The Physique 57 Solution (34 page)

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Authors: Tanya Becker,Jennifer Maanavi

BOOK: The Physique 57 Solution
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Let the bottom leg rest on the floor for a little bit of extra support

57 T

When it comes to the seat, the more you squeeze it, the more someone else will want to squeeze it!


This one’s exactly like the name: A hairpin keeps your hair in place, and this move keeps your seat muscles in place—no bulging, jiggling, or unattractive spread when you sit down. Go for the lifted and perky style!

Gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus; abductors

The Setup

Lie down on the left side of your body and extend your left arm under your head (in the workouts, we’ll do both sides). Swing your legs straight in front of you to make a capital letter L. Keep your toes pointed.

Keeping your hips stacked, press your right palm into the floor in front of your navel to engage your obliques.

Separate your inner thighs and lift the top right leg so it’s in line with your hip. This is your starting position.


A. Pulse the Leg

Lower and lift your right leg in small, controlled movements, about 2 or 3 inches. As you lift your leg, make sure that you keep your hips and shoulders stacked on top of each other—there’s no wiggle room here!

B. Microbends

Keeping the right leg up, bend the right knee slightly—about 2 or 3 inches—so that your heel comes toward your hamstring, then press it back to the starting position.




C. Leg Circles

Keeping your toes pointed, use your right leg to draw a circle the size of a tennis ball.




Bend the knee of the bottom leg to give you a little extra support and, more important, keep you in the correct alignment

57 T

Stay focused on the big picture: If you can get through this, life is easy!


Slice off what you don’t want hanging off! Women tend to store a lot of fat on the sides of their seat—this move is a fantastic precautionary measure.

Gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus; hamstrings; obliques

The Steps

Lie down on the left side of your body with your left arm extended under your head, and your right palm on the floor in front of your chest for support (in the workouts, we’ll do both sides). Bend your knees in toward your chest (try to bring them to a 90-degree angle with your upper body).

Lift your feet off the floor, keeping your knees on the floor and your feet together. Keep your shoulders and hips stacked on top of each other, and press your right palm into the floor to engage your obliques.

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