The Reluctant Cowboy (6 page)

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Authors: Cherie Ullman

BOOK: The Reluctant Cowboy
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Surprisingly to her, they had some things in common.  Considering the differences in upbringing and status, they shared interests and he made her laugh.  She was looking forward to the play more than ever. 

She had never been to a play, except in high school.  Her musical interests were more of the 80’s music she grew up listening to from her mother and father and, of course, the country genre.  From Garth Brooks to George Jones and everyone in between.  She enjoyed line dancing at Mark and Vanessa’s bar on occasional weekends. 

She had asked Cole more about Vanessa, which started to unveil their past history.  She had wanted to ask Vanessa a million questions about him after their night together but never had a true opportunity.  Maybe when she returned, she would finally arrange a time to talk with her. 

She reapplied her lipstick and quickly checked her phone for any messages. 
None.  Good
.  She didn’t want to keep Cole waiting or be late for the show. 

She found Cole standing near the exit, conversing with another couple.  They were a very attractive couple, probably in their mid-thirties.  She walked to the side of Cole where he seemed to instinctively place his arm around her shoulder, “Sierra, allow me to introduce some friends of mine.  This is Carrie and Zach Chapman.  Zach and I attended Berkeley together.” 

She shook both of their hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”   

“Cole was telling us this is your first trip to New York.  You have an excellent guide here.”  Zach bragged on Cole. 

“You are going to absolutely love Wicked.” Carrie said. 

“I’m looking forward to it,” Sierra replied. 

“I’m sorry we can’t stay, but we don’t want to be late.  Enjoy your dinner.” Cole said the goodbye and escorted her out into the night air. 

“They seemed nice.” 

“They are good friends of mine. If we had more time, I would have enjoyed you interacting with them.”  Cole held the door for her as she entered the limo.  “The Gershwin Theatre isn’t far.  We will make the opening.” 

Now that nightfall had come, the city seemed to come to life even more.  It was overwhelming all of her senses.  She felt herself shudder as a chill hit her.  “Cold?”  He asked her, as he moved closer to place his arm around her shoulders. 

“Not really.  Just amazed at all of the lights and buildings.” 

“It’s beautiful at night.  I’m glad you get the opportunity to see the city like this.” 

“Me too.” 

They pulled up in front of the Gershwin Theatre and Sierra was in awe.  As the driver opened the door and Cole took her hand to help her out, she just stood there and looked up.  She knew her mouth was open, but she didn’t care.  She was in wonder at the sight of this beautiful theatre. 

“I hate to ruin this moment for you, but we really do need to go inside.” 

She snapped out of her trance and nodded as he led her through the crowds and into the majestic theatre.  She was still finding herself looking up and around at everything as they found their seats.  She gasped out loud as she took her seat.

“Best seats in the house, I hear.  This is called the front Mezzanine, center stage. I was going to purchase Orchestra seats, but someone recommended these so we can see the entire stage.” 

“Oh Cole, it’s just amazing!  It’s perfect!  Look at the stage and the orchestra!” 

She felt him reach into his suit jacket and presented her with a small pair of binoculars, “Just in case.” 

She accepted them and placed them in her lap, along with her program.  The seats were comfortable and they were in the front row of the first overhang.  The lights dimmed and flickered to announce the show was getting ready to start. 

Once the curtain opened and the orchestra started, she was entranced.  She laughed, she cried, she oohed and aahed and she sat at the edge of her seat.  She was so drawn into the performance that she momentarily forgot about everything. 

When the intermission came, she felt a letdown until Cole stood and offered his arm.  She could use a good stretch and restroom break.  “How long is the break?” she inquired.

He informed her it was a short 15 minutes, so they made their way to the restrooms and she people watched as they made their way.  “I’ll meet you back here,” he told her. 

