THE LYIN’ KING (7 page)

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Authors: Vertell Reno'Diva Simato

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"Good night beautiful and thank you for tonight." I smiled.

"I'm the one that should be thanking you. This whole day was amazing; but goodnight." I replied squeezing the door knob trying to fight the urge of wanting to pull him inside. "Goodnight love." he said staring into my eyes. I began to slowly close the door when he stopped it with his hand. I opened it back up. He looks at me and says, "I didn't get the chance to ask you, but would you be mine?"

My heart dropped, but I tried to keep it together as to not look weak. "You mean your Valentine?" I replied sarcastically.

He stepped over the threshold and grabbed me around my waist. "No, would you be my woman?" he said. Before I could even respond our lips touched. He gripped one hand tighter around my waist and the other he cuffed the back of my neck. Kissing me deeper and making me weaker. He began to walk my body backwards, pushing me up against the wall; caressing my neck with his tongue. He began to tease me, biting my bottom lip. My breathing becomes heavy, and my vision blurry as the throbbing sensation between my legs grew more intense with every kiss. My knees weaken as he glides one hand down the side of my thigh, pulling my dress up to my waist. I reached for the collar of his blazer, pulling it down over his shoulders, gripping his head as he nibbled on my neck. He slid one arm out of the blazer, allowing it to hang from his arm that was still gripping my waist; before turning me around to face the wall. I rest my face against the wall, clutching my bottom lip with my teeth; with both hands up as if I was being frisked by the police. I could feel his body pressing against mine, as the print of his hard penis rest against me. He began to grab the strings of my thongs sliding them down below my butt. My eyes still closed, anticipating each moment, I could feel him sliding down to his knees. He began to kiss my hips and ass, alternating between bites and kisses as both his hands grip and massage each cheek. I inhale as I feel the wetness of the tip of his tongue slide down the crack of my ass. As he began to savor the taste of me, I start to moan. My head began to get light and the chills rushed through every inch of me. Suddenly we hear my neighbor’s door opening, as I forgot to close the front door behind him. He pulls my dress down to my knees, turning me around and hugging me. She walks out and waves. I waved back. We both looked at each other and laughed at the fact that neither of us realized the door was opened. Nor did we know what all she seen. We could hear her going down the steps.

He kisses my neck and then my lips, before saying, "Goodnight Love." My body screaming at him Noooooo!!! Don't you dare leave me like this! I closed my eyes and smiled replying, "Yes."

"Yes what?"

"Yes I will be yours." I said. He smiled, holding both sides of my face kissing my forehead, nose, and then my lips.

"Thank you, that’s all I needed to hear tonight." he said, before walking out and closing the door behind him. I let out a deep breath, walking into my bathroom. As I ran a cold shower, I couldn't help but smile. Even though I didn't get "none", this was still the best Valentine's Day.



Chapter 7: From This Day Forward


      The sun snuck its way through my bedroom window, the rays hitting my eyelids. I could even hear birds chirping rather rapidly. That’s a first, or maybe this could be the first time I actually paid attention. Waking up this morning was quite different than most lately. A feeling of peace came over me. My mental vision was clearer and my hearing more intense. I find it hard to believe that a person could enhance my soul this way; but then again, isn't that what we are here for….to elevate our souls through this journey? I opened my eyes, glancing around the room. The sun broke through every possible crack, as if an angel was descending down from the Heavens straight into my room. My phone rang, startling me. I reached to answer it and then it stopped. I picked it up anyway to see who was calling. Shelly. As I was getting ready to redial her number she called back.

"Hey girl! What's up? You boo'ed up?" I rubbed my hand across my face then dropped it onto the bed, in disappointment.

"No chick. I’m solo this morning."

"Whaat?? What happened? Or what didn't happen I should say?" she continued.

"Oh girl, it was about to happen! We were interrupted by the girl next door!" I replied laughing. "I’ll tell you about it later, when I feel like taking another cold shower. How’d my baby do last night? Was he good?"

"Yes hunny, he was an angel. It's my nephews that got on my damn nerves! Thias is so sweet though. He was asking about you all night."

"I know child! He is not used to being without me."

"Well, he is a little mama's boy. But I was just calling to see if I can keep him one more day?"

"Girl no! I miss my baby!"

"Look, you gotta learn to let him spread his wings Sage! I’m going to take care of him. I promise. I'm taking my nephews to Six Flags today and Thias is already sold on the idea. Please?"

"What am I going to do today Shelly?"

"I don't know heffa! Try being a woman!" she laughed. "Go out with ya man! You the only mama I know that has objections about someone volunteering to keep their child. You a mess!"

