The Real Me (How to Tame a Heartbreaker Book 4) (21 page)

BOOK: The Real Me (How to Tame a Heartbreaker Book 4)
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He didn't hesitate to give her what she craved. He let his tongue dip into her mouth in a wet, hot, preview of what was to come. She let out a cross between a moan and a whimper and he broke the kiss to ask her if she was all right. He didn't even get the question out. He started to ask if she was okay but she just pulled his face back down to hers, greedy for his kiss.


Chapter 22



Without breaking the kiss, Cam positioned himself directly over her, applying pressure at the waist so she could grind against him. "Use your hand to guide it in there," he said.

She took hold of it wondering how in the mother humpin' world she'd get it inside her. It was huge and as hard as a freaking rock
, and touching it sent an electric shock through her hand and arm.

"Do you think it'll go in?"
she asked, a little worried.

"I know it will," he said, smiling
sweetly at her.

She positioned the end of it at her opening, and he gave a little
push. She was so tight that he almost considered using a finger to break her in, but he wanted so badly to be inside her that he gave another thrust with a little more pressure this time. She whimpered as the very tip of his erection slipped past her opening. Again, he thrust forward. She was so tight that it took a considerable amount of pressure to even move an inch or two. She let out another whimper, and this time he felt like he should ask if she was in pain.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

She nodded, but kept her eyes closed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," she said, looking up at him. "Is it in all the way?"

Cam smiled wondering how he could break it to her that it was only a
fraction of the way in.

"It's not is it?" she asked.

He shook his head. Without warning, she used all her power to thrust her hips up until he was fully buried inside her. The sudden movement surprised him, but more than that, he was shocked that she had the strength in that one thrust to take him in. She was so tight that he honestly thought it was going to take some work.

"Shit Jax, are you okay
?" Her eyes were closed tightly and both of them remained motionless.

She tried to speak but it came out more of a faint squeak at first. "It's okay I think." She made slight adjustments, never making eye contact with him.

"Hey, look at me," he said. Her eyes snapped up to meet his and she found that he was regarding her with the sweetest expression. How was she this lucky? How did she deserve this kind of attention from him? She took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?"

"I was just sort of feeling thankful that you're being so nice," she said. She let her fingertips gently graze over his chest and down the rows of muscles that lined his ribs. "And it's an added bonus that you look like this."

She was getting
used to the sensation of having him inside her, and felt herself beginning to crave movement in her hips again. She rolled her hips up just slightly, loving the feel of him moving inside her. He readjusted, raising his chest to get a deeper thrust. "Oh my God," he said, looking up at the ceiling as if praying for patience. "I don't think anything has ever felt so good, and you're so beautiful I can hardly stand it."

She gave him a challenging glare. "You're just flattering me because you like this…" Again, she rolled her hips in an up/down motion that forced him out and then in.

He cleared his throat. "You're right that I—" He had to clear his throat again, because right in the middle of him talking, she rode it up and down again. "I do like how that feels," he said. "But I didn't say you're beautiful to flatter you. I said it because it's true. This—" he said, pulling out and pushing in again, "is just the icing on the cake.

She let out a little moan when he did it, but then looked up at him and smiled, reassuring him that
it felt good. He took that as permission to do it again. He pushed in and out of her slowly, and when he did, she gave him a big smile.

"It feels
," she said.

He could see the relief in her eyes, and that made him laugh a little. He leaned down to kiss her ear.

"I'm glad it's good," he whispered, "because I'm about to do it again." he pushed out and in again, and she made another sound of pleasure.

After six or eight really slow, gentle thrusts, Cam turned it up.
He used his hips to drive down and apply pressure to her clit, riding her over and over until she felt like she was just about ready to leave her body.

"Ooooh Cam. Oh my God.
Oooooh, what's happeniiiing?"

Jax lost herself in wave after wave of orgasm while he buried h
imself inside her relentlessly. He wouldn't have let himself claim her like that if she looked like it was hurting her, but she was clearly enjoying herself.

He made sure she was done
before letting himself finish, but it was cutting it close. He wanted her so badly that he was thankful to have made it as long as he did.

collapsed onto the bed together and both lay still during the first few seconds of catching their breath. Cam was the first to speak. "That's not supposed to happen so fast on my end, but I couldn't help myself."

rolled over onto her side so she could regard him, snuggling her body up next to him and loving the feel of his warm skin against hers. "What do you mean by that shouldn't have been so fast on
end?" she asked. "Why's it one sided?"

He shifted so she was more on top of him than along side, and she reached up to kiss his collar bone and up onto his neck. He rubbed her back with the arm that was underneath her.

"I don't know why guys are expected to have stamina and girls aren't. Usually it's not a problem for me, so I've never given it much thought."

She flinched at the mention of his past experience, but didn't want to let it stand in the way of an otherwise beautiful first experience.

"Well I certainly didn't mind you being done when you were," she said, putting her head on his chest. Then she popped up to look at him as if something had just dawned on her. "We can still do it again later, right?"

He smiled at her. "I insist on it," he said. She felt his chest shake with silent laughter as she rested her head on it.

