The Irresistible Bundle (78 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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In reality, Jaxon wanted something more with Leticia. He wanted to do things right. Maybe that's what had gone wrong with him and Carina. They'd had sex first then tried their hand at everything else. They'd had their do-over and it hadn't worked out and for the first time in a long time Jaxon was okay with that. Because when he thought about it, he really wanted and needed someone who wanted his heart, love, and trust. Carina would never be that person. She could be one of his closest friends and even occasional lover but nothing more. Everything in him screamed that Leticia could.

Jaxon sang about wanting to love somebody. In the song he confessed about not knowing where to start and about being a little lost. He looked directly at Leticia every time he sang the chorus.

Leticia didn't notice the crowd jump to their feet and scream their adulations to Jaxon. She didn't notice Carina and Marco intently watching her. The only thing she saw was Jaxon standing stone-still waiting for her reaction. A rogue tear escaped her eye. He had the ability to cut her open through his music. He couldn't do it with his flirty ways or outrageous antics but he gutted her with his soulful voice and haunting acoustic guitar.

Leticia slowly stood. Jaxon ignored the swarming admirers and took a step toward her. Her heart hammered in her chest. Her lungs threatened to deny her oxygen. Her knees wobbled under the weight of her body. Jaxon stood directly in front of Leticia without touching her. She didn't know whether to cling onto him or step back. Everything and everyone but Jaxon faded into the background.

"I want to try" Jaxon's gravelly voice made Leticia shiver. "With you" he added. He didn't want any misunderstandings about his desires and intentions. He'd said the same words to Carina but didn't feel nearly as confident as he did now. He and Leticia started with a clean slate.

Leticia nodded her head unable to annunciate her thoughts and feelings. Her mind screamed to ask him a hundred questions. Her body ached to consummate their agreement. Her heart palpitated unsure whether this was a good or bad idea. "Slow" She breathed. It was the only word she could get out. It was the only thing she could articulate from the jumbled thoughts running rampant through her mind.

"We can take it slow" Jaxon agreed. He'd never done slow before but if he was really thinking about it he and Leticia had been taking it slow since the first time they'd met. They'd flirted, hung out, and even gone on a date but they'd never had sex. Damn... they'd never even kissed. Jaxon wanted to pat himself on the back for each of these milestones.

"Okay" Leticia exhaled making Jaxon smile broadly. He knew he could take it slow with her. They were already living proof of it. Jaxon had never gone slow with anyone else before. It was always fuck them or lose interest before the girl got around to opening her legs. He knew his slutty mentality saw girls as a dime a dozen. Carina had slowed him down but not completely. Leticia captivated Jaxon's interest from the get-go. This was the longest he'd ever abstained from sex since losing his virginity. It wasn't as awful as he imagined it to be. Having the girls' warm friendship and hanging out with guys who weren't looking to gain anything from him made him feel like a new man.

Jaxon wrapped his arms around Leticia's waist. He pulled her close to his body loving her soft curves pressed against him. He looked down at his zippered front amazed that he wasn't hard. Okay maybe he had a semi but the point was that although he desired Leticia he wasn't consumed with blinding lust. Their foundation was built on more than sexual chemistry.

Jaxon kissed Leticia on the temple thrilled that she was willing to try. He sensed her sincerity. He knew the moment the words left her lips that she would genuinely give him a chance. He'd never felt this sense of peace and hopefulness with Carina. He'd always been trying to fully gain her trust and convince her of something that ultimately never happened.


"Are you singing tonight hot stuff?" Desirae asked Marco. It was rare for him to perform but when he did it was always unforgettable.

"Not tonight" Marco eyed the table. The girls leaned forward at Desirae's question, but slumped their shoulders when he replied. "But I intend to at the official staff party... Tonight is more like a thank-you for everyone."

"Okay" the girls beamed. They could wait another month for his performance. In the meantime, Jaxon seemed to keep them on their toes with his surprises.

The evening passed quickly. Everyone danced and drank the night away. Carina stayed behind with Valentino and Marco as they escorted everyone to a designated driver. Most groups didn't bother trying to pass the breathalyzer test. They just hopped into a car and disappeared into the night. Carina waved goodnight to her friends. She warmed at the sight of couples forming off.

Andrea thought she was being discreet by splitting from the group and going home with Nicholas but Carina saw it all. Beatriz went home with Brody. Apparently those two were a guaranteed hook-up. Diego went home with the girls while Griffin confidently found himself a piece of ass for the night. Leticia and Jaxon drove away together making Carina smile. She really hoped it worked out for them.

