The Lonely Spy (4 page)

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Authors: Mkululi Nqabeni

Tags: #soap opera, #thriller, #love, #scifi, #suspense, #adventure, #action, #young adult, #spy, #lit

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Her parents and friends came behind
them. ‘’it’s the countdown’’ They shouted. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Happy New
Year’’ Charles and Yolanda looked at each other awkwardly. They
danced and partied for a few hours with friends. After the party
ended every one left and waved them goodbye. Yolanda walked Charles
to his car and smiling at each other.

Big day for you tomorrow’’
Charles said. ‘’Yes and I’m nervous and excited at the same time
’’Yolanda replied. He pulled out his car keys from his pocket,
opened the car and got inside. ‘’Charles, before you leave I have
something to tell you.I would like you to be part of my executive
team that will decide who will travel to space and find solutions
to this mysterious universal puzzle…. ‘’ Yolanda said. ‘’Wow’’
count me in anything just to be close to you’’ Charles said.
Yolanda smiled and shook her head. ‘’You are drunk Charles, drive
slow and safe’’ Yolanda said. Charles kissed his index finger and
placed it on to Yolanda’s lips. Yolanda blushed and smiled.’’
Goodbye Charles’’ she said. Charles left and Yolanda went inside
the house.

The following morning a TV news station
ran a story about Yolanda Anderson. Everyone wants to know why she
isn’t charged, neither arrested nor being at a court trial. There
were also TV and online petition to bring back Edward Snowden.
People were in the dark and curious about the White House meetings
were all about. Radio and TV shows invited Americans to weigh in
their views on the issue of the relevance of the Espionage Act.
Spies, cold war with Russia, whistleblowers, Yolanda, Snowden and
convicted spies in the USA prison system. Millions of American gave
in their opinions and felt strongly about this issue.

The astronomers’ elite team, White
House staff and President Sharon Washington were in the Conference
room. Yolanda came in earlier than anyone and was prepared her
solutions and plans to execute them. ‘’Good morning! Yolanda, we
are ready to start’’ President Washington said. Yolanda switched on
the projector with enthusiasm and very focused. “In front of you
ladies and gentlemen are scientific research findings I compiled,
titled ‘’Dark Matter: End of Planet’’.

It’s basically about how earth and the
universe can be attacked from space’’ Yolanda said. Everyone opened
the document in front of them with curiosity.”Dark Matter is
disappearing from space at fast rate. As a result the solar system
has been disrupted and the invisible strings responsible for
holding the planets together are breaking down. Earth and other
planets are moving at a fast, abnormal pace and chances are it is
moving now away from the solar system’’ Yolanda said. The meeting
carried on for hours without a break. “Let us take a one hour lunch
break. When we come back, I will present on how we are going to
implement these plans and then open a dialogue with the NASA and
astronomers elite team in the room. ‘’ Wow! Alright we will be back
after an hour and listen to Yolanda’s plan of action’’ President
Washington said.

The astronomers’ elite team, NASA staff
and everyone in the room were blown away and impressed with
Yolanda’s presentation. Yolanda was popular all of sudden, almost
everyone in the room wanted to chat and sit next to her in the
dining room. They were fighting for her attention and Yolanda was
enjoying it. At that second, she had a moment of clarity. Yolanda
noticed that she has achieved her goal. Her ex-male colleagues were
very impressed with her work, proud to have worked with her and she
felt like an insider. Yolanda realized she was very ambitious,
impatient and that landed her in big trouble with her country. At
26, Yolanda feels she has achieved a lot in her career more than
her friends and colleagues older than her. She grinned and went
back to the conference room.

An hour later, everyone came back to
the conference and President Sharon Washington instructed Yolanda
to continue her presentation. Yolanda distributed documents to
everyone on the table. Madam President, I propose we bring in the
Defense Ministers of Iran, China, Russia, Great Britain and North
Korea to come to the White House. We need to have their nuclear
bombs, load them to the spacecraft and travel to space with them’’
Yolanda said. Everyone was shocked at what Yolanda just said and
couldn’t believe she proposed that ridiculous idea. The US Defense
minister stormed out of the room. ‘’This is Madness!’’ Brad
Williams shouted. ‘’Wait, wait ladies and gentlemen, please calm
down I haven’t finished talking. We are going to make the biggest
super advanced, sophisticated and indestructible spacecraft. The
spacecraft will travel to the Black hole and detonate these nuclear
bombs and prevent planet earth together with other planets from
leaving the solar system.’’ Yolanda said. ‘’ John Webber and the
head of the NSA looked at each other and laughed. ‘’ Young lady,
are you serious?’’ John asked.

