The Irresistible Bundle (76 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Aren't you concerned?" Leticia stared between Marco and Valentino. It drove her crazy how indifferent they were regarding Carina and Jaxon's
She impatiently drummed her fingers against her thigh hoping that her piercing stare would unnerve them. Jaxon and Carina had spent every available moment together "practicing" for their upcoming performances. She got that Valentino was closing the club to the public and only making it available to his staff; allowing them to relax and play for the entire night. This year's Halloween event had been one of the most successful in their history and their competitors. Leticia just didn't understand why Carina and Jaxon were preparing numbers the way they did at

"I know you think we should be" Marco cupped Leticia's cheek. Her entire being vibrated with irritation. "But we're not."

"Jaxon had Carina before she ever met either one of us. Things didn't work out for them. She chose us. She's still with us." Valentino added. He saw the uncertainty in Leticia's eyes. He wished he could do something to make it go away but time and trust were the only remedies to her insecurities. Valentino acknowledged that it had taken him most of the summer to get there but they were in a really good place now. Carina was happier than he'd ever seen her. Their relationship had progressed enough to the point that they were planning on spending the holidays together meeting one another's families. They were still trying to figure out how they were going to present it to the Lobos family but Valentino couldn't concern himself with that for now. He was in an amazing relationship with a phenomenal man and woman.

"You don't worry that she'll cheat" Leticia shrilled. She wanted to wrap her hands around their throats and choke them until their brain cells exploded. Maybe then they'd think clearly.

"Carina could've given into temptation a long time ago" Marco gently informed her. His jaw tightened as he remembered Carina's confession of the backstage situation. Troublemaker wasn't perfect. They weren't either. They had to work at their relationship just like everyone else.

"Remember we all watched Jaxon and Carina's scene at
That wasn't staged or overacted. That was passion in its truest form. We understand and acknowledge that what Carina and Jaxon have is potent and combustible. Hell... Jaxon is Carina's kryptonite. How we deal with it is the true issue. Do we pretend it doesn't exist and just ignore it?" Valentino asked. Leticia snorted unable to refrain from making some kind of reaction. Their sexual tension was so thick at times it could be cut with a knife.

"Tried that" Marco shrugged. "Ineffective and it didn't address the root problem."

"Do we forbid her from speaking or interacting with Jaxon at all?" Valentino continued.

"Tried that in a non-direct way" Marco responded. "Epic failure there too... That's how the whole summer scene got out of control."

"Do we step out of the way and let them have another go at their relationship?" Valentino challenged. Leticia blanched at the thought. Were they really that secure with their place in Carina's life that they would step away and allow Jaxon to step back in?

"We've offered Carina that scenario on more than one occasion. Now we've taken things in a different direction. Jaxon is a very active part of Carina's life. They see each other every day. They even flirt and confide in each other but at the end of the day she goes to our bed. There may come a time when she welcomes him between her thighs with our blessings but she'll never openly welcome him in her heart and that's what matters most to us." Valentino ran his fingers through his hair. He hoped he was communicating this effectively. Marco hadn't interrupted him once so he figured he was doing a decent job of explaining their perspective and actions, or lack of...

"It's no secret that Marco and I enjoy sharing Carina. She's young, vibrant, and insatiable. We fucking love watching her with other men. I get rock hard watching her coming back to us flushed and smelling of sex. It honestly pushes me over the edge. The sex is wild and intense. Because at the end of the day it doesn't matter who she's fucked or what she's done... Carina always comes back to us."

Leticia swallowed the uncomfortable lump in her throat. Valentino and Marco were operating on a whole 'nother level of trust and intimacy. They weren't even talking about monogamy or marriage. They were discussing love, trust, and communication. The sex was a big part of it; but there couldn't be sex with people outside of their relationship without those other factors taking precedence. "Wow" Leticia stuttered.

What else could she really say? Did she know anyone else that had a relationship like this? No... But Marco, Valentino, and Carina's unique relationship was one for the romance novels. It was true, fiercely passionate, and rare.

Marco and Valentino's phone rang almost consecutively. Leticia glanced surprised to see the names flash against the screens. One phone read Nicholas' name while the other phone flashed Diego's.

"What's up?" Marco demanded.