Sierra nodded and found her way to the restroom. As she waited for her turn, she made small talk with several women who were also enjoying the show.  They complimented her dress several times and told her how pretty she looked.  She wasn’t used to the attention, but she humbly accepted the compliments.  She had noticed that some women were dressed very formal like herself, while others were more casual. 

She returned to the spot they agreed to meet, but Cole wasn’t there yet. 
Maybe there was a line for him, as well
.  The foyer was getting crowded as people were moving in all directions.  She was grateful when she saw his tall form coming towards her.  For the first time that evening, she noticed the tie he was wearing.  She had a huge grin on her face when he came upon her.  “What? Do I have a water spot somewhere?” he asked her. 

“No, no, I just noticed the tie with your suit.  You did that on purpose.”  She had reached up to hold it. 

“Took you long enough.”  

She laughed up at him.  She felt his head come closer as he gave her a kiss.  She was still holding his tie as his mouth covered hers in a sweet caress.  She felt the goosebumps all along her arms and at the nape of her neck.  She let go of his tie as he broke the kiss and took her hand.  She wondered if he had the same reaction that she did.

He led her back to the seats.  She was sure she would never have been able to navigate the large theatre on her own.  When they reached the seats, Cole helped her get situated and then he sat reclaimed his seat next to her.  She scooted up again to be as close as she could to the stage.  When the lights lowered, she reached for Cole’s hand resting on his lap.  She held on to it through the remainder of the performance.

Chapter 4

Sierra was still feeling like a princess on the ride back to her hotel.  She was quiet, reflecting on the wonderful night she was having.  If she were a princess, she wanted to be Aurora.  That was her favorite Disney princess growing up.  If she was to compare herself to a more modern princess today, it would be Rapunzel.

She felt Cole squeeze her hand.  “What are you thinking about?” 

“Disney princesses and fairy tales.”  She silently cursed at herself for forgetting the filter.

“Sierra, your responses never cease to surprise me.” 

She squeezed his hand back. “I know, I’m kind of a closet dork and forget to filter words that come out of my mouth.” 

“I wouldn’t want it any other way,” he assured her.

“Really?  I figured you were used to mature, sophisticated women - taking them to the opera or ballets?” 

“How old do you think I am?” she heard the smile in his voice. 

“I hadn’t thought about it.  Late thirties?” 

“Not doing well for the ego, but I’m thirty-three.” 

“I wasn’t too far off the mark,” she continued with the banter. 

“How old are you?” 

“I’m twenty-six.”  She felt the pause in the conversation as he was doing the math.  “To answer your ‘about to ask me question,’ Yes, I was a twenty-four-year-old Virgin.  Unheard of in this generation.” 

“Actually I was thinking it was admirable,” he uttered. 

“Oh sorry, I seem to get defensive when the subject comes up.” 

“Understandable.  I still try to wrap my head around the fact that you picked me.”  She giggled at his remark. 

“Trying to pull more compliments out of me?” 

“Depends.  Is it working?”  he queried.

“Do I really need to?  Fine. I will confide in you that I wanted my first time to be with someone experienced and that I was attracted to.  I remember in high school how the boys were all hands and their kisses were sloppy and well, kind of gross.  I just knew there was more and wanted to wait until I could feel the way they were feeling.”   She could feel his chest vibrating with mirth even though he was keeping it inside.  

“Am I wrong?” 

“No, Sierra, not at all.  I’m just going back to those days and remembering when I, too, was like one of those horny boys.  Do you have any idea how hard it is for boys to become men and the hormones that rage through our bodies?  Not to mention that I’m now reflecting on how many girls I was with that may have felt the same way you did.  Gross is not a word that any boy or man would want to be described with.”

He was laughing out loud now and Sierra joined in.  They were both still laughing when the limo arrived at the hotel.  The driver opened the door and Cole exited to help Sierra out.  She held his hand and they stood at the entrance for a moment when she made her decision.  She tugged on his hand as they proceeded to enter the hotel.  Cole nodded to the driver as he let Sierra lead him into the lobby.  He wasn’t sure what he had expected, but was hopeful she would make the decision on her own.  There was no way he was going to leave her at the hotel door. 

