The Irresistible Bundle (93 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Something Lost, Something Found


Jaxon dragged his suitcase and carryon to the girls' apartment. He could hear their cheerful banter from the stairwell making him smile. They'd been talking about this trip since after winter break, counting down the days until classes were over. Jaxon wasn't sure how Valentino and the guys pulled it off but he was fucking thrilled. One whole week on the island of Turks and Caicos was more than he'd bargained for. But no... Valentino and Nicholas weren't satisfied with that. They had to go all out and charter a private flight, rent out some luxurious beachfront villas, and planned some time out for the girls shopping and a day at the spa.

"Jaxon's here" Andrea hollered from the living room. Several suitcases already rested by the front door. He situated his stuff next to theirs. He hugged Andrea before heading to belleza's room.

"Hey handsome" Carina greeted Jaxon. She appreciatively eyed his low hanging jeans and navy shirt while she finished packing her toiletries. Valentino wasn't saying much to the group but everyone knew they were getting on a private plane and flying out to Turks and Caicos for spring break. Carina was ecstatic that Valentino, Marco, and Nicholas had found a way to take time off together.

Jaxon watched Carina double-check her items before zipping up her bag. His eyes followed her curves as she moved about the room. Her skin-tight jeans made it hard for him to tear his eyes away from her round ass. He reasoned that if his eyes stayed locked on her ass they wouldn't venture up to her luscious tits.

"You seriously need to get laid" Carina raised an eyebrow at him. Jaxon was practically drooling and she wasn't wearing anything out of the ordinary. Her jeans and tank top were perfect for traveling.

"I agree" Jaxon sighed. Somehow he'd gone from getting pussy with just a twitch of his lips to abstaining from sex for over six months now. Jaxon scowled at himself. If he didn't jack off on occasion he'd think his shit was broken or something, but nope, his dick worked perfectly well.

"Did Valentino discuss room assignments?" Carina casually asked. It was one of the things that was driving the girls bananas. Valentino and Nicholas had planned the whole thing and had left them on a "need to know" basis which meant they didn't need to know shit.

"Unless you plan on getting on your knees there's no way I'm telling you anything" Jaxon snickered. Carina rolled her eyes and playfully punched him in the arm. Although he would never deny her advances he really was only playing with her. They were finally at the stage in their
where he could fuck around with her like this and she wouldn't take offense and Valentino and Marco would just laugh. No one felt threatened by their playful banter. The temptation of fucking Carina may never go away but at least Jaxon could play around and flirt with her.

"As much as we'd both enjoy that I'm regretfully going to have to pass" Carina mockingly pouted. Things had only gotten better as the months had passed. Jaxon and Leticia were still together. Leticia had finally warmed up to Carina and Jaxon's friendship-slash-relationship and come to terms with things. Carina loved watching Jaxon's relationship unfold with Leticia. If anything, she admired the way Leticia could hold out against the blonde-haired, blue-eyed devil. But more power to her. Carina knew she was built differently than a lot of other girls. She'd been defenseless against Jaxon's charms and hadn't been able to hold out. Perhaps that's why Leticia was doing so much better than Carina ever had with Jaxon.

"Where'd you go" Jaxon whispered into her ear. She had that faraway look he knew all too well. Sometimes Carina strolled down memory lane and Jaxon wasn't all too sure if it was always a good walk or a bittersweet one.

"Reminiscing how I could never avoid temptation around you" She confessed. The glimmer in her eye let Jaxon know that she visited memory lane but didn't openly venture too far in. Those days were over between them.

"Ah, you've become desensitized to my charming ways" Jaxon teased. Although he was joking his words rang true. It was beneficial to both of them that they'd built some sort of immunity or at least become slightly desensitized to each other. It was better and safer for everyone around. Jaxon could still sing alongside Carina, dirty dance with her on occasion, and even walk around in nothing but his birthday suit in her presence and they'd be okay. He didn't know anyone else who could do that with their best friend and things remain all good.

