The Irresistible Bundle (81 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Several medical attendants wheeled Carina into a room while Nicholas spoke into his phone. Richard looked around the vacant rooms, searching.

"Sir" the familiar voice hesitantly greeted him.

"Thank you for bringing him" Richard replied. He flicked his chin towards Diego. "The others are already aware - he wasn't there; you didn't see anything; and you've never seen this kid before. Understand? I'm taking care of the situation."

The two campus security officers looked at the Dean and each other. Even if they didn't agree with their boss they did as they were told. Richard walked into the room they'd just vacated. Diego sat hunched over as a nurse cleaned and mended his ravaged hands.

"He's in really bad shape" Richard quietly informed Diego.

Diego's head snapped up. "How is she? What hospital's she at?"

"She's here" Richard blocked the doorway. Diego vibrated with unspent rage.

"I need to see her" he growled.

"I know you do" Richard soothed. "But she's being examined right now. Dr. Redmond is taking x-rays of her ribs. The second she gives the okay you'll be the first to see her." Richard was actually glad for Nicholas' insistence. At least this way everyone could hover in the hallways while Carina was attended to.

There was so much he needed to do. Professors needed to be informed of the situation. His security staff needed to be briefed. The campus needed to be inspected for unsafe routes and poor lighting.

The nurse tending to Diego softly patted him before leaving the room. Richard waited until she left before broaching the subject again. "Diego, you almost killed him."

"Is this the part where you expect me to be repentant?" Diego coldly replied. "I didn't do enough. The bastard..." Diego choked on his words. "He..."

"I saw what he did to Carina" Richard softly replied. He understood Diego's blinding fury. He couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't have reacted the same way if he'd found Pete taking a piss all over someone he loved. Although the fucker wasn't sexually violating her, what he'd done defiled her in a similar manner. Richard prayed she'd blacked out before then.

"Excuse me" a female voice called from the hallway. Richard looked over his shoulder relieved to see Dr. Redmond.

"Yes Doctor" he replied. He motioned Diego forward hoping the good doc already had some news.

"Miss Lobos hasn't regained consciousness yet" she began. Diego slumped in despair but kept his gaze on the attending physician. "She's currently being treated. I need to know if you want to authorize a rape kit..."

Diego hissed. Richard placed his hand on Diego's shoulder. "Her sweater was ripped open Diego but her leggings were still on and intact." He looked at the doctor for confirmation. She nodded in agreement.

"I'd still like to do a thorough examination" Dr. Redmond replied. "I can conduct an external examination and only proceed with permission if it appears..."

"Fine" Diego interrupted. He couldn't fathom Carina getting raped but he'd seen the state she was in. He'd seen the fucker's dick hanging out of his pants.

The side door slammed open. Two hot males stalked forward causing Dr. Redmond to simultaneously flush and blanch.

"Where is she?" Valentino demanded.

"What happened?" Marco fumed. Nicholas ran from the hallway looking dismayed and relieved to see the pair.

"Talk to me Nicholas" Dr. Redmond huffed. There were too many people hovering about for one unconscious girl. "Why are there people sitting on the floor in the hallway? Who is next of kin?" She suspected it was the dark-haired, bloody-knuckled young man in front of her but she needed to verify it.

Nicholas motioned to the man already stepping forward. "This is Carina's brother Diego. This is the Dean of the University, Richard Wright. These are Carina's significant others - Valentino and Marco."

"And the people in the hall are her roommates and closest friends. They won't be going anywhere so we'll need to accommodate them somehow" Richard added.

"I need to finish my examination" Dr. Redmond sternly replied. Her head hurt from the overpowering amount of testosterone emanating from the men. "I'll let you know when you can see her."

"Do you have the results from the x-rays?" Richard inquired. "I was worried she'd punctured a lung."

Marco paled at his words but Richard couldn't be concerned about them right now. His focus was on the student who was attacked on university grounds.

"Soon" Dr. Redmond replied.

"Diego I need you to write a report while it's fresh on your mind. It'll kill some time until Carina's ready for you." Richard gently urged. They all needed something to do while the doctor tended to her.

Diego lifted his bloody and battered hands making Valentino and Marco wince. "Tell me those are the results of whoever did this to her" Valentino gruffly replied. Diego stiffly nodded but didn't say anything. Richard's lethal glare let him know that he needed to keep his mouth shut about that part.

"I'll type it for him" Desirae offered from the hallway. She trembled under the weight of her grief and rioting emotions. She needed to do something productive or risk going AWOL in front of everyone. Too many shadows from her past lurked in the corners of her mind when things went to shit like this. Busy. She needed to stay busy.