"What happened" Valentino answered without greeting his friend.

Both men paled as the person on the other line spoke. Leticia quickly stood up knowing something bad had just happened.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Jaxon pounded on the door. He needed to speak to Carina before anyone else did. He couldn't believe someone had fucked them over.

"What the hell is your problem" Andrea snarled. She didn't appreciate him trying to knock the door down with his fists.

Jaxon stormed into the apartment. "Is Carina in her room?" It was the only courtesy he extended before stalking off. "Carina" He shouted.

Carina opened her door to a flustered Andrea and an upset Jaxon. "What's wrong?"

"It wasn't me. I've got my uncle checking into it to see if it's someone on campus putting the images up." Jaxon's panicked voice brought all the girls to Carina's side of the apartment.

"What pictures Jaxon" Carina demanded trying to remain calm. It'd been months since anything between her and Jaxon had transpired. What images could be posted online to have Jaxon in such a tizzy?

"On it" Desirae called from the living room. She had her laptop out tapping away at the keys. Jaxon ran his hands through his hair, visibly agitated. Carina wanted to hug and reassure him but his overly agitated state left a bad taste in her mouth.

"Here it is" Desirae turned the monitor at a better angle for everyone to see the images on the screen. Carina wasn't surprised to see several shots. She'd already seen them on
's website and on several social networking sites. They were images that anyone could easily copy and paste onto the site.

"That one's from your Bruno Mars performance" Sati pointed to the image of Carina in a cage dressed as an angel with Jaxon below her shirtless and singing up to her.

"That one's from the estate. Nicholas has it on the website" Andrea added. It was a picture of Carina and Jaxon walking side-by-side in referee costumes. They were laughing in the picture. Aside from the risqué outfits Carina and Jaxon looked happy together. It was actually a picture Carina was fond of. It showed how far she and Jaxon had come in less than a year's time.

"Isn't this one here on campus?" Desirae pointed to an image of Carina and Jaxon walking toward their apartment. "Did any of you take this picture?"

"No" they all replied.

"Have you seen it before?" Carina asked Jaxon. It wasn't on any of her social networking sites.

"Never" Jaxon frowned at the picture. "It's like they were trying to capture us alone together." Carina shrugged. She wasn't concerned. There was nothing going on between her and Jaxon and the picture portrayed their platonic relationship.

"Scroll down Des" Jaxon bitterly instructed. "If these were the only pictures belleza I wouldn't have bothered you. Uncle Richard is investigating but I know you had Diego working on some stuff too."

Desirae scrolled further down. The first three recent images of Carina and Jaxon were benign compared to the last image.

"Open another window" Carina barked. Her hands trembled with slow building fury at the image. Desirae opened a new tab on her screen. She expediently followed Carina's commands. The group held its breath as they navigated through Nicholas' site and logged into the member's only section. The secured pictures from
were images now available to the public. Carina stared in disbelief. Risqué photos were only accessible to very exclusive members. Nicholas controlled what images were put on the site and who had access to them. Carina had been under the impression that he ran everything by her that showed this level of nudity and erotic content.

"This fucking reeks of bullshit" Desirae hissed. She grabbed her cell phone promptly texting Diego. Carina grabbed her phone and immediately dialed Nicholas. There was no point in calling Valentino or Marco. They couldn't do shit about any of this.

Carina ignored all cordial formalities. "You have some explaining to do or you need to fucking fire someone like yesterday."

The group sat up straighter at Carina's acidic tone. It was rare for her to be disrespectful or insubordinate with the men. Jaxon placed his hand on Carina's shoulder but it was quickly jerked away. She simmered with fury.

"What's wrong
?" Nicholas kept an even tone with the livid beauty.

"Don't patronize me Nicholas" Carina nearly screamed. "Either one of your members is violating their agreement and posting pictures of me on public websites or your system got hacked into!"

"What" Nicholas roared. Carina pulled the phone away from her ringing ears. She was at least appeased with his reaction.

"Desirae is sending you the link now" Carina hung up the phone. She didn't want to hear Nicholas' excuses.

"Diego is making calls as we speak. The site shouldn't be up for much longer." Desirae softly stated.