Carina snorted. Okay so that was a damn lie but it was better to keep saying it till it became true. What was that old adage? Fake it till you make it?! Carina had to act like watching Jaxon jack off in the shower didn't cream her panties. Nope, she needed to be like the furniture and be indifferent to her surroundings. She really hoped Leticia would give it up sometime soon. Jaxon walked with a semi wherever he went and it was really distracting to the female population. "I don't know if there'll ever be a time I won't feel that spark between us whenever I look at you" Carina confessed. "But it'll be up to us to never do something about it."

"That's good to know" Jaxon winked at her, "Because I still get hard every time I see you. It's nice knowing you stay hot and wet down there for me."

Carina's jaw dropped with his audacity. Forget that the arrogant bastard hit it right on the nose.

"Fuck Jaxon" Desirae stomped into the room swatting the air around her. "Your pheromone levels are off the charts! Go find some soft fruit to bury yourself into until Leticia decides to give up her cookie."

"You want me to fuck soft fruit" Jaxon repeated. He scrunched his face in equal disgust and confusion. "Where the hell do you even get this shit from?"

"Eh" Desirae shrugged her shoulders. She hustled a glazy-eyed Carina out of the room. Desirae knew if Jaxon looked too closely he'd see he'd affected Carina and that wasn't a good thing. The man just needed to have someone suck him to keep the edge off for a while. "Figured if it's a soft, wet hole you'd be okay with it"

"That's just nasty" Andrea retorted from the hallway. Desirae's mind really did live in the gutter.

"Is everyone ready to go" Carina asked the group. Diego and Griffin already texted to let her know they'd been picked up. Leticia was en route with Marco, so they were the only ones left.

The girls nodded while Jaxon helped Carina and Desirae with their bags. Sati double-checked the apartment, unplugging items and turning off light switches. Although she and Fabien were close friends a lot had changed this last year. It was the first spring break in years that she'd be spending it without him. "Everything good to go" Sati exclaimed. Her statement was the green light for the others. They grabbed their suitcases and bags and headed out of the apartment and downstairs. Carina locked the apartment and followed the others to the lobby of the apartment complex. Students filtered in and out of the building getting ready to head out as well.

"I see them" Andrea pointed to the limousine in the parking lot. Students pointed at the monstrosity as they walked by. Carina wasn't surprised to see it. The guys would've had a parade of SUVs taking them to the airport or this behemoth. Regardless of what took them to the airport the point was that they were heading to an island paradise for a few glorious days. Carina couldn't wait to strip out of her jeans and into a sundress or short-shorts.


Jaxon stared wide-eyed at the turquoise waters as the plane touched down. White sand and clear waters greeted him. The private plane perfectly accommodated the party of 11, with ample space. He swore they barely had time to even enjoy their light meal and drink before the pilot was announcing they'd arrived. Jaxon looked down at the delicate hand interlocked with his. Leticia was just as excited about this trip as the girls were. He hoped this trip marked the next stage in their relationship.

"We'll inform everyone about room assignments once we get there" Nicholas announced to the small group as everyone gathered their stuff.

" Carina drawled. Her men had been completely tight-lipped about everything. Their destination was the only thing Carina had been made aware of.

"Here" Nicholas smirked. He loved seeing Carina so flustered. Everyone always went to her for everything so it was nice to see her being on the receiving end of things.

"Our ride's here" Marco shouted before descending the small stairs of the plane. Everyone obediently followed him onto the tarmac.

Jaxon watched with delight as the girls stopped every few feet to point something out. The small airport was beachside offering nothing but stunning views of the magnificent ocean, greenery, and cloudless skies. The men tried to usher them into the vehicle but the girls would not be rushed. Jaxon couldn't really blame them. The weather was perfect, the sun was bright, and the fresh ocean air brought a much needed sense of peace and tranquility. He couldn't wait to see the girls' reactions to the 5-star resort.

