The Irresistible Bundle (88 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"And if you ran into him again" Leticia challenged.

"I'd hug him. Tell him it's great to see him again. And then I'd introduce him to Valentino and Marco." Carina's tart tone let Leticia know the question wasn't appreciated. "Because we have an open relationship doesn't mean I sleep with everyone I find attractive or sexy" She nearly growled. "I actually haven't had sex with as many people as you might think. No more than I probably would've if I was single."

"Fair enough" Leticia shrugged. She didn't want to fight with Carina. She just didn't see eye-to-eye with her lifestyle choices.

Sati scurried over to the bar and made something out of their eyesight. She brought over a pitcher filled with a clear liquid and slices of lime.

"Gin and tonic" Carina inquired. It was a perfect time for the girls to have a drink. Desirae brought a platter of fruits, cheese, and crackers from the in-suite kitchen and placed it between them. The girls munched on the food and drank their gin and tonic like pros. In no time the tension was gone.

"My turn" Ariel called out. "What makes being with Valentino and Marco so different than when you were with Jaxon?" She genuinely inquired. They were all delicious man-candy. Ariel wasn't sure why Carina didn't just try to stay single and have her way with every damn body.

"Aside from them being actual men?" Desirae snorted. Leticia scowled not appreciating the comment.

"The difference is she got a two-for-one-special" Beatriz drunkenly giggled. She's gulped her mixed drinks like a champion and the alcohol was now buzzing nicely through her system.

Carina ignored the jibes and snickers. They'd been over this more than once but apparently it wasn't enough for them. "I think the first six months that I dated Valentino and Marco I did a lot of comparisons of what and how I felt and what they did as compared to my relationship with Jaxon.... I'm not proud to admit that I compared almost every damn thing during that time."

"But why were you willing to give the guys a chance and not Jaxon?" Leticia challenged. She hoped like hell no one noticed the bitterness in her voice. Jaxon wasn't a bad person. Carina was proving that in trying to maintain some kind of relationship with him even now.

"Besides the trust issues" Andrea snipped. Her insulted tone insinuated to the others that Carina didn't really need another issue aside from that.

"The most obvious answer is that I looked forward to more than just the sex with the guys. Y'all know I'm an extremely sexual being." The girls snickered in acknowledgment. "But I can spend an entire day, weekend, whatever and be with them without having sex and we'd be okay. Jaxon and my entire relationship centered on sex and maybe that's what went wrong, but it is what it is..." Carina looked at each of the girls hoping she could articulate her thoughts and feelings.

"I'd always thought love was just a feeling... Some mushy, sappy state... I thought that it might be all-encompassing and life-altering, but still, just an emotional state-of-being. It's what we've been taught; it's what all the romance novels tell you love is." The girls held their breath waiting for Carina to finish. "But when I'm with Valentino and Marco, especially when we're all together, our love is like an emotional and physical manifestation. It's more than just a feeling."

"Hate to break it to you baby girl but that's called chemistry and lust" Desirae retorted.

"On the contrary" Carina stated, "It's not temporary. And it's not infatuation. My feelings have grown and progressed with this relationship. I go between my stomach knotting at just the sight of them to butterflies exploding in my belly with a mere kiss. My blood heats under their intense gazes. My chest swells
constricts all at the same time with a simple word from them or a tender gaze. I swear I suffer from cardiac arrest and oxygen deprivation when they enter a room in their Armani suits and focus their entire attention on me. I
the love, passion, and tenderness from them. Love emanates from their entire being; it oozes from their pores and seeps into my skin. It fuels me. It sustains me. They shattered every preconceived notion I had of love and recreated it to be something so unique, so intimate that few can even relate to what we have. Valentino and Marco never tried to pry my ribs open and take my heart... Like others before them have... My heart gave itself over knowing it was safe in their hands."

Carina looked at numerous glazed expressions and doe-eyed gazes. It was the most she'd ever said about the depths of her feelings regarding her men. "That was some deep shit" Beatriz breathed.

"Wow" the others whispered. "Well said" Sati reverently replied. "We can only hope to find that kind of love someday."

