations from a lieutenant who served in GeorgeWashington’s army.

Gaelic: informal gathering for singing, dancing and story-telling.

*For the benefit of overseas readers, it is customary in the UK for peers to sign only their surname.

Their old groom, Hooper.

*Lebensraum = ‘room to live’: Hitler’s defence of his attacks on neighbouring countries.

Redesdale motto: God Careth For Us.

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