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Authors: Vertell Reno'Diva Simato

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The Lying King


By: Vertell Simato

The Lying King
-Written By-
Vertell Simato
Copyright © 2015 by True Glory Publications
Published by True Glory Publications
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Author Vertell Simato
This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organizations, establishments or locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.
Cover Design:
Editor:              Tamyra L. Griffin
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission from the publisher and writer.
Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, and Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication, and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.
Table of Contents


Chapter One:
The Struggle

Chapter Two
: Miss Williams

Chapter Three
: Maybe I Should Call

Chapter Four
: Dancing In The Rain

Chapter Five
: Step- Daddy

Chapter Six
: Would You Be Mine?

Chapter Seven
: From This Day Forward

Chapter Eight
: Love Spell

Chapter Nine
: Part Of The Family

Chapter Ten
: Live Without Me

Chapter Eleven:
Disappearing Acts

Chapter Twelve
: Pity Party

Chapter Thirteen
: The Gift

Chapter Fourteen
: His Last Goodbye

Chapter 1: The Struggle


Staring at the reflection of my naked body in the bathroom mirror, I contemplated the need of liposuction or exercise. Maybe even a few of those wrap thingys could work. I never desired to be a skinny girl; just thick in all the right places. Seems like a pretty reasonable request to me. I pinch the sides of my “love handles” together as if I were making my belly talk; the sound of my son scuffing his shoes across the hardwood floors ejected criticizing thoughts of the flaws in my curves from my mind. I quickly reached for my robe, as I forgot to teach my little Prince the politeness of knocking. He pushed open the door.

"Mama! Do I have to go to daycare tonight? Can't I just go to work with you??" He complained.

He stood there with both hands out in front of him as if he had just single handedly figured out a way to solve the daycare dilemma.

"Thias, can't is not a word! And no, you may not! What do you think you could do at work with me for eight hours???"

“I can help you clean toilets or vacuum!” He suggests, hoping he wouldn't receive another rebuttal. “But why can't?” he began, sucking his teeth attempting to correct himself.

“I mean, can we just stay home tonight?”

“Listen Pumpkin, you know I go to school during the day. I have to work sometime. Gotta pay the bills, baby. Now go put your jacket on and grab your blanket. I'm already late."

Trying to hide his disappointment, he pivots around on his right foot and slides out my room down the hallway. I know he wants to spend more nights with me; maybe watching cartoons on the couch, having a real dinner, or sleeping next to me in my bed instead of a mat on the floor. He knows I’m trying. My baby knows.  My head began to ache, just a little. I didn’t get much sleep after class today; trying to catch up on my paper that was due two days ago.  I look over at the clock. It's nine twenty already! I grabbed my black Dickies and a thermal. Whoever said all black was slimming hasn’t tried on a pair of Dickies. I grabbed a pair of non-matching socks and sat on the edge of the bed to put on my slip resistant workforce shoes. I began to lace them up when I see Thias standing by the door with his head leaning against the wall.

"Mama, what's that one going to be?”

“What one?”

He points to the easel that held a painting I had just started.

“I’m still working on that baby, but whatever it turns out to be, it’s going to sell. I feel it. Once I get it out there, I'll have investors lined up to open up a gallery.”

"But Mama, why don't you just sell these other ones?”

We both stood up straight and looked around the room. I never realized how many paintings I actually had.

"Baby, those aren’t my best work.” I replied, projecting my doubtful thoughts into an oh so receptive universe.

“How do you know mama, nobody's ever seen them but you?"

My kid had a point. I don't really know; just never had the gut feeling about any of them, I guess. I looked over at the clock again, nine thirty!

“Put on your jacket, let’s go!”

Thias put on his jacket as I threw on my coat, grabbing his blanket before he forgot. I rushed down the hallway taking the keys and my phone off the counter and headed out the door. I could hear the sound of the bus coming to a stop in front of our building, as I frantically try to lock the front door.

“Come on Thias!! Run and catch the door!”

My baby boy took off like he was in a race competition. I wasn’t far behind him. He jumped on the bus and waved at the bus driver, then headed towards the back to find us a seat. A few seconds later, I hopped up the steps. The bus driver looked at me and smiled; very nice old man, Mr. James.

