The Lonely Spy (10 page)

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Authors: Mkululi Nqabeni

Tags: #soap opera, #thriller, #love, #scifi, #suspense, #adventure, #action, #young adult, #spy, #lit

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He cleaned Yolanda’s face and head
wound. He stitched her wound. Yolanda looked at Charles as he was
busy stitching her head wound. ‘’Charles’’ she said. Charles
stopped what he was doing and looked at Yolanda. ‘’Are you alright?
Is it painful?’’ he asked. Yolanda smiled, touched Charles’s face
and stroked the left side of his face. ‘’I feel safe around you’’
she said. ‘’I appreciate that’’ he replied. He continued with the
stitches and finished.

I wonder where are?’’
Yolanda said. Charles looked at the windshield. ‘’It looks like we
have crashed into the tropical trees’’ he said. ‘’Do you think we
should go out?’’ she asked. ‘’ Hell no, we will die in an instant’’
he replied. Charles helps Yolanda from the floor and lifts her up
and puts her on the chair. ‘’ What did you think of the Xakes
character?’’ Charles asked. ‘’ Did that really happen? It felt like
a dream’’ she said. Yolanda panicked and stood up. ‘’Charles we
need to get out of here. The nuclear bomb will destroy planet
earth’’ She shouted. ‘’Get a grip, right now it’s beyond our
control’’ he said. They hugged, Yolanda held Charles firmly. ‘’I
messed up again, I gave this stupid god Xakes a weapon to blow up
our planet’’ she said. She broke down in tears. Charles consoled,
stroked her back and she wiped her tears. ‘’ I think we need to get
out of this spacecraft and I think there is life here’’ Yolanda

I agree but we need to put
on the ‘’Oxygen’’ mask, just as a precaution. ‘’ Charles said. They
both put on their masks and Charles opened the spacecraft door and
Yolanda held his hand firmly. They walked in the middle of the
tropical trees and they heard a very familiar sound. ‘’ I think
that’s the sound of the ocean’’ Yolanda said. ‘’ I agree’’ he said.
They start running to the direction of the ocean sounds. ‘’ The
weather is mild and cloudy. They finally reach the beach; they see
huge sized birds flying in the sky. ‘’I think it’s safe to take off
our masks now’’ Yolanda said. Charles looked reluctant to take them
off. ‘’Alright, you go first’’ Charles said. Yolanda took off her
mask and she screamed. Her eyes turn red and hold neck with both
her hands. ‘’I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe’’ she shouted. She
falls down and rolls on the sand. Suddenly she stopped and starred
at Charles without moving. Charles screamed. ‘’Yolanda wake up’’ he
shouted. As Charles was crying Yolanda woke up and laughing at
Charles. ‘’ I got you’’ she said. ‘’Never do that again’’ Charles
said. Yolanda stood up, took off his mask and kissed Charles
passionately. They looked round the beach with excitement. ‘’ Look,
the color of the sea is black’’ she said. ‘’Wow’’ he said. Charles
takes off his clothes, runs to the sea and dives in. ‘’Water is
great, come and join me’’ he said. Yolanda took off her clothes
reluctantly and walked to the sea. She dunked her feet to the sea
and pulled back. ‘’The water is cold’’ she said. Charles laughed
and dived back to the water and Yolanda joined in. 30 minutes later
they got out of the beach, feeling invigorated. ‘’This place is
wonderful but the humidity is very high’’ Yolanda said.

A lightning struck in front of them and
they heard sound of thunder. Yolanda jumps and holds Charles’s arm.
2 large screens appear next to each other. The screens were the
same size and same horizontal lines as Xakes’s screen. The screen
with gold lines in the middle started moving from left to right
like a heart monitor. ‘’You must be one of Xakes’s special enemies
to be locked up in the island of oblivion’’ The voice from the
screen said. Yolanda and Charles looked at each other with
disbelief. ‘’Who are you?’’ she asked. ‘’My name is Xotron, the god
of the Dark Matter and next to me is Mother Nature, the goddess of
the solar system’’ Xotron said. ‘’Wow’’ Yolanda and Charles said at
the same time. ‘’My name is Yolanda and this is Charles, we are
from planet earth’’ she said. ‘’I see’’ Xotron said. ‘’No human
being has ever reached these worlds before, how did you come
here?’’ Mother Nature asked. ‘’Let’s just say luck played its
part’’ Charles replied. ‘’We had natural disasters on planet earth
and we realized earth will leave the solar system. We also noticed
Dark Matter and the Dark Energy have disappeared. We stormed into
the Black Hole to reverse these disasters. We came across Xakes and
he tricked us and the rest is history’’ Yolanda said.

