THE LYIN’ KING (8 page)

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Authors: Vertell Reno'Diva Simato

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“Sage, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I'm getting rid of the gun.” he started.

I continued to ignore him as he was still not saying what I needed to hear. “Seven years ago.” he began. “I killed a man.”

I stopped scrubbing, my heart sank. Isn’t this something you tell someone on the first date? Like, Hi my name is Arsen, I like to go to the movies and read. I have amazing pipe game and I've also killed someone. No worries though, that was years ago.

“He raped and killed my pregnant wife because I owed him a lot of money. I shot him three times in the head, in front of his brother who had him in handcuffs walking him into the courthouse. That man tonight, was his brother.”

I pulled the shower curtain back, to look at him; water still running down my body.

“I pled temporary insanity and did five years for involuntary manslaughter. His brother wanted me dead, ever since I got out of prison.”

I stepped out the shower, wrapping my arms around his neck. My heart began to bleed for him. I always knew it was something sad in his eyes.

“Why didn't you tell me?” I asked.

“I didn't want you to not be with Me.” he said. “It's a part of my past that I don't want to remember.”

“Baby but it's a part of you. It makes you who you are. I love you Arsen. There is nothing you can't tell me baby.” I assured him. “What am I supposed to do now?” I asked him. “I just took a man's life trying to protect you, protect us. What about my son?”

He pulled my naked wet body close to him, resting his head onto my stomach.

“I don't want you to worry about anything. I will take care of it all. You’ll never hear about any of this again.” he said. Then looking up at me with those beautiful, sad hazel eyes he said, “I don't want to lose you Sage, just promise me you’ll stay.”

I began to soothe the back of his head with both my hands. I couldn't leave him; not after all he’s been through. Tonight wasn't his fault. It wasn't either of our faults. It's just something that happened, and we couldn't control. I just pray that God and the Universe understand. I'm no killer. I was just trying to protect the ones I love. He is my man. I have to stand by him no matter what. I continue to caress his head.

“I love you baby, I'm not going anywhere. You just have to trust me enough to tell me the truth. No more secrets, ok? I put my life on the line. You take care of this and we never have to mention it ever again.” He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tight. “I love you Sage.” The words that made me weak….the love spell.