"And you never felt an ounce of any of these things with Jaxon?" Leticia questioned in disbelief. She didn't know why she was pushing the subject, but she had to know.

"I felt the infatuation, the lust, and the friendship" Carina replied. "But my heart was never really in it. Did I ever feel the flutter? Of course." She shrugged. "Look at Jaxon - he's charismatic, amazing, and affectionate. He knows a woman's body well... I cherished the days we spent together but I didn't think about a future with him. I didn't envision having his children or settling down with him. I just enjoyed everything he gave to me... And when it ended, I'll admit it hurt. I'm human. I may not have given Jaxon my heart but he still had a piece of me."

"Thanks" Leticia softly replied. Her shoulders relaxed as her lungs filled with air. She didn't realize how important Carina's answer was to her. Although Jaxon said they'd try Leticia couldn't do it if she knew Carina would always be a thorn in their side. She truly believed Jaxon and Carina were over as a couple; she just wasn't sure how to handle their "friendship". Leticia wasn't necessarily insecure or jealous but their closeness left her unsettled at times.

"Stay" Carina mumbled to the group. She couldn't keep her eyes open any longer but it didn't mean she wanted them to leave. These stupid medications were on some sort of timer. Her sedatives kicked in every few hours knocking her out for the count.

"We will" Desirae assured her. She knew Carina didn't want to be alone. Knowing the guys were gone, Carina would be more apprehensive about the girls leaving. As strong as everyone believed her to be Desirae saw what her best friend tried to hide from the others. Desirae saw it because she recognized it from a life she'd buried and tried to forget. Carina was afraid. She wouldn't ever be the same. Desirae only hoped she could help Carina get through whatever came her way. Someday soon Carina would have to face Pete again. Desirae prayed all the progress Carina made wouldn't disappear in that one moment.

"Let's watch a movie" Sati suggested. "Nicholas has anything and everything on demand."

"Okay" the girls agreed. They moved toward the open area with the giant TV and spacious couches. Desirae angled herself to be able to see both the movie and Carina. She didn't want her best friend to wake up alone and scared.

Chapter Forty-Four

Jaxon paced in front of the bathroom door. He listened carefully while Carina finished. His tense muscles were ready to spring into action if he heard a yelp or a crash. Carina insisted it wasn't her first trip to the bathroom since she'd started walking again but it was the first time she was going with Jaxon.

"I'm done" She called from the cracked door. She wasn't permitted to close it all the way but just enough to allow her privacy. Jaxon entered the spacious bathroom. He carefully helped her get off the toilet. It took every ounce of concentration to get his hand placement right so as not to hurt her. He couldn't lift or hold her by the ribs. He couldn't grasp her bandaged arm. He couldn't tuck her into his body. There were so many
that it made Jaxon's head spin. Regardless, Carina was finally out of bed. Her bruises had faded to a yellowish-green and the swelling had dramatically improved. She was maybe 70% but that was a hell of a lot better than where she was the week before. Every day was a step in the right direction.

Jaxon watched Carina's eyes flitter from the clock to the bathroom. Had he rushed her in there? "What is it belleza? We have plenty of time before everyone gets here."

Carina's shoulders slumped. She was too embarrassed to admit defeat. Valentino and Marco always took care of her but it was high time that she started taking care of herself again. She wasn't a child needing to be tended to.

"I need to shower" She glumly admitted. Her valiant attempt at showering alone yesterday had been an absolute disaster. She almost re-injured herself trying to show her independence. Instead she had to swallow her pride and wait for someone she trusted to get in the shower with her. Yesterday Desirae had saved her. Today she'd hoped it would be Valentino or Marco but they called to let her know they were running behind. Their constant presence at the estate was affecting other aspects of their lives. Carina needed to send them home for a week straight without coming to the estate but she was too insecure and selfish right now to make that kind of suggestion. Valentino and Marco kept her nightmares at bay. She could breathe easier knowing they were a phone call away.

