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In addition to the growing evidence for existence of extrasolar planets, space-based observatories designed to detect infrared radiation have found more than 100 young nearby stars (including Vega, Fomalhaut and Beta Pictoris) to have disks of warm matter orbiting them. This matter is composed of myriad particles mostly about the size of sand grains and might be taking part in the first stage of planetary formation.


Angular sizes of bright red giant and supergiant stars were first measured directly during the 1920s, using the principle of interference of light. Only bright stars with large angular size can be measured by this method. Provided the distance to the star is known, the physical radius can be determined.

Eclipsing binaries also provide extensive data on stellar dimensions. The timing of eclipses provides the angular size of any occulting object, and so analyzing the light curves of eclipsing binaries can be a useful means of determining the dimensions of either dwarf or giant stars. Members of close binary systems, however, are sometimes subject to evolutionary effects, mass exchange, and other disturbances that change the details of their spectra.

A more recent method, called speckle interferometry, has been developed to reproduce the true disks of red supergiant stars and to resolve spectroscopic binaries such as Capella. The speckle phenomenon is a rapidly changing interference-diffraction effect seen in a highly magnified diffraction image of a star observed with a large telescope.

If the absolute magnitude of a star and its temperature are known, its size can be computed. The temperature determines the rate at which energy is emitted by each unit of area, and the total luminosity gives the total power output. Thus, the surface area of the star and, from it, the radius of the object can be estimated. This is the only way available for estimating the dimensions of white dwarf stars. The chief uncertainty lies in choosing the temperature that represents the rate of energy emission.


Main-sequence stars range from very luminous objects to faint M-type dwarf stars, and they vary considerably in their surface temperatures, their bolometric (total) luminosities, and their radii. Moreover, for stars of a given mass, a fair spread in radius, luminosity, surface temperature, and spectral type may exist. This spread is produced by stellar evolutionary effects and tends to broaden the main sequence. Masses are obtained from visual and eclipsing binary systems
observed spectroscopically. Radii are found from eclipsing binary systems, from direct measurements in a few favourable cases, by calculations, and from absolute visual magnitudes and temperatures.

Average values for radius, bolometric luminosity, and mass are meaningful only for dwarf stars. Giant and subgiant stars all show large ranges in radius for a given mass. Conversely, giant stars of very nearly the same radius, surface temperature, and luminosity can have appreciably different masses.


Some of the most important generalizations concerning the nature and evolution of stars can be derived from correlations between observable properties and certain statistical results. One of the most important of these correlations concerns temperature and luminosity—or, equivalently, colour and magnitude.


When the absolute magnitudes of stars (or their intrinsic luminosities on a logarithmic scale) are plotted in a diagram against temperature or, equivalently, against the spectral types, the stars do not fall at random on the diagram but tend to congregate in certain restricted domains. Such a plot is usually called a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, named for the early 20th-century astronomers Ejnar Hertzsprung of Denmark and Henry Norris Russell of the United States, who independently discovered the relations shown in it.

As is seen in the diagram, most of the congregated stars are dwarfs lying closely around a diagonal line called the main sequence. These stars range from hot, O- and B-type, blue objects at least 10,000 times brighter than the Sun down through white A-type stars such as Sirius to orange K-type stars such as Epsilon Eridani and finally to M-type red dwarfs thousands of times fainter than the Sun. The sequence is continuous; the luminosities fall off smoothly with decreasing surface temperature; the masses and radii decrease but at a much slower rate; and the stellar densities gradually increase.

The second group of stars to be recognized was a group of giants—such objects as Capella, Arcturus, and Aldebaran—which are yellow, orange, or red stars about 100 times as bright as the Sun and have radii on the order of 10–30 million km (about 6–20 million miles, or 15–40 times as large as the Sun). The giants lie above the main sequence in the upper right portion of the diagram. The category of supergiants includes stars of all spectral types; these stars show a large spread in intrinsic brightness, and some even approach absolute magnitudes of −7 or −8. A few red supergiants, such as the variable star VV Cephei, exceed in size the orbit of Jupiter or even that of Saturn, although most of them are smaller. Supergiants are short-lived and rare objects, but they can be seen at great distances because of their tremendous luminosity.

Schematic spectrum–luminosity correlation (Hertzsprung–Russell diagram) of spiral-arm stars in the neighbourhood of the Sun
. From
Astrophysical Journal
, reproduced by permission of the American Astronomical Society

Subgiants are stars that are redder and larger than main-sequence stars of the same luminosity. Many of the best known examples are found in close binary systems where conditions favour their detection.

The white dwarf domain lies about 10 magnitudes below the main sequence. These stars are in the last stages of their evolution.

The spectrum-luminosity diagram has numerous gaps. Few stars exist above the
white dwarfs and to the left of the main sequence. The giants are separated from the main sequence by a gap named for Hertzsprung, who in 1911 became the first to recognize the difference between main-sequence and giant stars. The actual concentration of stars differs considerably in different parts of the diagram. Highly luminous stars are rare, whereas those of low luminosity are very numerous.