"Okay" Diego softly replied. His momentary spurt of happiness at seeing her dissipated as he recalled who he'd been hurrying to see when Carina was suffering under Pete's hands. Guilt and grief battered his already hollow chest.

Nicholas ushered Desirae and Diego into a nearby room with a laptop. "Just type what happened but don't put your name anywhere on it." He quietly instructed. Diego and Desirae nodded.

Nicholas stayed in the hallway watching between the two men who'd been present. He listened to Diego shakily describe the scene. Desirae quietly sobbed as she typed Diego's words onto the screen. Nicholas leaned against the wall closing his eyes in grief. He'd barely gotten a glimpse at Carina and it already haunted him. He couldn't fathom what Diego had been through.

"He fucking what" Desirae screeched. She shot out of her chair slamming it into the wall. Diego and Nicholas gaped at the fiery brunette. Desirae barreled down the hallway toward Jaxon. She punched him in the chest causing everyone to jump off the floor and scatter. "He fucking pissed on her" she roared. "Your piece of shit friend did this to her." She sobbed.

Jaxon looked up in horror and disbelief. He couldn't feel Desirae's punches. His eyes bounced from Diego and his Uncle. They hadn't allowed him to see Carina yet. No one was saying anything.

Richard pulled Desirae off Jaxon. Valentino quietly wrapped her up in his arms softly murmuring to her. The group looked around in shock and disbelief. Desirae was the firecracker of the group but she'd never attacked anyone, even Jaxon. Diego and Richard quietly informed the group of what they'd encountered and what they knew. The group gasped, cried, and clung to each other as the men recalled the scene. Marco remained silent, hands tightly fisted, staring at the floor. Diego blankly stared at Desirae. Everyone remained frozen.

Chapter Thirty-Four

This was his fault. Each word lacerated Jaxon's heart. His stomach twisted as he remembered stepping out of the apartment complex. The moment his eyes followed the flashing lights he'd known...

Jaxon grabbed the nearest chair and slammed it into the wall wishing it were Pete. He punched the walls in anger and grief trying to dispel some of the suffocating emotions from his body. Fucking Pete. Motherfucking pussy-ass Pete.

Strong arms pulled Jaxon away from the wall. He tried to push away from the warm body but it wouldn't budge. Jaxon just wanted to keep hitting the wall. He needed someone to hit him. He should be in the same condition as Carina. It's the least he deserved. He twisted his hips, trying to get away from whoever was restraining him. The arms tightened around his body as Jaxon continued to struggle. His chest... his fucking chest hurt more than his bloodied hands. An inhuman sound escaped his throat. Pain and tears weren't enough. His knees buckled but he never fell to the floor. The arms that held him refused to let go.

"I know" Marco gruffly whispered into Jaxon's ear. His hands fisted Jaxon's shirt, clinging to his trembling body. "I know what you're feeling."

"It's my fault" Jaxon whispered in despair. It was his fucking fault.

Marco turned him around. He pulled Jaxon's face into his shoulder allowing Jaxon to sob into his chest. Marco understood his fury and anguish. No one had given Pete a second thought. They never suspected him of being behind the internet assault. They never dreamed Carina was in physical danger.

"I should've been there" Jaxon croaked. "I was on the phone with her when it went silent. I should've gone outside..."

"Stop it" Marco squeezed Jaxon tightly. He wouldn't voice it but the same grief and guilt weighed heavily on him. They should've hired someone to watch over Carina until the perpetrator was caught. But they hadn't. They should've been more aggressive in their investigation. But they'd been complacent and now Carina had paid for it. They were all at fault but Carina was the one paying for it.

"Mr. Lobos" Dr. Redmond tentatively approached the group. Their powerful emotions emanated throughout the medical wing.

Diego stepped forward. "Can I see her now?" He pushed past the bodies trying to get to the doctor.

"I'd like to conduct a full examination" She hedged. Normally she wouldn't speak this frankly in front of so many people but she'd heard them all openly discussing the young unconscious woman.

"You think she was..." Diego's voice warbled. He clung to the wall trying to process what the doctor was and wasn't saying.

Dr. Redmond warily eyed at the group. She was not THAT comfortable discussing the details of her patient's physical state with everyone present. She didn't care if they talked about it afterwards but her vows were deeply ingrained in her.

"She might be red and tender from last night" Marco's soft response echoed off the walls. He looked directly at Valentino as he spoke recalling their hours-long sexathon.

