The Look In His Eyes (Jasmine & Zack, #1) (2 page)

Read The Look In His Eyes (Jasmine & Zack, #1) Online

Authors: Iris Deorre

Tags: #interracial romance, #curvy girls, #romance, #contemporary romance, #bwwm

BOOK: The Look In His Eyes (Jasmine & Zack, #1)
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‘Hey I’m sorry I’m late,’ Jasmine said when she arrived at the table.

‘I’m getting used to it that’s why I took the liberty of ordering myself another glass of wine and a salad.’

Jasmine pursed back her lips nervously. She stood with her bag in front of her body, just above the pelvic area. She looked around a moment and felt a little uneasy and took a deep breath.

‘You okay?’ asked Ella.

Jasmine nodded then proceeded to pull out a packet of wet wipes from her handbag.

‘Oh Jasmine do you really have too?’ Ella knew what was coming and dreaded it. She dreaded the stares and the amusement from people around them.

Jasmine proceeded to pull out wet wipes and began to clean the chair from top to bottom. Ella dropped her head in her hands a little embarrassed, hoping that Jasmine would do it as quickly as possible. Ella was Jasmine’s only friend. Work hadn’t been an extremely friendly environment except for the office secretary who was a delight. It was as if the people around her put up with her. There was no denying that Jasmine was well educated and knew what she was doing, it was just her mannerism that people couldn’t stomach and many times it worked on their nerves.

Finally after several wipes and a touch up with dry tissue Jasmine was able to sit down satisfied.

‘How’ve you been?’ asked Ella.

‘I’m fine,’ she looked around uncomfortable.

‘Are you sure, you look a little tense.’

‘Its work, my boss is giving me grief again.’

Ella rolled her eyes and looked out the window for a split second and then back at Jasmine.

‘What’s his problem?’

‘I guess it’s my fault really,’ she said. ‘I just can’t stop checking over stuff even when I know its right. Sometimes I feel that perhaps I’ve left something out, or a figure isn’t right. I just can’t help myself.’

Ella didn’t understand it either but she’d managed to accommodate it.

‘Have you tried not doing it?’

‘I have but it becomes extra stressful.’

Ella nodded, it didn’t matter what she thought, Jasmine had always been that way from the very day they met.

‘Well he’s kept you on for this long, you can’t be that bad.’ Ella smiled.

Jasmine smiled back at her friend. Ella was different to the other women she’d known, she seemed to have a patience that had exceeded many. She ran her own hairdressing business and she looked the part with her gorgeous brown locks that swept her shoulders. Her green eyes always drew a person in and her smile was the best feature of all. It was a smile that never held judgment or sarcasm. It was always genuine and warm and it was one of the reasons she was so successful in her line of business. Customers always felt welcomed by her and it was their place to let go of their daily woes. At times Ella almost felt more like a counsellor than a hair dresser but she loved it all the same.

Ella had met Jasmine in the middle of their first year. At the time Ella was also studying accounting but in her second year Ella felt that it wasn’t what she wanted. It took her a while to take the bold step and become a hairdresser, the thing she truly loved. The moment she stepped out into that part of her life everything fell into place and she never felt happier.

‘Are you going to have something today?’ she asked Jasmine.

Jasmine looked in the direction of the kitchen, her ears picked up on the sounds, the sizzling of food, the clanging of plates. Suddenly the fear gripped her and her thoughts ran like wild horses within her. It was too much for her to take in and soon she turned back to Ella and shook her head.

‘Alright then, I’ll go ahead and order a burger and chips for myself.

‘I’ll have a drink, as long as it comes in a bottle, or I’ll have a bottle of water, or maybe some orange juice,’ said Jasmine.

‘Well you better hurry up; a waitress is heading our way.’

The woman was at their side before Jasmine could respond.

‘Can I take your order ladies,’ the young lady asked.

‘Urm well...I’ll just have a burger and chips, thanks.’

The waitress wrote down the order then gazed over at Jasmine. ‘What can I get you?’

‘Could I just have a bottle of coke, thanks.’

The waitress nodded, it wasn’t the first time Jasmine and Ella had been in that restaurant.

‘That was a quick decision,’ Ella said impressed.

‘I already knew I wanted a coke, I’m not that bad am I?’

