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The luminosity function depends on population type. The luminosity function for pure Population II differs substantially from that for pure Population I. There is a small peak near absolute magnitude +0.6, corresponding to the horizontal branch for Population II, and no stars as bright as absolute magnitude −5. The luminosity function for pure Population I is evaluated best from open star clusters, the stars in such a cluster being at about the same distance. The neighbourhood of the Sun includes examples of both Populations I and II.


A plot of mass against bolometric luminosity for visual binaries for which good parallaxes and masses are available shows that for stars with masses comparable to that of the Sun the luminosity,
, varies as a power, 3 + β, of the mass
. This relation can be expressed as

= (

The power differs for substantially fainter or much brighter stars.

This mass-luminosity correlation applies only to unevolved main-sequence stars. It fails for giants and supergiants and for the subgiant (dimmer) components of eclipsing binaries, all of which have changed considerably during their lifetimes. It does not apply to any stars in a globular cluster not on the main sequence, or to white dwarfs that are abnormally faint for their masses.

The mass-luminosity correlation, predicted theoretically in the early 20th century by the English astronomer Arthur Eddington, is a general relationship that
holds for all stars having essentially the same internal density and temperature distributions—i.e., for what are termed the same stellar models.


Many stars are variable. Some are geometric variables, as in the eclipsing binaries considered earlier. Others are intrinsically variable—i.e., their total energy output fluctuates with time. Such intrinsic variable stars are dealt with in this section.

A fair number of stars are intrinsically variable. Some objects of this type were found by accident, but many were detected as a result of carefully planned searches. Variable stars are important in astronomy for several reasons. They usually appear to be stars at critical or short-lived phases of their evolution; detailed studies of their light and spectral characteristics, spatial distribution, and association with other types of stars may provide valuable clues to the life histories of various classes of stars. Certain kinds of variable stars, such as Cepheids (periodic variables) and novae and supernovae (explosive variables), are extremely important in that they make it possible to establish the distances of remote stellar systems beyond the Galaxy. If the intrinsic luminosity of a recognizable variable is known and this kind of variable star can be found in a distant stellar system, the distance of the latter can be estimated from a measurement of apparent and absolute magnitudes, provided the interstellar absorption is also known.


Variables are often classified as behaving like a prototype star, and the entire class is then named for this star—e.g., RR Lyrae stars are those whose variability follows the pattern of the star RR Lyrae. The most important classes of intrinsically variable stars are

(1) Pulsating variables—stars whose variations in light and colour are thought to arise primarily from stellar pulsations. These include Beta Canis Majoris stars, RR Lyrae stars, and Delta Scuti stars, all with short regular periods of less than a day; Cepheids, with periods between 1 and 100 days; and long-period variables, semiregular variables, and irregular red variables, usually with unstable periods of hundreds of days.

(2) Explosive, or catastrophic, variables—stars in which the variations are produced by the wrenching away of part of the star, usually the outer layers, in some explosive process. They include SS Cygni or U Geminorum stars, novae, and supernovae (the last of which are usually regarded as representing an enormous explosion involving most of the matter in a star).

(3) Miscellaneous and special types of variables—R Coronae Borealis stars, T Tauri stars, flare stars, pulsars (neutron stars), spectrum and magnetic variables, X-ray variable stars, and radio variable stars.


An impressive body of evidence indicates that stellar pulsations can account for the variability of Cepheids, long-period variables, semiregular variables, Beta Canis Majoris stars, and even the irregular red variables. Of this group, the Cepheid variables have been studied in greatest detail, both theoretically and observationally. These stars are regular in their behaviour; some repeat their light curves with great faithfulness from one cycle to the next over periods of many years.

Much confusion existed in the study of Cepheids until it was recognized that different types of Cepheids are associated with different groups, or population types, of stars. Cepheids belonging to the spiral-arm Population I are characterized by regularity in their behaviour. They show continuous velocity curves indicative of regular pulsation. They exhibit a relation between period and luminosity in the sense that the longer the period of the star, the greater is its intrinsic brightness. This period-luminosity relationship has been used to establish the distances of remote stellar systems.

Cepheids with different properties are found in Population II, away from the Milky Way, in globular clusters. They are bluer than classic Population I Cepheids having the same period, and their light curves have different shapes. Studies of the light and velocity curves indicate that shells of gas are ejected from the stars as discontinuous layers that later fall back toward the surface. These stars exhibit a relation between period and luminosity different from that for Population I Cepheids, and thus the distance of a Cepheid in a remote stellar system can be determined only if its population type is known.

Closely associated with Population II Cepheids are the cluster-type, or RR Lyrae, variables. Many of these stars are found in clusters, but some, such as the prototype RR Lyrae, occur far from any cluster or the central galactic bulge. Their periods are less than a day, and there is no correlation between period and luminosity. Their absolute magnitudes are about 0.6 but somewhat dependent on metal abundance. They are thus about 50 times as bright as the Sun and so are useful for determining the distance of star clusters and some of the nearer external galaxies, their short periods permitting them to be detected readily.

Long-period variable stars also probably owe their variations to pulsations. Here the situation is complicated by the vast extent of their atmospheres, so that radiation originating at very different depths in the star is observed at the same time. At certain phases of the variations, bright hydrogen lines are observed,
overlaid with titanium oxide absorption. The explanation is an outward-moving layer of hot, recombining gas, whose radiation is absorbed by strata of cool gases. These stars are all cool red giants and supergiants of spectral types M (normal composition), R and N (carbon-rich), or S (heavy-metal-rich). The range in visual brightness during a pulsation can be 100-fold, but the range in total energy output is much less, because at very low stellar temperatures (1,500–3,000 K) most of the energy is radiated in the infrared as heat rather than as light.