They stayed like that—no clothes and on top of the comforter—for the next two hours. They traded questions. He hadn't realized that the part of himself he'd been keeping from her weighed heavy on his mind, but talking about his career with her was more fun than he expected. She asked funny things like, "Who gets to pick your songs?" and, "What's going on in your head when you're about to walk on stage in front of all those people?"

He asked her questions about school and her work at the shelter, and was
continually surprised by how much he loved and wanted her. He expected it to die down a little bit once he'd had her physically, but everything he learned about her only served to make his attraction greater.

"I want you to come on the road with me," he said. "You can just come everywhere I go."

She was quiet for a second, thinking about how serious he could possibly be with a statement like that.

"Come on. Why not?" he asked.

"Because," she said, assuming he was at least a little serious. "It's exactly the same thing I told you the night we met—the barefoot and pregnant thing."

"I don’t mind if you have your thing," he said. "
I'm proud of you for that, and want to help you anyway I can. But shit Jax, I make enough money for both of us, and I want you with me all the time."

She felt so in love with him in that moment that she wanted to promise s
he'd never leave his side, but she was smart enough to know they both needed to be their own people or it wouldn't work out.

"I'm not really feeling like I want to leave your side right now either," she said honestly, "but it'll be better for both of us if I am my own person."

"Can your own person travel the fuckin' world with me too?"

She laughed. "I suppose sh
e can take a little trip here and there."

He rubbed her back. "I guess I can live with that.

Hey, please don't let me forget to call my parents in the morning to tell them I'm not going home."

"When were you supposed to go?"

"Tomorrow. Sometimes I go for church, but I told them I was just coming in for lunch tomorrow."

"Why aren't you going?"

She didn't say anything for a second because she assumed they'd be hanging out the next day even though he hadn't specifically mentioned it. "I don't know why I thought I should cancel," she said. "I guess I just thought we might want to hang out tomorrow, but now I feel really stupid that I just assumed—"

His chest
shook with laughter.

"What?" she asked.

"You're so funny."


He reached down and forced her chin up to meet his gaze. "I just got finished saying I want you with me every second.
the one who's got other plans."

She smiled at him. "So was it safe to assume we'd hang out tomorrow?"

"And the next day and the one after that, and so on and so forth."

She stared up at him focused intently on his smiling blue eyes. "Is it okay for me to love you already?" she asked.

"As long as you let me love you back," he said. He used his arm to shift her upward until he could reach her mouth with his. He put a soft kiss right on her mouth and when he broke contact, she popped up to give him one of her own.

"I guess we're both going to Clarksville then," he said.

She gave him a confused look as if the thought would have never in a million years crossed her mind.

"Tomorrow," he clarified.

"I figured that's what you were saying, but it just doesn't seem like a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because. You're Cam Bishop. You can't do boring things like drive to Clarksville to eat lunch with my parents. It's just a tiny little town."

He laughed. "What?
Do you think I need club music playing everywhere I go? I like small towns. I grew up in one."

"Cam, you cannot just come to my family's home. There's nothing to do there. And besides, don't you have to travel with an entourage or something? Secret Service?"

"I'm alone with you right now aren't I? I walked into that bar alone tonight didn't I?" He gave her a squeeze. "I can do what I want," he said, "and tomorrow I think I'll have lunch with my girlfriend's family in Clarksville. I have to meet the knife-throwing pastor who already hates my guts at some point."

She laughed. "He doesn't hate you. Yet."

"That's reassuring."

"No, I didn't mean
it like that. I just hope my little sister doesn't mention how we met."

"Does she know?"


"Everything? Even a
bout the beard?"


"Oh God, she probably hates me already."

"Are you kidding? She
me not to leave you. She was with me when I saw the magazine and figured everything out, and she told me about a million times to think about before I go screwing things up."

"That's my girl," he said.

"She just said that because you're famous. She didn't know you for who you are. She wanted me to stay with Cam, but she didn't understand it was Cole I'd fallen for."

"That's just a name," he said.

"I know that now."

They were both quiet for a little while.

"So it's decided that I'm going with you tomorrow," he said.

No, I actually don't remember deciding that at all. I think we decided my parents' house was too small for your entourage and limousine."

"Bullshit. We'll take the Chevy."

"You can't talk like that in front of my mom. She got mad at my sisters boyfriend for saying geez the other day."

"Geez? Really?"


"Anything else you want to warn me about?"

"They have no idea that I work in a bar, and they certainly don't know you and I are, uh, that we have carnal knowledge of each other."

"So I shouldn't say,
good day Mrs. Overstreet, I fucked the shit out of your daughter last night after I picked her up at a bar

She laughed and covered her face imagining that. "No, you definitely should
say that."

"Worked," he said.


"You said you
at a bar, and I was reminding you that you used to work there."

A worried
look crossed Jax's expression. "I forgot about that. That's crazy. Did I seriously just quit Bing's?"


"You think they'll give me my job back?" She asked, feeling an honest wave of regret.

"You don't need that job. I'm taking care of you now. If you're going to be working, you should be doing something you love. If you love making drinks, we'll have parties every weekend, but you're not going back to that bar so those douchebags can just drool over you."

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