The Lonely Spy (3 page)

Read The Lonely Spy Online

Authors: Mkululi Nqabeni

Tags: #soap opera, #thriller, #love, #scifi, #suspense, #adventure, #action, #young adult, #spy, #lit

BOOK: The Lonely Spy
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There was an urgent meeting at the
White House. ‘’What the hell happened gentlemen, I see no progress
we are not moving forward’’ President Washington shouted. ‘’Madam
President we think force of gravity is disappearing on earth and
planet earth’s movements are very strange and unpredictable. We
recommend you bring in Yolanda, at least her solutions look
promising’’ John said. Yolanda’s phone rings and she picks it up.
’’Yolanda, this is the president of the United States Sharon
Washington. I would like you to come back so that we can review
your amnesty application and your proposal within 48 hours’’ she
said. ‘’ No problem I’ll be more than happy to serve my country’’
Yolanda replied. She hanged up andpunched the air with

An hour later the Russian intelligence
stormed into Yolanda’s suite. ‘’ We have intercepted your phone
conversation with the White House, Are you out of your mind? What
about our deal? You know when I was in the KGB, we use to make
people like you disappear’’ Yuri shouted. Yolanda stood up and
walked towards Yuri. ‘’I have committed crimes against my country
not because of political and financial reasons. They were personal
reasons of which I’m will willing to be punished for it. I’m going
back to my country and help them reverse and fight this invisible
energy that threatens to destroy planet earth’’ she replied
‘’Yuri’s face turned red and was fuming with anger. ‘’ You are a
snake Yolanda, the Americans will throw you in prison’’ he said.
Yolanda takes a deep breath. ‘’I will take that chance, Yuri.’’
Yolanda replied.

Yuri and his soldiers stormed out of
the room. Yolanda’s bodyguards were instructed to leave with the
soldiers leaving her all alone. One of her bodyguards gave Yolanda
a letter. ‘’Goodbye Yolanda’’ he said. Military vehicles leave the
lodge. She looks at the letter; it has a Russian military logo on
it. She opens the letter and reads it. The letter is warning her
not to go back to the USA. If she goes back she will never be
welcomed back in Russia. The letter also stated the Russian
intelligence can no longer cover her expensive suite costs and
bodyguards. Yolanda squashed the letter and threw it away.
‘’Russians can be very petty sometimes’’ She shouted.

Few hours later in the
evening, Yolanda is lying on her bed deep in thoughts. What if the
Russians or the same hit men kick this door and kill her. She heard
a loud knock from the door. Her heart pounded fast and walked
towards the door. She touched the door knob, took a deep breath and
opened the door. There were 2 men wearing black shades and suits.
‘’Are you Yolanda Anderson’’ 1
bodyguard asked ‘’Yes I am’’
Yolanda replied. ‘’We are the U.S Secret service and we came here
to fetch and take you back to the United States of America’’
Bodyguard said Yolanda smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.
‘’I’m ready to go’’ Yolanda said. She was escorted to the 3 black
SUVs waiting outside. She entered on the SUV which was in the
middle, she sat on the backseat and they took off.

Where are we going’’
Yolanda asked. One of the guys in the passenger seat looked at her.
‘’ We are going to the airport’’ he said. Yolanda nodded but her
heart pounded faster for no reason. She felt something was wrong
but ignored. She took her earphones out of her bag and put them on
her ears. Yolanda was moving her head sidewaysand enjoying her
favorite music. Moments later, she noticed something similar to a
fireball flying closer to their direction. ‘’It’s a missile, It’s a
missile’’ Yolanda shouted. It was approaching their direction at a
fast rate. The driver pulled out a phone and called other drivers
of the SUVs. ‘’Danger is looming, drive faster “the driver said.
Before the other driver could hear him, a missile struck the first
SUV and it exploded into flames. Yolanda screamed ‘’ No, not
again’’ ‘’Get down Yolanda and stay down’’ he shouted. A military
helicopter sprayed bullets on to the SUVs; fortunately they were
installed with bullet proof.

The Secret service men driving behind
Yolanda’s SUV opened their windows, pulled out AK47s and shot back
at the chopper. ‘’ Please drive faster so that we can reach the
airport’’ Yolanda said. The chopper shot heavy rounds at the SUV
and ultimately they were killed instantly. The SUV behind Yolanda
swerved rolled and exploded. ‘’ Oh my god we are toast” Yolanda
said. The chopper had a military flag in it and was instructing
they stop their car or they will shoot. ‘’Don’t stop, we are nearly
at the airport’’ Yolanda said ‘’the driver pointed his finger to
the sky. ‘’Look guys another missile is coming towards us’’ he
said. The missile sped past their car and struck the chopper. The
helicopter exploded into pieces and everyone in the SUV cheered and
breathed a sigh of relief.