The images blurred. Carina's eyes stung as she stared at the largest image on the screen. Someone had managed to get a hold of the copyrighted images of Carina and Jaxon's erotic scene within the secured walls of
. The main shot was the most revealing of the three. Carina was photographed bound and blindfolded with her breasts openly exposed, Jaxon pressed behind her. His face reflected unfiltered pleasure while Carina's half covered face showed her open mouth and flushed cheeks. Viewers couldn't help staring at where they were intimately joined. The angle provided a perfect view of his slick shaft disappearing into her center.

Another image showed Jaxon covering her breasts while still from behind. But the last image was the most intimate. It was a candid shot of Carina and Jaxon spent after their intense scene. Jaxon had his arms wrapped around her with their heads bowed. Carina's hair partially covered her breasts and his chin rested on her shoulder. Carina was proud of this picture; when it had only been on Nicholas' site. It was one of the most viewed pictures on the member's page.

Now someone had ruined it all.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Valentino and Marco can't reschedule. Tonight's their only night to throw the thank-you staff party." Andrea quietly informed Carina and Desirae. They'd spent the last few days trying to trace and destroy any remaining vestiges of the awful site and links. It had been hell for Carina. So many guys had come up to her flashing money around claiming to want her services. More than once Jaxon had gotten into a fight this week. Dean Richard assigned a personal escort for them since things had gotten so completely out of hand.

And now this.... They were expected to attend the party as if nothing happened. Carina hadn't left the apartment outside of classes and meals since Jaxon had stormed into their place. Valentino and Marco came over often helping assuage everyone's nerves. Valentino had a top attorney working with
legal team and Diego's lawyer to compile a case and prosecute the person or persons in connection with these online violations.

Carina didn't talk much about the pictures being on the internet but it was like she'd been violated in the worst possible way. Strangers viewed her differently. The attacker hadn't just posted images of her and Jaxon. They somehow created a blog that explained why Carina and Jaxon couldn't get their shit together. Things that Jaxon may have boasted about before the summer were now engrained within the viral world. Nothing was sacred or too intimate for the anonymous bastard. Carina wore something worse than a scarlet letter. The bastard had flayed her and left her exposed to the world.

"Maybe it'll help clear our minds" Sati quietly offered.

"It'll show the son-of-a-bitch that thinks he can mess with us that we can and will move forward" Desirae bravely offered.

Carina sighed heavily knowing they were right. Her mind reasoned with their coaxing words. Her heart warily beat not sure if it could take a public stoning if things were to get out of hand at the private party. Carina and Jaxon had practiced for weeks on end for this night. She didn't want to be the one that dismissed things so callously after everything they worked so hard to accomplish. She slowly got up and walked over to her closet. She couldn't wear anything provocative tonight. She needed safety. She wanted to feel beautiful and clean.

"Valentino instructed everyone to dress for a fun and flirty night" Andrea stated causing Carina to flinch. She wasn't sure if she could measure up to Valentino's expectations tonight but she would at least do the minimum. She pulled out a long-sleeve cashmere top that exposed her shoulders. The soft material covered her entire torso and offered the safety and comfort she craved.

"Is that another Donna Karan piece?" Desirae asked. She knew Valentino loved to buy Carina designer pieces. He spoiled her like nobody's business.

Carina simply nodded as she placed the soft material on her bed. "I'd like you to wear this" Desirae softly stated. Carina looked at her best friend's garment. It was a chocolate brown leather pant that Carina suspected fit like a glove. She didn't want to be overdressed but the pants looked so sophisticated. She stepped into the outfit immensely pleased with her appearance. She looked classy yet sexy. Carina slipped into comfortable wedges before heading into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Desirae took that as her cue and ran into her room, dressing quickly. Carina's jaw dropped. She momentarily forgot all her woes as she stared at her amazing best friend. Desirae sauntered into the room wearing a black leather jacket. Underneath she sported a black mini dress that ended dangerously high on her thighs. The silvery skull on the front of her dress added a badass element but it was her thigh-high stockings with garters that made everyone stare at her in awe. Desirae didn't wear shorts or pants with the tiny ensemble. Carina was immensely impressed with Desirae's bold choice. She knew her brother wouldn't be able to ignore the beauty for the night.

