The Laughing Assassin [Assassin's Diary] (Siren Publishing Classic) (16 page)

BOOK: The Laughing Assassin [Assassin's Diary] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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She wanted to get her hands on Jonah badly and needed to feel every inch of him. There had rarely been an instance where she met a man that was as capable as he was, or as unselfconscious about the simple fact. He asked her if she wanted a handicap, and she laughed mentally. She could take him down without any aid at all. But once the fight started, Jaden knew he was better than she at mano-a-mano combat. Even that fact wouldn’t let her stop and admit her defeat gracefully. For some perverse reason she had to know what being bested by him would feel like.

Would the experience be bittersweet like dark chocolate? Or smooth and easy to swallow like cream? She didn’t care after the first few parries of arms and legs. The next minutes were longer than hours and shorter than she wanted. It seemed as if the exchange of blocks and kicks was enough to make her want to scream in frustration. He was almost as fast as she was, and stronger to boot.

The only thing she could do was keep responding to him. The only weakness he had was his hesitation, and she used that. Even though she knew he failed to follow through because he didn’t want to truly hurt her, just as she didn’t really want to hurt him. Even then with foresight of the end of their fight, she refused to lose face, and she kept on.

But in her honest assessment, this was no fight for supremacy or for the purity of simple victory. This was martial foreplay for two dangerous people who played games of chance with their lives on a regular basis.

Jaden threw out flurries of chops and landed one, but it wasn’t with full force. She kidney-popped him, but pulled the blow at the last moment when she realized he wasn’t anticipating the attack enough to block her. His hands clenched her wrists, and she wished he would kiss her again. They were close enough to do just that. One leg wormed between them, and she felt the pillar of his thick erection beneath her foot. His eyes told her that she was about to bite off more than she could chew, and in a fit of pique she kicked away from him. But even that wasn’t enough to make him let her go.

He released her arms, but he got her to the ground anyway. Once she was atop him, she was clenched, her knees at his ribs, and was rolled over for her trouble. With her back to the dirt, she was needy and she wanted him inside her more than she wanted her next breath. But he was a tease, it seemed, and she was too hungry for him to grind against her without satisfaction.

When he gripped her wrists, she was ready for more. But he reminded her of the fact that they were being watched, and she came back to the here and now. If he didn’t get off of her, she was going to do something that she might not regret. Only for the sake of propriety did she ask him to move.

But she didn’t want to let him go. She could hear the anger in her voice, but it wasn’t at Jonah. She was mad at the circumstances that left her hungry and with no way to sate her needs. Not only that but she was in plain view as well. The entire farce was enough to make her furious she was in such a state in the first place.

When they crossed the threshold, there was no more time, and she was where she wanted to be. Instead of him taking over, she overtook him. He only grabbed her arm, and his intent was clear. They spun as one because she gave in to the movement. But Jaden became the aggressor and grabbed at the smooth locks that framed his skull, let her legs naturally twine around him, and climbed his body in the process.

Jaden let all of her preconceived notions go and ate his mouth like it was the last meal she’d ever partake in. Her tongue was hungry for the taste of him, the spearmint gum he’d chewed earlier and the coffee he just had before their morning meeting the predominant flavors that greeted her.

When she opened her eyes, he was watching her as if he wanted to drill her into the door, and she wanted to make him beg for more. Even though she was close to begging herself. The most important points of her need were lost in him, and she was glad that they were finally behind closed doors.

She explored his lips, which were unlike those of any other person she ever been with before. Jaden had never imagined that she could ever taste another person’s desire this way. No man had ever brought a wellspring of so many emotions forth with a simple kiss, and her tongue melded with his in a slick slide of pure sensation. He stroked over the upper palate of her mouth, and she shuddered deeply enough that her knees knocked against the taut definition of his oblique abdominals.

