The Lonely Spy (2 page)

Read The Lonely Spy Online

Authors: Mkululi Nqabeni

Tags: #soap opera, #thriller, #love, #scifi, #suspense, #adventure, #action, #young adult, #spy, #lit

BOOK: The Lonely Spy
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A week later, Yolanda is swimming in
the pool and feeling relaxed. She notices her bodyguard walking
towards the swimming pool. He was carrying a white envelope and put
it on the small table. Yolanda was very curious and got out of the
swimming pool. She wiped her body with a white towel. She picked
the letter and notices the White House logo on the

Before she could open the letter, her
bodyguard interrupts and snatches the envelope away from her hand.
‘’Don’t open it could be dangerous’’ He said. He opened the letter
and realized it is safe. He gave it back to Yolanda. The bodyguard
left, Yolanda went to the lounge and sat on the couch. Her facial
expression changed and broke down crying uncontrollable. She went
to the mini bar fridge. As she was opening the whiskey bottle, her
hands were shaking. She drank from the bottle. ‘’I will live in
Russia forever’’ she shouted.

She threw the whiskey bottle on the
wall. ‘’My life is over’’ she said. She opened her drawer and took
out the sleeping pills. She swallowed all the pills and drank the
whiskey. She looked at her watch, the time is 7pm. She felt her
head spinning and her head felt heavier. She jumped to her bed and
laughing at herself. ‘’Oops’’ she said. She took the letter and
read it one more time. She felt dizzy and went to a deep


A meteor, 1 km big and wide in size
comes down from space at a fast rate towards planet earth. Birds in
the sky change directions flying away from the danger looming. The
meteor comes down faster and faster and has entered planet earth.
It made a huge splash when it fell on the ocean, 60,000 miles east
of Australia. Fortunately no one saw, heard or felt the effects of
the meteor.

Strange natural Occurrences start
happening on earth. People feel the ground moving, they panic and
run for cover. Car alarms in the parking lot go off and ring
nonstop. Earth is trembling and people don’t know what to do. This
carried on for an hour and it stopped. People were left confused
with what just happened. TV shows and news ran with the story that
it is an earthquake. TV News stations all over the world also ran
with the story.

People realized that this occurrence
happened worldwide at the same time. The citizens of planet earth
were left puzzled with more questions in mind than

Yolanda was also woken by the
earthquake and thought she was being attacked. Her bodyguards
assured her that everything is alright. The US Defense Minister,
Brad Williams receives a report from the chief of C.I.A John Webber
that this could be a terrorist attack. A nuclear bomb could have
been buried underground and can destroy cities, town and continent
at the same time. ‘’John, round up the usual suspects including
North Korea and Pakistan’’ Brad said.

There is nothing to
compile Brad. Its either China or Russia, they have everything to
gain from this disaster’’ John said. Brad received a report from
NASA. ‘’Holy Shit’’ he said. After he finished reading the report,
he looked at his assistant. ‘’Let’s make a press conference, the
public has the right to know what is happening.’’ He said. His
assistant wrote everything down in her notepad. ‘’ Alright sir, I
will do that’’ She said.

The continents of planet earth have
moved closer to each other. Citizens of South Africa, in Cape Town
and Durbannotice huge land closer to them. ‘’Oh my god, we are
closer to South America’’ a voice from the crowd said. North
America moved closer to Europe. Australia moved very closer to
Asia. TV news station ran with the story had mixed reactions about
the continental drift. Brad Williams records a press conference and
sends it to the news stations.

Yolanda was reading a book from her
suite the breaking news alert on TV. She threw her book away, took
the remote control and turned up the volume. It is the US Defense
Minister, Brad Williams reading his press statement. ‘’ We have
come across a very disturbing discovery. What happened yesterday
was not a tremor or earthquake. People of America and the whole
world, planet earth is no longer rotating and the solar system has
been compromised severely.