Let’s rush to the airport before
another Russian helicopter comes along and kills us.’’ He said.
Yolanda looked behind and sideways to check if they are really
safe. ‘’ Do you think that was a missile or drone was meant for
us?’’ Yolanda asked. ‘’Who Knows’’ the driver said. 15 minutes
later they arrived at the airport. The air force one plane was
waiting for them. The secret service men escorted Yolanda into the
plane. The plane was about to take off and the Russian military
vehicles blocked its path.Yuri entered the Air Force one with
documents in his hand and handed them to the Air force one
personnel ‘’Air Force One have landed on the Russian soil
illegally. We could have shot you down. As a result we will detain
everyone on this plane and impound this plane until further notice”
Yuri said.

The secret service urgently contacted
the president at the white House to intervene before they are
escorted out of the plane. Few minutes later, Yuri received a phone
call from the president of Russia instructing him to let the Air
Force one fly back to the USA. Yuri sighed, ordered his soldiers
and military vehicles to return to the military base. A moment
later, the Air Force One took off and everyone in the plane was



On her way to the USA on the plane,
Yolanda noticed the guys are looking at her with disgust and
realized they are gossiping about. She ignored them and looked on
the window. 8 hours later, they lands at the pentagon. Yolanda is
escorted to the SUV. Media got a hold of the information that
Yolanda has returned from Russia and report it live on air. There
were crowds of people on the pavement howling insults and booing
Yolanda. People were carrying posters written ‘’Traitor’’ ‘’ Double
Spy’’ ‘’Go Back to Russia’’ Yolanda read these posters from the car
and shook her head. Rotten fruit and vegetables were thrown at the
cars buy the angry crowd. The convoys of SUVs arrived at the White
House and the secret service escorted Yolanda inside.

They took her to the conference room
where every member of the White House and the astronomers’ elite
team will be there. She entered and everybody stopped chatting.
There was silence in the room and everyone was staring at her.
‘’Good morning everyone’’ Yolanda said. No one greeted her instead
they continued their chit chats. ‘’I cannot believe I will be
spending Christmas day in here instead with my family’’ Brad
Williams said. Few of his colleagues nodded. The president together
with his chief of staff entered the room. ‘’ Good day we are here
to hear Yolanda’s side of the story. Yolanda would you please stand
up and tell us why should I approve amnesty application and be
pardoned from being sent to prison’’ President Sharon Washington
said. Eyes in the room shifted back to Yolanda. She pulled
documents from her bag and distributed them across the table. ‘’I
stole NASA’s secret mission research document called ‘’Dark
Matter’’. I used it for my personal research project and also
leaked it to the Russians and Wikileaks. Yolanda said. Everyone in
the room shook their heads with the revelations. ‘’But… why did you
breach our national security and space programmes by giving
Russians these classified documents?’’ President Washington asked.
‘’I have been crucified and undermined all my life because I am a
woman in the NASA workplace.

All I ever wanted was to prove myself
to my male colleagues I am on the same level as them’’ Yolanda
replied. C.I.A Head, John Webber interrupted Yolanda. ‘’ You have
proved yourself alright. Madam President I recommend her to be sent
to prison with immediate effect. What If she is also spying for the
Russians?’’ he asked. An argument broke out in the room and it was

NASA Head, David Wilson was not
impressed with John’s comments. ‘’ Let us not forget why we are
here. Let’s stop talking about spy games or try to impress the
president. We are here to save planet earth’’ he said. President
Washington maintained order. ‘’Yolanda you can continue’’ she said.
‘’ This document was a 1969 secret space mission. It was never used
or distributed to benefit scientists and astronomers who studied
the universe’’ She said. ‘’ Let’s take a 10 minute break and I will
be back with my verdict’’ President Washington said.