"Ok well just let me talk to him for a second." She began calling Thias’s name for him to come to the phone.

"Hey mama! We going to Six Flags today!!" I could feel his smile through the phone. "Ok baby. Mama misses you."

"Moooom!" he whined. "I only been gone one night. What would you do without me?" "I'd really be lost, baby." I responded. "Make sure you wear your long sleeve shirt today. It’s pretty out, but it's still supposed to be a little windy."

"Ok mama, I love you. See you later!" Before I could say I love you too he had already handed Shelly back the phone.

"See girl! He aiight! Now go get you a life!" We both laughed.

"Well do you need some money for the tickets? I got a few dollars."

"Naw, we good. My sister gave me three free kids’ passes yesterday."

"Ok. I appreciate you girl."

"No problem love, see you later." I hung up the phone and sat up on the side of the bed. I have no idea what to do with myself right now. My phone rang again, this time it was Silk.

"Good morning love." he answered. "How did you sleep last night?"

"I slept pretty good, but I woke up feeling amazing."

"Has Thias made it back yet?"

"You won't believe this! I just got off the phone with Shelly and she asked to keep him another day. They are going to Six Flags." He began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"The fact that you literally sound hurt that he's not coming home today."

"Oh yeah? That’s same thing Shelly said. He's my life."

"Yes he is, but you have to find yourself somewhere in there too. Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Not yet, I'm literally just getting up."

"Well, let me come cook our first breakfast as a couple." I could tell he was smiling.

"Ok, King. Hurry up! I miss you."

We hung up the phone and I began to tidy up and bathe before his arrival. I wasn’t two seconds out the tub before I heard a knock at the door. Leaving out the bathroom, I grabbed my robe and wrapped it around me as I was headed down the hallway towards the front door. I didn’t bother to check the peephole, I knew who it was.

“Good morning beautiful.” he said standing there with two grocery bags in each hand. This man even went grocery shopping. I mean, my fridge is far from full but I had enough for a little breakfast. I watched him place the bags on the kitchen counter as I was sure to close and lock the front door this time. I walked over hugging him from behind as he was putting away the groceries.

“I was just getting out the shower when you got here.” I said backing up towards the kitchen table.

“You want to wait until I get dressed to start cooking? So I can show you where everything is at?”

Without saying a word he began walking towards me. He raised his hand running his finger down the side of my face. He went down to my shoulder, then over my breast; leaving a trail of weakness in my body as he got closer to the belt of my robe that was keeping me covered. With one finger he pulled my belt loose, the sides open up displaying every inch of my curves. I allowed the robe to slide off my shoulders and down my arms; watching him as he admires me, while biting on his bottom lip. The robe hits the floor; he cuffs one arm under my ass while the other hand is under my arm lifting me onto the table. Leaning over me he slides my decorative center piece down the table as it just barely hangs on to the edge. He grabs the back of my neck, placing another hand on my shoulder, gently laying me back on the table. I looked down, watching him pull up a chair and sit down in front of me; as if his breakfast had been served. He places his hands under my knees pushing them back into a butterfly. I began taking in deep breathes as I can tell where this was going. He scoots his chair up closer and places one finger inside me. I gasped for air as if this was my first time. He began to kiss on my clit, pecking her with his lips so as to tease her at first. As he moved his finger in and out….in and out, he began twirling his tongue in a figure eight motion around her, occasionally sucking her into his mouth. I gripped both sides of the table trying to keep my composure, but it was too much. My legs were shaking and with every stroke of his finger, my moans elevated to a higher pitch. I began to soak his finger, which encouraged him to go faster. He watched my face to make sure he was pleasing me right. I could feel the chills running to my head. I couldn't close my mouth and my vision was turning into dots and swirls of light. Like, I was literally coming out of my body. He began to speed up his strokes this time going deeper. I could feel myself about to explode. He hit the perfect spot, and by reflex I grabbed that back of his head to ensure he wouldn't leave that spot.