Sati came in behind Desirae. She wore a grey organza-silk dress with geometric patterns by designer Christopher Kane. The sheer material had enough class with sexiness to pass inspection. Andrea wore a tight cotton shirt with the word
written across her chest. The large and bold word garnered for attention. Below the word was the definition of fuck and the shirt listed the various ways it could be used. Andrea wore black skinny jeans and killer boots. She also topped off her outfit with a leather jacket.

badass" Carina emphasized earning giggles from Sati and Desirae. Andrea curtsied pleased with everyone's reactions. She'd been instructed to wear something out of the ordinary and this certainly constituted as such.

"Jaxon and the guys should be here any moment." Desirae muttered. She tapped the screen of her phone while the girls completed the last few finishing touches of the night.

"Enjoy yourself tonight" Sati whispered, softly kissing her on the forehead. Carina was their anchor but right now she was adrift at sea. No matter what they did she seemed determined to keep her feelings and concerns to herself. Carina fooled no one; she wore a smile and held her head high but her aura didn't shine as brightly as it usually did.

"I'll do my best" Carina insisted. She didn't want to promise them something that she wasn't sure she could pull off. She prayed the familiar environment, loving faces, and good food would be enough to lift her spirits. She couldn't shake off the impending doom that festered at her. Until this person was found Carina felt like something worse was just around the corner.

"Honey I'm home" Diego called from the living room. The girls rolled their eyes at Carina's brother. Diego walked directly to his sister and wrapped his arms around her. He needed to see and feel her. He thanked God everyday for changing universities to complete his Master's Degree. He couldn't fathom not being able to be with Carina while she dealt with this. He didn't doubt Valentino and Marco's competence. Hell, he even thought Jaxon was a comforting and warm presence for her. But nothing ever superseded the unconditional love and safety that family could bring.

Carina closed her eyes fighting against the tightness in her chest. She didn't want to be overly emotional. They were just some fucking pictures that someone leaked to the rest of the world. Pictures that meant something to her; pictures that others deemed as trashy, whorish, and dirty. Carina hated feeling whiny and bitter. Why couldn't she just brush this off and move forward? Whoever posted the pictures had succeeded in their endeavor. They'd hurt, humiliated, and made her doubt herself and all her decisions since she'd left home. Maybe it was time to focus entirely on her studies and herself and leave men completely out of the picture.

"I love you muñeca" Diego whispered in his sister's ear. He held Carina tighter as her body silently wracked with tears. He wanted to kill the person who was doing this.

"Let's go" Sati whispered. She pulled Carina away from Diego and intertwined Carina's arms with hers. She allowed the men to lead while she whispered unimportant nonsense to Carina. Everyone was walking on eggshells around her but Sati knew that Carina needed a firm hand more than she needed coddling.

The group loaded into separate cars. Carina quietly watched the guys. Jaxon sported manly skinny jeans with a black, tight, cotton shirt. Diego wore straight cut jeans with a white t-shirt and bomber jacket. Griffin flaunted a blue and white striped button-up shirt and preppy-style jeans.

"Is it me or does Griffin look like Abercrombie threw up all over him?" Desirae scrunched her nose at him.

"That's exactly it!" Carina snapped her fingers. "I thought he was sporting the 'I'm-cool-but-with-a-label-name' look going on."

"What" Andrea shook her head at them, "That made no fucking sense."

"Translation" Sati interjected, "Griffin looks like a rich prep."

Desirae narrowed her eyes at Sati not liking how the Indian beauty had stuck by Carina's side these last few days and remained there. Carina wasn't talking to anyone about her thoughts and feelings. Desirae respected her privacy and need to process everything on her own. She was giving her best friend space but there was no way in hell that she was going to give Sati the opportunity to step in and take her place.

"Is it okay if we only perform the Katy Perry number tonight?" Carina asked the girls. Beatriz and Ariel were in the other car but could be easily reached.

"And we're doing our Bruno Mars one too right?" Jaxon leaned forward in his seat.