Yolanda looks agitated after the head
of C.I.A and NSA laughed at her proposals. ‘’ Yes sir, I am very
serious’’ Yolanda replied. ‘’Are you aware that we are not in good
terms with most of these countries; we differ on nuclear programmes
and policies. How will this plan be possible?’’ Peter from NSA
asked. ‘’Well, that is your job to make it possible together with
C.IA,US Defense Minister, Congress and the president.’’ Yolanda
said. Almost everyone in the room burst out laughing.

Yes we do have the
technology to build this spacecraft I have in mind but to be
specific I need the nuclear technology from these countries to
build an indestructible spacecraft that will travel 10 billion km
away from planet earth. The spacecraft will not explode in space
against Meteors, fires, gumma rays and radiation. Everyone in the
room clapped their hands. ‘’ I think we should call it a day and
adjourn this meeting. I will try and contact all the defense
ministers. We will meet tomorrow at 7am and I thank you for your
presence.’’ President Washington said.

The following morning they met at the
White House and the president came in earlier than usual.
‘’Yolanda, I am curious about this spacecraft. Do you have a
diagram, concept drawings or pictures of it?’’ President Washington
asked. Yolanda nodded, pulled out a chart from her bag and
forwarded it to the president. ‘’Well, I am impressed I will
forward this to the architects. On another matter, the defense
ministers of China, Russia, North Korea, Britain and Iran have all
agreed to come to the United States. They will all arrive this
evening and we all agreed these past natural disaster have
literally affected everyone on earth.’’ President Washington said.
Everyone in the room stood up and clapped hands.

I will adjourn this
meeting as I have more urgent matters to attend to and we will meet
tomorrow when I bring the Defense ministers to the White House’’
President Washington said. Everyone stood up and left the room
except Yolanda. She is packing her staff, ready to go and the
defense minister appeared. Brad blocked the door, pushed Yolanda
inside the conference room and closed the door behind him. ‘’What
you are doing is not going work. Listen here young lady, you can
fool anyone in this room but you don’t fool me with your fancy
Talk, it’s all bullshit’’ Brad said. Yolanda became emotional and a
tear came from her left eye. ‘’This is the chance to redeem myself
and help my country defeat this’’ Yolanda said.

Bullshit, you are going
to give the spacecraft to your masters in Russia and blow us all up
and they will win this war. Come to think of it, ever since you
left to Russia. These ‘’natural disasters’’ started to occur and
then you proposed to come back and will reverse these disasters
from occurring. How do you know so much about these nuclear
technologies from other countries? Just know you are still a spy
and a traitor. I am watching you’’ Brad said. He left the room;
Yolanda sat down and broke down crying uncontrollable.

Yolanda went shopping at the nearest
mall and after she finished shopping. She saw Charles sitting at a
coffee shop; she smiled, and went inside. Charles also saw Yolanda
walking towards him. ‘’Hey Beautiful’’ Charles said. ‘’ Hi, can I
join you?’’ Yolanda asked. Charles smiled and stood up. ‘’ Of
course you can’’ Charles replied. Yolanda and Charles talked the
whole afternoon and enjoying each other’s company.

The following morning at the White
house, as everyone was entering the conference room. They saw
unfamiliar faces from different nationals and some of the guys were
frisking everyone to check if they have any weapons on them. A
moment later, President Sharon Washington enters the room with 5
men wearing military attire. ‘’Good morning, allow me to introduce
to you thedefense ministers. Michael Chang from China, Vladimir
Kournikova from Russia. Eddie Yusuf from Iran,Jon Pan Wan from
North Koreaand Frank Roberts from Britain. Everyone in the room
clapped their hands and welcomed them with warmth.

