The Reluctant Cowboy (4 page)

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Authors: Cherie Ullman

BOOK: The Reluctant Cowboy
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When she had concluded her presentation, he couldn’t resist finding out if she knew it was him.  When he saw her go pale, he immediately had his answer and felt remorse.  He saw her slowly crumple to the floor and his chair went flying backwards as he propelled himself out of it and raced to her.  Someone started to call 911, but he stopped them.  He gently lifted her up and proceeded to his office just feet away.  He knew people were following him, but he was focused on her. 

“Get me a fresh bottle of water.”  He told no one in particular, but knew Denise would hear him and get it.  He shoved the door to his office open and placed her tentatively on the large leather couch. 

She was starting to come around and he knelt down beside her.  He looked up at the audience surrounding them.  Her coworkers were concerned, but he assured them that he knew her and had just shocked her.  He could see their confusion, but with as much authority as he could muster he asked that they leave the room and give her some air.  Denise appeared with the bottle of water and a cool cloth. He heard the door to his office close as she left. 

He gently placed the cloth on her forehead and held the bottle to her lips to drink.  Her eyes fluttered open and she was staring right into his.  They were mere inches apart, but Cole took the water and placed his hand behind her head to encourage her to take a drink.  She was still staring into his eyes as she slowly took a drink of the water. 

“Surprise,” was all he could think to say.  She started to sit up, but Cole stopped her.  “Go slow when you sit up.” 

He braced his arm around her back and helped her to a sitting position.  He was still on his knee beside her, as she placed her head between her own legs and took deep calming breaths. 

“Feeling better?”  He was still concerned for her.  She raised her head to look at him.  They were face to face. 

“Yeah, I’m fine.  I do this all the time. Not.”

“How did you not know this was my company?”

“I didn’t make the connection, okay?  I researched the company, but not the man behind it.” 

“Seems kind of important now, doesn’t it?”  Cole reached up to stroke the back of her head. 

“Don’t touch me.”  She didn’t say it convincingly, but softly.  “I wouldn’t have come if I had known.” 

“Why the hell not?” 

A knock at the door interrupted them, so Cole stood and went over to answer it.  Denise was on the other side, concern in her expression.  “Everything all right?”  Cole saw several people standing around talking. 

“She is doing fine now.  Just give us a few minutes and we will be out.” 

He shut the door and turned to see Sierra now standing behind his desk, looking out the window. 

“You were right you know.” 

Cole was confused, as he walked to stand beside her.  “About what?” 

“I should have known you were the CEO.  I didn’t do my job diligently enough.”

She was still looking out the window and not at him.  “Please don’t let that take away from what Nations has to offer your company.  They are good and my rookie mistake shouldn’t ruin this for the others who worked so hard.” 

Cole admired her admission and concern for the company.  He was considering a reply when she continued.  “You were right about New York, too. It’s pretty and exciting.”  She had turned to face him.  “I’d better get going, I’m sure my colleagues are freaking out.”   She gave him a weak smile.  “I’m pretty mortified by the way and want to get back to the hotel and get some rest.” 

“Can I see you tonight?  You kind of owe me one for running out on me.”  Cole couldn’t resist the last remark and was surprised with the slight smile on her face. 

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Cole.” 

“I didn’t say it was a good idea but I seem to be a glutton for punishment when it comes to you.  I’ll pick you up at 7:00 pm and take you out to dinner and a show.  Show you what New York has to offer.” 

“I don’t know, I had plans with my colleagues.” 

“Change them.”  He was moving closer. 


Chapter 2


Sierra just needed to compose herself and get some rest.  She assured her colleagues on the ride back to the hotel that she was fine and apologized for the “incident.”  She tried to blow it off by explaining that she hadn’t eaten breakfast and that she knew Cole from the past.  She was thankful that they only seemed concerned with her wellbeing. 

Once she was alone in her room, she immediately changed into her favorite comfort clothing, her old faithful, Buffy the Vampire cast T-shirt and her OSU sweatpants.  She caught her reflection in the mirror of the restroom and started talking to herself, “What
Buffy do?”