This is not a man-made disaster as
reported by several news websites. We will give you more
information as soon we receive new findings from NASA, Thank you’’
Brad said. People panicked, world stock exchange points dropped
sharply upon the breaking news from the US Defense minister.
Yolanda switched off her television and she was deep in thoughts.
She picked up her book from the floor and read it.

The year 2020 has been great for Sharon
Washington. She had been selected as the republican nominee running
for president and White House. She won the elections and she is the
first woman president in the history of the United States of
America. She is very concerned with the natural disaster that
recently occurred and hopes she sorts this out with the assistance
from NASA and worldwide experts. At the moment she is compiling and
reading the reports given to her by advisers and defense minister.
Few days later, people get on with their life and everything is
back to normal.

Another Strange occurrence happened at
10:41am on a sunny morning. Earth is turning darker and orange.
People watched with amazement this breathtaking experience and
spectacular views of the red sun. Everyone started taking pictures
and selfies of this “Natural wonder”. People from other continents
have mixed feelings about the red sun. They suspect the end of the
world is near. Authorities ignore this occurrence and consider it
harmless and a beauty. Yolanda is standing at her balcony looking
at the red sun with suspicion.

She had eureka moment that very second.
She recalls having done a radical scientific research called ‘’Dark
Matter-End of Planet Earth’’. The research concluded that planet
earth would be swallowed by another galaxy, if ever Dark Matter
disappeared into thin air. This research had made her lose
credibility among her colleagues. The red sun on planet earth
continued for few days and people lived their life without being
affected by it.

Yolanda thought of a good idea. She
rewrote her amnesty application letter and proposed that she knows
the cause of these strange occurrences and may have the solutions
to solve it. She enclosed copies of her scientific research
findings to prove her case. She gave the letter to her bodyguard
and instructed him to send it to the US Embassy in town and the
ambassador should forward it to the White House.

President Sharon Washington calls on an
urgent meeting with heads of NASA, C.I.A and the US Defense to
review Yolanda’s second amnesty application letter and her
proposal. Brad Williams and John Webber are against the proposal.
‘’Simply reject her proposal same as last time’’ Brad said. ‘’Let’s
call her in, pretend we are considering her presidential pardon
then we arrest her’’ John said. NASA officials intervened. ‘’We
think Yolanda is on to something, we recommend you let her help us
Madam President’’ David Wilson said. President Sharon Washington
took off her lenses and put them on the table. ‘’ Let me think
about this, we will delay the response to Yolanda and I will tell
you soon what I think. Meeting is adjourned ‘’ she said

The following week, another strange
natural disaster occurs. People start coughing; they are unable to
breath and gasping for air. They collapsed to the ground within 15
seconds. Citizens of planet earth have all collapsed, Humans,
animals, sea creatures, plants and trees. Car accidents on the
highways have piled up globally. Pilots also collapsed, commercial
planes crashed on air and some crashed on the ground. As result of
this natural disaster, thousands of people tragically die. 6 hours
later, people woke up from unconsciousness and coughing

Everyone is confused waking up and
seeing this natural disaster. TV news stations broadcasts a
compiled CCTV footages of what happened to people that fell
unconscious in different cities and countries 6 hours earlier.
People are terrified and are mourning the billions of citizens that
tragically died few hours ago. World organizations and religious
figures call on the people of planet earth to join hands and pray
together because the end is near.


The White House released a press
conference declaring a world state of emergency. ‘’Our enemy is not
on earth but it is bigger than all of us and as leader of a
powerful nation in the world we will cooperate with experts across
the globe to solve this problem’’ President Washington said. The
reaction from people across the globe was mixed. They felt America
is hiding something and arespeculating about nuclear bomb
conspiracies and these natural disasters are linked to the nuclear

President Sharon Washington summoned
NASA to compile and bring the top 20 astronomers from all over the
world. These experts will assist in solving and reversing this
universal disaster. NASA compiled the list and contacted the
astronomers. The astronomers included were from USA, South Korea,
Britain, Japan, Australia, Canada, India, China, Brazil, South
Africa, France, and Germany. 3 days later the astronomers’ elite
teams arrives to the USA and were rushed to the White House to meet
the president.