Chapter 9: Part Of The Family


Given the circumstances, I understood Arsen and why he did what he did many years ago. I would have possibly done the same thing. The next couple of months were really rough for me though. I couldn't get over what I had done; and my conscious was extremely heavy. Regardless, of whether it was self-defense or not, that man had a life; A family. How could I ever forgive myself, continue on with my life as if nothing ever happened? I prayed constantly asking God to forgive me; asking him to understand. I laid in the bed staring at the ceiling, barely in my right mind. I know he sensed that something was bothering me. He rolled over, pulling me close to him. I could feel the heat from his body, sending chills down my spine. He leans in closer to my ear. “Sage, you’re my angel. You saved my life.” he said trying to comfort my guilty conscious. He eased his hand down the side of my thigh under the cover. Softly kissing my bottom lip, I could feel him sliding my panties to the side. He began gently rubbing my clit in a circular motion. I inhaled deeply as my head began to feel light and there was a tingle in my nipples. I opened my legs to make it easier for him; letting out a slight moan, so to encourage him. Then there was a knock on my bedroom door. Arsen turned over lying on his back as I sat up in the bed, leaning against the headboard. The first time ever Thias knocks on any doors. I was quite surprised.
“Daddy?” he says as he pushes the door open slowly. He sticks his head in and once he noticed that Arsen and I are up looking towards the door he barges in, jumping on the bed. “We are going to meet my grandma today?” he asked Arsen. “Yep little man! Your uncles too.” Arsen replied. Arsen had invited us over to his mother's house for Sunday dinner today. That is the part of all this I love the most. How much Thias loves him and looks forward to being a part of his family. All of that feels so good, except what happened a few nights ago. I can't get that out of my head. All I could think about was watching the news and seeing how they were looking for this cop. For the life of me I find it hard to believe that his body hasn't been found yet. I mean, I watch a lot of CSI and Law and Order. How hard is it to find a body in the dumpster? I know he tried to kill us, but his family at least deserves closure. I have to stop thinking about this, but I don't know how. “Thias go get one of your nice outfits to wear and get ready for a bath.” He looked at me with his lips poked out, like he was all for everything else except the bath part. He jumped off my bed and ran to his room. I could see Arsen staring at me out the corner of my eye. He reached behind me rubbing my back. “Sage, don't think too much about it. Try to enjoy today please.” he said. I looked over at him and shook my head getting up to get in the shower. As I stepped out the shower to get dressed, Arsen came in the bathroom. I’m standing there naked in the mirror as I always do, staring and criticizing my imperfect body. He stands behind me as if he knows what I am thinking. I stare at him through the mirror as he pulls his shorts down. My body still wet from the shower, he began to caress my back in an upward motion before finally reaching my shoulders and pushing me forward. I lean over the sink as my locs hang in my face, I watch him; our eyes connecting through the mirror. I feel
him sliding the tip of his dick between my ass. I lift up on the tip of my toes, slightly arching my back so he can enter. I gasp for air as I feel him inside me, both hands on either side of my hips. He holds on tight, as he pushes deeper with every stroke. I raise my right leg resting my knee on the edge of the sink. He moans, gripping me tighter as he was able to go even deeper in this position; the entire time biting his bottom lip and admiring the plumpness of my heart shaped ass. I leveraged my leg on the sink and began bouncing back on his dick, encouraging him to go faster. The sound of my ass hitting his stomach with every push began to get louder and more intense. He made me weak. I began to tighten around him, reaching my arm backwards to push him. He kept stroking and I began to climax. He could feel me. He grabbed both of my shoulders and began to push deeper and deeper. Letting out a deep breath, he stopped. He leaned over, still inside me, kissing my back. Finally he turned around to run a shower. I stayed there for a second unable to lift my leg from the sink. Turning around, I watched him lather his body with soap. I admired him, he was everything. There was a knock on the bathroom door; I jumped as it startled me. I reached for the towel and wrapped it around me to open the door.

How do I look Mama?” Thias said standing there with both arms out so that I could get the best view of his outfit. He had on Polo. A Polo navy blue shirt, with a sort of burnt orange pair of shorts with a navy blue Polo symbol at the bottom, and matching Polo shoes. I stood back to look at him. I don't remember this outfit at all and I am almost absolutely positive I didn't buy it. I'm not a fan of name brand clothing. It's all overrated to me.
“Pumpkin you looking real clean.” I said. “But I didn't buy that outfit.” He looked at me smiling.
“I know Mama, Daddy did.” he replied. I turned back looking toward the shower to get confirmation from Arsen. Arsen shrugged his shoulders and turned around to finish rinsing off. Thias had turned around to head back to his room and I closed the bathroom door, stepping back into the shower to freshen up.
“You don't have to buy him all those name brand clothing, Arsen.” I began. “You do enough already. I mean I don't expect you to pay all the bills and buy clothes too, you know? “He had a silent way of hushing me with his eyes. He leaned over pecking my lips before getting out of the shower.
“You don't expect anything, Sage.” he said, drying off with the towel. “That is why I'm going to give you the world.”
I held onto the shower curtain watching him as he wrapped the towel around him and walked out the bathroom. I freshened up in the shower and stepped out. Putting on a little make up and tying my dreads back, I walked out the bathroom; only to find the two most important men sitting on my bed, dressed just alike in the same Polo outfit. It was the most adorable thing I had seen in a while and in that moment I forgot about everything that was bad.
“Well, I guess we all gonna be matching today, huh?” I said pulling a navy blue sundress out of my closet.
“Come on Little man! Let’s let your mama get dressed. You know women always the last to get ready.” he joked, as he lifts Thias off the bed and carried him into the living room.
I continued to get dressed, spraying on a little perfume. Gathering my purse and phone I walked down the hallway. Those
two were sitting on the couch watching cartoons. “I'm ready you two!” I said smiling. Thias looked up jumping off the couch. Arsen got up, turned off the TV, and we all walked out the house and to the car.
Arsen’s mother lived in Roswell, about thirty minutes from my house. The whole ride there Arsen and Thias were giving each other math problems to solve off the top of their head. I, on the other hand, was extremely nervous; wondering if his mother and brothers would like me.
“Hell even if they didn't, it's too late now.”
I thought to myself. He’s stuck with me. Finally we pulled up to a nice, four sided brick house with a two car garage. There were two other cars there, both flashy with matching rims like Arsen’s. We all got out the car and walked up the sidewalk as Arsen opened the door. My stomach was still full of butterflies. I could hear some men talking as we entered the house. Arsen had Thias’s hand as we made our way down the hall to the kitchen. Arsen turned the corner, and an elderly woman let out a high pitch scream of excitement.