Mother Nature told me
everything that happened on the solar system. Xakes tricked us too,
contained us and his soldiers threw us her’’ Xotron said. ‘’We
would love to help you save you planet and the solar system. As you
can see our energies, powers have been drained and taken away from
us’’ Mother Nature said. ‘’ If the Super Dark Force is fully
formed, my powers will be gone forever’’ Xotron said. ‘’Do you have
any ideas?’’ Yolanda asked. ‘’ Since you have arrived here, I have
few ideas but I would like you to enjoy this island for a day or
two’’ Xotron said. ‘’It’s great place, you will enjoy it and after
a day or two, we will discuss a plan of action’’ Mother Nature

No problem, can you tell
us more about this island?’’ Yolanda asked. ‘’ The island is not
real, it is an illusion and there is no time here. You can live for
thousands of years without getting old and have many grand kids and
see them grow’’ Xotron said. You also have a choice to stay here
forever and live happily ever after or we fightXakes and defend the
universe. I also want to avenge my two sons, Xeef, the god of Dark
energy and Gabriel, the god of the Andromeda galaxy. Xakes killed
them for their powers’’ Xotron said. Yolanda and Charles looked at
each and walked away. ‘’ We will think about it’’ Yolanda said. The
lightning struck again and the screens disappeared. A moment later
they were playing on the beach and enjoying.

They swam, held each other’s hands and
couldn’t get enough of each other. ‘’ Do you realize time has
stopped’’ he said. ‘’ Yes, we can start our own civilization and
have our kingdom’’ Yolanda said. It was getting dark and cold
outside. ‘’ I think we need to get back to spacecraft, it’s getting
cold in here’’ she said. On their way to the spacecraft, it started
to rain and they ran faster to their shelter.

They entered the spacecraft and kissed.
Charles lifted Yolanda and carried her to his bedroom and made love
all night long. The next morning Yolanda woke up with a smile on
her face, she turned and looked to the other side of the bed. She
noticed Charles was not in bed. ‘’Charles, are you there?’’ she
shouted. She climbed out bed, got dressed and went outside the
spacecraft. She couldn’t find him outside and kept walking. ‘’He
must be at the beach’’ she murmured.

A moment later she saw Charles at the
beach preparing something. He walked towards him and realized he is
making breakfast. ‘’ Wow’’ she said. Charles looked back and sees
Yolanda. ‘’Good Morning’’ he said. ‘’ I thought I should make you a
hearty breakfast’’ Charles said. Yolanda sat next to Charles with a
smile on her face and leaned on him. ‘’I can see that, what are we
having?’’ she asked.

We have a lobster and
fruit salad’’ he said. ‘’ I don’t think we had a lobster in our
refrigerator’’ she said. ‘’You right, I caught them not far from
here and I also picked up these exotic fruits’’ he replied. As they
were enjoying their breakfast, Charles noticed a shiny stone few
inches away on the sand. It was a diamond; he picked it up and hid
it in his pocket. Yolanda didn’t notice anything. ‘’ This is
exquisite Charles, you have outdone yourself’’ she said. ‘’ Thank’’
he said.

This beach sand is white,
very strange but romantic’’ she said. She finished her breakfast
and stood up watched the spectacular views of the island. Charles
quickly crawled behind Yolanda. He took out the shy diamond stone;
Yolanda turned around and saw Charles on his knees in front of her.
Yolanda was ecstatic and confused at the same time. ‘’Yolanda, I
love you so much and you are the only woman I ever loved in my
life. I am not getting any younger and I would like to spend the
rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?’’ Charles

Tears of joys streamed down on
Yolanda’s cheeks and her body was shaking. She screamed with
excitement. ‘’ Stand up, please stand up Charles. Yes I will marry
you’’ she said. They kissed passionately and as they were kissing,
an explosion came out from the volcano in the middle of the sea and
they stopped to see the explosion. The explosion shot up in the sky
and exploded like fireworks andthey looked at each other and
continued smooching.