Ella gave her a look that gave her the answer.

‘Okay, perhaps a tad over the top.’

Ella laughed and took a moment to search through her bag.

‘So what did you think about that guy I told you about?’ Ella took a sip of the wine.

‘Please don’t start.’

‘He really wants to meet up with you.’ Ella had been trying for a while to hook Jasmine up with one of her friends.

‘Why?’ Jasmine was genuinely surprised he’d wanted to meet her.

‘He thinks you’re pretty.’

‘Sure he does, have you shown him the latest picture of me.’

Ella took a deep breath and studied her friend for a moment. It never made any sense why Jasmine would tear herself down the way she did. In her eyes she was a beautiful woman with all the curves in the right places. Her face was absolutely beautiful and she was blessed with great skin. Ella had Simon, her fiancé and wanted her friend to at least try dating her friend Paul.

‘Come on, just one date.’

‘You and I both know how my dates go.’ Jasmine shuddered at the memories. She’d tried, convinced by Ella to go out with a guy but it always turned out pretty bad.

‘You have to at least try, you can’t give up.’

‘I’m not and I am trying.’

‘Then you’ll go, this Saturday?’

Jasmine watched her cautiously.

‘Pretty please, it will be great for you both.’

Jasmine had always wanted someone to love and someone to love her back but ever since the nightmare prom night, moving forward had been hard. No one understood her daily torment in those early years that shredded her self esteem so no one would understand.

‘Please,’ Ella begged.

‘Alright fine!’ Her lips broke into a smile. ‘Just this once, I’ll try.’

‘Great! I’ll text him now.’

The coke arrived and soon so did Ella’s food. Ella piled on ketchup and watched Jasmine as she wiped down the coke bottle a few times with some wet wipes. Next she brought out a plastic cup from her bag and placed it on the table.

‘We talked about this,’ said Ella.

‘I’m not ready,’ she replied.

‘You’re going to have to be ready, Paul’s agreed to the date. He’s got your number so he’ll give you a ring later tonight.’

Jasmine tapped the table a few times, opened the coke bottle and poured the fizzy drink into the tumbler.


‘I’m not ready, leave it alone.’

‘Fine, I’m just trying to help you.’

‘The more you do that the worse it feels.’

‘Okay, okay, I’m sorry.’

Ella took a big bite into the burger and they sat in silence for a while. There had been a few arguments between them when they argued about it but soon Ella realised that Jasmine was this way. As her friend she had to stand by her and be with her regardless of her habits.

‘Do you want to hang around town for a little bit?’ Ella asked.

‘Nah, I think I better head home as soon as we’re done.’

Ella nodded.

‘I will however try and be on my best behaviour on the date.’ Jasmine smiled trying to cheer her up from the disappointment.

‘Great! I know you two will have a great time.’


orry I’m late, late meeting today at the office.’ Zack pulled off his jacket and loosened his tie.

Zack had decided to take up the offer of meeting his friends Troy and Preston. They’d been mates since their early teens and had done many things together including a trip to Kenya to teach English during their gap year. Zack had gone on to graduate as an architect and two year’s later opened his own company, Troy was a successful banker while Preston found his love in teaching. Something both Zack and Troy found strange, but Preston had loved teaching the children that he’d decided to take that path.

‘What you drinking?’ asked Troy.

‘I’ll have a lager thanks.’

‘Another one for me please,’ Preston said holding up his empty glass.

Troy walked off to the bar while Zack made himself comfortable in the comfy leather seats of the bar. It was a trendy bar they frequented in Leeds, at times the bar hosted indie artists and there had also been comedy nights. The guys had made this their meeting place since it had been discovered a few years ago. On different occasions they frequented other places but this was their place.

Troy returned a few minutes later with their drinks. They all took long draws, sat back and took it all in.

‘Where’s Kimberly tonight?’ asked Troy.

‘Ah so you haven’t heard.’ Zack put down the glass on the centre table.

‘Heard what?’ asked Preston.

‘We broke up.’

‘You idiot!’ Troy blurted. ‘You stupid idiot!’

Preston couldn’t help but laugh.

‘Hey, she left me,’ said Zack.

‘What the fuck did you do man!’ Troy couldn’t get over the news.

