The Irresistible Bundle (96 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Valentino insisted we go to her place. While she titters with excitement I scowl. I want to go to one of our places. It'd be easy enough to send her home while we stay the night together. Instead we're in Valentino's SUV following her. I keep stealing glances over trying to gauge how he's feeling. Is he excited, indifferent, apprehensive? I know I'm fidgeting like some hormonal teen about to get laid for the first time.

"Shouldn't we talk about this?" Fuck I sound like a chick but I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our friendship or business relationship. This night is outside of both spectrums.

"Figured we'll discuss everything with her" V shrugs. He doesn't sound nervous. I stare at his profile trying to see a glimpse of what he's thinking or feeling.

"What are the rules between us?" Okay, I asked it. V knows I swing both ways. There's no way he can act ignorant of the fact. He knows exactly what I'm implying.

"We won't be having sex with each other if that's what you're asking" Valentino drawls. I swallow the bitter disappointment but play it off like I was expecting that answer. Why can't he just experiment for once in his life?

"Of course not" I roll my eyes for effect. "But do you want to take turns or do we want to see if she wants double penetration?"

"You're more versed in threesomes than me" V smirks. His eyes widen at my blank expression. It isn't a secret; my face usually gives me away before my words do. I've been told countless times that I'm a very expressive individual - and that isn't always a compliment.

"The only threesome I've experienced was with two females" I quietly confess. It isn't like Valentino and I share our sexual history with each other but after living together for two years it's easy to see who we've brought back to our apartment on a nightly basis.

"Oh" is his only response for the next few minutes. "I'm not comfortable kissing another dude" he admits to my bitter disappointment.

I bite my lip trying to focus on the physical discomfort in order to ignore the emotional one. I mean what the fuck did I really expect? We've lived together for two years and had known each other for almost five. It isn't like he's going to have sex with me the moment someone offers to be the third wheel. Valentino likes women and women only.

"Then I guess I won't ask you to suck my dick" I joke. He bursts out laughing at my playful tone. It's the only thing I can do to ease the tension in the car. I don't want him regretting this even before we get started.

I turn toward the window trying to look anywhere but at him. He can read me better than my family and he'd know something was up. I almost sigh in relief when her car finally pulls into an apartment complex. It's in the complete opposite direction of our places but it doesn't matter. I'd drive home if it meant we weren't staying the night. Valentino and I are alike in that aspect; hit it and go home. Spending the night sends mixed messages.


I've never had a more awkward sexual experience in my life. Even losing my virginity had been more seamless and natural. I've floundered less while having sex with a guy for the first time. Knowing it's with Valentino makes me question my every movement. Do I appear too eager? Why isn't his dick as hard as mine? Can he not keep it up while in my presence?

I'm nothing more than a blundering mess. I've only had sex with Ginger once but even she knows that I'm off my game. This was my dream come true and I'm fucking it all up.

"Marco" Valentino calmly states although I'm sure he'd said my name more than once. He extends two condoms: one flavored, one regular. "You choose."

Somehow although we're having a threesome it feels like three different people trying to do three different things. At least when I'd been with the girls we were twisted limbs and heated passion. Instead here I am kneeling butt-ass-naked on her bed with Valentino and Ginger equally as naked but I feel completely exposed.

I don't know where to look and what to touch. If my hands near Valentino he moves away. If I stare at his dick, even though it twitches, he shifts away from my direct line of vision. I just want to get this over with and go home. I've never been uncomfortable or ashamed of my sexuality but for the first time ever Valentino makes me feel that way.

I grab the flavored condom and roll it on. I know it won't take much and I'm not as into it as I was before we'd walked through that door. Ginger doesn't wait to see what Valentino will do. She latches onto me sucking like her life depends on it. Fuck, it hurts but is just bearable for me to power through it.

I close my eyes imagining what Valentino would look like kneeling behind and thrusting into her. I allow myself to believe that he'd watch her sucking me off. I pretend that his deep thrusts and heavy pants of air are for my benefit. Moments later I feel the tingle up my thighs and gladly will it to shoot straight through my dick. Normally I'd fight off the orgasm for as long as possible but tonight isn't one of those nights.

I pull out just in time. Ginger clamps her jaw as V pounds into her. I slide away pulling the rubber off my soft cock. I stay in the bathroom washing my hands while she whimpers and mewls and Valentino softly grunts. I don't wait for instructions; I know he isn't going to cuddle with her and if he does I'll wait out front. I quietly slip on my clothes and head out front while V grabs his stuff.