"Marco's right" Valentino added. "If you don't see tearing or blood then it may just be from last night's..."

"Overuse" Desirae helpfully added. Valentino's small smile and nod relieved the tension in the room. He kissed Desirae's forehead silently thanking her for the colorful choice of wording.

"Let me situate her then" Dr. Redmond stated. "I'll call you in afterwards."

"I've got to make some calls and check in with the hospital." Richard informed the group.

"Carina's here" Jaxon looked at his uncle in confusion. "Why do you need to call the hospital?"

"Because Pete took a brutal beating tonight and it's my responsibility to check on him too. I also have to notify the police of our findings. I suspect he'll be in the hospital for a while before he's carted off to jail. It'll give us enough time to present our case for prosecution." Richard looked at everyone in the group. "I'm not a doctor but just by looking at him I can tell you Pete sustained some devastating injuries."

"Like" Desirae challenged. Nothing Dean Richard said could make her feel sorry for the bastard. Even in death she wouldn't mourn his loss.

"Broken ribs, shattered bones.... I won't be surprised if they inform me that he has internal injuries or a punctured lung." Richard flatly stated. He didn't want this group rejoicing or bragging about the assault. "I suspect the cops will be as eager to find his assailant as they will be in prosecuting him for Carina's attack."

The group looked at Diego with quiet awe and trepidation. They didn't want him going to jail for something Pete deserved.

"I'd fist bump you..." Marco began.

"But it would be highly inappropriate" Richard growled.

"And it would hurt like a bitch" Diego dryly replied. Now that the adrenaline had worn off his hands felt like he'd put them through a meat grinder. Every movement hurt; even the air stroking his skin felt like knives slicing him.

"We need to visit her in small groups" Nicholas looked at everyone gathered. He counted nine people in all. Although Carina was the only one in the wing, and she had an oversized room; their overwhelming presence might be daunting.

"I'm first no matter what" Diego's gruff whisper didn't soften his demand. The group nodded in agreement.

"We're after him" Marco motioned to himself and Valentino.

"We'll go in after you two" Andrea motioned between the girls. Everyone looked at Desirae who remained huddled in Valentino's arms. Her empty glare concerned them but she was in good hands.

"Jaxon and I will go last" Leticia quietly offered.

"What about you Nicholas?" Sati inquired. It was because of him that Carina was able to be in a private facility with state-of-the-art equipment and immediate care.

"This is my place." Nicholas shrugged. He wasn't penciling himself in. "I'll be in and out."

"Dean Richard, Mr. Lobos" Dr. Redmond called from Carina's room. Richard and Diego darted to the room while the group slowly made their way outside her door. Valentino kept Desirae tucked beneath his arm while Marco held onto Jaxon. The girls huddled together trying to calm their grief and muster up some courage. Hearing the story from the men and seeing the reactions to the few who'd seen her; everyone was preparing themselves for what lay inside the room.

Diego's wail of despair brought Desirae to her knees. Valentino sat on the floor and held her. He kept his eyes closed praying for the strength to enter that room and be what Carina needed.

"I'm so sorry muñeca" Diego cried over and over again. Richard's soft tone could be heard through Diego's brief moments of silence.

"She's sustained numerous injuries" Dr. Redmond stated from the room. She spoke loud enough for everyone in the hallway to hear her as well. There was no point in trying to maintain patient-doctor confidentiality with the group. HIPPA laws didn't pertain to them within these private walls; Nicholas assured her of it. It was Dr. Redmond's only reassurance with disclosing her patient's condition.

"When will she wake up?" Diego croaked. Carina's still form haunted him. He just wanted her to open her big beautiful brown eyes and stare at him. He understood if she wouldn't smile immediately. He'd hold her when she cried - because she would. Diego just needed something more than she was just breathing.

"As I was saying" Dr. Redmond cleared her throat. "Miss Lobos sustained numerous injuries, several that were severe enough for her body to temporarily shut down."

"What?" Diego screeched. Richard grasped Diego's forearm trying to get him to calm down. Carina needed them to be positive and have faith - none of the things Diego was emitting.

"Carina being unconscious is a good thing" Dr. Redmond firmly stated. "Her body needs to heal and recover. She has several bruised ribs and a fractured collarbone where the boot print appears. She has numerous lacerations throughout her torso and face. They've all been cleaned and tended to. Her left eye is swollen shut. I won't know if her vision's affected until she's awake and able to communicate with us. Her x-rays revealed no broken or cracked ribs and the scan showed no swelling in her brain."

