The Reluctant Cowboy (5 page)

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Authors: Cherie Ullman

BOOK: The Reluctant Cowboy
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Chapter 3

Sierra had just gotten out of the shower when she heard the hotel phone ring.  She was told she had a package and wanted to confirm that they could deliver it.  She waited the few moments until a knock at the door came.  The bellman was holding a garment bag in one hand and a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the other.  “Please, come in.”  The bellman sat the bouquet on the nearest table and hung the garment bag in the closet.  Sierra knew you were supposed to tip staff and hurriedly reached for her wallet. 

“Already taken care of, Miss.  Have a good evening.” 

He shut the door behind him and Sierra reached for the card in the bouquet.  The first thing she noticed was that it was in his own handwriting.  She didn’t know why it mattered, but she could tell, and she smiled as she read it. 

“How could he possibly have guessed this?  Probably because he knows you are a Midwest kind of woman.”  She was still mumbling to herself as she unzipped the garment bag.  There were two dresses and for a split second she was confused.  Then she read the tags and understood.  “For crying out loud, he covers his bases, doesn’t he?” 

She carefully removed the correct size and held it out to view.  She turned it this way and that and couldn’t imagine putting the beautiful gown on.  It was a full length, black backless, silk gown with a modest halter top.  A four inch band of Swarovski crystals wrapped around the waist like a belt.  She caressed the amazing material as she pictured herself wearing it. 

Any doubts about the date vanished momentarily as she slipped the dress onto her body.  It was one of the most luxurious things she ever felt, as it fit her perfectly.  She didn’t have to wear a bra as the halter top held her in place as she tightened the sash behind her neck.  She still couldn’t believe he had been considerate enough to send this gorgeous gown to her.  She knew it was expensive and wondered if it was rented or if she should offer to pay for it.  She didn’t think she would be able to give it up after wearing it. 

She continued to admire the dress while she finished getting ready.  She wasn’t sure where they were going, but imagined something formal to match the gown.  She applied her makeup carefully and did a dark smoky eye to enhance the light color of her own eyes.  She remembered how much he commented on the unusual color. She lined her lips and filled them in with a deep color. 

With her new cropped hair, she didn’t have much to do with it.  The cut and style was a simple blow dry with a little product in it to produce the waves and volume.  She didn’t have bangs and just swept the side back.  She sometimes missed her long hair, but looking in the mirror, she couldn’t believe the woman staring back at her.  She looked sophisticated.  Her hair fell below her jaw line, just above her shoulders. 

Her makeup looked like she knew what she was doing.  She and Dana both loved makeup when used properly and invested in higher end products.  It was one of their weaknesses. 

She decided not to wear any jewelry.  The dress was enough. She put a dab of her favorite perfume behind her ears. 

She couldn’t resist reaching for her phone and doing something every woman who feels good does.  She took a “selfie” with her phone.  She made sure she got the top of her gown, too, and sent it to Dana for approval.  In less than a minute, she heard the ping of her text and giggled. 
Double wowza!  Incredible! Not enough adjectives to describe… you! Heart symbol

She was still admiring the view, turning from side to side when her hotel phone rang.  She quickly answered it and was informed that Mr. Alexandar was waiting in the lobby for her.  She told the front desk she would be right down. 

She took one last glance in the mirror, wished herself “Good Luck,” and then grabbed her wristlet, so she had a place for her driver’s license, credit card, room key, lipstick and phone.  She carefully made her way down the hall to the elevator, relishing the way the dress felt and made her feel as she pressed the lobby button. 

When the doors opened at the lobby, she saw Cole standing near the entrance of the hotel.  He had his back to her and oh, what a back it was.  His dark grey suit was tailored to his tall frame perfectly.  It showed off his broad shoulders, narrow waist and very nice butt.  His hands were in the pockets of his slacks as she approached. 