"Call me this time" she yells from the room as we exit the apartment. I snort at her audacity; if I hadn't called her the first time why the hell does she think I'll call this time?

"Are we okay" V asks as he starts the car. It's the only thing he's said to me since handing me the condom.

"We're straight" I reply. "Like I said it wasn't great but she'll do."

He chuckles. Blood rushes to my dick at the husky sound. I breathe through it hoping he doesn't notice my body's reaction. No matter how bad he's made me feel my body still reacts to him.


"Looks like boss man laid his claim already for the night" Devon, our best bartender, jokes. I follow his line of sight and watch as a large group of girls enter the club. The line outside is insane but the hopeful club goers remain there waiting hoping to get into one of the hottest Halloween parties in town. Club 69 always has a line wrapped around the building but tonight is one of those nights that Brody, the head of security and a massive wall of muscle, has to be the most aggressive. Girls are willing to do damn near anything to get in the door: give head in front of a crowd, walk in butt-ass naked, or even pay outrageous amounts of money.

V escorts eight beauties to the VIP section. I snap my fingers with recognition. "Those must be Yvette's girls. V's been waiting for them to get here."

Devon and I watch as Brody waltzes inside. He must've switched off with one of the guys to oversee security inside. "They are" he states as he approaches. I hadn't realized I'd stated my observation loud enough for everyone to hear. "And they are going to be a handful tonight. I'm already keeping my eye out for the one with the flogger. She knows how to use it and apparently likes it a little too much."

Devon's eyes light up as he watches the brunette threaten one of the girls. It's hard to tear our gazes away from the group and look over the rest of the club. The group as a whole is magnificent. They have more than one eye-catching beauty with enough confidence to take over the entire party. It's easy to spot between the shy one from the group and the brazen sluts.

"That's the one boss man wants" Devon states as he points to the voluptuous black-haired beauty. My dick instantly hardens at the sight of all that exposed skin and luscious curves. She's fucking delicious and every man within her line of sight seems to agree.

"I don't know" Brody chuckles, "He was eye-fucking the Indian beauty too."

I look between the girls noticing the belly dancer. She has dark-hair too but her body is the complete opposite of the girl dressed as a cave woman. The belly dancer has small perky tits, a toned body, and a flirty smile while cave girl has a rack to die for, killer curves, and a sultry grin. It's easy to see who the guys easily gravitate towards within that group.

"Maybe he'll have the two-for-one special tonight" Devon snickers. I look away before they notice my scowl. Valentino partakes in threesomes but they're almost always with me. It hadn't gone well the first time we'd tried it but with time and practice we have the routine down flawlessly. No matter how many women we've bedded together he still hasn't fucked me. The best I got was making contact with his dick through double penetration and that was fucking heaven on earth. Not every woman is game for that but the few who were ended up being longer-term partners.

"You're making Marco jealous" Brody outright laughs at me; I flick off the arrogant fucker making Devon howl with laughter too.

"Shut the fuck up and get back to work" I snap. I don't do it often but now is one of those times; I pulled out the "boss" card and send them on their way before heading in the opposite direction of the girls. There is plenty to do to not allow myself to get caught up with whatever Valentino intends to do for the night.


Somehow I'd convinced myself that although he hadn't run it by me that I was automatically invited to his night of fucking with the raven-haired beauty. The night is insane with the costume competitions and catering to the VIP section. It kept us busy enough to allow the hours to pass. I ignored the niggling voice that began as a flustered whisper. My stomach twisted anytime I watched him approach the same group of girls over and over. He didn't pay attention to any another group with the same intensity. Hours later and it turns into irritation and bitterness. If Valentino notices my brusqueness he doesn't let on. Instead he instructs me to close while he takes the two exotic hotties and saunters off for the night.

Un-fucking-believable. I turned down others assuming I'd be joining him for the night. Now I'm left overseeing closing procedures with an overexcited dick and no one to take care of it. Devon and Brody give me a wide berth; they're smart men. If anything I'm a little more pissed off with the fact that Brody is taking one of the girls from the same group home too. I can't win for shit.

I go home alone that night with a massive chip on my shoulder and a major case of blue balls. It isn't that I have a sense of entitlement when it comes to Valentino and threesomes but I do feel somewhat proprietary. He'd never been in one before we'd met and this was the first time he was participating in one without me. It wasn't like we agreed to be exclusive to each other when it came to that sort of thing but it's like an unspoken agreement.