Every inch of him was solid and tight against her. When he sucked her tongue into her lips, she shuddered again and his back thudded against the paned glass window. Her fingers were still knuckled in his hair lovingly and made a musical clink against the panes of glass supporting their embrace.

Her hands began wandering as soon as she remembered they existed. Or maybe she forgot they were there until she moved the stealthy, greedy digits. Either way, she was unsure of where she was headed, and really, she didn’t care either. Her fingers scaled the angles of his face and shoulders, and her palm scrunched his shirt into a mass of thin fabric.

The muscles beneath her hands were clenched as if their owner wanted to spring into action, and the extreme desires she felt were parallel to his. He fisted her shirt in one hand. The other was speared through her sweaty hair as if he wanted to keep her in place. Jaden was so hungry for him, and she let him maneuver her any way he wished, although he only used the added purchase to clutch her closer. She gripped him back, and they were nearly fused from the lips down as one needy organism.

Jaden was light-headed, and she pried her mouth away as his recycled breath was unable to give her the oxygen to sustain consciousness. She heard a gasp, and she was unsure if it belonged to her or not. But it didn’t matter where the sound originated. It was theirs and born of mutual want.

“I want you.”

“I want you, too.”

That was all that was needed for him to lower his lips back to hers, and the vicious cycle began again. He ate her mouth as if condemned and she was the last thing that he would taste. That didn’t surprise her all. Jaden planned fully on having this man for lunch. When they got around to eating, it would be much later. And it might not be a bad idea to have whatever meal that was served in bed.

Jonah finally got to the point and tore his lips from hers. But he only nuzzled her, starting with her jaw, and went south from there to inhale her at the curve of neck and shoulder. Jaden cried out as she felt the groan tingle sharply all the way down to her toes. Jonah’s hands clenched her back in greedy handfuls of taunt muscle and sleek skin. Then he groaned into her lips before his hands moved south and fisted in her yoga pants.

She rubbed her entire being against him while she moaned her need into his lips. And that was just before she heard the fabric rend over her buttocks then shuddered from the wash of cool air over the savagely bared skin. She wore a tiny scrap, as she liked thongs in particular, but what little was covered by the ripped fabric in no way hindered the heat from his rough hands as they palmed the framed round flesh.

Jaden bit his lip and sucked the sumptuous fullness there before he grunted his aroused state into her mouth. When she was thoroughly absorbed in him and lost in newfound pleasure, he stopped everything. His hands stilled, and now the digits merely gripped her curves instead of the former biting, greedy clasp. His lips were a fraction away from hers instead of indulging in the former oral intercourse, and his eyes locked hungrily onto hers.

“Are you sure, Jaden?” The words burst against her lips in staccato puffs.

“Maybe I should ask you that instead.” He cocked a brow up and smirked at her response.

“I think this”—Jonah rocked his hips and his thick length rubbed her in a sweet spot that only she had touched in damn near ten years—“explains it all.”

“Sure does.” When the words left her mouth, he began peeling the tattered spandex cotton blend from her hips. As she was still wrapped around him, the shackles of fabric didn’t go very far.

But it was enough for him squeeze one hand between the cleft of her ass and probe her pussy with one thick finger. It was just the tip of the digit, and she clutched him with her rarely used muscles. She could hear the thick wet sound of her flesh as she gave him thick juices to lubricate his passing. There was no way for her to hold back the feel of his fingers on her flesh. She could only accept him and hope he would give her more.

Chapter Ten:

Nailed In Nine Inches


Jonah’s patience was worn thin. He was hungry for more of her as the feel of her salty, sweat-slickened flesh was more than he could take. As is, he felt as though his cock would burst from his shorts with a life of its own, whether he wanted to release the achy flesh or not. Jaden was everywhere, hungrily eating his skin alive with her own and taking more than he could ever hope to match. He gripped a fistful of fabric, and the eagerness of the grasp rent the stretchy pants to a rag in short order.