Unlike the light curves of classic Cepheids, the light curves of these red variables show considerable variations from one cycle to another. The visual magnitude of the variable star Mira Ceti (Omicron Ceti) is normally about 9–9.5 at minimum light, but at maximum it may lie between 5 and 2. Time intervals between maxima often vary considerably. In such cool objects, a very small change in temperature can produce a huge change in the output of visible radiation. At the low temperatures of the red variables, compounds and probably solid particles are formed copiously, so that the visible light may be profoundly affected by a slight change in physical conditions. Random fluctuations from cycle to cycle, which would produce negligible effects in a hotter star, produce marked light changes in a long-period variable.

Long-period variables appear to fall into two groups; those with periods of roughly 200 days tend to be associated with Population II, and those of periods of about a year belong to Population I.

Red semiregular variables such as the RV Tauri stars show complex light and spectral changes. They do not repeat themselves from one cycle to the next; their behaviour suggests a simultaneous operation of two or more modes of oscillation. Betelgeuse is an example of an irregular red variable. In these stars the free period of oscillation does not coincide with the periodicity of the driving mechanism.

Finally, among the various types of pulsating variable stars, the Beta Canis Majoris variables are high-temperature stars (spectral type B) that often show complicated variations in spectral-line shapes and intensities, velocity curves, and light. In many cases, they have two periods of variation so similar in duration that complex interference or beat phenomena are observed, both in radial velocities and in the shapes of spectral lines.

A large body of evidence suggests that all members of this first class of variable stars owe their variability to pulsation. The pulsation theory was first proposed as a possible explanation as early as 1879, was applied to Cepheids in 1914, and was further developed by Arthur Eddington in 1917–18. Eddington found that if stars have roughly the same kind of internal structure, then the period multiplied by the square root of the density equals a constant that depends on the internal structure.

The Eddington theory, though a good approximation, encountered some severe difficulties that have been met through modifications. If the entire star pulsated in synchronism, it should be brightest when compressed and smaller while faintest when expanded and at its largest. The radial velocity should be zero at both maximum and minimum light. Observations contradict these predictions. When the star pulsates, all parts of the main body move in synchronism, but the outer observable strata fall out of step or lag behind the pulsation of the inner regions. Pulsations involve only the outer part of a star; the core, where energy is generated by thermonuclear reactions, is unaffected.

Many years ago, careful measurements of the average magnitudes and colours of RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M3 showed that all these stars fell within a narrow range of luminosity and colour (or surface temperature) or, equivalently, luminosity and radius. Also, every star falling in this narrow range of brightness and size was an RR Lyrae variable. Subsequent work has indicated that similar considerations apply to most classic Cepheids. Variability is thus a characteristic of any star whose evolution carries it to a certain size and luminosity, although the amplitude of the variability can vary dramatically.

In the pulsation theory as now developed, the light and velocity changes of Cepheids can be interpreted not only qualitatively but also quantitatively. The light curves of Cepheids, for example, have been precisely predicted by the theory. Stellar pulsation, like other rhythmic actions, may give rise to harmonic phenomena wherein beats reinforce or interfere with one another. Beat and interference phenomena then complicate the light and velocity changes. The RR Lyrae stars supply some of the best examples, but semiregular variables such as the RV Tauri stars or most Delta Scuti stars evidently vibrate simultaneously with two or more periods.


The evolution of a member of a close double-star system can be markedly affected by the presence of its companion. As the stars age, the more massive one swells up more quickly as it moves away from the main sequence. It becomes so large that its outer envelope falls under the gravitational influence of the smaller star. Matter is continuously fed from the more rapidly evolving star to the less massive one, which still remains on the main sequence. U Cephei is a classic example of such a system for which spectroscopic evidence shows streams of gas flowing from the more highly evolved star to the hotter companion, which is now the more massive of the two. Eventually, the latter will also leave the main sequence and become a giant star, only to lose its outer envelope to the companion, which by that time may have reached the white dwarf stage.

Novae appear to be binary stars that have evolved from contact binaries of the
W Ursae Majoris type, which are pairs of stars apparently similar to the Sun in size but revolving around one another while almost touching. One member may have reached the white dwarf stage. Matter fed to it from its distended companion appears to produce instabilities that result in violent explosions or nova outbursts. The time interval between outbursts can range from a few score years to hundreds of thousands of years.

In ordinary novae the explosion seems to involve only the outer layers, as the star later returns to its former brightness; in supernovae the explosion is catastrophic. Normally, novae are small blue stars much fainter than the Sun, though very much hotter. When an outburst occurs, the star can brighten very rapidly, by 10 magnitudes or more in a few hours. Thereafter it fades; the rate of fading is connected with the brightness of the nova. The brightest novae, which reach absolute magnitudes of about −10, fade most rapidly, whereas a typical slow nova, which reaches an absolute magnitude of −5, can take 10 or 20 times as long to decline in brightness. This property, when calibrated as the absolute magnitude at maximum brightness versus the time taken to decline by two magnitudes, allows novae to be used as distance indicators for nearby galaxies. The changes in light are accompanied by pronounced spectroscopic changes that can be interpreted as arising from alterations in an ejected shell that dissipates slowly in space. In its earliest phases, the expanding shell is opaque. As its area grows, with a surface temperature near 7,000 K, the nova brightens rapidly. Then, near maximum light, the shell becomes transparent, and its total brightness plummets rapidly, causing the nova to dim.

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