Moments later they walked along the
beach, enjoying the moment. ‘’I think we should stay here and not
get back to earth, Charles’’ Yolanda said. Charles sighed. ‘’I
would love that too Yolanda but that is very selfish of you to say
that. The people of Planet earth need us, we owe it to ourselves to
deliver’’ Charles said. Yolanda looked down and kicked the sand.
‘’I hear you Charles, loud and clear. All my life I have been
looking for love, respect and redemption. For a while I thought
that was pipedream. This journey to space has fulfilled that need.
I had to go to space for my needs to be fulfilled, do you get that?
I had to go to space to achieve my happiness. I want to stay here
Charles.’’ Yolanda said. Charles looks away with sadness in his

2 screens appeared.It was Xotron and
Mother Nature. ‘’ I’m afraid we have a bad feeling earth is in real
danger and the merging is almost complete’’ Xotron said. Yolanda
interrupted Xotron. ‘’ We have decided that we are staying at this
island of oblivion’’ Yolanda said. ‘’No, we are not staying’’
Charles said. They argued in front of Xotron and Mother Nature.
‘’Stop that! The fate of our galaxy depends on us literally. Please
make up your minds’’ Xotron said. ‘’ No, I’m not going’’ Yolanda
said. ‘’We are going, Yolanda’’ Charles said. Xotron interrupted

I really do not have time
for petty nonsense but I can help you make up your mind quickly and
remind yourself why you are here in the first place. Enter this
screen and understand what it means to be alive on earth or turn
back and return to live in this illusion of the island forever’’
Xotron said.Yolanda and Charles turned and looked at Xotron’s

Charles looked at Yolanda with a
feeling of disappointment at her choice of staying in this island.
‘’Anything you say Xotron. I’m with you’’ Charles said. Yolanda
sighed and kicked the sand. ‘’Alright lets go’’ she said. Charles
walked towards the screen and as he was near the screen. A bright
light came out of the screen; it struck him and dragged him inside.
‘’ Where is he’’ Yolanda shouted. Yolanda wished he could run away
and stay in that spacecraft forever. ‘’ Yolanda you are next’’
Xotron said. Yolanda walked backwards then ran faster away from the
screens. ‘’No, I’m staying in this island’’ she shouted. ‘’Yolanda
please come back, we mean no harm’’ Mother Nature said. A huge
harmless fireball came out of Xotron’s screen and dragged her back
to the screen. ‘’Where are you guys taking me?’’ she shouted.
Before she could say anything else, she realized she was sliding
down on a spiral shaped slide. She slides down, screaming loud
until she fell on a wooden boat.

Charles was at the boat waiting for
her. ‘’I didn’t want to be here and why are we doing on a love
boat?’’ she asked. ‘’ Charles smiled and winked at her. The boat
started moving in space. Moments later, Yolanda’s mood changed and
smiled back at Charles. ‘’Did you hear that?’’ Charles asked.
Yolanda looked around. ‘’ No’’ she replied. ‘’ That’s right, pure
silence and tranquil’’ he said. They noticed a lone planet and the
boat was heading towards it. ‘’ What do you think is out there?’’
she asked. ‘’ I have no idea’’ he said. The boat moved closer, they
noticed the planet is gold in color and is shaped like a pyramid.
They arrived, it was written ‘’Gold Planet’’ and the huge door

The boat entered the Gold planet. And
Yolanda and Charles’s jaws dropped. It was glowing in gold inside
everywhere. The boat moved forward in the middle and on the side
were huge doorswith different planet names they couldn’t recognize.
‘’I wonder where are all these planets located?’’ Yolanda asked. 50
meters away, they saw huge gold door. On the door was a sign
written ‘’Earth Archives’’. They looked at each other with shock.
Charles lifted both his hands and placed them on his head with
excitement. The boat moved closer to the door and it opened. Green,
red, orange lights came from inside. Yolanda and Charles covered
their eyes with their hands from the glowing lights. There were a
lot of 70cm HD Flat screens on the walls.

The boat stopped and a screen appeared
in front of them and it switched on. On the TV screen there were
fireworks in the black skies exploding repeatedly and creating
matter until a planet is formed. ‘’Wow, little big bangs’’ Charles
said. ‘’ This must be planet earth’’ Yolanda said. The planet had
water then volcanoes under water exploded thus creating land and

Plants, trees and fruits start growing
from the ground. Worms start appearing from the damp grounds. Worms
transformed into insect. Evolution of Man graphics left both
Yolanda and Charles in amazement as they witnessed how humans have
evolved in the past 6 billion years. Different species of Dinosaurs
and extinct giant animals were shown roaming the earth.

The dinosaurs were shown dying from
toxic gases that are unexplainable. The screen showed Yolanda and
Charles the whole evolution of man and earth from the Continental
drifts, the Cannibalism age of men, civil wars of Homo sapiens,
Stone Age, pre-historic arts on the mountains, Roman Empire, Middle
and dark ages. Wars were shown which included Triumphs and
tragedies of human evolution. Yolanda and Charles watched for few
hours then the screen stopped playing. The moment it stopped
playing they broke down uncontrollable and were overwhelmed with
emotions. Charles moved closer to Yolanda. ‘’Come here’’ he said.
Yolanda reached out to Charles and they hugged.

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