“Baby, please don't stop. I’m there.” I begged him. I began thrusting my hips as if I was riding his face.  My pussy throbbing, I began to shout telling him I can't take anymore; as I reached my end he kept going. He didn't come up for air. My legs were shaking uncontrollably. I placed both feet on his shoulder pushing him back, sliding myself on the table. He leaned back in the chair and smiled. It felt so good I was embarrassed. He picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist carrying me into my room. Kissing me, allowing me a taste of his breakfast, He laid me on the bed. I watched as he began to undress. First his shoes, his shirt, pants, and then boxers. I smiled. He was a little man but the package was oversized. He climbed over me, resting his body on mine. Looking me in my eyes and pushing my locs out of my face, he asked, “You sure?” I reached down wrapping my hand around the shaft of his dick guiding it into my already throbbing pussy. “I’m sure.” I replied. He began kissing my neck as he slid inside me. It's been a minute, but the pain felt so good. He moans, his face full of pleasure. We had gotten lost inside the moment, inside each other.  I held onto his strong arms as our bodies connect. He was everything. He was perfect in every way. I began to tighten around his dick as I was about to explode. He couldn't hold it any longer. He gripped my locs with one hand and my thigh with the other as he thrust deeper inside me. In the same moment we both let go. My legs still shaking, he laid there inside me. The only movement was the rise and fall of our chest
. “That was amazing.”
I thought to myself. He finally lay beside me, bringing my body close to his.

“I don't ever want to go a day without seeing you from this day forward….the rest of my life.” he said.

“Awww baby, that's just the sex talk!” I said jokingly. “One day I'm going to get on your nerves and you’re gonna ignore me the whole day.” I laughed.

He placed one finger under my chin lifting my head so our eyes connect. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life with your little aggravating tail.” he smiled. “You hungry now? You distracted me from cooking!”

“Me? Oh no! You will not put this on me!” We both laughed as he pulled me in even closer. “Are you hungry?” I asked.

“Not really, but I was going to cook for you.”

“I'm not hungry right now. Can we just lay here for a minute? Can you just hold me? I feel safe in your arms.”

“Baby girl as long as I'm breathing, you and Thias will always be safe.”

I wrapped my leg around him, snuggling my face closer to hear his heartbeat. Closing my eyes listening to the thump of his chest, I prayed his heart would never stop beating. Suddenly, I found myself fast asleep in my Kings arms.

Chapter 8: Love Spell


As the days went on, Arsen kept his promise. He made sure that we saw each other every single day. Work for him was starting to pick up with the rainy season, so to keep the fire in our love life; I’d pop up on him for an occasional quickie. At first he was shy, like the only place he could make love to me was in a bed; but after a few rounds in the work truck, he loosened up. Our relationship was blossoming into something amazing. I could trust him with my life, my child, my heart; everything. I was finally able to leave the night shift gig and do more painting, as Arsen began to help me out financially so that I could pursue my dreams. I thanked God I had someone like him in my and Thias’s life. I never imagined I could be this happy.

“Mama! Am I going to Auntie Shelly house tonight?” Thias asked, as if he didn't already know from eavesdropping on my phone conversation.

“Yes, Hunnie, you are. Me and Arsen are going out tonight for a while.” I replied. “Mama?” He looks at me with the puppy dog eyes, like he knew he was about to ask a question I could possibly say no to.

“Can I call Arsen Daddy?” he asked.

For a moment I was stunned. Arsen is the first man that has been around him since I left his father. I didn't really know how to answer that.

“How about this Pumpkin, I'll let you have that conversation with Arsen, ok?” He smiled, sliding out my room in his socks. I definitely have to prepare Arsen for this conversation. Someone began knocking at the door. “Thias!” I yelled from the bathroom door. “Go see who that is!” I could hear him running down the hallway bumping into the walls. The door opens then it close.

“Girrrllll!!!” I could hear Shelly coming down the hallway, getting closer to my room. “Girl! I got some tea for ya ass, hunnie!!!” she said, ready to gossip as she sat down on my bed.

“Oh lawd! What's up?” I asked not really wanting to know, but being polite.

“Guess who's pregnant?”

“Who, child?”

“Tanya!” I began to laugh. I thought she was really going to tell me something worth hearing. “You act like that is a big surprise. I thought you were going to tell me you were pregnant!” I shook my head walking back into the bathroom.

“Chile! That is not the tea baby!!!” she exclaimed even more excited to spill the second half of the news. “Guess who she pregnant by?”

I came back to the bathroom door looking at her with the lipstick in my hand. “You gonna tell me or do you really want me to try to guess out of all the dudes that done put miles on her?” I replied sarcastically.

“Shaun Girl!” she said laughing leaning backwards on the bed.

“Shaun!! You are lying!!!” I began to laugh with her. I always thought Shaun was a little fruity in the booty. I guess my gay-dar is out of whack. “I cannot believe he went up in her raw!” She looked at me with tears in her eyes from all the laughing she was doing. “Believe it baby!! Because it happened!! And he excited and telling everybody too girl! She's all embarrassed, talking about she wants to get an abortion and stuff. This is like the funniest work soap opera shit I've ever experienced!”