"Okay" Richard replied for Diego. This was both good and bad news. By Carina's black and blue appearance they knew she hadn't gone unscathed but a fractured collarbone still meant weeks of recovery.

"There was no indication of sexual assault. There's no internal bleeding but we'll keep an eye out over the next few days to ensure everything's okay." Dr. Redmond looked between both men.

"Thank you Dr. Redmond" Nicholas stated from the doorway. She nodded her head and exited the room. Nicholas stepped forward bracing himself for the sight of the Latin beauty. His eyes landed on a mass of bruises, swelling, and bandages. Nicholas hissed to stop himself from reacting in any other manner. He couldn't... He wanted to kill...

"Get your shit together" Richard growled from Carina's bedside. He couldn't be the only one holding everyone together.

Nicholas held his breath fighting against the anguish tearing his chest open. The girls would be devastated at the sight of Carina. Marco and Jaxon were going to lose their shit. Valentino.... Nicholas wasn't even sure how Valentino was going to react. He shuddered as his eyes catalogued every injury. "Richard" Nicholas urgently whispered. "Pete's accomplice...."

"Not now" Richard snapped. "I can't handle it right now and this group is liable to become the firing squad."

Nicholas swallowed the boulder in his throat. The damn thing settled in his chest. He knew who'd helped Pete. He knew... Nicholas rigidly exited the room. He stared at the expectant faces outside Carina's door. They didn't need to see her like this.

"Andrea" Nicholas firmly stated. Andrea's spine straightened at his whip-like tone. He hated making the demand but they needed to go back to the apartment and rest. Diego needed this time with his sister and Nicholas didn't want the girls hearing Valentino and Marco's reaction when they entered the room.

"I need you four to go home and return first thing in the morning."

"No" Desirae's shrill voice bounced off the empty walls. She flung herself off Valentino and charged toward Nicholas. There was no way in hell she was going to leave this place without getting a glimpse at her best friend. She needed to see her breathing. She needed to feel her warm skin.

"That wasn't a request" Nicholas flatly stated. If he had to be the asshole he would be. Everyone was on edge as it already was. Seeing Carina was only going to push them over. Nicholas braced himself for Desirae's attack. Valentino was too stunned to react in time. Nicholas caught Desirae and leaned into the doorway. He understood her need to get a glimpse at Carina but it wasn't going to make her feel better. If anything it would bring her a sleepless night.

"Oh my God" Desirae sobbed into his shoulder. She couldn't see Carina's body but her face was almost unrecognizable. Nicholas held her up as her body violently trembled. Desirae helplessly stared at the scene in the room. Carina was on that bed, hurt. Diego was devastated... And there wasn't a damn thing she could do for either of them.

"I don't want them to see her like this" Nicholas whispered in her ear. "I need you all to go home. Maybe she'll wake up during the night and we can have better news for you. Please Des..."

Nicholas never asked for anything. He owned the club everyone came to seeking something they wanted or needed. He didn't have long-term girlfriends; he had submissives. His staff was under his thumb. His business partners ceded to his demands. Nicholas reined... but in this instance he needed Desirae's compliance. This was his effort of give and take. He allowed her this brief but equally debilitating glance to appease her.

Desirae found it harder and harder to breathe. Her mind unlocked doors that had been tightly sealed for years. Carina's face reminded her...

Nicholas pried Desirae off him. He looked at Andrea who knew he wasn't bending on this. Sati and Leticia might not understand but she did. Andrea grabbed Desirae by the waist and motioned for Leticia to help Sati out the doors. The men remained in the hallway listening to Diego's gruff sobs as the girls shuffled to their car.


"It's our turn to see her" Marco implored. He was almost to the point of running in there not waiting for anyone's permission but he couldn't risk getting thrown out. The slow, steady beep of the monitor let them know Carina's heart was beating. Diego's muffled sobs let them know Carina was alive but in bad shape.

"Please" Valentino added. He looked between Nicholas and Marco feeling completely discombobulated. Without even looking at Carina, Valentino felt utterly powerless. She was just a few feet away completely unaware of her surroundings. She was battered and broken and there wasn't a damn thing he could do to make things better for her. Valentino rubbed his chest. The jarring pain between his ribs left him impotent with grief and anger. He didn't allow himself to think of the
what if's
should have's
. If he did, he'd drown in a pool of despair.

"Come in with us" Marco softly urged Jaxon. He still hadn't let go of the grieving man since he'd attacked the wall. Valentino's jaw twitched. He had no right to notice anything outside of Carina's condition but he couldn't tear his gaze away from Marco and Jaxon.

Marco: his lover.

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