“How you doing Mr. James, did Thias give you the bus fare?” I asked, knowing I hadn’t given Thias any money. I’m just hoping he wouldn’t notice that I was a horrible liar. The way he looked at me, I could tell he knew I didn’t have any money or a bus pass.

“It's alright young lady.” He looked over the top of his glasses. “I got you guys tonight, but I can't do this all the time.”

“I understand Mr. James. God bless you, thank you.”

I felt bad I had to lie. I just couldn’t have my baby walking in this cold. I looked down the aisle of the bus; he had already found us a seat. I plopped down next to him. A little out of breath and head still throbbing, I closed my eyes to thank God for always making a way for us. Thias slid his fingers through mine and squeezed my hand.

"Mama, it’s going to get better.” he whispered, as if he knew I had just lied our way onto the bus. He knew. I’m sure he did. I looked him in his soft brown eyes, running my fingers through his big black curls with my other hand.

“I know sweetie. Mommy knows."

I told him I knew. I wasn't sure when it would get better. I knew I wanted better for us, I knew I was trying; but I didn't know when things would change. Soon I hope….things would change soon.

As we sat on the bus I kept my eyes closed, fantasizing about a different life for us. One where I owned my own gallery, and spent more time with Thias. The bus slowed down, preparing to stop right in front of the day care. As we walked down the aisle I held on tight to Thias’s cold, fragile little hands, so he wouldn't fall over anyone in their seats. I thanked Mr. James again; he gave me a slight wave of acknowledgement as we stepped off the bus. I bundled him up and we ran across the street to the twenty-four hour daycare that he had been attending since I started this night shift gig. As we open the door, I notice the director still in her office. What is she doing here this late? I thought to myself. We scurried past like little mice trying to avoid a mouse trap. I know I hadn’t paid for the week, I just needed a couple more days; that's all. We got to the classroom; his caregiver wasn't in there; just children lying down on mats. Some half sleep, others fighting their sleep. I kneeled down beside Thias taking off his jacket and putting his things in the cubby.

"Baby listen, try not to be too noticeable tonight ok? It's almost 10, so find a mat, lie down and go to sleep. Be a good boy for mama ok?"

"Ok mama." He leans over and kisses me on my forehead. He’s so sweet, my baby boy. I'm still squatting at his cubby watching as he tries to find an empty mat. Finally he found an empty one, laid down, turned towards me and mouthed, "I love you mama". I nodded my head, giving him an, "I love you too Prince.”

I stood up straight, stuffing the ends of my auburn locs under the back of my toboggan; attempting yet another great escape, without being seen. I held my head down and walked quickly towards the door. Forgetting the bells, I pushed the door open making a supreme amount of unnecessary noise. I looked over to the office, but no one seemed to notice. I rushed outside and stood there to bask in the feeling of relief. The universe was on my side tonight.  I pull my phone out of my pocket to check the time. Man! Nine fifty-five! I still have a twenty minute walk to work. I noticed another bus pulling up. The thought came to mind, but I should probably walk. I've done enough sneaking around for one night. I stuffed my hands deep in my coat pockets and began heading towards Piedmont Ave, the wind beating my face with every stride. I could just feel my nose turning red. I began to think of the many reason I decided to move to Atlanta; warmer weather being one of them. It’s moments like these that made me wish I had a car. If Shaun sees me coming in late again, he is going to have one of his dramatic bitch-fits. Not wanting to hear his mouth gave me a little pep to my step, but not as much as me needing this job. A few more blocks, that's all you got; trying to encourage myself to fight through this cold January air. Carter & Stone Development is just fifteen minutes away. Realizing that I had only been walking for five minutes, I decided to cross the street now to save some time later. I looked around to make sure no APD was in sight. Last thing I need is a j-walking ticket, Georgia loves to ticket somebody. The coast was clear. I stepped off the sidewalk; forgetting the number one rule to crossing the street. I could see bright lights out of my peripheral, but it was too late for me to react. As if that wasn't enough warning, the driver holds down the horn; startling me, sending me falling backwards onto the sidewalk. I landed on my back; staring off into the sky. I just laid there. Not that I was hurt. I just began to wonder
...”Could this actually be my karma from all of my suspicious behavior tonight?”
There is no way the universe works that fast, right? Clearly, checking for APD did not include looking for any other cars on the road. Turning my head to the right to see a red, midsize sedan going in reverse. I rolled over, pushing myself on my knees to stand up, brushing the dust off my hands onto my pants and coat; purposely keeping my back turned towards the street to avoid any conversation with the busta who almost hit me. I could hear the car come to a stop behind me. People don’t just do hit and runs these days.

