The Physique 57 Solution

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Authors: Tanya Becker,Jennifer Maanavi

BOOK: The Physique 57 Solution
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This book is dedicated to my family for all your love and support, especially my mother, Grace, for being my biggest fan. To Lotte Berk, without your ingenuity I would still be seeking the perfect exercise method. To Jennifer Maanavi, my friend and partner, your talents and zeal constantly amaze me. You are a daily source of inspiration. And to my husband, Terry, for your love, unwavering support and willingness to walk down any piazza with me


To Mom, Dad, and Vicky for all the dance lessons and your lifelong support and pride in my success. You’ve always encouraged me to dance and never sit one out, and for that I am forever grateful. To The Steffi Nossen School of Dance, a great place for a little girl to grow up. To Tanya Becker for being the perfect artistic force who accepts nothing but victory. For you I push myself harder in class and in life. To Dariush, my love, your intellectual thirst and precision are the spice of our lives. With you, life is exciting and rewarding, and I am obliged to be my best. And to Alec and Halle, your smiling faces and constant giggles make life too good to miss a moment!




The First Step to a Gorgeous Physique

Hello, Gorgeous!

Welcome to
The Physique 57 Solution
, your own personal prescription for a lean and beautiful body. Starting today, it’s time to say good-bye to all the other workouts you’ve known and tried—the ones that haven’t worked for you because they didn’t produce results, didn’t fit your lifestyle, or were just plain boring. If you’ve been looking for a so-good-it’s-addictive fitness regimen to spark record weight loss and sculpt your body in record time, we’re here to tell you that it
exist—and that Physique 57 is the program for you!

Committing to a new workout is an empowering choice, and we congratulate you on taking this step. By picking up this book, you are already on your way to achieving the gorgeous physique you’ve always wanted: no more wasted hours at the gym, no more fretting over extra pounds, no more muffin tops, love handles, jiggling thighs, or flabby arms. Instead, in just two weeks’ time, you are going to see remarkable changes in your body from head to toe: smooth and sculpted
thighs, a lifted seat, a taut, tucked tummy, and slim and sexy arms. You’ll stand taller, feel stronger, and go about your day feeling energized and on top of the world because you will look fabulous—and you’ll know it! You’ll even be able to break out your skinny jeans again. What could be better than that?

We know that our program gets results because we see it happen with our clients all the time. Every day, tens of thousands of women arrive at our studios or pop in our DVDs and push themselves to the limit because they know that our workouts will give them a better body than any other exercise method around. Our new clients are often thrilled to see new muscle definition after their very first class—welcome back, abs!—or discover that they’ve dropped a whole dress size after just a few sessions. Regardless of what other diets or exercise plans will tell you, you
see dramatic changes in just two weeks. And this blockbuster combination of efficiency and results is what has made Physique 57 today’s hottest workout—and keeps our clients coming back for more.

This book, which combines two of our signature 57-minute workouts with our delicious, super-slimming meal plan, puts the power of Physique 57 in your hands. And today marks the start of a whole new you. If you’re looking to whip your body into shape for a special event, or simply to boost your strength, energy, and overall health while naturally achieving your ideal weight, our two-week plan will give you the same rapid-results workouts our clients get, along with an amazing array of tasty dishes designed to help you maximize your workouts and melt away the pounds. With our eating plan, you can forget the word
. There’s no counting calories, no points, no weekly weigh-ins—just simple, macronutrient-rich meals bursting with flavor that will satisfy your cravings and jump-start your body’s own natural weight-loss process. By following our program, you can expect to lose:

Up to 10 pounds

2 inches off your waist

2 inches off your hips

5 inches off your thighs

1 inch off your arms


That said, Physique 57 is NOT about being supermodel-skinny—let’s get that out of the way right now. It’s about being healthy, being fit, and feeling fabulous whatever you do. Some of our happiest clients are those who have only lost a pound or two, and yet their entire body has changed: inches have disappeared, muffin tops have vanished, and trouble spots have been tightened and sculpted to give them a whole new look.

Our program is designed to accommodate all fitness levels, but it’s also designed to keep challenging you so that you never perfect the exercises and you NEVER plateau. You can use this plan far beyond the first two weeks and continue to see amazing results. And as you get leaner and stronger and more comfortable with the moves, you can work more efficiently and target your muscles even more effectively, ultimately achieving the best body you’ve ever had.

Our Story

Before we created Physique 57, we were two women, just like you, who tried time and again to find the secret to staying fit. Growing up, we were both dancers: Jennifer danced with a ballet company during high school, and Tanya studied dance throughout her school years and later on in New York City. But during our twenties, we also picked up many of the bad habits that go along with city living. Our slim and svelte dancers’ bodies started to change, and even Tanya, who continued to dance professionally, saw the numbers on the scale start to creep up. Like most women, we wanted to look better, lose a few pounds, firm up soft spots, and wear a bikini without thinking twice.

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