Everyone stood up and left the room for
refreshments. Everyone in the lounge was chatting and Yolanda made
herself a cup of cappuccino. She noticed her ex-boss David Wilson
walking towards her. ‘’Yolanda, do you think we can reverse this
and save our planet’?’’ he asked. ‘’It’s possible, very possible’’
she replied. ‘’ What are the chances that you can pull this off?’’
‘’50%-65%’’ Yolanda replied. David breathed a sigh of relief ‘’
God, I hope you are right anyway good luck with the hearing’’ he
said. He gave Yolanda a pat on her left shoulder and left to chat
with another one of his colleagues.The short break was over;
everyone was back at the conference room and is waiting for the

Yolanda tapped her feet and trembling
with fear wondering if she is going to prison or not. She looked
down and murmured a short silent prayer. Few seconds later the
president entered the conference room. ‘’ Yolanda I have assessed
your side of the story, Thank you, now please stand up’’ President
Washington said. Everyone looked at the president while she read
her verdict. ‘’ You have breached our national security protocol
and committed serious crimes that could send you to prison for more
than 20 years’’ President Washington said. Yolanda’s body trembled
with fear, her heart pumped faster. ‘’As the President of the
United States of America I hereby pardon you of your crimes and
your amnesty application has been accepted’’ President Washington

The room went wild, the military and
C.I.A staff were not impressed with the verdict. ‘’Order, Order,
You will receive presidential pardon on condition you successfully
assist the United States of America in preventing the extinction of
human race, plants, animals and planet earth from disappearing into
oblivion. If you are not successful you will be sentenced to 50
years in prison for breaching the Espionage act with immediate
effect’’ President Washington said.

Yolanda punched the air with excitement
and grinned. ‘’ Now all those in favor of this verdict and
agreement, please raise your hands up’’ President Washington asked.
Hands were raised and there were 15 people happy with this verdict.
‘’ Now all those against this verdict raise your hands’’ President
Washington said. 8 people raised their hands and they were C.I.A
and US Defense staff. ‘’ Very well, from now on I give Yolanda full
authority to be the head of this operation. She will have authority
over everyone, compile her budget and assemble a team of choice to
make this operation successful.

Merry Christmas everyone,
meeting is over’’ President Washington said. Everyone was excited
and cheering they were going home to their families. Yolanda
interrupted and stood in front of the door with excitement. ‘’
Before anyone leaves, I would like us to meet on the
January and discuss our way forward. Thank you’’ Yolanda said.
Everyone stared at her and went outside the door. She walked
towards Charles and hugged him. ‘’Well done, Yolanda’’ Charles said
‘’ It was a close call’’ Yolanda said.

They went outside and Yolanda was
escorted to her parent’s house. When the SUV arrived at the house,
her parents and friends were waiting for her in the front porch.
They went inside the house and celebrated her homecoming. Tears of
joy flowed as Yolanda was thanking his friends and family for being
there for her through thick and thin. They partied until midnight.
Yolanda’s friends went home including Charles. Yolanda went
straight to bed with a smile on her face.

The following morning, she woke up
feeling good. She started working on her plans and potential people
to partner with across the globe. Few days later at New Year eve,
Yolanda and her parents were preparing for the New Year
celebrations. Everyone is in a jolly mood. A knock is heard at the
front door. Yolanda opened the door; it was Charles carrying gifts
and a bottle of champagne. ‘’Wow your hair color is back to normal,
you are beautiful as always.’’ Charles said. ‘’ Thanks, come in’’
Yolanda said He came in, greeted Yolanda’s parents and gave them
gifts. ‘’It’s cold outside, I’m starting to shiver’’ Charles said.
Everyone laughed. They ate at the dinner table, Yolanda’s parents
teased her and told stories about her when she was a little

Mrs. Anderson, your food
is delicious’’ Charles said. ‘’Thank you, Charles’’ Mrs. Anderson
said. ‘’Do you want some more’’ Yolanda asked ‘’ No, I am full
thanks’’ Charles replied. After they finished their dinner, Charles
and Yolanda went outside. They sat at the front porch with the
bottle of champagne and 2 wine glasses. Charles smiled and stared
at Yolanda’s eyes. ‘’Are you ready for the massive task ahead’’
Charles asked. Yolanda grinned and sighed. ‘’ I think I am ready, I
have been a second chance in life and I can’t mess that up
Charles’’ Yolanda said. Yolanda took one glass, gave it to Charles
and tried to open the champagne bottle. Yolanda struggled to open
the bottle, Charles intervened. ‘’Let me do the honors and open
it’’ Charles said. He opened the Champagne bottle. ‘’ Oops, bring
me your glass’’ Charles said. He poured the sparkling wine on both
glasses and they both took a sip. ‘’So…. How was Russia?’’ Charles
asked. ‘’You have no idea, it was a nightmare’’ Yolanda replied.
They laughed, discussed other issues and were in a relaxed mood.
Charles stared at Yolanda and moved closer and tried to kiss her.
Yolanda’s face looked the other way and took another sip. ‘’No,
Charles don’t spoil this moment.’’ Yolanda said. Charles was about
to respond to Yolanda, he was interrupted.

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