The Real Me (How to Tame a Heartbreaker Book 4) (20 page)

BOOK: The Real Me (How to Tame a Heartbreaker Book 4)
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Chapter 21



They just stood in the living room, his arms around her for a few minutes. They were both freshly showered and he had on a pair of solid grey pajama pants and no shirt. She'd never seen his chest in person, and it was hard not to stare at it. The lines were beautiful.

"Want me to make us a drink? Or better yet, why don't you make us one?"

She was staring at the little indentation where his neck met his chest, but her gaze shifted to his when he spoke.

I rarely drink," she said, "but I think maybe since it's a special occasion and everything."

She was referring to losing her virginity, and h
is gentlemanly instincts took over, making him feel like he should offer her a way out in case she had regrets. That was easier said than done. He wanted her so badly that he didn't care if he was behaving like a non-gentleman. If he wasn't going to offer her a way out, he thought he should at least reassure her.

"This is in no way, shape, or form a one night thing. Have I told you that?"

"You mentioned it," she said, smiling.

"I can't wait to show you off. Where do you want to go?"

"You mean like out in public?"

"Of course in public."

She considered the possibility of being a part of entertainment news. It was something she had thought about a lot since she figured out who he was.

"Nobody's going to
if we're seeing each other. I'm just a regular girl."

Cam laughed
like she had no idea what she was talking about.

"Oh, they'll care all right."

"What do you mean?"

"All I'm saying is you better get ready to have a camera lens in your face when you're with me
. It's something you have to expect."

"Do I have to look good all the time?"

"Why would that even be a question? When do you
look good?"

She giggled as if he was trying to flatter her, but he just stared down at her with a serious expression.

"You're hilarious," she said shaking her head. "I think I'll take that drink."

He pulled her to the bar area which was close to the kitchen. "I should have a little of everything in here," he said, opening a cabinet stocked th
ree deep with bottles of booze. She opened him a beer from the fridge and poured herself a vodka and orange juice.

They sat on the couch in his living room enjoying their drinks and talking about everything under the sun. They'd gotten to know each other well over the phone during t
he last couple of weeks, but being together on the couch where they could see each other's mannerisms brought everything to a whole new level. Cam felt like the choice to be with her was one of the biggest decisions of his life, and he did it without knowing
of her. He decided he loved her based on what he knew, and now that she was next to him, she was even better than he imagined—like he got an even sweeter deal than he bargained for.

She stood up about an hour into their conversation
to get them each a second drink. He watched intently as she walked over to the bar. "I'm having fun talking and everything," he said from across the room. "But I'm gonna tell you, Jax, I'm having a hard time keeping my hands off you."

She looked back at him and smiled shyly from over her shoulder. Then she leaned over
slowly to get him a beer from the fridge. She bent at the waist letting him get an eyeful of what was under her robe, and he just sat on the couch, drinking her in.

"You act like you know what you're doing," he said. "Where'd you learn to bend over like that?"

"Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean I've been living in a box. You can see girls bending over like this on Disney Channel these days.

"Oh God I hope not.
Because I'll tell you right now, the things I'm planning on doing to you are
not at all
appropriate for Disney."

She smiled as she walked toward them with the second round. "I think we're both adults here." Her
long, dark hair had been still slightly damp when she came out of the bathroom, but now it was dry and hung down her back in loose waves. She handed him another beer before she sat cross-legged next to him on the couch and looked over at him.

"I think you might have liked what you saw over there," she said, taking a sip of her drink to try to hide a smile
as she glanced at his lap.

"What's so funny?" h
e asked, shifting in his seat. "You laughing at the raging hard on I got from watching you bend over?"

"That's what I said—that you liked what you saw over there."

"Damn skippy I did". He gave her a cocky grin. "I think you should come on over here and kiss me."

She took a slow breath. "I'm nervous," she said, feeling like the big moment was
finally there.

"Come over here girl," he said sweetly. She leaned forward to put the glass she was holding on the coffee table and then snuggled in closer to him. He leaned in like he might kiss her, but leaned further and put his bottle on the coffee table next to her glass. As he returned to his relaxed position on the couch, he brought her with him, holding her close to his chest. She squirmed a little at the feeling of being slightly off balance, but quickly settled into his arms.

"Come here," he said. She was already there in every other way, so she knew he meant for her to bring her mouth to his. She looked up into his kiss, and instantly pulled away, thinking she shouldn't have been the one to make contact. She should have gotten close but then waited for him to close the distance, and her accidental kiss had her feeling flustered and embarrassed.

"Why are you pulling away, baby girl? You had those lips right where I wanted them." He used his hands to tilt her head
and pull her into another kiss, and she moaned. He continued to kiss her gently, but took a hand from her jaw and used it to grab her hand. He put her hand onto his chest before guiding it down his ribs and to the edge of his pajama pants. Then he guided it back up his side and let it stop on his chest, just over his heart. He pulled back to look at her, still securely holding her hand against his chest.

Let's get you out of this robe."

"I'm shy."

"No you aren't. Jax is a bad girl's name."

"No it's not."

"Sure it is. Show me. Stand up. Let's see."