‘I still don’t know what I did,’ he moved forward and took another gulp of his drink.

‘Man you did something!’

‘You know what, I have a really hard time understanding women,’ said Zack.

‘Welcome to the club, my wife says one thing but it never means that.’ Preston was the only one in a serious relationship.

For some reason Troy could never commit to one woman.

‘I can’t believe you let her leave you!’

‘I can’t control her!’

‘You are a fool! That woman was so hot!’

‘Don’t I know it but it wasn’t working so there’s nothing I could do.’

‘When a woman like that asks you do to something you do it!’ said Troy.

‘Unlike you I have some dignity.’

‘She’s a bloody model, how can you say that! Christ!’

‘Clearly you want her more than I do.’

‘Dude, if I wasn’t your mate I would’ve done that a long time ago.’

‘I’m sorry to break it to you but you’re not her type,’ said Zack.

‘How do you know that?’

‘She told me once.’

‘What the fuck is that supposed to mean?’

‘It means you’re not her type.’

‘What the hell is her type?’

‘Me.’ Zack giggled.

Troy was like a human Ken doll, too perfect and two pretty for most women. Even though he had a mouth of a sailor, his features portrayed a totally different person to the one who spoke. The women that fell for him were just as vain but not as perfect. But the relationships never lasted, it was all about getting the forbidden fruit for Troy, he just wasn’t marriage material. Preston on the other hand was the man who had settled down with the girl he’d met at university. He was a little bit more laid back than the other two and yet on evenings out he had a wicked side to him. He was just as tall as Zack but had blond hair instead of the dark hair Zack possessed.

‘We’ll she doesn’t know what she’s missing!’ Troy said defensively.

The two men laughed but quickly moved on.

‘I’m staying out of the dating game for a while; perhaps travel a bit on my own.’

‘Have you lost your mind, you’re free to pursue any woman you like,’ said Troy.

‘Nah, I’m going to take it easy for a couple of months, see what it’s like to be single.’

‘It sucks!’

‘I guess you’re not having any luck then.’

‘Nope, they all slip through the fingers like slippery fish.’

‘Why don’t you just put women to the side for a while, find out what you really want?’

‘I think you need another drink, you’re not thinking straight,’ said Troy.

‘Maybe I do, I’ll get this round, but to be honest, I’m going to take a break from women. Find out what I want.’

‘Never mind about what you want, what you need is to get laid.’

Zack stood up to get orders ignoring Troy’s last statement.

‘It’s a wonder you’re still single,’ added Preston.

‘Same as before?’ Zack asked.

‘Yep, bring it on!’

Chapter Three

t had taken Jasmine a good hour in the shower before she was ready to step out. She gazed at herself in the full length mirror that was on the internal part of the wardrobe. Her eyes wondered down every inch of her body and she felt the anger and the disgust. It had always been this way even though anyone else looking at her would see a woman who had curves in all the right places and a look that could please any man.

Jasmine could at one point of her life look at herself; it had only started in the past couple of years when she was trying to force herself to get thinner. But it didn’t matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get her body mass index down. She ran her hand down the middle of the stomach and for a moment cringed. How could life be this unfair? Why had she agreed to this date in the first place?

There were moments when she wanted to ring and cancel but the sound of Ella’s voice stopped her. She had spoken to Paul briefly and they had agreed to meet up for a coffee. Jasmine wasn’t sure about the meeting but he had seemed cheerful enough and if she were to get anywhere in life she had to keep trying this dating thing.

After a long gaze in the mirror she stepped forward and looked at the row of clothes. The weather outside was pleasant enough but it still didn’t make the decision easy. First she tried on a floral summer dress that stopped just below the knees but quickly took it off. It felt restricting and uncomfortable. Next she tried on a maxi dress she was yet to wear but it made her feel as though she were drowning so she pulled that off too. Each decision made her tense and the tenser she felt the more she dreaded leaving the house.

It took a while but finally Jasmine settled on a black pair of pants with a sky blue top. Jasmine stood in front of the mirror finally satisfied and was happy with the choice she’d made. When she finally walked out of the house, Jasmine was already fifteen minutes late.

Paul waved her over to the table where he sat and she rushed over a little out of breath.

‘I’m so sorry I’m late,’ she said.

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