"Us time" Marco purred against her neck as he grabbed his two lovers. Carina giggled while Valentino smiled. They walked back into the club overseeing the closing procedures counting down the minutes until they could give into their desires.

Carina's phone vibrated. She looked down surprised to see Leticia's name flash across the screen with a text.

Leticia: Will you guys please come to the townhouse instead of V's place?

Carina: Hadn't planned to... Is everything OK?

Leticia: Want you guys here as buffer... Not ready yet with Jaxon.

Carina frowned looking at the text message. If Leticia was uncomfortable with the situation why was she allowing Jaxon to come over? Did she think Jaxon would force himself if she said no?

Carina: Jaxon will respect your boundaries...

Leticia: PLEASE :|

Carina: *sigh* OK

Leticia: Thx :)

"Who are you texting" Marco playfully growled into her ear. Carina hummed with appreciation at her lover's contact. Marco loved to constantly make some kind of physical contact with her. If it was with a simple brush in passing or a kiss on the temple but she knew she could always count on his subtle yet continuous touches of affection. Regardless, Carina always knew when Marco or Valentino were around. She felt their presence and their connection throughout every cell of her body.

"Leticia asked us to stay the night at your place" She carefully replied. She wasn't sure how Marco felt about Leticia and Jaxon hooking up.

"What's Leti up to?" Marco narrowed his eyes at Carina's phone. He glanced over her text exchange with his cousin knowing Carina wouldn't mind. Their open relationship required trust and transparency. "She does realize that Jaxon's impossible to resist when he puts his mind to it, right?"

"She knows" Carina snickered. She appreciated Marco's easygoing demeanor over this. Most guys would be going all ape shit over exes hanging out together so much.

"Do you think the little perverts just wanna watch us?" He teased. She threw her head back laughing. Marco was very comfortable in his sexuality. He loved both men and women and he immensely got off with other people watching him having sex.

"Might not put that past them" Carina chuckled. "I told her we'll head over there."

"Okay" Marco groaned. As much as he enjoyed having an audience watch them, tonight was not one of those nights. "We'll go." He reluctantly conceded.

Carina smirked knowing how much he was over exaggerating. He winked at her before heading to report the change of plans to Valentino who wouldn't have a problem with it but Marco didn't want to assume anything either.

"Let's go love" Valentino's voice warmed Carina's blood. Her men were unique and absolutely incredible. She wasn't sure how she'd lucked out to not only find them and bed them, but to somehow capture their hearts and souls. It hadn't happened overnight. She hadn't fallen blindly and naively. Hell, she was still wading in the shallows not wanting to jump into the deep end. Carina loved what she had with Valentino and Marco. She could stay in this phase of their relationship for a long time and not need anything more from them. She wasn't the kind of girl who needed a ring to feel loved or claimed. She wasn't the insecure kind who needed to wrap herself around her man to let every female out there know he was taken. Their heated gazes, warm smiles, and playful winks were just as cherished as their kisses and touches. She felt the same flushed reactions, fluttering stomach, and clenching womb with each of these intimate exchanges.

Carina slipped between Valentino and Marco. Valentino wrapped his arm around her waist and looped his finger into the waist of Marco's pant. Marco held Carina's hand and kissed her head. A female voice muttered
lucky bitch
as the last of the contractors exited. Marco momentarily scowled as he scoured the females who could've said it.

"I am" Carina whispered to the departing bodies. There was no point in denying it. She was one lucky bitch.

"How was I the only one offended" Marco asked his two lovers. He hated when females called each other nasty names and talked behind one another's backs. He never understood why women chose to bring each other down rather than help each other up. Fakeness and insecurities were his two least favorite attributes in a woman. He understood the occasional insecurity; hell he'd suffered through it these last few months with Jaxon always around. But Marco couldn't tolerate a woman who constantly needed affirmation of her beauty and worthiness. It was too fucking exhausting. Carina was the epitome of confidence without the arrogance; beauty without the vanity; and intelligence without belittling. Even when the girls verbally assaulted Chelsea, Carina usually found a way to diffuse the situation and interject with better intentions.

"Because even in my best dream-of-all-time-dreams I would've never imagined being this blessed..." Carina squeezed Marco's hand and leaned into Valentino's muscular frame. "You are everything I've dreamt of and more; times two." She leaned over and kissed Marco on the cheek, then Valentino on the jaw. She knew her eyes radiated love and adoration. She wanted her men to see it.