The best part was he knew she was strong enough to take everything he had to give her and more. She was capable enough to willingly accept those aggressive parts of him that he hadn’t used on a woman yet. His conscience reared, and he pulled his mouth away from hers. If nothing else, he had to ask her if she wanted this, just one last time. When he was sure she was mentally where he was, his hand delved into her torn bottoms, and he used one digit to test the wet walls of her soaked cunt. She was hot and ready for him. He could feel the need churn with thick cream that his cock jumped to attention to sample.

He staggered away from the door with her wrapped around him in every way. Her arms looped around his neck and her legs crooked at his hips. The sweet sugared walls of pussy sucked at his finger. When he was only a handful of steps from his room, Jonah backed into the door and pushed his way inside.

Jonah marched to the bed and tossed her into the perfectly made sheets. Before she even began to bounce off of the mattress, he was in the process of shrugging off his clothes. He loved the look in her eyes, and he noticed smugly that she had nothing to say for once. So it seemed that the way to take the wind out her sails was sex. He could live with that.

“Take off your clothes, Jaden.” She appeared stunned or maybe just confused it appeared at first glance, though he was a bit dumbfounded himself.

She watched his reaction carefully, and he eagerly allowed the heat in his eyes to rake over her flesh so she would see how much he wanted her. He couldn’t keep his gaze away from her half-bared skin, and she complied with his grunted request so soon after he gave it that he went from erect to a mutinous pillar almost immediately. The quick action pleased him for more reasons than he could count.

She went from the shy maiden that initially peered through lashes in his bed into a vixen in three seconds flat. Jaden kept her gaze locked to his as she lifted her hips gracefully and the rags remaining from her pants slithered into the floor. Then she closed her lids, and the tank top was discarded only after she peeled the garment up her torso with a hungry arc in her spine. She wore no bra, or he assumed the top was built with one, as her breasts were larger than he first assumed. They were perhaps a C-cup, and not the B that he initially imagined, but either way, she was perfect.

The mounds of tits beckoned him to sample the pouty blackberry caps as if they were black cherries on a breast sundae. Jonah’s mouth watered, and he was sure that he was going to have a long suckling sample of the pebbled nipples. But he couldn’t keep himself from ogling the rest of her even with the temptations she presented on the upper half of her body.

Her body was nothing more than bombshell curvy topped with tight muscle and silken flesh. He did note the randomly placed blemishes on her skin and saw that she looked much like he did. For some reason the fact that she was riddled haphazardly with knife wounds and a bullet hole or two didn’t bother him. The oddly patched up masses and tissues only heightened his attraction to her. Along with the fact that she was strong enough to endure all of the pain and still emerge whole was a draw in itself.

She looked him over as well, and he knew what she had to see plainly written on his flesh. If these scars could talk, he thought. He was a man peppered with injuries, both large and small from the aftermath of prior skirmishes. He hoped that she didn’t find the heavy keloids and marred skin unattractive, as he was a bit more lived-in with wear and tear than she was.

He wanted her to see him the same way he looked at her, with lust and fire. But when she bit her lip and clutched the sheets in anticipation, he knew Jaden was just as into him as he was into her.

All that mattered was the way they would fit together, no matter how battered the packaging they came in was.

Jonah watched as her gaze lowered to his cock nervously as if she acknowledged that merger would be skintight once culminated. He was far from a small man. But he did know she would be just this side of too tight, and the thought of being inside her made his cock grow just a hair larger. He opened the side table drawer and took out his wallet, as there was a condom in the bifolded metal. The rest were at the main house. There was no need for them here before. It would just have to last, and he would get more later on.

It only took a few moments to roll the prophylactic over his length, but when he was done, he rolled atop her as if a starving man hell-bent on reaching a mirage buffet. Her mouth stroked over his, and Jonah sucked her fat lip between his teeth. The flesh was released with a scrape, and the cavern of mouth it harbored was a sea fresh oyster he would have for lunch.

BOOK: The Laughing Assassin [Assassin's Diary] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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