She stood
as he reached up to untie the little white robe with one tug of the belt. It fell open, revealing the lingerie set that made her look like a pin up model.

"Put your hair over one shoulder."

She did as he said.

"Now turn to the side and stick it out a little bit."

She smiled, feeling a little embarrassed, but soon struck a pose even though she felt a little silly.

"Now turn all the way around one time."

She took a slow turn, and he watched silently.

"Stop," he said, when she had her back to him on the second turn. "Now bend over like you did a few minutes ago."

She bent at the waist giving him a clear view of the bottom of her panties.

"Jax," he said, rubbing his mouth and chin as if he was contemplating something.


"Tell me again how many people have touched you right there."

"None. Except for me that one time—but you were there for that."

He sighed, not knowing if he was going to be able to rein it in.

"I'm trying to remember—" he said. "
Nope. I don't think I've ever wanted something so bad in my entire life."

She turned to face him and bit at her fingernail shyly. "Why don't you just take me, then?"

"Is that an invitation?"


"Are you ready for me?"


"Come here."

She inched closer to him

Are you wet down there?" His gaze shifted to her panties before meeting her eyes again.

bit her lip and nodded.

"I want you to put your hand down there and make sure."

She tentatively snuck her hand down her panties and to the very edge of her slit. She nodded.

You can't even feel it from where your hand is," he said, watching her intently.

She looked down wondering how he could see what her hand was doing under her panties.

"Dip your finger in there," he said.

Thinking he could see, which he couldn't, she obeyed. He saw her flinch almost imperceptibly at the sensation caused by her finger.

"How's it feel?" he asked, knowing she knew now.

"Wet," she said, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Look at me," he said.

Her eyes met his.

"I want you to be totally comfortable," he said. "Would you rather stay out here or go to the bedroom?"

She thought about that as she looked around, taking in her surroundings. The floor to ceiling windows
were hidden by hi-tech blinds, but she still felt a level of vulnerability in the huge, open, well-lit space.

"I think maybe I might be more comfortable in the bedroom. Are you talking about the one I just came from?"

"Yep," he said. He bent down, put a shoulder into her thighs, and picked her up over his shoulder like she was a sack of grain. He took her to the bedroom where he sat her down on the edge of the beautiful, king-size bed. She was breathless and giggling from being carried over his shoulder and didn't even notice that he took off his pajama pants.

He had on a pair of grey and white boxer briefs, and she couldn't help but stare at the package that was underneath. I
t was impossible to see it for what it was worth when he had on the pajama pants, but now that she could see the full outline of it under the tight underwear, she started to feel nervous about things like pain.

"I think that thing's big," she said.

He smiled down at her proudly. "Way bigger than both my brothers—and most of my friends too."

She looked at him nervously. "That might be good news for
a more experienced girl, but for someone in my situation—" she hesitated. "Wouldn't it be better if I could get a starter size or something?"

He laughed. "Uhh, I'm uh sorry but this is the only one I have to work with and under no circumstances is another dick, smaller or otherwise, coming near you."

She laughed—up until the point where he slid his big hand under her panties and without hesitation, ran a finger past her opening.

"Oh shit, Jax, you're so fuckin
' ready for me that it's not gonna hurt at all."

She smiled up at him and
flopped back on the bed.

"Scoot up," he said.

She did, repositioning herself closer to the middle of the bed. He looked her over before letting his gaze fall back on her face.

"Do you want to get yourself out of those panties or should I help you?"

"I think I'd like your help," she said. Cam crawled over to her and started to pull her panties off slowly. She lifted her bottom off the bed so he could slide them off then relaxed back onto the bed as he removed the panties from around her ankles.

"Can you do that again?" he asked. "Can you lift up like you were? Her shoulders and feet remained on the bed as she lifted her bottom off of the bed again.

Unable to s
top himself, he reached out to touch her. He wasn't tentative with it either. He grabbed her around the hips with both hands touching and feeling and roaming over her hips and thighs. He got on his knees beside her and parted her legs. "Is it hurting you to stay like this?" He patted her bottom that was still hovering a foot off the bed.

"No," she said. If anything, it felt good. She wanted him so badly that her hips felt like they wanted to move forward on their own
anyway. He ran a hand over her knee, then up her thigh. When he reached her center, he stopped moving and cupped a warm hand around her outside.

She let it stay there for a few seconds, but soon, could stand it no longer. She thrust forward, making
it obvious that she wanted the pressure increased. He let two fingers dip beneath her opening and into her slickness. Again, she thrust forward, encouraging his touch. He moved to hover over her and took his hand from her center long enough to unclasp her bra. She laid flat on the bed so she could shrug out of it.

He took off his boxers and
lay beside her. She chose to look at his face rather than the huge object she could feel against her thigh. He leaned in and put a gentle kiss on her mouth, and she felt her hips wanting to thrust forward again as soon as his piece pressed into her. She resisted the urge to lift her hips off the bed again, but couldn't resist putting her hands on him. She grabbed the sides of his face, letting her fingertips lace through his shaggy, sun-kissed hair. Her fingers closed around fistfuls of it as she drew him closer to deepen the kiss.

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