The Physique 57 Solution (35 page)

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Authors: Tanya Becker,Jennifer Maanavi

BOOK: The Physique 57 Solution
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Now straighten the top right leg, pressing it up and out behind you on a slight diagonal. Then bring it back in. Think of your top knee sliding along the inside of your bottom leg like a deli slicer as you bend and straighten the top leg.

Make sure you engage your abdominal muscles so that as you push the leg back, you don’t arch your back.


Let the bottom leg stay on the floor for extra support

57 T

Imagine that you are slicing down cellulite! No lumps or bumps on your bottom!


We love this soothing stretch. It feels great in the outer seat muscles, relaxes the neck and shoulders, and gives you time to recharge and refocus between sets—even as it keeps you in the fat-burning zone. After this nice release, you should feel fully recovered and psyched for your next set.

Entire seat

The Steps

Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.

Cross your right ankle over your left knee, and clasp your hands behind your left thigh.

Pull your left thigh toward your chest and feel the stretch open up your outer right hip and seat area. Keep your spine long and relax your upper back and shoulders.

Repeat on the other side.


This deep hip and seat stretch offers more of an extended recovery. You want to keep your spine long and your hips and tailbone heavy, letting them sink into the floor. Relax for a moment, knowing that after all your Herculean efforts, your body WILL change! So you can enjoy this little break before your Ab series. Ahhhh!

Entire seat

The Steps

Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Cross your right thigh over your left.

Lift both legs off the floor, reach for your ankles, and gently pull your legs in toward your chest as far as they will go. Try not to let your heels droop toward your seat. Relax your upper back and shoulders.

Switch legs and repeat.

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