Buffy was her favorite TV show that her Mom watched when she was young and wouldn’t let her watch it, but she found a way to sneak in a few episodes.  Once she got older, Netflix was her main source of entertainment, so she and her best friend, Dana had watched the show for hours on end--some weekends having marathons until they had their fill of it.  Buffy empowered women of all ages.  The episodes were well written and had gained her admiration.  It continued to do so today. 

She was still talking to herself in the mirror, “So you just agreed to let the man you continue to fantasize about take you out tonight?  What do you think will happen?”

She was being dramatic with facial expressions with her hands on the sink while talking to the image looking back at her, “You let him take you out to dinner?  You’re hungry, you eat good food and then what?  Make small talk about the weather?”

She rolls her eyes at herself in the mirror, “Oh, I know.  You tell him that you think about him every single day and that you want to live happily ever after with him.  Yeah, that’s perfect.  Then, he will profess his love and admiration for you and that he too has been consumed with desire since your one night of passion.” 

She threw her head back and laughed out loud at herself, “Let me know how that works out for you.” 

She blew herself a kiss and plopped down on the bed.  Her feet were still on the floor and she was staring at the ceiling lying on her back.  She heard her phone ping and sat up to grab her attaché case lying beside the bed.  It was her Mom checking on her and letting her know everything was fine at home.  Sierra quickly sent a text back with hearts and kisses. 

She had a lot to consider now that she had agreed to see Cole tonight.  She had fantasized several scenarios of their next encounter and none of them involved her fainting in his office.  Why had she agreed to see him? 

She decided she needed a best friend’s perspective to help her see clearly and get advice.  Dana answered on the 2
ring, “Hi-ya, country girl,  how do you like the big city?  How did your presentation go?” 

“You able to talk?” she asked her friend. 

“That sounds like the presentation went bad.  Yes, I can talk.  What happened?”  Sierra could hear the concern in her friend’s voice. 

“Well, yes and no.  Yes, the presentation went well and I felt great until someone asked me a question.” 

“I’m intrigued. Continue.”

Sierra sighed into the phone.  “That someone was Cole. 
Cole, aka, president of the company.”

Silence on the other end. 

“Hello?  You still there?” 

She could picture her friend absorbing the information and resting her free hand on the top of her head--a habit she had when she was thinking.  “Uh, yeah, still reeling.  What happened?  What did he ask?” 

“Something about if I bled scarlet and grey and then I fainted.” 

!  Oh my god, are you okay?” 

“I’m fine.  I was just shocked.  He carried me into his office and gave me some water.  I wasn’t out long, but completely embarrassed.” 

“Then what happened?” 

“Um, I think I agreed to have dinner with him tonight.” 

“You did
?!  Are you serious right now!  Have you completely lost your mind?”  She could hear the worry and anger in Dana’s voice. 

“Maybe?  I don’t know.  That’s why I’m calling you.” 

“You can’t go out with him, Sierra.”  Her voice was firm. 

“I know, but I don’t know how to cancel.  He’s picking me up here at seven.” 

“You told him where you were staying?  Have you gone completely mental on me?” 

“I didn’t have to tell him, he already knew.” 

“So you should have said ‘no thank you’ and meant it.” 

Sierra started to cry, something she rarely did.  She knew Dana heard her sniffling and her tone softened, “Sweetie, we have gone over this a hundred times.  You have too much at stake and your heart is the main course.” 

“I don’t know what to think.  Doesn’t it mean something that I ran into him here, now?” 

She could hear Dana take in a deep breath on the other end of the phone, “I don’t know what to think either.  Don’t cry.  We’ll figure it out together.  I have to ask…can you handle having dinner with him?  You do know what could happen, right?” 

Sierra gave a loud sniff.  “Yes, I think I do.  I think I want it to happen again.  Well, almost all of it.  Does that make me a terrible person?” 

She heard Dana laugh, “Not terrible, just crazy.  Promise to be careful.” 

“I will.” 

“Call me or text me no matter what time and let me know you’re okay. Promise.” 

“I promise.  I’ll be fine.” 

She ended the call and proceeded to lay on the bed and ponder the situation.  She pressed a button on her phone and told Siri to wake her in two hours if she happened to fall asleep.  She did.  She dreamed of blue eyes and jet black hair.  She dreamed of lovemaking and fairy tale endings.  She dreamed of love being taken away and being all alone.  She was crying when her phone woke her up. 

