The Irresistible Bundle (22 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Chapter Twenty-Six

"Word has it you ran into him" Desirae cheekily greeted. Carina groaned as she plopped onto her bed.

"Gossip spreads faster than herpes on this fucking campus" Carina muttered.

"I hope so" Desirae snickered. "Do you want to talk about it?"

She shrugged. "We talked. We yelled. He saw the pictures. The end"

Desirae rolled her eyes. "Thanks for the abbreviated version but can we have something a little more detailed to go with?"

Carina blew out a big breath. "I ran into him. He demanded to know why I hadn't called. I demanded to know why he can't keep his dick in his pants. He looked at the pictures and didn't have much to elaborate about them. He still had the audacity to say that I didn't make enough of an effort with our so-called relationship. I told him how pathetic he is at abstaining. Can't really say we accomplished much. But at least we're clear with everything. He's free to fuck the world for all I care."

They sat in heavy silence. There really wasn't much to say after that rant. Jaxon had fucked up. No one had been surprised. The only thing that still astounded Carina was the fact that he believed it was reparable. But she wasn't ready to share that with Desirae. Everyone acted like she couldn't think straight with him around but she knew better. As long as he didn't touch her she was fine. She knew who Jaxon Wright was and she knew what to expect from him. It would be a cold day in hell before she gave her heart to Mr. So-called-Wright.


The whispers and snickers died down by late Tuesday night. Everyone realized that Jaxon and Carina were over. She appeared indifferent while he seemed angry and upset. Students contemplated Carina and Jaxon's demeanors after their blow out. They couldn't understand why Jaxon appeared so upset. He'd been banging one chick after another for years. Obviously he could have any girl on campus so why was he pining over her specifically?

Carina on the other hand had obviously moved on. Guys outrageously flirted with her and didn't give a shit when Jaxon glared at them. She took it all in stride ignoring their advances. She didn't acknowledge Jaxon when he entered the dining hall and she turned around anytime he headed her way.

Wednesday couldn't come soon enough. Carina gladly finished her assignments before getting ready for her dinner date with Valentino. She chose a charcoal colored, sleeveless ruche dress that hugged her body that stopped mid-thigh. The cooler temperature didn't allow her to wear her usual cashmere sweater with it. Instead she chose a trendy white winter coat to keep her warm. She kept her long hair down and applied light makeup. She finished the outfit with matching three-inch heels.

Desirae whistled at the reflection in the full-length mirror they shared. "You'll freeze your titties off but it'll be well worth it!" She snickered. She handed Carina the matching clutch bag and shooed her to the door.

"I will not" Carina huffed. Was it really that cold outside? She was barely showing any skin. The wool coat was very warm and practically covered every inch of her body. Valentino would be pleased when she removed it. Desirae didn't respond, she just laughed as they walked down the stairs and exited the building.

A sleek silver Maserati pulled up to the building. Desirae's eyes bulged as they watched Valentino park the car and open the passenger door.

"Fucking A" Desirae muttered. Carina laughed heading towards Valentino.

"See you roomy" she called out. Students gawked as they watched Valentino wrap his arms around her and chastely kiss her cheek. Carina didn't miss the camera phones taking snapshots of them. Surely Jaxon would be receiving pictures of this moment but she didn't care. This wasn't about making anyone jealous. This was about her night out with Valentino.

"Hello gorgeous" Valentino murmured into her neck. He felt her smile as he kissed behind her ear.

"Good evening Mr. DeLuca." She purred. His dark eyes glowed with approval. She made the formal greeting sound sensual. Her eyes glittered with mischief making him want to see what was under that beautiful winter coat. He waited until she settled into her seat before closing the door and hustling to his side. Carina had classes in the morning and he wanted to make the most of their evening together.

The engine purred to life. Carina snuggled into the warm leather seat and look at the man behind the wheel. Tonight he wore a gray suit with a vest in place of his traditional tie. Her eyes followed the suit's jacket noticing the snug fit. Today's suit was not as formal, which she found refreshing. She smiled at the coral colored dress shirt that added a splash of color to his outfit.

"Where are we eating at tonight?" She inquired. She valiantly fought the urge to lean over and lick his neck. He looked so damn delectable in his suit. She shifted closer to the door and crossed her legs. This man could wear anything and make it look phenomenal. She needed to reign in her hormones and merely enjoy his company.

"This Colombian restaurant downtown..." Valentino replied. Her brows furrowed as she squirmed away from him. "Everything okay" he inquired. His heated gaze further ignited her response to him.

"Unfortunately" she muttered. Valentino laughed as she licked her lips. He tightly gripped the steering wheel. His eyes darted from the road to the woman sitting next to him. She continually shifted in her seat. His mouth dried with the dawning realization.

"We have to pass my place in order to get to the restaurant." He gruffly offered. He couldn't damper his reaction to her desire. His snug trousers limited his body's reaction. He wanted nothing more than to adjust himself but he didn't want her to get the impression that his aroused state was his one and only reaction to her.

"No" she sighed. "Dinner first.... Then we can see what you have up your sleeve." She clucked her tongue eyeing the outline of his erection through his slacks. He was as affected as she was. She enjoyed knowing that although it was apparent they desired each other, they were willing to wait; unlike some people she knew.

Carina shook her head, instantly chiding herself. She abruptly stopped her mind from making any comparisons to Jaxon. She was not going to do that tonight... or anymore for that matter. It wasn't fair to her or Valentino.

She blinked several times focusing on their surroundings. The car had stopped. Valentino opened his door to accept a valet ticket from the attendant before walking around to her side. She tried not to gawk at the sight of his snug pants. The material hugged his tight ass and muscular thighs. She swallowed hard trying to pry her eyes away from the zippered front.
Focus on his face
her inner voice reprimanded.