"I am soooo sorry, are you okay?" I could hear the car door close.

I rolled my eyes, tilting my head backwards as I reluctantly turned around to respond.

"Yea sure, I'm fine. I'm alright."

He walked around the car onto the sidewalk.

"Miss Lady, I really didn't see you with all this black on."

"Clearly, I didn't see you either." I replied sarcastically.

I stood back to get a better look at him; pretending to be getting myself together. He was very short. I mean I'm 5'4, so he was a tiny bit taller than me. By a tiny bit, I do mean itsy; maybe 5’7 at the most. He stood there, shoulders back, arms parallel to his body. There was a demand in his stance. His clothes were fairly dusty as if he had been working in sand all day. His skin was a milk chocolate complexion; very smooth. He had tattoos going down both arms. All I could think was,
“Where yo jacket fool?”
Must be warm in the car. I looked over at the car, the windows had dark tint and the rims were the same color red. He seemed a bit flashy at first glance. Well, his car was anyway.

I turned to walk away and he called out, "Wait a minute! Where you going?!"

Without turning around I threw my hand up and said, "To work! If I still have a job by the time I get there!"

Following close behind he said, “Let me take you please! That's the least I can do!"

"Did you not just hear me say I’m late? I don’t need a ride! I don't even know you!" I replied in a very forthright tone.

"Woman, I’m taking you to work.” he demanded. “I mean, I almost hit ya doggone tail!"

I raised my eyebrows looking him up and down, trying to figure out who he thought he was talking to; or better yet what grown man says doggone tail?

"I know you cold, stop being stubborn and get in the car......Please?"

I rolled my eyes again. So now he wants to be polite? I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Damnit! It's ten ten; still another fifteen minute walk versus a five minute drive. He does have a point. It is cold and he is the reason why I'm even later than what I would have been.

"Ok. I work right up the block at Carter & Stone."

"Thank you! You see how easy that was?"

I shook my head. "Don't push it." I snarled in my typical black girl with an attitude tone of voice. He smiled and all I could see was gold teeth.
“Oh my! I can't stand gold teeth; must be an Atlanta thing.”
His smile was adorable though. And those arms! So strong…..  Focus! You don’t need those types of problems. I turned to walk back towards the car reaching for the door handle, and then our hands touch. A surge of energy transferred between us. That feeling had to have been….... Wait a minute, it’s been awhile. I’m tripping. Snapping myself out of the sexually explicit thoughts that were trying to invade my mind, he moves my hand out of the way and said, "I got it."

I cleared my throat and stepped back. Very surprised I must say. He didn't look like the type to open doors. Nonetheless, I obliged his efforts. I sat down on the black leather seats, as he closed the door. It smelled good in there and surprisingly clean. I figured he'd have a lot of cups and fast food wrappings everywhere, but no it was clean. The old cliché "Never judge a book by its cover" came to mind. I watched him as he walked around the front of the car. It was something in his walk. It said something like, I'm short but don’t push me. I giggled to myself. That was a good one. Seriously, it was something in his walk. I just can't put my finger on it. I reached over and unlocked his door. He paused for a second as if I had surprised him. No big deal, it's cold outside, right? Not that he seemed too bothered by it; with no jacket on and a shirt that muscle heads wear to show their arms off. I have to admit his arms were nice though. I might have said that already. He opened the door and sat down in the car. "

You aiight?" he asked with a bit of country grammar slang. I sat back folding my arms, sure to give him more of my attitude.

"Yea, I'm Alright!" I replied with emphasis on “alright”, so he knows how to say it correctly.

"You hungry? I could stop and get you something to eat."

I looked at him with a side eye. My stomach saying,
“Of course we're hungry silly!”
, which was totally opposite of what came out my mouth. "Seriously? What part of late are you not understanding? All I need from you is a ride there and for you to learn how to drive."

He laughed, as if I were joking. I kind of was. This whole playing hard to get thing was never my strong suit. "Ok, you got it. Are you always this mean?"

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