The spectrum-luminosity diagram applies to the stars in the galactic spiral arm in the neighbourhood of the Sun and represents what would be obtained if a composite Hertzsprung-Russell diagram was constructed combining data for a large number of the star groups called open (or galactic) star clusters, as, for example, the double cluster
Persei, the Pleiades, the Coma cluster, and the Hyades. It includes very young stars, a few million years old, as well as ancient stars, perhaps as old as 10 billion years.

By contrast, the second diagram exhibits the type of temperature-luminosity (or colour-magnitude) relation characteristic of stars in globular clusters, in the central bulge of the Galaxy, and in elliptical external galaxies—namely, of the so-called stellar Population II. (In addition to these oldest objects, Population II includes other very old stars that occur between the spiral arms of the Galaxy and at some distance above and below the galactic plane.) Because these systems are very remote from the observer, the stars are faint, and their spectra can be observed only with difficulty. As a consequence, their colours rather than their spectra must be measured. Since the colours are closely related to surface temperature and therefore to spectral types, equivalent spectral types may be used; but it is stellar colours, not spectral types, that are observed in this instance.

The differences between the two Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams are striking. In the second figure, there are no supergiants, and, instead of a domain at an absolute magnitude of about 0, the giant stars form a branch that starts high and to the right at about −3.5 for very red stars and flows in a continuous sequence until it reaches an absolute magnitude of about 0. At that point the giant branch splits—a main band of stars, all about the same colour, proceeds downward (i.e., to fainter stars) to a magnitude of about +3 and then connects to the main sequence at about +4 by way of a narrow band. The main sequence of Population II stars extends downward to fainter, redder stars in much the same way as in the spiral-arm Population I stars. The main sequence ends at about spectral type G, however, and does not extend up through the A, B, and O spectral types, though occasionally a few such stars are found in the region normally occupied by the main sequence.

The other band of stars formed from the split of the giant branch is the “horizontal branch,” which falls near magnitude +0.6 and fills the aforementioned Hertzsprung gap, extending to increasingly blue stars beyond the RR Lyrae
stars, which are indicated by the crosshatched area in the diagram. Among these blue hot stars are found novae and the nuclei of planetary nebulae, the latter so called because their photographic image resembles that of a distant planet. Not all globular clusters show identical colour-magnitude diagrams, which may be due to differences in the cluster ages or other factors.


The shapes of the colour-magnitude diagrams permit estimates of globular-cluster ages. Stars more massive than about 1.3 solar masses have evolved away from the main sequence at a point just above the position occupied by the Sun. The time required for such a star to exhaust the hydrogen in its core is about 5–6 billion years, and the cluster must be at least as old. More ancient clusters have been identified. In the Galaxy, globular clusters are all very ancient objects, having ages within a few billion years of the average of 14 billion years. In the Magellanic Clouds, however, clusters exist that resemble globular ones, but they contain numerous blue stars and therefore must be relatively young.

Open clusters in the spiral arms of the Galaxy—extreme Population I—tell a somewhat different story. A colour-magnitude diagram can be plotted for a number of different open clusters—for example, the double cluster
Persei, the Pleiades, Praesepe, and M67—with the main feature distinguishing the clusters being their ages. The young cluster
Persei, which is a few million years old, contains stars ranging widely in luminosity. Some stars have already evolved into the supergiant stage (in such a diagram the top of the main sequence is bent over). The stars of luminosity 10,000 times greater than that of the Sun have already largely depleted the hydrogen in their cores and are leaving the main sequence.

The brightest stars of the Pleiades cluster, aged about 100 million years, have begun to leave the main sequence and are approaching the critical phase when they will have exhausted all the hydrogen in their cores. There are no giants in the Pleiades. Presumably, the cluster contained no stars as massive as some of those found in

The cluster known as Praesepe, or the Beehive, at an age of 790 million years, is older than the Pleiades. All stars much more luminous than the first magnitude have begun to leave the main sequence; there are some giants. The Hyades, about 620 million years old, displays a similar colour-magnitude array. These clusters contain a number of white dwarfs, indicating that the initially most luminous stars have already run the gamut of evolution. In a very old cluster such as M67, which is 4.5 billion years old, all of the bright main-sequence stars have disappeared.

The colour-magnitude diagrams for globular and open clusters differ quantitatively because the latter show a wider range of ages and differ in chemical composition. Most globular clusters have
smaller metal-to-hydrogen ratios than do open clusters or the Sun. The gaps between the red giants and blue main-sequence stars of the open clusters (Population I) often contain unstable stars such as variables. The Cepheid variable stars, for instance, fall in these gaps.

The giant stars of the Praesepe cluster are comparable to the brightest stars in M67. The M67 giants have evolved from the main sequence near an absolute magnitude of +3.5, whereas the Praesepe giants must have masses about twice as great as those of the M67 giants. Giant stars of the same luminosity may therefore have appreciably different masses.


Of great statistical interest is the relationship between the luminosities of the stars and their frequency of occurrence. The naked-eye stars are nearly all intrinsically brighter than the Sun, but the opposite is true for the known stars within 20 light-years of the Sun. The bright stars are easily seen at great distances; the faint ones can be detected only if they are close. Only if stars of magnitude +11 were a billion times more abundant than stars of magnitude −4 could they be observed to some fixed limit of apparent brightness.

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