"You've graduated to showers too" Jaxon proudly exclaimed. Just a few days ago she was still receiving sponge baths and using the bed pan. Jaxon looked at the spacious shower. A plastic seat rested in the middle of the shower, apparently for her use. He nibbled his lip unsure of how to proceed. Carina sure as hell wasn't ready to do that on her own. That might've been the conversation he heard Nicholas and the nurse discussing. Someone had been chewed out for some incident endangering Carina.

"Yeah but I need help" She confessed. She flushed bright red at the thought of having to sit on that contraption. "I wanted to be showered before everyone got here."

"Well if you want me to I'll help you" Jaxon offered. His dick twitched at the thought of seeing her naked but he immediately shot that cocky fucker down.

"Do you mind keeping something on so nobody fusses" She hated making the request but the shit would hit the fan if the wrong people entered the room and saw them both naked in the shower. No matter how understanding her men were Carina wasn't sure if Valentino wouldn't lose his shit over a sight like that.

"I'll keep my boxer briefs on" Jaxon compromised. He peeked at his waistline relieved to see he was wearing a dark color. White would've left absolutely nothing to the imagination and although Carina had seen it all it would make things uncomfortable.

"Thanks" She replied. She was already tired from the trip to the bathroom but she knew if she got back in that bed she'd be out for the count for an hour or two. It was now or never. "Can you help me get the gown off?" Nicholas had her in a simple but cute cotton sundress that opened from the backside. It was the coolest hospital gown Carina had ever seen.

"What do I need to do?" Jaxon nervously asked. He couldn't believe he was acting like it was their first time getting naked in front of each other. He slowly exhaled as she explained about the easy to remove dress. He slowly pulled the dress apart from the back and allowed it to fall to the floor. He gritted his teeth at her bruised chest and shoulders. The sight of her battered body instantly cooled his dick. Jaxon shrugged out of his shirt and jeans. He kicked his socks and shoes to the side, consciously making the effort to clear the floor so Carina wouldn't trip over anything. "You don't wear panties" He stupidly blurted. Seriously... What the hell was wrong with him?!

"Functional for the time being" She sheepishly admitted. Valentino and Marco were aware of her panty-less state but they never touched her in a sexual way. She appreciated their self-control. Sex still wasn't a blimp on her radar screen. She had a ways to go.

"Let's get closer to the shower belleza" Jaxon wrapped his arm around Carina's bare waist trying to ignore how good the skin-to-skin contact felt. She was the last person he'd had sex with and his body didn't let him forget that fact. He gritted his teeth as his muscles tightened, his blood heated, and his dick hardened.

"Apparently somebody's still happy to see me even when I look like I've been hit by a truck" She snickered. She knew Jaxon was trying to control his body's response to their naked contact. Amazingly it felt great to see a man still physically respond to her while she was in this state. Valentino and Marco had wills of iron making Carina completely self-conscious for the moment. She normally wasn't but her usual self-confidence was lost to a mountain of jagged injuries and a forest of bruises.

"Sorry" Jaxon muttered. He didn't dare adjust himself in fear of encouraging his overeager dick. "It's been a few months and he'd know you anywhere."

Carina doubled over in pain trying not to laugh.

"Shit!" Jaxon held her while she tried to breathe slowly. "I'm so sorry."

"Still can't laugh" Carina gasped between breaths. If she didn't breath she couldn't laugh. If she didn't laugh she'd be okay.

Jaxon sat her on the toilet while he turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature. He tested the pressure ensuring it wouldn't batter her delicate ribs. "Ready" He looked at Carina. There was no awkwardness between them warming his chest at the thought. Carina trusted him enough to bathe her. Not just anyone could do this for her. Even Diego wouldn't be able to complete this task. Jaxon was in a special class.

"You're smiling like an idiot" Carina teased as he guided her into the shower. She held tightly onto him remembering her misstep on the wet floor. "What are you thinking about?" She needed to get her mind away from her injuries and onto better things.

"That I'm really grateful to be in your life" Jaxon admitted. "I can't tell you how much this means that you're entrusting me like this."

Carina looked at the familiar sparkling blue eyes and bright smile. Jaxon made her heart flutter but in a different way. She'd been honest with the girls. Jaxon gave Carina something she thought she'd never had. She had a male best friend that she wasn't sleeping with. It felt amazing to have that kind of intimacy without involving their genitals.