Everyone sat down and the president
pointed her finger at Yolanda. ‘’We can start Yolanda’’ President
Washington said. Yolanda switched on the projector and began her
presentation. A concept spacecraft was displayed on the screen. ‘’
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the mother of all spacecraft’’
Yolanda said. People looked and murmured at each other and others
nodded. ‘’ The spacecraft will be equipped with advanced nuclear
technology to protect it against space elements. The spacecraft
will be indestructible against gases, and other powerful rays in
space. This technology will freeze the whole spacecraft and protect
it from exploding in harsh heat condition as higher as 5,000,000
degrees. When the rays strike the spacecraft, the space craft will
have a cooling button that will repel the heat. Astronauts will
have no space gear when they are in space. The Oxygenex Technology
will be installed; astronauts will be able breath

They will not wear anything to cover
their heads. There will be gravity on the spacecraft because it
will be installed with advanced Magnetified technology that will
make them walk normal inside the ship when they are in space. The
minister of Iran, Eddie Yusuf intervened. ‘’ We have just developed
the Nuclear Fuel technology. The nuclear fuel will replace oil and
gas in the near future. We can supply the spacecraft with the
nuclear technology. The spacecraft will have nuclear fuel that will
sustain it and will only run out after it has travelled more than
15billion km’’ he said.

Defense minister of Britain, Frank
Roberts raised his hand. ‘’ We can assist with supplying powerful
engines components that assist the spacecraft travel a thousand
times faster than theusual spacecraft. The spacecraft will travel
at 85 million km/h and can reach around the Black hole within 5
days.’’ He said. President Sharon Washington interrupted. ‘’ How
long will the spacecraft take to build, Yolanda?’’ Yolanda went
back to her bag and flipped few pages of her files. ‘’the
spacecraft will be finished within 2-3 months’’ Yolanda replied.
Defense minister of China, Michael Chang also weighed in. ‘’we can
assist in hosting and assembling the spacecraft in China. Also we
can build over 50 layers of platinum and indestructible metal over
the exterior. Just in case the spacecraft encounters harsher
conditions than weanticipate, the spacecraft will automatically
lose the destroyed exterior parts and will regenerate into another
layer. ‘’ Well I am impressed ministers and I thank you for your
cooperation. I have compiled a list of the best Astronauts in the
world that will travel to space. There will be 3-6 Astronauts that
will be travelling…. ‘’ Yolanda said. The chief of staff came
rushing and whispered something on Yolanda’s ear. Yolanda sighed
and shook her head. ‘’ Ladies and gentlemen, I am afraid I have bad
news. All astronauts have declined the opportunity to travel to
space. They say it is a suicide mission and they feel chances of
travelling outside the solar system and surviving is non-existent
’’ Yolanda said.

This is a huge blow and
for the first time I really don’t know what to. Is it possible to
convince them otherwise?’’ President Washington asked. The Chief of
staff shook his head. There was silence in the room, everyone
looked at each other and it looked like no one knew what to do. ‘’
I, Yolanda Anderson would like to put my name forward as the person
who will travel to space. I also wish to travel with Charles and
other volunteers’’ Yolanda said.

An argument broke out at the conference
room with everyone disagreed with what Yolanda just proposed. ‘’All
our astronauts have declined to travel to space maybe it’s a sign
we should just cancel this expedition and accept our fate’’ one
scientist said. ‘’I agree with you young man, we should cancel this
madness before our country is destroyed by our enemies and spies.
Yolanda volunteers to drive the spacecraft. What if she detonates
all 6 nuclear bombs and the whole North America will be wiped out.
Wake up people this woman is still a spy and is playing all of us.
‘’ Mr. Brad Williams I have been listening to your negative and
unproductive inputs for quite a while now. I would like you to
please leave this room with immediate effect’’ President Washington
said. Brad stood up, rushed outside and slammed the door on his way
out. ‘’Yolanda are you sure want to travel to space?’’ President
Washington asked. ‘’ Yes, madam President’’ Yolanda replied.
‘’Charles, are you interested in travelling to space with Yolanda’’
President Washington asked. Charles nodded, sighed and wiped his
face with his right hand.

I think we are ready to go
in building this spacecraft. As soon as the congress approves the
$17.5 Billion budget, the spacecraft will be finished within few
weeks. This project is a secret mission; I do not want anyone
leaking anything outside this room. The spacecraft will be built in
a secret location and the 6 nuclear bombs will be supplied and
loaded to the spacecraft. Only the presidents and prime ministers
of these countries will know exactly when and how the nuclear bombs
will arrive in the USA.NASA head raised his hand. ‘’ Yolanda, you
and Charles need to attend a one month intensive space training and
drills’’ he said. Yolanda nodded and looked at Charles who seemed
like he just saw a ghost. ‘’Very well, I think we have covered
everything and we will meet in 2 months times on the
March 2021,meeting adjourned.

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