“My baby!!!” she said grabbing Arsen by both ears, kissing him repeatedly in his face. His face was still a little sore from the altercation the other night. I could tell it was hurting him as she pinched and pulled his face. “What happened to you Ace?” she asked. “You're not in any trouble are ya?” “No mama! Just had a little run in that's all.” he responded.

She stepped back and crossed her arms. She was a sweet looking old lady; very stout and round. Her hair was gray and she had one French braid going towards the back that hung past her shoulders, she looked almost as if she was a full blooded Indian. I look over to the table. There were two men, both significantly taller and buffer than Arsen. They each looked like they had done ten years pumping nothing but iron.

“Well aren't you going to introduce us?” she said analyzing me and Thias from a distance.

“Mama, this is my son Thias and my……” he paused as if he had to think of my title. “My fiancé, Sage.” He looked back at me and began, “Sage this is my mother, Lillian; and my brothers Jerod and Malachi.” They both stood up to greet me and Thias. Still a bit nervous I reached out to give his mother a hug, fearing rejection.

“It’s nice to finally meet you all. It's my pleasure.” I said, trying to be as polite as possible. His mother gave me a hug.

“Yes it’s nice to finally meet this mystery woman that stole my Ace’s heart…” she paused. “So quickly, I might add.” she said in a bit of a sarcastic tone.

His brothers walked toward me reaching for my hand. Each planted a kiss on either hand, and then acknowledged Thias with a high five. His mother walked back into the kitchen and began cooking. A little girl ran down the stairs calling one of the men her dad. “Thias this is Serenity, my niece. Why don’t y’all go outside and play?” Arsen told him.

“Ok Daddy!” Serenity took Arsen by the hand and they both ran out the back door to play.

Arsen sat down at the table and began talking with his brothers. I walked into the kitchen to see if his mother wanted my help. She was hesitant at first.

“Wash your hands and cut up some lettuce for the salad.” she demanded. I politely did as I was told. “So what do you do for a living Sage?” she asked.

“I'm an artist.” I replied proudly. “I hope to open up a gallery someday. “She paused from stirring the spaghetti noodles in the pot.

“Where are your parents?” she asked.

Older people tend to ask a lot of questions. It didn’t bother me though. I wasn’t ashamed of my truth. “I don't really know mam.” I replied, focusing on the knife and the lettuce. “I grew up in foster care.” “Hmm….” she continued. “That’s something you and Ace have in common.” “Excuse me?” She looked up from the pot to look me directly in my face. She could see the confusion. She smiled and continued stirring the pot.

“I see he didn't tell you.” she replied. “I wouldn't worry too much about it. He doesn't talk about a lot of things.”

“Talk about what?” I asked.

“I'm not his biological mother.” she replied. “You’re not his……” I began but was interrupted by Arsen coming into the kitchen.

“Mama! You trying to give her some lessons?” he joked.

I couldn't laugh. I was still puzzled by what his mother had just told me. Why wouldn't he tell me this? He knows everything about me. He knows everything I've been through. Why would he keep these things from me? What other secrets is he hiding? He reached to touch my shoulder, I moved over so he couldn't reach me. He could tell I was frustrated.