"I love you Jax" Carina whispered into his strong chest. There were a few bare chests in this world that she knew well and Jaxon's was one of them. Carina knew she could cry, sleep, and cuddle to this chest and it would be the same yet different to doing so with Diego's, Nicholas', or even her men's chests.

"Thank you for that belleza" Jaxon murmured into her hair. Those were the words he'd longed to hear while they were together but he knew they wouldn't have been as meaningful or as significant as they were now. "I love you too."

Carina stood under the warm water for several minutes before moving. She kept her bandaged arm away from the flowing water. Jaxon carefully washed her hair. She still flinched at several tender spots on her scalp. He gritted his teeth while holding his breath at the sight. He wasn't sure if Carina was aware that Pete had yanked some of her hair out. He knew she was still tender in those areas but he couldn't bring himself to make her aware. He carefully bathed every inch of her. She leaned against the wall as he scrubbed himself down. They rinsed off and stepped out of the shower together.

"Two more minutes" Jaxon gently coaxed her. He should've known better than to take so long in the shower. It was too easy to forget that she was still weak. He wrapped a towel around his waist and patted Carina dry. He carefully scooped her into his arms and exited the bathroom. He hated putting her to bed without clothes on but she was dead weight and a prime candidate to injure her ribs if he tried to dress her.

"Need help" Leticia offered from the side. She and Diego entered at the same time and neither were pleased to find the pair in the shower together. Leticia watched Jaxon carefully place Carina into the bed. She and Diego remained silent while Jaxon covered her and removed the wet towel. He walked to the room and removed his towel as he stepped through the doorway. Leticia knew he was doing it for her sake. The bathroom shower was glass so it was easy to see that he'd had boxer briefs on. It was just hard to watch. Leticia hadn't even showered with Jaxon yet and here she was watching him take care of Carina.

"I'll dry her hair" Diego muttered to no one in particular. He grabbed the blow dryer the girls were always using and plugged it in close to the wall. He removed the damp towel from his sister's hair and turned the blow dryer on low. He didn't want to disturb Carina's sleep but he also didn't want her sleeping with a wet head.

Leticia took a deep breath and walked toward the guys' room. They each had their own drawer while Carina stayed at the estate. It made it easier for them to stay overnight. Leticia watched Jaxon slip into black dress pants and a white button-up shirt. "Hey handsome" She greeted, "Didn't realize we needed to get all dolled up."

"Have to go home first" Jaxon replied. He rolled up his sleeves and slipped into matching dress shoes. "Will you join me?" He asked. "Please" he added. His heart pounded in his chest just like when he was about to reach the finish line at a rowing competition. He wanted Leticia to say yes. He'd wanted to ask her for a while but was too scared to get rejected. Yeah his usually cocky self had suffered a beating from last Thanksgiving. Jaxon no longer assumed the answer would be 'yes' to whatever he asked. He no longer took for granted his right to anything.

Leticia watched in amazement as Jaxon nervously fidgeted awaiting her answer. Although she'd been hoping Jaxon would invite her to meet his parents she didn't think it would happen. They'd only been together for a few weeks and Carina's assault had thrown a wrench in things. If anything it helped to keep things
between them making her wonder if a sloth moved faster. Leticia wasn't sure if and when she'd get another opportunity and she was always one to seize the moment...

"I'd love to" Leticia replied. "Should I change?"

Jaxon looked at her outfit. Leticia was always dressed in something appropriate for management or walking through Marco's clubs. Whatever she wore always had a touch of flair and sassiness. Today she looked sophisticated. Jaxon eyed the black lace button up shirt and gray knee-length skirt that made a u-shape at the bottom. The skirt had a vintage look to it but the outfit didn't look dated on Leticia. On the contrary her black boots added just enough spice.

"You look beautiful" Jaxon replied. There really was no need for her to change. "Come on, Uncle Richard will be there too."

"Thank you for inviting me" Leticia softly stated. It meant a lot to her that Jaxon was extending this invitation.

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