Cole removed his hands from his pockets as he heard the clicking of heels on the marble tiles of the lobby heading towards him.  He turned his head at her approach.  She was a vision.  Stunning.  The woman walking directly towards him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.  She was smiling at him as she continued to cross the lobby.  Her head was held high and seeing her in the dress with her now short hair left him momentarily paralyzed. 

He never forgot the image he imprinted in his mind when they first met and she was standing in front of the fire after their kiss.  He just replaced it with what he saw now. 

He came out of his stupor just as she was just a few feet from him.  He walked the few feet forward to place his arm under her elbow and give her a kiss on her cheek.  He couldn’t stop staring into her eyes.  When her eyelids fluttered with surprise, he stood back. 

“The dress looks like it was made for you.  Do you like it?”

“I like it. A lot.  It was so thoughtful of you.” She stepped back and did a circle for him to show off the back. 

“I think you just left me speechless.” 

“Your voice is coming out of your mouth, so not speechless.” 

He chuckled at that, “We have reservations for dinner at a place I hope you will like and then tickets to see “Wicked.” 

As soon as he said “Wicked” she started to hop up and down as unnoticeable as possible. 

“I take the subtle hopping as a hopeful sign that you approve?” 

“Oh, Cole, that is the only Broadway show I have ever wanted to see.  When they came to Columbus, it was during the All-American Quarter Horse Congress and I had to miss it, because I was showing. I’m so excited!” 

Cole was inwardly pleased that he did well with his choice.  “I haven’t seen it myself, so I’m looking forward to it.  Denise assured me we have some of the best seats in the house.”  When the confused look crossed her features, he explained, “Denise is my assistant.  She’s excellent at what she does.” 

“It’s important to have someone like that in the business world.” 

“I agree.  Shall we go?  I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” Cole escorted her out to the awaiting limo as the driver held the door for them. 

“Nice ride.” 

“Don’t get used to it.  I prefer to drive myself, but wanted you to have a proper New York welcome.”  He was seated beside her in the back of the limo, trying hard not to touch her. 

She was looking out the window as the sun was starting to go down, making the city lights come to life.

“It’s so urban.” She said in awe.  “So many buildings and lights.”  She was craning her neck, looking up and out of the window as they drove. 

Cole was only concentrating on her, mesmerized by her.  They reached their dinner destination at Aureole and Cole led her into the restaurant.  They were seated immediately in the inner room, a space less open and more intimate.  He pulled out the chair for her as she sat down. 

The server placed a napkin in her lap, then poured their water and handed them a wine list.  Cole continued to watch her as her eyes were large taking in her surroundings.  “It’s beautiful. Look at the high ceilings.  Is the wine cellar hanging above?  How do they do that?” 

Cole smiled as she continued with her assessment of the restaurant.  He was pleased that she liked it, “I hope you like the food as much as the architecture, Sierra.”

“Oh, I’m sure I will, it’s just that…” 

“What?” he pressed.  He saw a small blush appear on her cheeks.

She lowered her voice, “What if I don’t know what’s on the menu? I’m not a “
Cole.  I probably won’t have any idea what anything is. Let’s face it, I’m as Midwestern as they come.  I prefer foods I recognize and can pronounce.” 

Cole couldn’t contain the small laugh that escaped him.  He reached out to touch the top of her hand, “So tell me what you do like and I will help you choose.” 

She gave him another sweet smile and his heart flipped.  The server appeared with the menus and Cole ordered a bottle of wine.  “Yep, knew it.  I have no clue what anything is.”  He could sense her unease as she was studying the menu.  She paused to look at him.  “I recognize exactly ten words on this entire menu.  How do people know what they are eating?  Do I need to google each item?” 

“As much I would enjoy watching you pull your phone out and google each item, trust me and I will do my best to order something you will enjoy.” 

Her eyes shined brighter and she placed the menu on the table.  “All right.  I like salads, Asparagus, Salmon, Lobster…those are the words I recognized.  Oh, and potatoes.”

Cole really did laugh this time, “It’s a good start.  I’m sure we will find something you like and this will be a new experience for you.” 