“Sage, you mind stepping out of the kitchen so that I can talk to my mother for a second, please?”

I wanted to tell him no. I wanted him to stop keeping secrets from me; but I didn't want to cause a scene in his mother's house. And in that moment, I knew I was too emotional to keep my cool. I sat the knife down on the counter and walked out the kitchen into the dining room. I sat down at the table with Jerod and Malachi. For a second all three of us sat around the table looking at each other, as we could vaguely hear Arsen and his “mother” speaking passionately in the kitchen.

“So Sage, you've been to Arsen’s job yet?” asked Malachi. Jerod nudged him with his elbow.

“Of course I have….” I replied. “I mean, I've never actually been to his job, but we’ve met up a few times at the park in his work truck. He says it's dangerous for me to be on the construction sites, so I've never been.” I looked up; both of them had their eyebrows raised. “What is it?” I asked, confused and frustrated. “Don't tell me he’s not a construction worker either?”  Neither of them would say anything, finally Jerod spoke.

“Yeah, he works in construction. Malachi here was just asking because we’ve never seen you up there. We all work together see.”

I was slightly relieved, but a part of me felt as though they were hiding something. Like they knew something and only asked to see if I knew too. I tried to chalk all this paranoia up to the tragedy of the other night, but something wasn't right. I could feel it in my heart. Arsen walked back into the dining room.

“Malachi, can you tell the kids to come in and wash their hands?” he asked.

Malachi stood on the back porch calling for the children to come in. Lillian walked in, placing the big bowl of salad in the middle of the table. She had the plates, and silverware out already. I got up to help her bring the rest of the food into the dining room when Arsen grabbed my arm. I could tell he wanted me to sit down. “I can help her.” he said walking back into the kitchen. The children ran from the bathroom into the dining room. Serenity sat down beside Malachi and Thias sat in the chair next to Arsen’s seat. Arsen and his mother came back into the dining room. One holds a big mixing bowl of spaghetti noodles, and Arsen holding a bowl of sauce and a basket of rolls. They sat the bowls down and each took their place at the table. Arsen began coughing as if he was out of breath. I’ve noticed he has been doing that a lot lately. I rubbed his back and poured some water in his glass. He took a few sips and shook his head as if to signal that he was ok. Lillian grabbed my hand, in that second we were all holding hands and she began to bless the food.

“Father God, I come to you. I ask that you bless this family and continue to watch over each and every one of us. I thank you for our newest additions, and I pray that we continue to grow strong. Bless this food. Amen.” In unison, everyone said, "Amen.” We began passing the bowls around to fix our plates. I fixed Arsen and Thias’s, and then passed the bowl to Lillian. There was an elephant in the room. I most definitely could tell through the silence.

“Mrs. Lillian, this is a beautiful home you have.” I complimented attempting to break the ice.

“You like it? It is nice. Maybe Arsen will get you one just like it one day soon.” she replied. I looked at Arsen.

“You bought your mother a house?” I said surprisingly. “That is so sweet!” I leaned over kissing him on the check. Lillian smiled, but Arsen seemed unmoved by it all. I wanted to question how he was able to do that on a construction worker budget. I mean the house was extremely big. I didn't want to put too much thought into it, I guess. I've learned in life that somethings are best when you don't know. I didn't want to ruin the moment. We all continued to talk. The atmosphere loosened up a bit, as Arsen and his brothers began to Joe on each other. Lillian eventually got up to get the apple pie she made for desert. We all had a piece. That woman can cook, everything was so fulfilling. Somehow we all migrated to the living room after a while. I snuggled up next to Arsen on the couch and listened to them as they recalled memories of each other growing up. They picked on Arsen a lot because he was the smallest. No wonder he had such a little man complex. It felt amazing to watch Thias interact and be accepted by Arsen’s family; he was really enjoying himself. I still had questions that needed answers. I didn't want to believe that the man I fell in love with was the Lying King.

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