Sati ignored Marco's brusque command. She jogged over to a sign and motioned for the girls to follow. She handed Jaxon her camera and stood by her friends waiting for their picture to be taken. Jaxon shook his head and chuckled at the audacious group. He aligned his eye and captured the image of the girls posing around a sign that stated "Providenciales International Airport". Marco growled while Diego outright laughed at everyone. He knew his sister and her friends all too well. It was easier to go with the flow rather than fight against the current.

"Damn, there's not much to the airport" Andrea drawled.

"The island isn't very big" Marco retorted. "Can we get going now?" He impatiently tapped his foot while the girls dawdled.

Leticia smirked at her cousin. Marco was usually the laid back one; she suspected the guys had grand plans for the next few days and didn't want to waste a moment. "Let's go ladies" She called out. A collective sigh of relief escaped the men as the girls hustled into the cargo van.

Carina and Sati peppered Valentino and Nicholas with questions trying to understand where they were. Carina kept her eyes peeled as they traveled down Millennium Highway towards the north side of the island. She fidgeted in her seat itching to get out of the vehicle and just run onto the pristine beach.

The cargo van turned onto Malcolm's Road. The excitement level increased as the men leaned forward indicating they were almost to their destination. Carina swore it felt like an eternity as they drove down the isolated road with plenty of greenery on either side of them.

"Holy fucking shit" Desirae squealed. She grabbed onto Sati nearly yanking her out of her seat. Andrea and Carina looked to where Desirae wildly pointed. Valentino, Marco, and Nicholas proudly beamed while the others gawked and gasped at the sight. Individual villas appeared before them.

"Wow" Leticia breathed. She leaned into Jaxon praying they were assigned a villa together. If not, she planned to barter whatever necessary to room with her boyfriend.

"Welcome to Amanyara Resort" the driver announced. He barely parked the cargo van before the group scattered out of the vehicle. Carina laughed as Andrea and Desirae hugged each other while hopping in place. They looked like a bunch of five-year olds seeing Mickey Mouse for the first time but Carina couldn't really blame them. The resort was magnificent and they hadn't stepped foot onto the actual property.

"Thank you" Carina kissed Valentino, Marco, and Nicholas on the cheeks. She knew this kind of planning had involved all of them.

"But you haven't seen anything yet" Nicholas spluttered. Carina shrugged. She didn't need to see much to know this place was extraordinary. The men hadn't taken them to some swanky hotel; they'd researched and reserved a place that was memorable all and of itself.

"I already love it" She admitted.

"Then my job here is done" Marco proclaimed as he threw his hands in the air and sauntered off to check them in. Carina blew him a kiss before gathering the others and following him.

"Villa assignments go as follows" Nicholas quietly informed the group.

"It's negotiable right" Leticia squeaked. She blushed as Nicholas and Jaxon stared at her in surprise.

"Can I tell you what it is first before you attempt to trade?" Nicholas teased. Jaxon nervously shifted unsure if Leticia meant she wanted to be with him or that she didn't. He kept his gaze on her as Nicholas announced the assignments.

"Valentino, Carina, and Marco are in one of the master villas. It has a king size bed that should accommodate the three." Everyone rolled their eyes knowing that was an obvious choice. "I'll be in a villa with Andrea. Jaxon and Leticia are assigned together."

Leticia smiled brightly. Jaxon's body relaxed the moment he realized she wanted the same thing. Sati and Carina waggled their eyebrows at Andrea who failed miserably at looking surprised by the assignment. Desirae held her breath waiting to hear from Nicholas. She wasn't sure if she wanted to room with Diego or Sati. It was kind of awkward for Griffin and Sati who were technically the odd ones out.

"I'll let you four decide how to situate your villa. It comfortably accommodates four occupants." Nicholas smothered a laugh as four sets of shoulders slumped over in relief.

Diego's hand shot in the air. "I'd like to make a request."

"Too late the rooms have already been assigned" Desirae haughtily replied.

Diego glared at Desirae but didn't engage her. He looked at Nicholas as he made his request. "I don't want to be by Carina's villa. The last thing I want to see through any windows is my sister and something indecent."

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