The Reluctant Cowboy (9 page)

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Authors: Cherie Ullman

BOOK: The Reluctant Cowboy
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Chapter 7

Sierra was missing him already.  Once they returned to the hotel they had made love and took their time exploring each other’s bodies.  It had been a slow seduction on both parts without much talking.  The eye contact and caresses spoke volumes. 

Cole told her he wanted to go back to his apartment to shower and dress for the night.  He didn’t ask her to come with him and she was partly grateful.  She used the time away to call and check in at home and to talk with Dana.  She just told them how she had spent her day and everything she had seen.  Dana tried to get her to talk more about Cole, but she told her best friend she was fine and could handle it. 

She was taking a long, hot shower after such a remarkable day.  Tears came on their own accord and she didn’t try to stop them.  The release of emotions she didn’t realize she was carrying, made their way out.  She laughed through the tears at the range of emotions flowing through her brain -- from euphoria to sadness and everything in between.  

Cole was the only man Sierra had ever been with physically.  Now, she was convinced more than ever that he would be the only man for her mentally. She had fantasized about them being together from their first encounter.  After months passed, she had tried to let that fantasy go and concentrate on work and school. 

She figured she would meet someone else and be able to file his memory as one she would save for herself.  She would get married, have children and live a content life.  Cole was just supposed to be a fantasy.  Now, she was with him again.  Her fantasy was very real and wonderful. 

She had so much fun with him today at the park, lunch, shopping and she was looking forward to dinner.  She was learning who he was and she found herself falling hard for him.  How would she be able to categorize this weekend as just a memory? 

She considered herself smart and independent.  She was an optimist.  How could she be those things and yet be here, crying like a baby in a hotel shower?  She took some deep calming breaths as she let the spray of the shower run over her face. 

She resolved to herself to enjoy the night with Cole and let the future unfold on its own. 

Cole knocked on her door exactly two hours after he had dropped her off.  She felt excited and nervous when she let him in.  She had on a black form fitting tank top with a red and black checkered flannel top, unbuttoned, and a pair of Rocky blue jeans with her boots.  She was happy to see him. 

As he came in, he gave her a quick, but passionate kiss.  She took a step back to make sure he was wearing his boots.  “You look good in those boots, Mister.”  She saw his grin, as she continued her appraisal.  “Nice collared shirt, minus the tie.  Levi’s that show off the ass.” 

“That is enough, young lady.  If you intend to leave this room at all tonight, then you need to stop talking.” 

She laughed as she grabbed her things to go.  Cole was now being too quiet. 

“I’m ready.  Why the sudden silent treatment?” she queried.

“I was just thinking.  Last night, in your dress, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.  Seeing you today and again tonight, it amazes me that you appear more beautiful each time.” 

Sierra was dazzled by his compliment.  She ran her fingers through her tousled hair.  Not sure how to reply, she grabbed his hand and headed out the door.  She noticed the limo as they made their way outside.  When she tilted her head as a question, he replied, “I don’t drink and drive.  Ever.” 

She smiled.  “Ever hailed a cab?” 

“Don’t need to.  C’mon.” 

She climbed in the back of the limo and saw a bottle of Moet & Chandon champagne on ice.  “Nice touch.”  As he opened and uncorked the champagne, she felt a little apprehensive.  She tried to brush it off, as he filled the glasses. 

Raising his glass up to hers, he toasted, “To a fun night in New York….in my new Cowboy boots.”  She laughed hard as they clinked their glasses and took a drink. 

              Johnny Utah’s was packed.  Once they entered, Sierra was eyeing the New York style country bar/restaurant.  It was plush and chic.  New York sophistication meets western flare. 

They were seated in a curved padded booth.  There were tall tables and short tables with chairs and barstools.  Large wooden beams and posts made up the well-lit restaurant.  It felt like she was attending another show, instead of a country bar.  She felt her eyes drawn to the enormous mechanical bull in the center of the bar, surrounded by wrought iron fencing and hundreds of people.  They were clapping and cheering as people took their turns riding, or trying to ride, the massive bull.  She was enjoying people watching when the server brought their menus. 

“What a difference one night can make.”  Sierra spun her head to look at him. 

“What do you mean?”  She felt the panic in her voice. 

“The menu?  From words you didn’t understand to words I’m not sure I understand.”  Relief flooded Sierra as she glanced at the menu, while he read some of the items, “Honky Tonk Fries?  Double Cut Bacon?”  She relaxed as she watched him continue.  “I may need your expertise for this one.  I like steak, potatoes…” 

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.  Make fun of the country girl.” 

They ordered their dinner and a few minutes later, a bartender appeared to ask if they wanted any specialty drinks.  After they perused the menu together, laughing, Cole placed their drink orders, “The lady will have the
Rodeo Clown
and I will have
Cooksey’s Cure

“You do know that I intend on riding that bull tonight, right?” 

As the drinks arrived, she watched Cole take a sip and smile.  “I’m ready when you are.” 

She giggled and pointed to the center of the bar, “I mean that one.” 

“No offense, Sierra, but do you really think you can last eight seconds?” 

