Heiresses School 4- Let Sleeping Rogues Lie
Jaquette du Livre

American Light Romantic Fiction, Romance - Regency, Romance - Historical, Fiction, Romance, Romance: Historical, Teachers, Historical fiction, Young women, American Historical Fiction, General, Fiction - Romance
From New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries comes the fourth book in her dazzling and sensual School for Heiresses series -- the story of a charmingly handsome rake who challenges everything a young teacher thinks she knows about passion and desire."Don't let yourself be fooled, Madeline:once a rake, always a rake." -- Mrs. Charlotte Harris, headmistressWhen Madeline Prescott took a teaching position at Mrs. Harris's School for Young Ladies, it was to help restore her father's reputation. Instead, she's in danger of ruining her own. The devilishly handsome Anthony Dalton, Viscount Norcourt, has agreed to provide "rake lessons" to Mrs. Harris's pupils so they can learn how to avoid unscrupulous gentlemen, and Madeline is to oversee his classes. She has always believed that attraction is a scientific matter, easily classified and controlled -- until she's swept into the passionate desire that fiercely burns between her and Anthony. Nothing could be more illogical than risking everything for a dalliance with a rake -- even one who's trying to behave himself. Yet nothing could be more tempting....
Let Sleeping Rogues Lie
Sabrina Jeffries
Pocket Books
New York • London • Toronto • Sydney
Praise for Sabrina Jeffries
and her sparkling, sexy series
"Irresistible…. Larger-than-life characters, sprightly dialogue and a steamy romance will draw you into this delicious captive/captor tale."
Romantic Times
(Top Pick!)
"Expertly crafted and delectably sexy."
"Jeffries once again proves her mettle as a first-rate Regency author."
Publishers Weekly
"A marvelous, powerful, and sensual story…. Jeffries fans will devour this treat."
Romantic Times
"Jeffries delivers lively lovers in an entertaining, sensual historical romance."
"Jeffries carries off this cat-and-mouse game of mutual seduction so cleverly that you'll be turning the pages at lightning speed…. Warm, wickedly witty and brilliantly plotted, this is a must for anyone who just wants a fast, intelligent read."
Romantic Times
Acclaim for Sabrina Jeffries
and her previous works of fiction
"Jeffries not only beguiles readers with scenes of passion and vivid characters but steadily builds the story's tension to an exciting conclusion. The details of gambling, mistresses, and scandalous conduct further enrich the tapestry against which this emotionally satisfying story plays out. Jeffries's readers will be royally pleased."
Publishers Weekly
"Anyone who loves romance must read Sabrina Jeffries!"
— Lisa Kleypas,
New York Times
bestselling author
"Jeffries's sparkling dialogue takes center stage in an emotional, highly sensual and powerfully romantic story…. All the characters have such depth they simply leap from the pages."
Romantic Times
"[The] parallel courtships of the Tremaine and North siblings engages throughout. Readers will eagerly await the third brother's story."
Publishers Weekly
"A traditional Regency told with sparkle and energy…. The chemistry among all the characters— not just the hero and heroine— ensures that there's never a dull moment in this merry romp…. Fans of historical romances will find the simple pleasures of this novel irresistible."
Publishers Weekly
"Delightful, sensual, and poignant, Jeffries's latest brings humor and pathos to a richly peopled tale. This is a delightful start to a new series featuring a trio of heroes to die for."
Romantic Times
Also by Sabrina Jeffries
Beware a Scot's Revenge
The School for Heiresses
(with Julia London, Liz Carlyle & Renee Bernard)
Only a Duke Will Do
Never Seduce a Scoundrel
One Night With a Prince
To Pleasure a Prince
In the Prince's Bed

Pocket Books
A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2008 by Deborah Gonzales
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
POCKET and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-6506-2
ISBN-10: 1-4165-6506-X
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For my husband and my parents, who together taught me what genuine morality is.
Chertsey, Surrey
October 1803
our father is ready to see you, Master Dalton." With a nod, the maid at Norcourt Hall stood aside to let Anthony pass into the viscount's study.
She was a pretty maid, with large bosoms that fascinated the eleven-year-old Anthony. And when she smiled at him, the naughty thoughts those bosoms sent running through his head made him blush scarlet.
Mumbling a thank-you, he hurried inside. Aunt Eunice was right. He was the wickedest boy in England. No matter how often he told himself that he shouldn't notice the maids' bosoms or wish to touch them, he still did. Lately, the urge to see women naked was a sickness inside him. Father must never guess. Never.
When his father removed his spectacles to fix him with a stern gaze, Anthony blushed again, half-afraid Father had already read his wicked mind.
"I understand that you have something to discuss with me," Father said.
Anthony swallowed. Father's blue eyes and thick black eyebrows might mirror Anthony's own, but when those eyes were set in a scowl and those brows topped stone-sharp features, the effect was terrifying.
Thrusting out his chest, Anthony tried to appear un-cowed. "Father, I wish to go to Eton."
His father's stern look softened a fraction as he folded his spectacles. "And you will, my boy, you will. You will go at twelve as your brother did."
Another year. He couldn't bear another year living with Uncle Randolph and Aunt Eunice Bickham in Telford. He would prefer any caning at Eton to that.
"I wish to go when Wallace returns for the Michaelmas term." At Father's silence, Anthony went on hastily, "He says half his classmates began at eight."
"They probably knew their Latin well enough to gain admission so young."
"I do, too." He prayed he did, anyway. He detested Latin. It wasn't like maths, which he could do in his sleep. Latin made no sense.
His father lifted an eyebrow. "Your uncle says you can't even read Cicero."
"Because Cicero is thicker than Wallace's head," he said under his breath.
When Father's gaze iced over, Anthony wanted to die. Why couldn't he ever govern his tongue? "Beg pardon, Father, I didn't mean that Wallace— "
"Is a fool? Indeed you did. But I suppose some impudence from the younger brother to the elder is to be expected." Father tapped his spectacles on the shiny mahogany of his desk. "Unfortunately, proficiency in Latin is required, and your uncle says you haven't attained that since you came home last Easter."
How could he? It was hard to learn Latin while also memorizing the precepts contained in
The Youth's Guide and Instructor to Virtue and Religion
for Aunt Eunice. "If you would only test me, you'll see that I know Latin well enough."
"I do not need to test you. Your uncle's word is sufficient."
A sweat broke out on Anthony's forehead. He would never escape the Bickhams, never! After Mother's death, Father had sent him to live with them as a "temporary" measure, yet Anthony had been there three years already.