When they'd first gotten together almost a year ago Carina figured the sex would be phenomenal... but if she were being honest with herself, she assumed that she'd be more of the bystander in their relationship. Although Valentino had been oblivious to Marco's true feelings and had never revealed his desire for more with his best friend and business partner, Carina had accepted that she might interfere with their budding relationship and have to bow out. Instead, Valentino made
feel like the glue that held them all together.

"Neither one of us was looking for anything serious" Valentino pressed Carina against his SUV. He loved feeling her shiver against his dominating touch. Valentino stroked the silver maple-leaf bracelet around her wrist. It was their constant reminder of their love and commitment. "But the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I couldn't just let you walk away. I wanted a taste"

"And that taste turned into wanting to consume you" Marco whispered against Carina's side. He remembered the first few weeks as only the spectator. Valentino was completely enraptured with Carina after their one night together. Marco watched in quiet envy as Valentino pined away for the Spanish beauty. It had hurt in those days. But in the end, Carina surprised them all.

"And we have no intention of letting you go" Valentino's lips brushed against Carina's.

"Good to know" She breathed. "Now get me home so you can show me how much you love me."

Valentino and Marco smiled wickedly. "With pleasure" they replied. Carina yelped as Valentino swatted her ass. She hustled into the SUV ready for an all-nighter.

Chapter Thirty

Jaxon watched Leticia from his peripheral. She'd agreed to try and had invited him over to her place. His hands tightened around the steering wheel. For the first time in his life he wondered if that was a good idea; him and Leticia being under the same roof, alone... Well that spelled one of two things: a fucktastic time or a disaster waiting to happen. Jaxon wasn't sure what they could do to pass the time away. He didn't mind playing board games and cards with the group of girls. It was hilarious watching them cheat and pass the time away. But this was different. Jaxon didn't want to fuck anything up.

"Who are you texting?" He asked Leticia. They were almost to her place and she was already reaching out to someone. He didn't like the churning in his stomach. Leticia hadn't done anything to earn his mistrust or suspicions. Jealousy and insecurity were conniving bitches.

"Carina is coming over with the guys" Leticia replied. She breathed a sigh of relief hoping Jaxon didn't notice her trepidation. As much as she wanted to spend alone time with him she didn't entirely trust the situation. Leticia wasn't a saint. She'd bedded enough men to know the difference between a temporary moment with a one-night stand and the bond an emotional relationship could add to a physical relationship. She just wasn't sure if Jaxon truly grasped the concept. It was one of the things that Carina constantly harped about regarding her time with Jaxon. Leticia didn't want to be compared to Carina but she wanted to do things differently than them. She was already competing with the ghost of Carina Lobos. Although Carina was alive and well her presence haunted everything Jaxon did and said. Apparently the summer had been a major page turner for them. Jaxon was more involved in Carina's life and they acted like the equivalent of best-friends-slash-ex-lovers.

"Okay" Jaxon pulled into the driveway of the luxury townhome. "Are we all hanging out or something?"

"Doubt it" Leticia shrugged. She stepped out of the car and headed to the front door. "I'll be surprised if they make it to their bedroom."

Jaxon silently followed Leticia in. He wasn't sure if this was some of kind of test he needed to pass. His eyes glanced over the place. He recalled Leticia mentioning her taking over Marco's townhome. The place definitely had a male presence to it.

"I'm going to take a shower" Leticia stated. She ensured her voice was steady. She didn't want him thinking she was inviting him to join her. "You're welcome to grab a shirt and shorts from Marco's stuff before they get here."

Jaxon watched Leticia scurry up the stairs. The night was definitely going to be interesting. For a split second he thought Leticia wanted him to join her in the shower but her tone and rigid posture stated otherwise. He never imagined Leticia acting like a skittish filly but that was the best way to describe her at the moment.

Jaxon walked into the kitchen. Steel appliances and granite counters silently greeted him. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before jogging up the stairs. He listened for the shower indicating Leticia's room.

Jaxon headed to the French doors and slowly opened them. He smiled at Marco's private space. The man was all masculinity with a touch of metrosexualness. It wasn't like Marco waxed his eyebrows, had manicures, or carried a man-purse... It was more in the way he held himself. In the way he noticed the beauty of men and women alike. The way he could take the breath away from damn near anyone, man or woman, with his looks and smile. Marco reminded Jaxon of a dark, brooding Hades but with the bisexuality and appeal of Apollo.