Shelly always had the scoop on everybody and everything. People loved talking to her, telling all their business like she was a counselor or something. “Anyway child! That was my laugh for today. What you and Mr. Man doing tonight?”

“I don't know girl, he said he had somewhere special he wanted to take me.”

“I can't wait until I find me a woman like Arsen.” I began to coughing as if I had choked on my spit.

“Well hunnie you won't find a woman like Arsen baby. He don't have feminine tendencies.” I replied jokingly.

“You know what I meant heffa!” she said stomping out of my room. “Thias! You ready to go baby? My nephew will be on the way soon.” There was another knock on the door.

“Shelly get that please, it's Arsen.”

Shelly walked down the hallway to get the door. I could hear mild chatter from the two as they greeted each other.

“See you later mama!” Thias yelled in my room on his way down the hallway to speak to Arsen.

I could hear all three of them conversing with each other. I slid on my sandals to match my sundress. The weather was supposed to be nice tonight. Cool spring air with a slight chance of rain; but that's April weather for you. I walked down the hallway.

“Alright girl, we out!” Shelly said as she was picking up Thias’s night bag.

“Ok love, see y’all later.” I replied giving Thias a kiss, as he was in such a rush to leave out the door. He enjoys spending time with Shelly’s nephews. He’s so used to me keeping him in the house; he rarely gets to play with kids his age.  They walked out the door and Arsen greets me with a kiss.

“You know what Thias asked me?” he said.  I already had a pretty good idea, but dreading the answer he gave Thias, I pretended that I didn't.

“No, what's that babe?”

“He asked if he could call me Daddy.” he said with a smile on his face.

“Oh?” I replied. “What did you say?”

“I told him if that is how he felt, and then yes he could.” I let out a huge sigh of relief. “I am fonder of Thias, and then he is of me.” I smiled.

“Well he admires you a lot Arsen. You are the only male figure in his life.”

“You ready to go? I figured we’d go out to eat and take a walk downtown tonight.”

“I'm glad I decided to wear flats.” I laughed.

We stopped at a few restaurants downtown. It seemed like everywhere we went there was over an hour wait. We finally decided to just get some take out and go to the park and eat. As we enjoyed our meal and each other’s company, I couldn't help but notice the man sitting on the bench across from us. He was very tall and dark skinned, dressed in all black. He wasn't thuggish, but very well put together. He wasn't doing anything, just sitting there flipping through his tablet. I had seen that same man earlier in the evening at a few other restaurants that we were at tonight. It couldn't have been a coincidence; it was almost as if he were following us. I leaned over placing my head on Arsen shoulder as to not be obvious.

“Baby, that man has been following us all night. I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable.” I complained.

“Don't worry about it love, I got you.” he said. I couldn't help but notice that he didn't ask me who I was talking about, like he already knew. “Let's get up and take a little walk.” he suggested.

We began to walk and after a few minutes of not seeing the strange man anymore I began to relax. It was so beautiful outside. It was the perfect cool breeze air. We walked down the sidewalks moving through the hustle and bustle of Atlanta’s nightlife. People were hanging outside of bars; some drunk, others well on their way. We walked past a few vacant storefronts; but it was one that really caught my eye. I stopped to admire the wide display window, cuffing my hands to peek into the dark store space. I couldn't see anything. I could feel Arsen standing close behind me.

“What are you thinking?” he asked. I stepped back from the store window just to stare at the entire front.

“This would be a perfect spot for my gallery.” I said, still staring hopelessly through the store window.

“You will have your gallery soon, Baby. I’m making sure of it.” he assured me.

He grabbed my hand tugging me away from the window so that we could continue walking.  I looked back at the store front to get one last look before we left, when I noticed the man in black following close behind us. I turned around as subtle as possible.

“Baby!” I whispered to Arsen. “That guy, he is still following us. What does he want?”

“I know love, don't worry I got you.” he said.

He never answered my question. He just began picking up the pace holding onto my arm as we weaved through the crowd. I was completely confused. He wasn't saying anything, he never looked back. Who was this guy? Why was he following us? Arsen pulled me down an alley between two warehouses. I snatched away from him. “What is going on damnit?” I demanded.

Without saying a word he grabbed my arm again and pushing me up against a dumpster, making me slide down to the ground. He put his finger against my lips as if to tell me to be quiet. I could hear footsteps coming down the alley way. Arsen stood up and walked from behind the dumpster.