I thought we'd gotten close during our college years but that bond intensified when we'd gotten involved physically. We never have sex with each other but I'm still holding out hope that it'll one day happen. We've touched. I've sucked, even if he doesn't remember. It wouldn't matter if it's with a woman present or if we finally take the plunge and try an intimate relationship together. Just something, anything...

Regardless I'm willing to go as far as he wants to go. Contrary to popular belief I can be patient when it matters most. For Valentino, I'd wait an eternity because I know he's worth it.


"Is it me or is boss man fucking glowing today?" Devon snickers. Brody laughs nodding his head in agreement as we watch Valentino practically float around the club. I hate that Devon is right; V fucking glows with euphoria and satisfaction. Apparently the night had been spectacular for him while I'd lain in bed pissed off at the world.

Valentino isn't mine in that sense; he dates whoever he wants just like I do. But no matter what I've always looked forward to the times we've share a woman because he lets me see a side of him that few others get to see. I constantly fight the urge to grab his belt loop and pull him into me. I grit my teeth every time my lips want to feel his skin. It's a never-ending battle to suppress my urges and act indifferently.

I love everything about Valentino; who he is, how he treats people, his killer business instincts, sharp mind, and hot body. He's the total fucking package and anyone worth a grain of salt immediately recognizes it. I always recognize the gold-diggers from a mile away. They sniff around the club, identify the men in charge, and circle around us like sharks. I've never bedded these vipers; it's too easy to see their strategy and end-game.

"Marco" Valentino saunters up to us. Devon and Brody smirk while I tried to remain indifferent. It isn't Valentino's fault that I held different expectations than him. I need to get my shit together. Maybe it's time for me to find a man in my life that can replace this constant yearning for the one man I can't have.

It's been five years... Isn't it time to accept the inevitable and move forward? Fuck that hurts to even consider much less believe.

"Marco" He repeats since I hadn't responded. I lock gazes with him and try not to show the hurt buried behind my eyes. "I need you to pencil in the girls for the VIP room for New Years."

"What" I scoff in disbelief. No fucking way! "That room generates us an insane amount of money for every event and you just want to give it to those hussies?" Maybe my irritation at him taking the two girls home has something to do with my rebuttal but I don't fucking care. I hope they go somewhere else for New Years.

"That isn't your call to make" He growls. I narrow my eyes while Devon and Brody take a step back.

"Oh, so you enjoy some sweet pussy for the night and forget any good business sense" I snarl. "Because last time I checked we make the decisions together."

"If you got your head out of your ass you'd remember that the VIP room was part of the winnings last night" he grits. He looks part-pissed off, part confused at my hostility but I don't really give a shit. There were only eight of them and unless they plan to generate us some income to compensate for the use of the room I see no reason in giving it to them.

"If you stopped thinking with your dick you'd recall that they won the rights to all the events. Nothing in our promo material states they get the VIP room" I hiss.

Brody steps between us sensing we're about to come to blows. Sometimes it's the only way past something. I'm beyond pissed off that Valentino excluded me last night and that he's now treating me like some fucking peon who has no say-so in the business. Since when does he pull the "I-am-the-owner" bullshit with me?

"Guys" Brody growls, "Everyone's watching the big bosses go head-to-head. Is that something y'all really want to do in front of the staff? Walk away and discuss this later when both of you are thinking clearly."

Valentino stiffly nods. He doesn't say anything else before storming out of the club. I stand there frozen; if I move I'll punch the shit out of someone or something. Yeah, I know I'm a fucking hot head but I'm also passionately fierce about everything. Can't have one without the other in my world...

"What the fuck was that about" Brody hisses. As head of security he knows about everything going on within the club. V and I include him on important decisions. Don't think I didn't notice that he hadn't sided with either of us regarding the use of the VIP room.

"Nothing" I breathe. As quickly as the anger shoots through me, it also efficiently dissipates. The staff doesn't need to see this shit and I just need to get over myself. I've lived with the constant ache in my chest for the longest time. I really have no excuse why I let it fester. I don't go into relationships seeing the white picket fence with 2.5 kids. I get in, have a good time, and move on. I yearn for something more with Valentino but I don't allow it to consume me. If all I ever have with him is our friendship and business partnership then I'll be content for the rest of my life. It doesn't matter that he's starred in my dreams and is the image I conjure anytime I stroke myself. It's enough because it has to be.

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