"Yes" Sati and Carina replied. Club 69's staff deserved to see one of their notorious numbers from

"Cool" He breathed a sigh of relief. The group rode silently to the club. Everyone prayed the night would bring their beloved Carina's spirits back up. Griffin parked next to Ariel. They sauntered up to the velvet rope. Brody was nowhere in sight. Carina smiled remembering the last few times she'd approached this rope and been denied access by the temporary or uninformed bouncer. Things usually got ugly but not because of her.

"Miss Carina and party welcome" the unfamiliar bouncer announced at their approach. The girls smiled with the newbie's recognition of the bosses' girl and the way he greeted them. The guys warily eyed the new guy unsure if they should be impressed or wonder why he could recognize Carina on sight. Now every time someone paid Carina a little too much attention the immediate suspicion was that they'd seen the images online.

"Thank you" Carina warmly stated. She recognized the guy from the previous year's events. "Are they going to let you enjoy the festivities this time around?" She teased. It felt good to see a familiar welcoming face; not one that sneered and alluded to disgusting things.

"I can now that you lovely ladies are here" he stated. Griffin coughed in the background reminding the bouncer that the girls weren't alone. "And you gentlemen" he dryly added. "I'll be stationed inside the door. Are you ladies planning another amazing dance tonight?"

"Something even naughtier" Carina winked at him before sauntering away. Desirae cackled in delight loving the guy's reaction. Shit. She loved the fact that old Carina surfaced so easily. Maybe tonight was exactly what she needed.

Desirae passed Carina and swung the door open full force. "Dramatic much" Carina muttered to her best friend. Desirae winked before wrapping her arm around Carina's shoulder and walking into the club. Staff members cheered at the group as they entered. They walked to their regular corner and settled into the oversized booth. Chelsea and Melissa's seats weren't vacant for long. Between adding Jaxon, Diego, Griffin, and Leticia to their circle the absence of the two skanks wasn't missed.

Valentino and Marco strode toward Carina and the group. Everyone stood from their seats and greeted the men. The girls eagerly hugged and kissed them on the cheek while the guys shook hands with the club owners.

"Will Nicholas be joining us tonight?" Andrea asked. The group knowingly smirked. Andrea tried to play off the question nonchalantly.

"He and Leticia will be here soon" Valentino replied. "They just needed to ensure that everything was taken care of before leaving."

"Are they coming together?" Andrea asked. She tried to hide the shock and jealousy from her voice.

Marco pulled Andrea into his arms. "Wouldn't matter" He whispered into her ear "She's not who Nicholas wants to go home with." Andrea flushed brightly amidst her beautiful mocha skin. Marco chuckled kissing her on the cheek.

"We'll wait to perform when they get here" Sati announced. She wanted Leticia and Nicholas to see their number. They'd probably perform it at
on another night.

"It's something we haven't seen before" Valentino looked at the eager group. Over the summer the girls had performed at least 20 different numbers. He figured they'd be doing something from their past performances.

"Nothing but the best for you guys" Desirae winked at Marco and Valentino. Diego scowled but didn't say anything. Jealousy was an ugly bastard. It didn't discriminate; it made no sense.

"How many numbers are we talking about?" Marco inquired. The staff had several numbers prepared hoping to impress the girls.

"Only one group number" Sati replied. As much as they'd wanted to do more Carina could only handle one of these kinds of performances tonight. "But Carina and Jaxon are singing a duet."

"And I have a solo number" Jaxon added. Originally he'd asked Carina to sing the chorus with him but he wasn't going to press her about it. If she volunteered to go up with him Jaxon would be thrilled.

"Okay" Valentino replied. It gave everyone the chance to mingle between performances. The door opened; everyone looked to see Nicholas and Leticia waltz into the club. Desirae and Andrea hooted while the guys whistled. Leticia wasn't wearing anything spectacular; she looked like she'd left in her work clothes. Nicholas walked in wearing navy colored slacks with a grey formfitting sweater. Valentino and Marco were similarly dressed. They wore black and khaki colored slacks with buttoned up shirts. Marco's sleeves were rolled up revealing his muscular forearms.

"Do you want us to go first?" Sati inquired with the big bosses. Marco smirked looking out at the staff. A group of girls scurried from their table towards the DJ booth.

"Guess not" Desirae snickered. They watched as the DJ's brows rose to his hairline. He looked at the girls in disbelief while shaking his head. One of the girls handed him a CD.

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