“You are hard man to get a hold of Ace.” I could hear a man’s voice. “I would say we need to talk but we are sort of past that point now.” he continued. I was kneeling on the ground trying not to make a sound. Arsen was still in my eye sight. He stood there with his hands crossed in front of him.

“You're right. We are past that now.” he said to the mystery man.

In that moment Arsen charged at the man. I could hear them wrestling, punches being thrown. I tried not to peek but then there was a noise, almost like a whistle blew; with a flash of light. I stood up over the dumpster scared that it was Arsen who had been shot. I could see the two still struggling. Arsen hits the man and the gun flew towards me, sliding in front of the dumpster. They both continued to punch each other. I could hardly see, but the man was so much taller and bigger than Arsen. Somehow, they ended up on the ground and the man was on top of Arsen punching him repeatedly. I grabbed the gun. I had never shot a gun before but I pointed it trying to aim it just right. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. I heard the sound of the whistle. This gun had a silencer. All of a sudden the commotion stopped. I opened my eyes and saw a lumpy figure lay on the ground. I ran over thinking I had shot Arsen. The body began to move. I could barely see Arsen’s face. He began pushing the dead man off of him. My hands began to shake and I started crying. Arsen rolled the body over, and a piece of gold medal fell out of the man’s pocket. I bent down to pick it up. It was a police badge.

“Oh my goodness, I'm going to jail! I just killed a police officer.” I began crying.

I still had the gun in my hand, which was shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't believe what I'd just done. I couldn't live with myself. Arsen stood up and slowly reached for the gun. Taking it out of my hand, he began wiping it down with his shirt; as if he was getting rid of my fingerprints. I looked at him, with anger in my eyes. He stuffed the gun down in his pants and took his bloody button down shirt off, leaving on his wife beater. Something about this was all too familiar for him; like he had done this before. Still not saying anything he grabbed the man by his legs and began to lift him into the dumpster. I was still standing there in shock, confused and scared.
“I thought I knew him.”
I thought to myself. He walked back towards me and grabbed my arm. I snatched away from him once more.

“I just threw my whole life away and I have no idea why.” I manage to spit out through my tears. He began to wipe the tears from my eyes.

“You saved my life.” he said.

“Who was he? Why was he following us Arsen?”

“Come on Sage.” he said grabbing my hand once more.

“No!” I yelled at him.

“You tell me what I just did… And why? I bought you around my son. Who are you Arsen?”

“Listen, I am everything that you think I am. I can't explain anything to you right now. We have to get out of here. I love you Sage. I'll never hurt you. If you don't believe anything else you have to believe that. Please baby, let's go. I’ll answer whatever questions you may have once we are home.”

I looked at him. I fell victim to his love spell once again. I wanted an explanation, but I was too weak at that moment to demand one. Even after tonight's strange events, I trusted him. I believed everything he said to me. He reached for my hand once more, and I gave it to him. He grabbed my hand, and after a few left and right turns we ended back up on a major street. We walked back in the direction in which we had come, passing the storefront I was admiring moments earlier. I looked at it again, thinking that I would never get the chance to open that gallery now. I just took the life of a cop. We finally made it back to the park where we had left the car earlier. He opens the passenger door for me to sit down. Still a little stiff I managed to gather myself to get in the car. He stopped at the trunk to retrieve a bag before getting in the front seat. The whole ride back to my house was silent. I didn't say anything to him. I couldn't even look at him. I never would have thought that I would be in a situation like this because of him. Tears continued to flow from my eyes as my mind was in frenzy. A whirlwind of thoughts consumed me.
“Who would take care of my son if I had to go to prison? How did I get to this point in my life? Dick! Good damn, hypnotizing DICK!”
That is the only logical explanation. I knew he was too good to be true. His real name probably isn't even Arsen. It's probably Deshawn, and he might be a wanted bank robber or something. Why else would an undercover cop follow him around all night? I was so furious on the inside; but I loved him too. I don't know if he realized that was the first time he told me he loved me. Hell if he saved my life, I'd probably tell him I love him too. Too bad he just ruined mines, and for some reason I still loved him. We pulled up to my apartment, and I quickly jumped out the car heading towards my door. I could hear him following close behind. I opened the door and he followed me in. I threw my keys and purse on the counter and ran to the bathroom and turned on the shower; hoping that it would wash away the sins I have committed tonight. I began to undress, stepping into the shower; scrubbing my entire body as if I had just come in contact with a horrible disease. I began to cry. My heart was in such turmoil, I couldn't think. I could hear Asren enter the bathroom and through the curtain I could see him sit on the toilet.

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