An hour later the elite team meets the
president and discussed a lot of issues. George from Britain raised
his hand and speaks. ‘’I think global warming is the cause of all
these natural disasters occurring on earth and it’s a ticking time
bomb’’ Most of the team grumbled and disagreed with the statement.
Jeff from Australia felt strongly against the statement made by
George ‘’ Global warming cannot disrupt the solar system and the
earth rotation it’s impossible’’ Jorgen from Germany distributed
documents across the table to everyone.

Don’t you think the time
has come that we humans and planet earth have overstayed our
welcome on the universe and this is part of the universal motion to
wipe us out naturally and new species can be created.’’ The room
was quiet for a moment. Charles from USA intervened. ‘’Well, Jorgen
you could be right but we are not here for evolution theories. We
are here to find solutions and reverse these disasters’’ The team
discussed numerous topics but couldn’t come up with anything except
hypothetical and unrealistic answers. The president adjourned the

At her Suite, Yolanda is working on her
pitch. She hasn’t received a response about her amnesty
application. She has a good feeling it will be approved and go back
to the United States. She revises her pitch on how earth can be
attacked from the universe and space.

She outlined realistic and hypothetical
solutions to reverse this. Few hours later, she is feeling upbeat
and has never felt this confident in a long time. She opens the
mini bar fridge and pulls out a bottle of champagne, pops it and
pours it on her glass. Her facial expression changed in an instant
and realized she will spend Christmas without her friends and

On the
December at 9am. The festive season has peaked and families
are enjoying themselves. It was a cold snowy morning and families
went to see Santa Claus parade on the streets of New York City. The
crowd on the pavement is excited, cheering and waiting for Santa to
arrive. Cartoon characters pass first along the streets waving at
the crowds. “Here comes Santa Claus’’ a kid shouted from the crowd.
Reindeers appeared pulling Santa’s cart. The crowd roared, clapped
hands and took photos of Santa. Santa and the green dwarfs threw
presents and gifts to the crowds. ‘’Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas’’
Santa said. Everyone was enjoying themselves in the streets of New
York City and was in a jolly mood including people viewing from
their office building. Charles was also there with his niece
enjoying themselves and cheering with the crowd.

As the reindeers were about to pass
Charles and his niece, something strange and amazing happened. The
reindeers and Santa’s cart rose from the ground and started
flouting on air,3 feet,4 feet, and 5 feet high. The crowd roared at
the sight of seeing Santa’s cart flying away to the sky. Kids were
the most impressed ‘’Take me to North Pole with you Santa please’’
they shouted. The old folks and parents thought Santa’s cart was
being lifted by invisible strings to put on a show for the crowd.
Santa Claus was confused seeing his cart flying off the ground. The
crowd noticed they are also rising from the ground. They rose high
and higher. Charles’s was excited with what just happened. ‘’Uncle
Charles we are flying’’ she shouted. Charles is trying to catch her
bag on air with excitement and enthusiasm. ‘’I know Liz, I won’t
lie I am enjoying this no gravity thing too’’ he shouted. The
office workers at the office building rose high and almost touching
their office ceiling. Everyone on earth is on air 5 feet away from
the ground. Kangaroos are fighting and kicking on air but can’t
reach each other. Kenya tribesmen in the village are competing with
each other jumping and determine who has the highest jump. Instead
they fly higher and higher and the whole village is astonished at
the sight. Kung Fu students at a Shaolin temple start flying higher
and they call their master with excitement. Their master comes also
flying and is also amazed at this. Yolanda is flouting in her
suite, reading a book and enjoying the moment. The No-gravity only
lasted for few hours and everything was back to normal.

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