They remained silent on the way to her room giving each other glances on the way.  He watched her fumble with the room key for a minute and then took it gently out of her hand and opened the door.  “Stupid room key credit card things,” he heard her mumble under her breath.  He opened the door and followed behind her.  He watched her place her wristlet on a table and turn to face him.  “Room service?” she asked him. 

“No, I’m good. Sierra, come here.”  She did and he pulled her close.  Instead of kissing her, he hugged her.  “Prince Charming,” he said into her ear. 


“You talked about fairy tales and princesses in the car.  My favorite was Prince Charming.”  He held her out in front of him.  “You want to know why?”  When she nodded, he continued.  “Prince Charming met a beautiful woman who ran out on him at the ball.  She left him a shoe.  He searched the entire kingdom until he found her again.  Are you my Cinderella?” 

Instead of an answer he felt her hands rise into his hair and pull his mouth to hers.  After two years, his kiss still went straight to her core.  His hair still felt the same silkiness as it did then.  She ran her fingers through it as the kiss deepened.  She felt herself sigh into his mouth as they explored.  She felt him pull back and place her at arm’s length.  “Wait,” he whispered, “I need to ask a couple of questions.”  He was breathing hard and she was trying to concentrate. 

“Am I going to faint this time?” 

“I certainly hope not,” he pulled her closer and ran his fingers through her short locks.  “Are you sure this time and something I failed to ask the first time, are you protected?” 

Sierra laughed out loud to the questions.  She stepped closer and placed her lips inches to his own.  “Yes and yes.”  She swore she heard him growl as he bent forward for another kiss.  She felt his hands as they expertly undid the strap behind her neck.  She felt the material slip down to her waist as they continued to kiss. 

Her hands pushed inside his suit coat at his shoulder until she felt the jacket start to slide down his shoulders. She felt him shrug it the rest of the way off and heard it fall to the floor.  She then started to work on his tie and buttons as he massaged her bare back and slid his hands lower.  As the kissing became more insistent, so did their hands.  She finally managed to free him from his shirt and whipped the tie over his head. 

With the break of contact from each other’s lips, he started to kiss down her neck and the tops of her shoulders.  He dropped to his knees in front of her and she gasped.  She didn’t know how much longer she would be able to stand.  He had lowered her dress so it pooled at her feet.  As he continued kissing down the length of her, he raised one foot and then the other to remove her shoes and move them aside with the dress.  She didn’t know what to do with her hands as his onslaught continued.  She felt she was going to collapse in pleasure at any moment.  “Please, Cole, I can’t stand much longer.” 

He stood back up while never removing his lips from her body.  Her body was seared by each kiss.  When he finally stood, his lips found hers as he started walking her backwards until she felt the bed stop her.  He placed one knee on the bed as he laid her on top of the covers. 

He then knelt on the floor by the bed and placed her bent legs over each shoulder. She didn’t register what was happening until she felt his lips kissing her most intimate spot.  She started to buck up on the bed, but Cole’s hands reached around and massaged her breasts and belly.  The pleasure that rocketed through her momentarily scared, yet excited her.  

She raised up on her elbows to witness what he was doing to her.  Her mouth was open and she wanted to close her eyes with the pleasure, but needed to see for herself what was happening.  His hands were gripping her thighs as he thrust his tongue inside her.  Her head fell back and she called out his name when she came.  It hit her fast and her entire body was shuddering.  She felt him kissing the inside of her thighs and then the contact was lost.  She raised her head and opened her eyes to see him staring into hers.  He removed the remainder of his clothing and joined her on the bed.  She held her arms out to him and kissed him passionately.  She felt him shift and move them around on the bed until he was poised above her.  This time when he entered her, he didn’t have to ask her to open her eyes - - they were wide open.

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