“No, I can go all night.”  She watched as he choked on his drink and reached for his glass of water.  “As soon as my food settles, I’m gonna do it.  These city people need to see what a country girl can do.” 

She was excited to ride the bull and show off a little for Cole.  She wanted him to be impressed.  She was in awe of all of his accomplishments and she wanted a turn to impress him.  They enjoyed their dinner and had a few more of the specialty drinks when she said she was ready. 

The bar was getting really crowded and she didn’t know how long she would have to wait to ride the bull.  As they made their way through the crowd, she couldn’t help but notice most of the women staring openly at Cole.  She was sure they were thinking the same thing she did.  He was a very tall, handsome fantasy and a definite head turner.  His confidence and presence exuded sexuality.  She had been immediately drawn to him and knew how these women felt.  

“Have you ever ridden a
bull?”  He was leaning into her to be heard over the crowd. 

“No, but a bare back is a bare back, no matter what the size.”  She heard his literal whoop of laughter behind her and realized again her choice of words.  She wasn’t doing it on purpose, either. 
Stupid filter
.  She wished she could activate it. 

As they waited her turn, they laughed and applauded others’ efforts.  It was equal part men and women that tried, unsuccessfully, to master the bull.  She was on deck and turned to look at Cole to give him a thumbs up.  She saw the concern on his face, but gave him a wink. 

She threw her hands in the air to pump up the crowd as she easily mounted the large bull.  The crowd was into it, as she adjusted her seat on the bull.  It was wider than any horse, but she was confident in her balance as the operator started on the lowest setting.  She got the feel of the movement and nodded to the operator to start turning up the settings.  The bull started to buck and pivot, but Sierra never lost her seat, keeping up with the motion. 

She heard the crowd cheering and chanting “turn it up” as she raised her right hand in the air and adjusted her grip with her left hand.  She again nodded to the operator and saw him smile at her as he turned the bull up to a much higher setting.  The bull was bucking and spinning much faster in different directions, but Sierra was laughing as she moved with it.  The crowd was now screaming and counting in unison and the noise was deafening. 

She was able to get a glimpse of Cole as she whipped past him and saw him cheering, too.  The buzzer sounded and the crowd erupted in cheers and cat calls.  The bull slowed down and Sierra dismounted and gave a bow to the cheering crowd.  She was laughing as she left the arena and people were patting her back and giving her compliments.  She reached Cole and he gave her a big bear hug, picking her feet up off the floor.  “That was amazing!  The crowd loved it!” 

Sierra’s adrenaline was spiked and with her hands on the tops of his shoulders, she bent her head down to give him a promising kiss.  She felt herself being lowered, the kiss never breaking.  She momentarily forgot they were in a crowded bar, but no one seemed to notice because they were cheering for the next person riding the bull.  The kiss ended and Sierra asked him if he wanted to give it a try.  They still had to practically shout at each other over the crowd noise. 

“No way.  After what you just did.  I still can’t believe you stayed on.  My ego would suffer for sure, along with other areas.” 

They continued to watch the next several people try unsuccessfully to navigate the bull.  They laughed and cheered, as they had another drink.  She saw Cole try to stifle a yawn and felt herself getting tired.  She asked him what time it was, only to find out it was almost midnight.  They were having fun, but she was ready to go.  “Want to do a shot together before heading out?” 

“Sure, what did you have in mind?” 

She grinned up at him. “You’ll see.” 

They made their way to the bar and Sierra asked for two shots of Firewater Firebombs.  The shots had Firewater cinnamon schnapps and red bull energy drink.  She knew that would wake them both up.  They both downed the shots and let out an “ahhh” as they shook their heads and let the liquid burn down their throats.  They looked at each other and laughed. 

Cole took her hand to lead her out of the crowded bar.  The limo was parked around the corner and they got in.  Sierra heard Cole ask the drive to go back to the hotel via the scenic route and wondered if he had more to show her.  Her fantasy was going to end soon.  She was starting to feel sad until she saw Cole press a button to raise the privacy glass in the limo, then he reached for her. 

She recognized the hungry look in his eyes as he pulled her toward him and kissed her deeply.  He mumbled something about the cinnamon, while he kissed her ear and proceeded down her neck.  She felt her flannel shirt being removed from her shoulders as he continued his welcomed advances.  She was kissing his head and hair, until he sat up to remove her tank top.  She took the opportunity to undo the buttons of his shirt and pull it free from his jeans. 

They were necking like teenagers with his bare torso and her bra still on.  She felt him squeeze and knead her breasts through the material and moaned with contentment as their kissing escalated.  She felt his hands move lower and felt the button of her jeans give way, just as the zipper was lowered.  He then continued his path, until his hand was touching her hyper sensitive folds.  He hissed in her ear, “Commando?” 

“Surprise….again,” she whispered, her reply breathy as her head fell back against the leather of the limo seat and his head moved lower to kiss above her breasts, while his hand worked magic below. 

Her own hands came up to undo the front clasp of her bra and she felt him take one breast and suck it deep into his mouth.  She exploded in the back seat of the limo as her orgasm coursed through her body from head to toe.  She whimpered as he slowed his administrations and kissed her again deeply.  She heard him undo his own belt and jeans and broke the kiss to slide off her own.