She sat up and wiped at her eyes and nose.  She would not let that happen.  She would have dinner with Cole and make small talk.  She would finally close the door that had been left open for two years.  With more determination, she texted Amy to let her know she had other plans for the evening.



Cole was still in his office.  Everyone else had left for the weekend.  Most people lived for the weekends, but Cole considered it another two days of being alone, working and attending social events that had started to bore him.  Seeing Sierra today reminded him of how the simple pleasures seemed to elude him.  Living in the city could indeed be making him jaded and cynical.  He was standing behind his desk looking down on the city. 

“I’m heading home now.  Your reservations are confirmed for tonight and the two tickets to see “Wicked.” 

“Thank you, Denise.  I thought you had left.  Have a good weekend.” He hadn’t turned to face her when he replied.  He was still staring out the window. 

“Cole?”  He turned towards her.  “I know something happened today that shook you up. I have never seen that look on your face that I saw today when that poor girl fainted.  You know her better than you explained to the board.  I’d bet money on it and I’m not a gambler.  Whatever it is, whatever it was, I hope you find your answers tonight.” 

Cole gave her a small smile.  “Me too.” 

With that he heard her leave and close the door behind her.  Cole reflected on the aftermath of Sierra fainting.  It wasn’t even noon yet and he had a conference room full of confused board members and staff. 

When Sierra left, it took all of his willpower not to take her back to the hotel himself to make sure she was all right.  This protective side of him was new and unnerving.  He had composed himself and entered the board room where his staff was waiting and conversing over the dramatic turn of events.  His COO asked him what everyone was wondering, “What happened in here today, Cole?  How do you know her?” 

Cole had everyone’s undivided attention, “Today, ladies and gentlemen, I behaved badly.  That nice young woman was someone I met two years ago at a friend’s wedding.”  That part was true.  “Suffice it to say that I had too much to drink, made some very rude comments and offered an indecent proposal to her at the reception.  While I’m not proud of my behavior, it happened.  The young woman proceeded to give me a good right hook in the jaw.”  Cole laughed at his own comment and the rest of his staff joined in.  “I apologized immediately, but let’s just say I didn’t make a good impression.  I think she was just very startled to see me.”

The staff seemed to take his explanation at face value and all agreed they were glad she would be okay.  He pressed on, “Now, if we could just put the unfortunate incident behind us and focus on the presentation they delivered.” 

The next few hours were spent discussing details of all three proposals and how they should proceed.  While a final decision was still days away, it was looking positive for Nations Insurance to land the account. 

It had been a long, grueling day, but Cole was even more apprehensive for the night.  Denise had one of his best suits delivered to the office and he would shower and shave in the company fitness center.  Even though he felt mentally tired, he thought a quick workout would help him focus. 

He wasn’t sure what compelled him to ask her out and insist upon it.  That’s not true.  He did know.  He wanted to ask her the questions that plagued him for these past two years.  He wanted to see if the connection he felt was still as strong after talking with her.  He knew they didn’t know anything about each other, except for the physical chemistry.  That was not lacking. 

He would treat her like he would any first date.  He would be polite and ask the appropriate questions.  He would take more time to get to know her. 

He had asked Denise to check on her schedule and found that she wasn’t due to fly back to Ohio until Sunday morning.  He was hoping he could make a good enough impression to perhaps show her more of the city tomorrow.  While he was running on the treadmill, he told himself over and over that he would not get angry with her for the way she ran out on him. 

After his workout, he showered, shaved and put his best grey suit on.  He wanted it to be part of his apology by showing his support of her state by wearing the dark grey.  He even had a scarlet tie as his ace in the hole. 

He was taking her to one of the finest dining establishments in the city, Aureole.  It was a charming restaurant located on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, in the most environmentally advanced skyscraper in the world.  It was contemporary, urban elegance serving savory and seasonal dishes.  It also had the ambience that he wanted for their first “date.” 

He had asked Denise earlier to have a dress sent over to the hotel under her name.  He wasn’t trying to be presumptuous, but knew if they were going to attend a Broadway show like Wicked, she may have not brought the proper attire.  He had sent over two sizes to make sure one of them fit.  He knew from experience that she was either a size six or eight. 

He also sent over a bouquet of flowers with a card explaining his actions.  He had personally signed it with “Looking forward to seeing you.” 

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