Jaxon opened the first drawer of the stylish dresser. He breathed a sigh of relief at the selection of white cotton shirts. He grabbed the first one and opened the next drawer. He hesitated not wanting to use another man's underwear - it didn't matter if they were clean. He closed the top drawers and opened another. He found a selection of gym shorts and workout gear. Jaxon gladly grabbed a pair of gym shorts. He and Marco were similar in size although Marco was taller than him by a few inches. He closed the doors and exited the room praying that his presence wouldn't be detected by the others when they got home.

Jaxon listened on the outside of the door. The shower was no longer running. Old Jaxon, who was still inside begging to be let out; wanted to just open the door and waltz right in... Old Jaxon would cherish finding a nude or semi-nude Leticia, and take full advantage of the situation.

New Jaxon hesitated outside the door waging an internal battle with himself. New Jaxon talked him through the proper way to approach the situation. This fucking shit was exhausting... He rapped his knuckles against the door. It wasn't knocking - it was making his presence known. There. He could appease his old and new persona.

"Come in" Leticia called. Jaxon slowly opened the door unsure of what he hoped to find on the other side. He'd be lying if he claimed that he didn't want to see Leticia in some sexy lingerie but it was a hell of a lot easier to keep his hands off if she was wearing a pair of sweats and a ratty t-shirt. Jaxon stepped in. His breath rushed out of his lungs. Okay... this was a compromise. Leticia looked comfortable yet sexy. She wore a pair of grey yoga pants with a tight tank top that managed to cover her belly. She was the perfect combination of temptation and neutrality.

"I'm going to take a shower too" Jaxon stammered. He felt awkward as fuck. Leticia nodded her head and motioned to the private bathroom. He walked past her unsure of what else to say. He locked the door - more for himself - and stripped off his clothes. He ignored the feminine details of the bathroom and stepped into the cold shower. He welcomed the icy water shocking his heated skin. He needed to calm the fuck down and shrivel his overeager dick to the size of a peanut. That was the only way he could guarantee its cooperation.

Jaxon stood under the freezing water for as long as he could. What did Leticia have planned next? Were they just going to lounge around and talk? Were they going to listen in or watch Carina and the guys when they got home? Were they actually sleeping in the same bed together? Jaxon only ever spent the night at a chick's place because he was too damn drunk to get home. He never willingly spent the night because it always sent a bad message. The stupid slut would always think it was something more. Ironically, he'd wanted to spend the night in Carina's dorm but she never allowed it claiming it was her and Desirae's pact. He smirked at that memory. Somehow he and Carina had reversed roles during their relationship. She acted more like the dude and he like the pussy.

Jaxon stepped out of the shower relieved to feel the warm and fluffy towel against his battered skin. He couldn't feel his toes but at least his dick wouldn't be functional any time soon. He stepped into the gym shorts and pulled the shirt over his head. Another time, another place, and he would've kept the shirt off showcasing his hips with the low hanging shorts. He walked out of the bathroom but kept his head down. He wasn't sure what he was walking into. The front door slammed shut. Jaxon froze listening to Carina's laughter and the sound of male voices. He looked at Leticia who merely shrugged. There went his theory about them watching in on the action.

"What now?" Jaxon inquired. Leticia sat against her headboard with her chin resting on her knees. He wasn't sure if he was welcome on the bed too.

"We could sit and talk" Leticia offered. A thump in the hallway startled them. Marco growled as his door slammed against the wall. Jaxon's brows raised; there was no way in hell they were going to be able to tune the trio out when they got started. He stared at Leticia as the shower sounded down the hall.

"Okay" He once again replied. He felt lame as fuck saying the same things over and over again but he was treading choppy waters. He really had no fucking idea how to proceed. Was he supposed to assume it was okay to get in bed with her? Was he expected to sit in the plush armchair to keep things as platonic as possible? What the fuck was he supposed to do here?

Leticia sensed Jaxon's uncertainty. She patted the empty space beside her. What she really wanted to do was cuddle under the sheets while caressing each other but she knew that could lead to more dangerous territory. Jaxon wasn't the kind of guy you could press your body against and ignore the pressing need to get naked together.

Jaxon slowly crawled onto the bed. He remained over the fluffy comforter. "What would you like to talk about?"