He watched her place her hands in her lap as the server poured their wine and took their orders.  Cole let the server know that they were on a schedule.  Once he retreated towards the kitchen, Cole raised his wine glass as a toast.  “To your first time in New York, may it be memorable.” 

She didn’t say anything, but toasted with him and took a sip of her wine.  “It’s very good.  I prefer white over red.” 

“Lucky guess on my part.” Cole watched her take another sip.  “Sierra, I consider myself a patient man, but you know I have questions I would like answered.  If you don’t want to discuss it tonight, I will try to respect that and let you enjoy the meal and show, but at some point I’m going to require some answers.” 

“I know.  I will give you some now and maybe that will help me feel more relaxed.  Get the monkey off my back if you will.” 

“Good.  Let’s start with the 2
surprise first.”  He studied her as she was trying to remember that night.  A blush reappeared as she understood his meaning. 

“Going all in I see.  The big “V” question.  Yes, it’s true, I was and with you I didn’t want to be.” Cole gave her a raised eyebrow as she continued.  “Not good enough, I see.  What do you want me to say, exactly?”  Cole just raised both eyebrows towards her.  “Ugh.”  Cole watched her shift in her seat.  “I wasn’t saving myself, if that’s what you want to know.  I just never felt the way I felt with you with anyone else.  I
to sleep with you.” Her voice had lowered and her eyes looked down at her hands. 

“Those are the most honest words I have ever heard from a woman before.”  He watched her raise her eyes to meet his.  “I’m truly flattered that you felt the same desire that I did that night.  If I had known, I could have perhaps made it…less uncomfortable for you.” 

“No, you wouldn’t have done it at all.  You were not going to…continue…even I knew that.” 

“That may be true, but don’t you think I had a right to know?” 

He noticed a small spark of anger in her eyes, as she responded, “And why is that, exactly?  Instead of a scarlet A, I should have had a patch with a white dove with the letter V on my chest to profess my innocence? I wasn’t even sure you would notice.  I’m a horsewoman and it
possible you would have never known.” 

He watched as her chest heaved slightly.  He started to reply when the server arrived with their first course.  He had ordered for both of them and watched as she eyed her plate.  “I apologize if I have upset you.  Let’s table this conversation, so you can enjoy the food.” 

“I’m sorry, too.  This looks amazing.”  They enjoyed the appetizer while making small talk and getting to know each other better.  By the time the main course arrived, he could tell that she was much more relaxed and they were laughing and joking about New York and Ohio with friendly banter.  The server re-filled their wine glasses and presented the dessert menu.  “Are they serious?  How can anyone save room for dessert after an exquisite meal like this?” 

Cole was holding his wine glass to his lips, “Sometimes dessert is the best surprise of the entire meal.” He watched as yet another blush crept up her neck. 

“I like chocolate and caramel.  Can we try the one that has those words in it?” 

Cole sat his glass down and ordered the Aureole Donut, Chocolate Mousse, Salted caramel, praline crunch dessert.  “New York definitely gave me the best food I have ever had.  The dessert was delicious and I just hope I can walk instead of waddle out of here.” 

Cole appreciated her humor and helped her out of her chair.  It gave him another opportunity to touch her as he left his hand on her bare back, leading her towards the exit.  She interjected, “I need to use the ladies room.” 

Cole led her to the restroom and entered one himself.   As he washed his hands, he looked at himself in the mirror.  He felt things were going well and was looking forward to the show.  He hoped he would be able to enjoy it with her seated next to him in the dark theatre for a few hours. 


Sierra washed her hands and ran cold water over her wrists.  She was glad for the reprieve.  Her emotions were all over the place.  The dinner was the most amazing thing she ever had and Cole was truly being attentive and charming.  She was worried at first when he started right in with the big questions, but when he stopped, he turned on the charm and their conversation was open and friendly.  She felt that he truly listened to her and she didn’t feel like the small town girl she was. 

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