Carina gracefully exited the vehicle while ignoring the valet attendants that openly gawked at the car. It was a great distraction from the captivating man beside her. She shook her head in amusement as they headed into the restaurant. She relished the sight of every pair of female eyes that stared at Valentino's spectacular body and face. He was here with her. She smiled brightly basking in the envious glances and hostile glares.

The hostess promptly led them to a table by the window. A small candle lit the intimate space. Valentino stepped in front of her. "Let me help you with this" he murmured. He slowly unbuttoned her winter coat before slipping it off her shoulders.

The hostess flushed at his intimate gesture and muttered something about their waiter. Carina shivered as he removed her coat. His hands trailed from her shoulders down her arms. His breath whooshed out of his lungs as he stared at her. The coat had successfully managed to hide the figure flattering dress. Valentino's fingers traced the ruche material to her hip. He grasped her waist and pulled her to his heated body. "Exquisite" he whispered into her ear.

She swallowed and whispered. "Thank you." Valentino pulled a chair out for her. She gratefully accepted and slid into place trying to calm herself. He caressed her cheek before seating himself across from her.

Valentino looked to Carina when the waiter appeared. He made no presumptions as to what she wanted to eat. She appreciated his unspoken gesture. She perused the menu. She was at home with the Colombian restaurant. She was familiar with many of the traditional Spanish dishes they featured.

They comfortably chatted while waiting for their food. They sipped on white wine as they ate their house salads. Carina looked around guilty. It was one thing for her to get away with being served alcohol at his clubs but she'd seen the waiter hesitate. "Why is it that they haven't ID'd me?"

Valentino shrugged. "Because you're with me"

She shook her head. She was accustomed to sneaking in alcohol at parties and clubs but she never tried to get away with it at restaurants. Her time would come soon enough. She was less than two years away from turning 21.

Valentino brought her out of her reverie inquiring about her weekend plans. She flushed as she thought about the previous weekend. Did he want her to spend the weekend again? Was this the kind of girl she was becoming? First she'd spent weekends with Jaxon, now it seemed she was moving onto weekends with Valentino.

"Desirae and I haven't really made plans. This is my last free weekend. Next weekend we'll be studying for exams and preparing for winter break."

He smiled pleased with her free weekend. "Did you know that I close the club to the public one night a year?" He waited for her surprised reaction. He knew that she hadn't been in town long enough to know that.

"I thought you said you weren't a slave driver and that you closed the club for certain holidays?" She scrunched her face in contemplation. Of course the club wouldn't be open to the public if it was closed.

Valentino laughed. "Yes, the club is closed certain days... but I close it to the public one Friday night every December since I've owned the place. It's my way of showing the staff my appreciation. It's also a great way to get everyone rested and refocused for the upcoming holiday bashes."

"Aren't you losing business because of it? Not to mention any expenses incurred during that night?"

Valentino proudly beamed. He loved her business sense. It was true... more than once he'd debated with his general manager about opening the place for private parties and working the staff party around it. But he never wavered regardless how much money patrons attempted to throw at him. He wanted his staff to look forward to having that entire day and night off.

"Business expenses always have tax benefits." Valentino explained. "My CPA finds ways to make the numbers make sense. Loss of business means nothing if you don't have the right staff to keep the place running smoothly and profitably... I'd rather lose one night and have a staff that likes and respects me rather than open business as usual and maintain mediocre employees."

Carina nodded her understanding. She smiled brightly at Valentino proud of the business owner that he was. His staff obviously adored and respected him.

"That staff party is this Friday night" He continued. "I'd like you to be my date. Desirae and the rest of the girls are welcome to come as well."

She bit back her surprised gasp. He'd just said that it wasn't open to the public. "Wait a minute... why are you inviting us if it's staff only?"

Valentino wryly smiled. "What you don't want to be my date?" He teased.

"Of course I do" she flushed aware of his piercing gaze. She didn't want him thinking she didn't want to come. "I just mean that I don't want you to feel obligated to invite the other girls. I really only hang out with Desirae and Andrea; I see the other girls from time-to-time." She didn't want to mention that she could care less to see Chelsea.

"They were the Halloween winners. This would be one of those exclusive invites before the end of the year. Plus I allow the staff to bring friends or dates. They have to RSVP with me so that I can plan accordingly."

"If the party is this Friday night don't you have everything already accounted for?" She twisted her napkin trying to understand if he'd planned for them or if he had enough space and was adding them as last minute guests.

"I do" he acquiesced. "I have third-party vendors for the annual event: a catering company, bartenders, security, and servers for the night. I anticipated for you ladies to partake in the festivities. I didn't originally plan to allow you all dates though. Since it's Wednesday night and enough of my male staff members are going stag and bringing males friends, I don't intend to further extend the invite for you ladies unless you're bringing more lady friends." He waggled his eyebrows as he said the last part.

"Well, I'll have to see if we already RSVP'd for another VIP party. I'll have to let you know." She haughtily replied.

Valentino rubbed his thumb along his lower lip. "You really are the troublemaker."

Carina nodded unabashedly. They laughed as the waiter brought them flan as their dessert to share. He fed her from his spoon watching as her tongue curled to take the delicious bite. He pushed the tiny cup forward wanting her to take a sip of espresso. Everything she did was erotic: eating, drinking, breathing...

"Text them now" he huskily urged. She nodded her acquiesce sending the seven girls the same text message.

Valentino is extending an exclusive invite to Yvette's Irresistible 8! Private party Friday night— not open to the public. Let me know if you can make it and if you have a FEMALE friend that wants to come. His words not mine. ;) Carina

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