"What do you want me to know about you?" Leticia asked. They'd spent a lot of time together over the summer but they'd talked more about his rowing accomplishments and career aspirations. It was because of Jaxon that Leticia looked up Mathematician degrees and investigated what an
was and what they did. Who knew that people actually obtained a degree that centered around financial risk? Leticia just figured people became CPA's, engineers, CFO's, and stock traders with those kinds of degrees.

Jaxon sighed before settling back against the headboard. This was such an open question. He could spend the night answering it or just glossing over it with a Wikipedia version of himself. "I'm not sure what all you're looking for" He hesitantly began. "I thought we talked a lot over the summer."

"We did" She amended. "But I don't know much about your family or your past."

Jaxon rubbed an old rowing scar on his arm. He caressed the now smooth skin; it helped to clear his mind. He was amazed Leticia hadn't done her own investigating. It was usually what people did when they wanted to know more about the Wright family.

Perhaps she had done her homework and was testing him. Jaxon preferred it when people thought they knew everything about him or were completely ignorant to his family name. The Wright family was a powerhouse in these parts. Guys and girls flocked to him because of his wealth, status, and looks. Jaxon glanced at Leticia. She simply sat next to him patiently waiting for him to say something. He let go of his uncertainty and trepidation and took a cleansing breath. Out with the heavy weight of what could've-should've-and-never-would-be and in with the bittersweet unknown that held so much possibility and hope.

He stared at their feet as he spoke about his family. It was easier to not watch her reaction. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to know if she knew anything about his family. Her small sharp breaths were enough for him to know when she genuinely was surprised.

Leticia quietly listened as Jaxon described his parents, uncle, and other important family members. While Jaxon's uncle was the Dean of the university everyone attended, Jaxon's father was some uppity in Lockheed Martin. Leticia watched Jaxon's face light up as he spoke about his father's accomplishments and aspirations. He spoke with the same reverence and respect regarding his uncle as well.

"What does your mother do?" Leticia inquired. She noticed Jaxon speak primarily regarding the men in his family.

"She's a socialite" Jaxon shrugged. He couldn't say his mother was anything more than that. She wasn't a stay-at-home mom since he was grown and in college. He was an only child and his fondest memories of his mother were when she shined the brightest during charity functions and extravagant events.

"Didn't realize that was a fulltime job" Leticia giggled trying to ease his discomfort. Jaxon's minute cringe said enough. She imagined people were quick to add their two cents regarding his family and wealth.

"Someone has to keep the local charities going and the gossip flittering amuck." Jaxon teased right back. His chest warmed at her easygoing acceptance of his family. He leaned his head against the wall and studiously looked at her. There really wasn't much that upset her. She'd taken his history with Carina in stride and still wanted to get to know him better.

"Do you attend her events?" Leticia inquired. She attended anything and everything pertaining to Marco's clubs but she'd never been to some overly fancy shindig.

"As often as I can" Jaxon proudly replied. "Ava Wright doesn't do anything halfway. If there's a need in the community and she's aware of it, then she'll be all over it. I've watched too many elite families sit on their piles of money and flaunt their title and status but do nothing else. My mother was never like that."

Jaxon almost mentioned Thanksgiving but stopped himself before regretting whatever came out of his mouth. The last time he'd extended the invitation everything had gone to shit. Thanksgiving had been the beginning of the end for him and Carina. He wanted to make better memories but he needed these next two weeks before he extended any type of invitation to Leticia about Thanksgiving.

Moans broke through Jaxon's introspection. Leticia smirked knowing Jaxon heard the others in the room. Carina and Marco were very vocal lovers. Valentino wasn't as much but when he made noise it impacted everyone who watched and listened.

"Well" Jaxon croaked. He wasn't sure if this was his cue to leave. Why the hell did Marco bring them back here? Jaxon wasn't thrilled with the situation. He wasn't sure how to act. Should he ignore it? Should he embrace it? Should he leave?

"Yeah" Leticia giggled. "Let's get under the covers." She suggested. She bit her lip trying to smother her laugh. Jaxon tittered between shock and discomfort. She knew for a fact that Jaxon wasn't a prude but she loved his valiant effort at playing the gentleman.

Jaxon slid off the bed and pulled back the covers. He focused on keeping a stoic face while listening to the groans and shouts of pleasure from the threesome in the other room. Fucking-A what he would give to just sneak in a peek.

Leticia waited until Jaxon slid under the comforter. She snuggled up to him loving the feel of his warm body against hers. He tucked his arm beneath her neck welcoming the contact. If only the other fucking room was silent this could be a completely innocent evening... but the horny fuckers down the hall brought his cock to full attention.

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