The Physique 57 Solution (103 page)

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Authors: Tanya Becker,Jennifer Maanavi

BOOK: The Physique 57 Solution
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Physique 57 Staff
: Without each of you, this book would not be a reality. We know that we have the most talented and committed staff imaginable. Every day, you encourage our clients to be the best they can be. Together our future is bright!

Alicia Weihl
: Physique 57 has always been a team effort, and you are definitely an MVP. Your creativity, expertise, and pursuit of excellence inspire our clients and staff to reach their fullest potential and become the best version of themselves. Your energy, grace, and perfection make for flawless photos.

Ashley Walker
: Thank you for keeping this tremendous project moving in the right direction. From beginning to end, you gave your all to this book, and our readers will reap the benefits of your contribution.

Shelly Knight
: Thank you for a great photo shoot. Your tireless smiles, superior strength, and beauty astound us all. Thanks for gracing our pages with your wonderful images.

Carmela Cali
: You are completely indispensable. Carmela speed dial will always be close to the top! You are a true artist with many unspoken talents. Carmela = pretty, calm, and ready. You rock!

Sara Beth Turner
: You’ve been a special friend to Physique 57, and it was an honor to collaborate with you. Thank you for capturing the essence of our movements through your lens.

Donna Sonkin
: Your passion for healthy eating and living makes you a true gem that shone brightly on this huge endeavor. Thank you for bringing your sparkle, knowledge, and wisdom to our readers.

Bob Otto
: Thank you for all your research and your insight into the science behind the magic that is Physique 57.

Ann Campbell
: You are the dream collaborator. We are forever grateful to your enduring commitment and dedication to perfecting our inaugural book. You are brilliant and insightful and made writing this book a fun and exciting adventure. Cheers to you!

Diana Baroni at Grand Central
: Thank you for your vision and commitment to us and the Physique 57 method. You’ve been the perfect partner. Thanks also to Amanda Englander for supporting new authors and answering our

Andrea Barzvi at International Creative Management
: You’ve been a great leader and guide through this long journey. We’re glad that we’ve heeded your advice every step of the way. You’re a superstar!

Physique 57 Clients, Fans, and Followers
: Your stories of triumph and dedication to Physique 57 keep us going on our mission to spread our fitness lifestyle far and wide. Please keep the stories coming. Your enthusiasm and determination inspire us and others to continue on the journey to good health and empowerment.

Special thanks to everyone else who brought this book to life with their wisdom and expertise, including Binky Urban at International Creative Management for taking the meeting and being as excited about Physique 57 as we are; Julie Grau for getting us started in the right direction; and Elizabeth Benson, Elizabeth Lambert, Larissa Bocchi, and Jennifer Goller for pitching in on so many challenging projects—you are amazing teammates.


Tanya Becker
is the co-founder and senior vice president of programming and training at Physique 57. Prior to creating the Physique 57 method, she trained and taught at the Lotte Berk Method in New York City, where she helped update, refine, and perfect the legendary fitness regimen.

In addition to teaching and training at the Physique 57 studios, Tanya choreographs and performs in the award-winning Physique 57 DVD series. She regularly represents Physique 57 in national media outlets including
The Martha Stewart Show
, the
show, and
Dr. Oz
. She has also been featured in
Vogue, Shape, Redbook, Harper’s Bazaar, New York Magazine
, and
. She is a well-known personality in the New York fitness scene with a large following of admiring clients. Tanya is tenacious and passionate about her work—she continuously improves and expands the Physique 57 method to keep it perched at the forefront of the fitness industry.

As a trained student of the Luigi Jazz Technique and an accomplished choreographer, Tanya has performed in musicals and live productions around the world and has appeared in many industrials, films, and commercials. She is an ACE (American Council of Exercise) Certified Personal Trainer. She and her husband live in New York City.

Jennifer Maanavi
is the owner, co-founder, and CEO of Physique 57. She has been involved in dance from early childhood, having performed many different genres throughout college. She has a strong Wall Street finance background and earned an MBA from Columbia Business School with high honors. She left Morgan Stanley in 2005 to launch Physique 57.

Jennifer’s fitness odyssey began in earnest when she opted out of back surgery related to dance injuries and set out to find an effective back- and core-strengthening exercise method. After sampling seemingly every mainstream and New Age class available in New York City, she stumbled across the Lotte Berk Method, cured her back, and reshaped her body. Saddened and desperate after the sudden demise of Lotte, she wrote a business plan and recruited Tanya Becker to quickly ramp up an updated method that would sate the appetite of hundreds of similarly disappointed Lotte Berk acolytes. Jennifer is passionate about her family, business, dance, and exercise. She has found her calling in life—running a world-class service business focused on health and dance-inspired exercise. Jennifer, her supportive husband, and their two young children live in New York City and love to travel around the world.


Anytime you start a new workout or weight-loss regimen, it can be both fun and helpful to connect with other people who are doing the program, just like you. We invite you to join us on Facebook, where you can share your experiences with other Physique 57 followers and post questions for our instructors:
. For more inspiring client success stories, please visit our website:
. We also invite you to send us your own success story (we love before and after pictures!) to [email protected].

For playground balls, workout wear, and our complete series of DVDs:

For stylish athletic and yoga wear:

Lululemon Athletica


For organic food products:

Diamond Organics (offers overnight home delivery)


Trader Joe’s

Whole Foods Market


Front Cover Image






Introduction: The First Step to a Gorgeous Physique



Chapter 1: What Is Physique 57?

Chapter 2: Science Can Make You Sexy


Chapter 3: Warm-Up

Chapter 4: Thighs

Chapter 5: Seat

Chapter 6: Abs

Chapter 7: Back

Chapter 8: Cool Down


Chapter 9: Classic Workout A

Chapter 10: Classic Workout B


Chapter 11: Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous

Chapter 12: What’s Cooking?

Chapter 13: Kitchen Diva



About the Authors






Neither this exercise and diet program nor any other exercise and diet program should be followed without first consulting a health care professional. If you have any special conditions requiring attention, you should consult with your health care professional regularly regarding possible modification of the program contained in this book.

Copyright © 2012 by Jevo Media, Inc.

All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

Grand Central Life & Style

Hachette Book Group

237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017

First e-book edition: January 2012

Grand Central Life & Style is an imprint of Grand Central Publishing.

The Grand Central Life & Style name and logo are trademarks of Hachette Book Group, Inc.

The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

Photographs by Sara Beth Turner

ISBN: 978-1-4555-0614-9

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