They were both panting, as she climbed on top of him.  She braced her hands on either side of his head, against the back of the seat as she raised herself above him.  She could see his smoldering eyes that now looked black with the passing of the city lights.  She was sure her own eyes were just as dark.  He placed his hands on her hips and guided her down his length.  She enjoyed his sharp intake of breath, as she lowered herself more fully against him.  She watched his eyes close and his jaw clench as his hands guided her up and then down again.  She couldn’t resist leaning her head down and whispering in his ear, “I told you I could ride anything.” 

She watched his eyes open wide and then a slow smile spread across his lips.  His next thrust brought her down harder against him.  She gasped as she almost lost her grip on the back of the seat.  She met his eyes once again and he did it again.  She couldn’t keep her eyes open, as he picked up the tempo and continued to raise and then lower her hips, harder and faster each time.  She tried to contain the climax she felt building inside her, but his expertise had her crying out his name when she felt the first shudder go through her.  He continued his grueling pace until she thought she would die from the pleasure.  Her orgasm kept coming until she heard her own name escape his lips, as he found his release. 

Chapter 8


Cole knew the sun was coming up and that she would be leaving soon.  He had been awake for a while, watching her sleep beside him.  He studied her features and wondered what would happen next for them.  He had just spent two of the best days and nights of his life with her.  It wasn’t an exaggeration to him.  He couldn’t remember another time where he laughed as much, made love as much, and felt relaxed, but nervous all at the same time. 

He was a professional business man.  He learned early to mask emotions and hide how he felt in the business world.  He mimicked that in his personal life, too. 

This weekend brought back loving memories he thought he had pushed deep down beyond recollection:  memories of his grandmother and her adoring love and devotion to him, being with Vanessa and her family for holidays and the warmth they bestowed upon him.  This beautiful woman beside him brought those emotions back out of him. 

He wasn’t going to deny the way she made him feel.  He had strong feelings for her and liked it.  For the first time in a very long time, he felt connected to another person.  He ran through a long list of women he dated over the years and couldn’t recall anything remotely close to the way he felt with Sierra.

One of the few women he dated and remained friends with was Christine.  She had been fun and athletic and they had a lot in common.  There just didn’t seem to be the strong physical connection.  They dated for a few months before they mutually agreed that they made better friends.  He cared for her, but not in the way he cared for Sierra. 

As he was lying there watching her sleep, he was trying to devise a plan to continue a relationship with her.  He considered flying to see her every weekend or fly her to him, here in New York.  He wasn’t concerned with the logistics, he just wasn’t sure if she would want that.  He knew she had a life and friends there, like he did here.  He was being honest telling himself she probably had it better in Ohio than what he could offer her here.  He decided he would be just as honest with her. 

He reached his hand out to gently place some of her hair behind her ear.  He moved his head closer to whisper in her ear, “Sleeping Beauty, time to wake up.” 

He watched as she stretched her long frame and let out an unlady-like yawn, mumbling, “I was having such a good dream.” 

He shifted on his side, so they were face to face.  He was still amazed by the pale blue eyes that opened to look into his own.  He watched as she blinked a few times and rubbed them, then muttered, “I’m going home today.” 

“Yes, you are.  How are you feeling about that?”  He was gauging her reaction. 

She sighed, “I’m conflicted.  I’m happy about seeing my family and friends.”  “But?” 

“You know the but……I will miss you.” 

He raised his hand to continue to play with her hair, confessing, “I will miss you too, Sierra.  Very much.  I had a wonderful weekend.” 

“Me, too.” 

“If you want to, we could try the long distance thing….” 

He was surprised when she suddenly removed his hand and sat up in bed, simply stating, “No.” 

“No. That’s it?  Why?”  He had remained calm and soft spoken with her.  “Because.  It wouldn’t work.”  He saw a tear escape her eyes. 

He started to reach up to wipe it, but she stopped his hand, crying, “Cole, please don’t make this harder for me.  I had an amazing time with you.  Let me go back home with wonderful memories, instead of worrying about if you’ll call, if I will see you again …” 

She turned her head, so he couldn’t see her cry, but he implored, “What if I said I could make it happen and you wouldn’t have to worry about the
what if’s

“It sounds like an offer a woman wouldn’t refuse, but I’m being realistic.  Hello, CEO of a large worldwide corporation.  I’m asking you to let me go back to my normal life with fond memories to cling to without any fuss or muss.” 

Cole laid back down on his back and stared at the ceiling.  They were interrupted by the sound of the hotel phone ringing.  He watched her reach for the phone and quickly hang it back up.  “Wake up call?” 

“Yes,” she replied sadly.  “I think in more ways than one.”  He got out of bed and started to get dressed.  “Are you leaving?  Now?” 

He walked around to the side of the bed she was sitting on.  “I’ll let you get packed and hold on to your memories, Sierra.  I won’t try to change your mind.  You know how to reach me when you want to make more.”  He kissed the top of her head, reached for the door and turned for one last glance. 

Her tears were flowing freely down her cheeks.

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